Papers by Dusan Milovanovic
Zbornik radova Fakulteta tehničkih nauka, Mar 4, 2022
Oblast-ZAŠTITA ŽIVOTNE SREDINE Kratak sadržaj-U okviru rada daje se uvid u pojavu, rasprostranjen... more Oblast-ZAŠTITA ŽIVOTNE SREDINE Kratak sadržaj-U okviru rada daje se uvid u pojavu, rasprostranjenost, ekotoksikološki rizik emergentnih i prioritetnih polutanata prisutnih u površinskoj vodi Dunava ispitivanog na toku kroz grad Novi Sad. Na osnovu literaturnih podataka, koji prikazuju primere metoda prioritizacije i ocene ranjivosti, kao i računskih podataka omogućava se sagledanje kvaliteta površinskih voda na osnovu koji se mogu sprovoditi odgovarajuće regulatorne mere kao i omogućava uspostavljanje adekvatnog sistema upravljanja slivom reke Dunav na toku kroz grad Novi Sad.

In the past protection of human health and safety represented the main reasons for waste manageme... more In the past protection of human health and safety represented the main reasons for waste management. Protection of human health and the environment, even today, stands as the purpose of waste management. Increased transformation of materials highly influences the waste management system. Transformation of materials for prehistoric men amounted up to 5-6 tons per year, while for modern men today it goes up to 80-90 tons per year. Such level of material use led to the fact that around 1.2 billion tons of municipal waste has been produced in the world annually. Therefore, today it is not enough to protect human health only through adequate management, but it is also necessary for waste management to be sustainable. In developed countries, where it is possible to use significant financial resources, the most common are sophisticated techniques, such as incineration, while in developing countries potential solutions are sanitary landfills with possible implementation of MBT, due to the fact that incineration, even though it is probably the best solution, can hardly be implemented in developing countries due to the high operational cost. Recycling is very popular, but only recycling could solve not all problems. Landfilling, as the final sink of numerous materials will definitely subsist in undeveloped and developed countries as well, since it represents the basis of waste management system and numerous researches have been focused on landfills as final destination of materials we use or transform through various types of waste treatment. Serbia is currently in process of joining European Union, and together with development of entire society and the economy, adequate development of waste management system is also very important. As country in transition with 3582 landfills and annual production of 0.87 kg capita-1 day-1, and very tough economic situation, Serbia seeks for solution of problem with waste. Kuznetov's curve confirms that it is impossible to skip certain steps in the development of the waste management system in undeveloped countries, which means that transition countries will have to find less expensive solution to waste management problems. Right orientation and direction of scientific research towards the regulation of this area regarding management system and finding affordable and applicable technologies, can make such research up-to-date in developed countries, where landfilling has been overcome.
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, May 30, 2022
Air pollution represents one of the major environmental problem that has a direct association wit... more Air pollution represents one of the major environmental problem that has a direct association with the incidence of respiratory symptoms and decreased in pulmonary function [1]. However, COVID-19 lockdown has abruptly halted human activity, leading to a significant reduction in pollutant levels [2]. In the first quarter of 2020, the world is witnessing impressive sanitary, economic and environmental consequences caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the consequences is the enforcement of lockdown and quarantine measures in many countries all over the world [3]. Transportation restriction, as one of the exceptional lockdown measures, had the effect of making the streets empty, practically without any vehicles [4]. One of the obligations during the lockdown was to stay at home in order to prevent the spread of
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2019

Journal of The Serbian Chemical Society, 2011
The main objectives of the research were to estimate the relationship between the gas-particle pa... more The main objectives of the research were to estimate the relationship between the gas-particle partition coefficient, K p , and the octanol-air partition coefficient, K OA , of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs, and polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs, at industrial and urban sites in the Vojvodina region, to compare the obtained slopes and intercepts of the log K p vs. log K OA relations with the results of regression analyses reported in previous studies and to assess the consistency between the particle-bound fractions predicted by the K OA absorption model and the results obtained within field measurements. Fairly good log K P-log K OA correlations, with an average value of the correlation coefficients of 0.70, indicate that the partition coefficient K OA can be used as a prediction parameter of the gas-particle partitioning processes for both classes of compounds. The results of modelling the atmospheric distribution of PAHs using the K OA absorption model showed inconsistencies between the measured and predicted values of the particle-bound fraction, φ, of 1-2 orders of magnitude, while significantly higher discrepancies for PAHs in the Nap-Ace range were found. A similar variability of the measured/modelled φ values was obtained using the Junge-Pankow adsorption model, indicating the presence of particles enriched with PAHs. The conducted research showed that the K OA-based approach was less suitable for predicting the gas-particle partitioning of PCBs in urban and industrial sites, compared to the Junge-Pankow model.

Destruction of the industrial targets, accompanied by explosions and combustion during the NATO o... more Destruction of the industrial targets, accompanied by explosions and combustion during the NATO operation in Serbia (March-June 1999), caused contamination by persistent organic pollutants of the atmosphere, surface and ground water, sediment, soil and biota. Air sampling campaign from June/July 2004 was conducted using active sampling method and gas/particle partitioning of sixteen priority PAHs and seven PCB congeners were analyzed. The standard method for air sampling of nonpolar aromatic compounds like polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is active sampling method using high or medium volume samplers (HiVols/MeVols) containing a glass fiber filter and polyurethane foam filters or XAD-2. Samples were collected once a day for the period of three days, simultaneously using three HiVol samplers at the three selected localities in the city of Kragujevac (two samplers have been placed at the industrial area and the third sampler was used as background sampler...

The disposal of waste on landfill sites has increasingly caused concern about possible adverse he... more The disposal of waste on landfill sites has increasingly caused concern about possible adverse health effects for populations living nearby, particularly in relation to those sites where potentially hazardous waste is dumped. There are 3582 identified landfills in Serbia, of which 165 are municipality landfills, 5 are sanitary landfills and rest are open dumps. Also there are 5 regional sanitary landfills in construction progress. The big lack in Serbia is low involvement of stakeholders which is very important for achieving sustainable municipal solid waste management practice. The National legislative prescribe the time frame for the monitoring of leachate during active and passive phase of landfill but does not provide the comprehensive information about the parameters needed for monitoring. This paper represents the overview of leachate monitoring practice on selected landfill sites in Serbia. Sampling campaigns which results are discussed were conducted from November 2008 till ...
Reciklaza i odrzivi razvoj, 2019

Chemical Industry, 2010
Air quality monitoring on the territory of AP Vojvodina was initiated in mid 90s. During the last... more Air quality monitoring on the territory of AP Vojvodina was initiated in mid 90s. During the last decade of the 20th century the development of the air quality monitoring in Serbia didn?t keep up with the pace of the other countries in the region due to political isolation and severe economic crisis. Monitoring of the particular pollutants was conducted unsystematically and sporadically. Data presented in this paper were obtained on the territory of the city of Zrenjanin, which represents typical agglomeration in the region in regard to its geographical location, population, level of industry development and the presence of natural gas as energy product in the remote and domestic heating system of residential objects. Available data on the concentration levels of PM10 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 ?m), TSP (total suspended particulates) and BS (black smoke) during the period of 2005-2007 (three cold and three warm seasons) have been used in this work in ...

Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 2011
The main objectives of the research were to estimate the relationship between the gas-particle pa... more The main objectives of the research were to estimate the relationship between the gas-particle partition coefficient, Kp, and the octanol-air partition coefficient, KOA, of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs, and polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs, at industrial and urban sites in the Vojvodina region, to compare the obtained slopes and intercepts of the log vs. log KOA relations with the results of regression analyses reported in previous studies and to assess the consistency between the particle-bound fractions predicted by the KOA absorption model and the results obtained within field measurements. Fairly good log KP - log KOA correlations, with an average value of the correlation coefficients of 0.70, indicate that the partition coefficient KOA can be used as a prediction parameter of the gas-particle partitioning processes for both classes of compounds. The results of modelling the atmospheric distribution of PAHs using the KOA absorption model showed inconsistencies between t...
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2019
Water, as one of the most important parts of the environment, is essential for all living organis... more Water, as one of the most important parts of the environment, is essential for all living organisms. However, it can be easily contaminated and consequently represents a hazard. That is the reason why monitoring quality of water bodies has great importance. In the European Union the Water Framework Directive (WFD), as the first joint legislation in this field, defines strategies against water pollution with the aim to achieve good (ecological and chemical) status of all water bodies within all member states and
Papers by Dusan Milovanovic