Papers by Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ)
Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ) is a peer reviewed, op... more Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ) is a peer reviewed, open access journal that addresses the impacts and challenges of all areas of economics, Commerce and Trade Management. It is an interdisciplinary journal which brings together researchers, academics, policy makers and practitioners in business and non-profit organizations. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publication in all areas of Economics, Commerce and Trade Management
Call for papers Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ) is a p... more Call for papers Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ) is a peerreviewed, open access journal that addresses the impacts and challenges of all areas of economics, Commerce and Trade Management. It is an interdisciplinary journal which brings together researchers, academics, policy makers and practitioners in business and non-profit organizations. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publication in all areas of Economics, Commerce and Trade Management

Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ), 2023
The emergence of the sports phenomenon is closely related to the process of communication. Sport ... more The emergence of the sports phenomenon is closely related to the process of communication. Sport is a social phenomenon that accomplishes a variety of tasks. The integrity and popularity of sport guide the birth and development of the sports industry which unites all human activities. The sports industry changes with changing social and technological developments. The aim is to meet the needs of society at various levels (personal, group, social, national and international). Sport helps solve personal growth tasks. Analysis of the basic elements of sport and the sports industry makes it possible to assess their importance and determine the stages of development of the sports industry. Sport phenomena and related fields require in-depth research, including seemingly unrelated fields (e.g. education, physiology, psychology, law, economics, culture, technology), sport. Visualization in this case is used as a variable that is represented by various screens including; Observe all phenomena in the world of sport, including communication, industry, behavior and interpersonal patterns. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Another qualitative research tool in this study is data collection through observation and research on the subject. Reality shows that today's global social changes cause changes in values and goals in sports. Sport has changed from just a physical activity to become an integral part of modern life in today's society. Changes in sport content and goals lead to a growing relationship with the creative process, which encourages greater integration between the creative fields and sport.
Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ), 2023
Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ) is a peer-reviewed, op... more Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that addresses the impacts and challenges of all areas of economics, Commerce and Trade Management. It is an interdisciplinary journal which brings together researchers, academics, policy makers and practitioners in business and non-profit organizations.
Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publication in all areas of Economics, Commerce and Trade Management
The study made an evaluation on the financial challenges in relation to manufacturing informal en... more The study made an evaluation on the financial challenges in relation to manufacturing informal enterprises (SMEs) in Harare. The research adopted the mixed research methodology. Primary data collection tools used were: interviews and surveys. The study’s major finding was that informal small and medium enterprises were virtually excluded from accessing working capital formal credit from established financial institutions due to a myriad of challenges, the key challenge being none or inadequate bookkeeping practices. Furthermore, the study revealed that The informal SMEs contribute significantly over 60% to the Zimbabwe’s formal economy through various taxes and informal employment. The study recommended that Ministry of Small and Medium enterprises should provide assistance in form of formal credit basing on according records kept by informal sector.
The Catalogue aims to stimulate fair evaluation and use of STM journals worldwide, adhering to th... more The Catalogue aims to stimulate fair evaluation and use of STM journals worldwide, adhering to the principles of practicability, novelty, internationality and rationality of scale.

This study is an evaluation of the traditional historical cost basis of accounting in providing v... more This study is an evaluation of the traditional historical cost basis of accounting in providing value relevance of accounting information relevant for decision making. a case for TelOne (Pvt) Ltd; Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Limited and Telecel Zimbabwe Limited. The main research question was, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the traditional historical cost basis of accounting in providing value relevance of accounting information relevant for decision making in the Telecommunication sector? Mixed approach was used in the study. The study sample size was 100 participants drawn from a population of 600. The questionnaire was used to collect data. The major finding was that, historic cost accounting has some noticeable weaknesses of failing to adequately disclose intellectual capital causing it to be viewed as a method that provide inadequate information to stakeholders to enable them to make informed business decisions. The study recommended, fair value accounting method which recognizes intangible assets hence enhance value relevance of accounting information to users. KEY TERMS New economy firms, historical cost basis of accounting, value relevance.
This research uses a popular investment technique called Moving Averages on crypto currencies. Th... more This research uses a popular investment technique called Moving Averages on crypto currencies. The 40 largest crypto currencies measured by market capitalization were evaluated. The research compares the returns of the crypto currencies using 5 of the commonly used parameter settings for the Moving Averages technique and compares these results to a buy-and-hold strategy. For some crypto currencies the Moving Averages technique outperformed the buy-and-hold technique. For others the buy-and-hold technique was the best.

The unprecedented pace of growth of China-Africa trade and investment relationship in the last tw... more The unprecedented pace of growth of China-Africa trade and investment relationship in the last two decades has attracted greater intellectual curiosity among social scientists. In 2001, the annual trade volume between the two was estimated to be US$ 10 Billion. This figure has astonishingly increased to US$ 215 Billion by 2016. This growing relationship has been characterised by scholars under three approaches. The first one sees China as a true development partner of Africa. The second approach is that China is an economic competitor of the West in Africa with the ultimate objective of having its own share in exploiting the natural resources of the continent. The third approach is an extreme position of characterizing the engagement as a new colonialism. The paper concludes that China should be seen as a true development partner as opposed to the claims of exploitation and colonization.

Women empowerment has taken a center stage in the present development agenda. The study examines ... more Women empowerment has taken a center stage in the present development agenda. The study examines the role of financial inclusion in supporting women empowerment in Lango sub region, Northern Uganda. Using both purposive and simple random sampling a Sample of 126 respondents was selected with a response rate of 100% realized. The study found out that financial support appeared to be sparse, The regulations, supervision and monitoring of some of these firms was lacking, causing many women to lose their savings with such firms. The study therefore recommended that Government should establish buffers to serve as collateral security for women who intend to secure financial credit. Financial service providers should lower down the costs of operating accounts for the financial inclusiveness of women, particularly women from rural areas. Government should tighten monitoring, regulating and supervisory policies of financial service providers to restore public trust in financial institutions in Uganda. Financial services providers, government and other development partners should offer both formal and informal business education training.
Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ) is a peer-reviewed, op... more Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that addresses the impacts and challenges of all areas of economics, Commerce and Trade Management. It is an interdisciplinary journal which brings together researchers, academics, policy makers and practitioners in business and non-profit organizations.

Women empowerment has taken a center stage in the present development agenda. The study examines ... more Women empowerment has taken a center stage in the present development agenda. The study examines the role of financial inclusion in supporting women empowerment in Lango sub region, Northern Uganda. Using both purposive and simple random sampling a Sample of 126 respondents was selected with a response rate of 100% realized. The study found out that financial support appeared to be sparse, The regulations, supervision and monitoring of some of these firms was lacking, causing many women to lose their savings with such firms. The study therefore recommended that Government should establish buffers to serve as collateral security for women who intend to secure financial credit. Financial service providers should lower down the costs of operating accounts for the financial inclusiveness of women, particularly women from rural areas. Government should tighten monitoring, regulating and supervisory policies of financial service providers to restore public trust in financial institutions in Uganda. Financial services providers, government and other development partners should offer both formal and informal business education training.

Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ) , 2017
In export marketing, goods are sent abroad as per the procedures framed by the exporting country ... more In export marketing, goods are sent abroad as per the procedures framed by the exporting country as well as by the importing country. Moreover, when a business crossed the borders of a nation, it becomes infinitely more complex. Along with this, export marketing offers ample opportunities for earning huge profits and valuable foreign exchange. Export marketing has wider economic significance as it offers various advantages to the national economy. It promotes economic, business, industrial development, to earn foreign exchange and ensures optimum utilization of available resources. Every country takes various policy initiatives for promoting exports and for meaningful participation in global marketing. Every country has to open up its markets to other countries and also try to enter the markets of other countries in the best possible manner. This is a normal rule which every country has to follow under the present global marketing environment. In the absence of such participation in global marketing, the process of economic development of the country comes in danger. This paper covers new foreign trade policy, various means to identify an export market, role of director general of foreign trade, national small industries corporation, role of international trade promotion organization, export pricing, and role of export credit guarantee corporation in facilitating exporters and banks.

Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ) , 2017
Banks serve as backbone to the financial sector, which facilitate the proper utilization of finan... more Banks serve as backbone to the financial sector, which facilitate the proper utilization of financial resources of a country. The banking sector is increasingly growing and it has witnessed a huge flow of investment. The banking sector of developing countries is different from the developed countries in term of performance. The banking sector, especially commercial banks of Sri Lanka plays a vital role in the Sri Lankan economy. The focus of this study was to investigate the financial performance of foreign commercial banks in Sri Lanka. Many studies are conducted in different countries to study the financial performance of banking sector using the various statistical methods. In this study, the CAMEL rating system is used to study the financial performance of foreign commercial banks in Sri Lanka. The study selects three foreign banks for the analysis. Data was collected for the time period of 2008-2014. According to the findings foreign sector banks are good in the performance of capital adequacy and earnings while other variables show an average performance.

Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An InternationalJournal (ECTIJ) , 2017
S Pakistan is facing high rates of budget and current account deficits. The validity of the twin ... more S Pakistan is facing high rates of budget and current account deficits. The validity of the twin deficits issue is examined in the context of Pakistan economy using annual time series data for the period 1972 to 2015. The three different econometric techniques are used to check the robustness and comparison of results for Twin Deficit hypothesis. Impulse response function is also imposed to check the policy impact of variables. Results through all co-integration techniques have given a support of Twin Deficit hypothesis and one way causality from current account deficit to the budget deficit has been proved by three approaches. Finally this empirical study confirms the validity of twin deficits hypothesis and concludes that trade deficit is one of the determinants of budget deficit and can cause it in case of Pakistan.
Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ) , 2017
Cross buying is the practice of purchasing addition
al products and services from existing seller... more Cross buying is the practice of purchasing addition
al products and services from existing sellers. How
wider customer acceptance is must for a seller to c
ross sell the additional products efficaciously. In
light the present study endeavors to find out the d
rivers of cross buying intentions of customers of d
Public and Private sector commercial banks in India
. The study will have great implications for banker
s as it will enable them to have knowledge of the motiva
ting factors (drivers) on the part of customers whi
ch in turn will result in fixed and new source of income
for them

Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ) , 2014
In This Era, the banking sector is one of the fastest growing sectors, and a lot of funds are cha... more In This Era, the banking sector is one of the fastest growing sectors, and a lot of funds are channelized through banks thereby making the banking system more and more complex wherein lies the importance to examine and evaluate concurrent performance of the banks: hence the researcher tries to present a case study of India in this context. To evaluate the performance of the Indian banks, the researcher has opted to compare the financial performance of different Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) applying the parameters Return on Asset, Return on Equity and Net Interest Margin. Furthermore, his study proves if
any significant difference of profitability means among different banking groups really exists. For this purpose, he has chosen the parameter of quantitative research using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) from 2009 to 2013 following the global financial slump of 2008. To state, ROA for Public Sector Banks was recorded 0.97%in 2010 from 1.02% of 2009. For the State Bank of India group (SBI), it was a notch lower at 0.91% (2010) than 1.02% in 2009. ROE for all banks saw a decrease during 2009-2013: but the OPSBs and the NPSBs recorded increase in ROE from 14.6 % and 10.6 % in 2009 to 16.22% and 16.51% in 2013
respectively. For all the banks, NIM shows a significant rise during 2011-12 excluding the FBs. Furthermore, the result indicates that there is no significant means in difference of profitability among various banking groups in respect of ROA and NIM, yet a significant means of difference is seen among the peer groups in terms of ROE.

Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ) , 2017
This paper attempts to study the impact of country risk on foreign direct investment in the MENA ... more This paper attempts to study the impact of country risk on foreign direct investment in the MENA region.
FDI operations, in the rest of the world have increased after 2010, while flows to the MENA region
continued their downward trend as is exacerbating the economic, political and social conditions. In the
wake of the "Arab Spring", the level and composition of FDI flows had been severely affected. In the
current international context, especially in MENA region, the understanding of country risk by
international investors is extremely important. This paper will firstly present the literature review related
to different aspects of FDI and country risk. Secondly, principal concepts on traditional and nontraditional
FDI determinants will be presented. Thirdly, an in-depth analysis on FDI in the MENA region
will be carried out. Finally, a set of suggestions and recommendations will be presented in order to develop
potential strategies attracting and enhancing FDI in the MENA region.
Papers by Economics, Commerce and Trade Management: An International Journal (ECTIJ)
Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publication in all areas of Economics, Commerce and Trade Management
November 23 ~ 24, 2019, Zurich, Switzerland
Volume Editors : Natarajan Meghanathan Dhinaharan Nagamalai (Eds)
ISBN: 978-1-925953-09-1
Volume 9, Number 13, November 2019
al products and services from existing sellers. How
wider customer acceptance is must for a seller to c
ross sell the additional products efficaciously. In
light the present study endeavors to find out the d
rivers of cross buying intentions of customers of d
Public and Private sector commercial banks in India
. The study will have great implications for banker
s as it will enable them to have knowledge of the motiva
ting factors (drivers) on the part of customers whi
ch in turn will result in fixed and new source of income
for them
any significant difference of profitability means among different banking groups really exists. For this purpose, he has chosen the parameter of quantitative research using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) from 2009 to 2013 following the global financial slump of 2008. To state, ROA for Public Sector Banks was recorded 0.97%in 2010 from 1.02% of 2009. For the State Bank of India group (SBI), it was a notch lower at 0.91% (2010) than 1.02% in 2009. ROE for all banks saw a decrease during 2009-2013: but the OPSBs and the NPSBs recorded increase in ROE from 14.6 % and 10.6 % in 2009 to 16.22% and 16.51% in 2013
respectively. For all the banks, NIM shows a significant rise during 2011-12 excluding the FBs. Furthermore, the result indicates that there is no significant means in difference of profitability among various banking groups in respect of ROA and NIM, yet a significant means of difference is seen among the peer groups in terms of ROE.
FDI operations, in the rest of the world have increased after 2010, while flows to the MENA region
continued their downward trend as is exacerbating the economic, political and social conditions. In the
wake of the "Arab Spring", the level and composition of FDI flows had been severely affected. In the
current international context, especially in MENA region, the understanding of country risk by
international investors is extremely important. This paper will firstly present the literature review related
to different aspects of FDI and country risk. Secondly, principal concepts on traditional and nontraditional
FDI determinants will be presented. Thirdly, an in-depth analysis on FDI in the MENA region
will be carried out. Finally, a set of suggestions and recommendations will be presented in order to develop
potential strategies attracting and enhancing FDI in the MENA region.
Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publication in all areas of Economics, Commerce and Trade Management
November 23 ~ 24, 2019, Zurich, Switzerland
Volume Editors : Natarajan Meghanathan Dhinaharan Nagamalai (Eds)
ISBN: 978-1-925953-09-1
Volume 9, Number 13, November 2019
al products and services from existing sellers. How
wider customer acceptance is must for a seller to c
ross sell the additional products efficaciously. In
light the present study endeavors to find out the d
rivers of cross buying intentions of customers of d
Public and Private sector commercial banks in India
. The study will have great implications for banker
s as it will enable them to have knowledge of the motiva
ting factors (drivers) on the part of customers whi
ch in turn will result in fixed and new source of income
for them
any significant difference of profitability means among different banking groups really exists. For this purpose, he has chosen the parameter of quantitative research using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) from 2009 to 2013 following the global financial slump of 2008. To state, ROA for Public Sector Banks was recorded 0.97%in 2010 from 1.02% of 2009. For the State Bank of India group (SBI), it was a notch lower at 0.91% (2010) than 1.02% in 2009. ROE for all banks saw a decrease during 2009-2013: but the OPSBs and the NPSBs recorded increase in ROE from 14.6 % and 10.6 % in 2009 to 16.22% and 16.51% in 2013
respectively. For all the banks, NIM shows a significant rise during 2011-12 excluding the FBs. Furthermore, the result indicates that there is no significant means in difference of profitability among various banking groups in respect of ROA and NIM, yet a significant means of difference is seen among the peer groups in terms of ROE.
FDI operations, in the rest of the world have increased after 2010, while flows to the MENA region
continued their downward trend as is exacerbating the economic, political and social conditions. In the
wake of the "Arab Spring", the level and composition of FDI flows had been severely affected. In the
current international context, especially in MENA region, the understanding of country risk by
international investors is extremely important. This paper will firstly present the literature review related
to different aspects of FDI and country risk. Secondly, principal concepts on traditional and nontraditional
FDI determinants will be presented. Thirdly, an in-depth analysis on FDI in the MENA region
will be carried out. Finally, a set of suggestions and recommendations will be presented in order to develop
potential strategies attracting and enhancing FDI in the MENA region.