Papers by Drishty Katiyar

Asian journal of soil science and plant nutrition, Feb 20, 2024
Soil health and quality are foundational to agricultural sustainability and meeting global food s... more Soil health and quality are foundational to agricultural sustainability and meeting global food security priorities. However, intensive farming practices have degraded soil ecosystems. Organic amendments and regenerative management practices can restore soil function by overcoming nutritional limitations, improving physical and biological properties, and promoting general soil and crop resilience. This review synthesizes research on major sources of organic soil amendments including animal manures, composts, cover crops, crop residues and living mulches. We describe their multifaceted edaphic and agronomic benefits from providing a slow release bank of macro and micronutrients, increasing soil organic matter, and stimulating beneficial microbial communities. Complementary and synergistic soil building practices are also covered, encompassing conservation tillage techniques like no-till, crop diversification via rotations and intercropping, and agroecological integration of trees and livestock. Although transitioning from degraded conventional systems requires patience as years of soil regeneration are needed to enable high system performance, outcomes consistently show integrated practices that minimize disturbance and maintain living ground cover while leveraging organic inputs can transform the foundation of agricultural systems by enhancing soil ecosystem function. Widespread adoption of this soil health paradigm can thereby enable sustainable intensification and resilience.
Plant Archives/Plant archives, Apr 11, 2024
India the crop lentil (Lentil KLS9-3) was grown. Experimental field soil had a sandy loam texture... more India the crop lentil (Lentil KLS9-3) was grown. Experimental field soil had a sandy loam texture; there are 15 treatments with 3 replications of randomized block designs were used to analyze the combinations. The growth attributing observations i.e., plant height and branch count at 30, 60, 90 DAS and harvest, as well as nodule numbers and nodule dry weight at harvest at 60 and 90 DAS were recorded. Pooled results of two year the T 14 (RDF + ZnSO 4 + FeSO 4 (0.5%) foliar spray (Individual spray) at pre flowering and pod formation Stage + Rhizobium) showed the highest values of growth attributes i.e.,

International Journal of Environment and Climate Change
Agriculture plays a pivotal role in sustaining global food security and addressing the challenges... more Agriculture plays a pivotal role in sustaining global food security and addressing the challenges of a growing population. However, the efficient use of water and nutrients in agriculture is crucial to mitigate environmental impact while maximizing crop yield. In recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques into agricultural practices has gained momentum, offering innovative solutions for optimizing irrigation and nutrient management. This review paper examines the diverse applications of AI in agriculture, focusing on its role in enhancing irrigation scheduling and nutrient management for improved productivity and resource conservation. The paper presents an overview of various AI technologies, such as machine learning, remote sensing, and data analytics, and their contributions to sustainable agricultural practices. It also discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with the adoption of AI in agriculture, including data quality, model interpr...

International Journal of Plant & Soil Science
Integration of advanced robotics in agriculture can exponentially boost productivity, alleviate l... more Integration of advanced robotics in agriculture can exponentially boost productivity, alleviate labor shortages, reduce the environmental footprint, and increase the overall profitability of farming. Agricultural robots, often controlled by sophisticated algorithms and AI, offer precision farming capabilities that can enhance yield and quality, while minimizing waste and harmful impacts on the environment. They carry out numerous tasks such as sowing, watering, harvesting, and pest control, more efficiently than traditional methods. The usage of robotic systems enables 24/7 farming operations, overcoming the challenges posed by traditional human labor like working hours and physical exhaustion. The review also explores how this technology can help cater to the rising global food demand in a sustainable way, making it a promising solution to achieving food security in the face of increasing population pressures and climate change impacts. Despite the significant capital investment re...

International Journal of Plant & Soil Science
An experiment into the "Performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) on application of nano-f... more An experiment into the "Performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) on application of nano-fertilizers" was conducted on well-drained sandy soil in response to concerns about food and nutritional security as well as second-generation post-green revolution problems, such as increasing input use with declining efficiency trends, deteriorating soil health, depleting water resources, pollution and narrowing farmer profits. On the wheat variety DBW187 in RBD with three replications, 12 twelve treatments containing control, basal administrations of the required 100% NPK (150:60:40), 75% NPK (112.5:45:30), and Nano N and Nano P in various combinations were tried. The study's findings showed that wheat sprayed with 75% NPK + Nano N and Nano P at 30 and 45 days of growth experienced significantly better growth as evidenced by taller plants (91.23 cm), more tillers per square metre (322.5), higher LAI (0.83), and higher dry matter accumulation per square metre (1532.7), all of w...

International Journal of Plant & Soil Science
Biochar, the carbon-rich material produced from biomass pyrolysis, has garnered significant atten... more Biochar, the carbon-rich material produced from biomass pyrolysis, has garnered significant attention and research interest owing to its myriad of potential benefits for soil enhancement. These benefits range from increasing soil carbon storage, boosting soil fertility, to transforming and fixing pollutants in soil, all of which serve to ameliorate the overall soil environment. The impact of these improvements extends to the metabolic activities and community structure of soil microorganisms, either directly or indirectly, creating ripple effects on soil health. This paper embarks on a thorough review of biochar's effects on various soil aspects. These include the soil's physicochemical properties, such as its structure, composition, and reaction properties, and how biochar can influence these to improve the soil environment. It also explores how biochar affects enzyme activities in the soil that are crucial for various biochemical processes, as well as nutrients vital for p...

International Journal of Environment and Climate Change
The present investigation was carried out to study the effect of foliar application of nano-ferti... more The present investigation was carried out to study the effect of foliar application of nano-fertilizers N and P on yield, and the economics of wheat in Semi-arid and sub-tropical region of Central Plain Zone of Uttar Pradesh. The experiment was laid out in triplicate following a randomized block design with twelve treatments comprising foliar application semi-different doses of Nano N and P. Foliar application of 1st spray of Nano N and P at 30 days after sowing (DAS) + 2nd spray of Nano N and Zn at 45 DAS along with 75% recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) significantly (P=0.05) increased yield and have better economics. Foliar application of nano-fertilizers leads to significant improvement of crop productivity of wheat in Semi- arid and sub-tropical region of Uttar Pradesh. Moreover, the foliar application of nano-fertilizers, i.e., Nano N has direct role in increasing yield as nutrient get easily available to plant in case of foliar spray.

International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2020
Rhizobium and PSB inoculation with DAP application. The area situated at a latitude of 29 0 01' N... more Rhizobium and PSB inoculation with DAP application. The area situated at a latitude of 29 0 01' N and longitudes of 77 0 75' E with an elevation of 228 m above mean sea level. The soil of experimental field was well drained, sandy loam in texture, alkaline in reaction (7.81), low in available nitrogen, organic carbon and medium in available phosphorus and potassium with an electrical conductivity of 0.28 dSm-1. Eight treatments comprising control, inoculation of Rhizobium and PSB with DAP application were tested in RBD with three replications. The chickpea crop was grown with recommended package and practices. The data on growth, yield attributes and yield were estimated as per the standard procedures. The experimental results revealed that growth parameters (plant height, number of branches plant-1 , number of nodules and their fresh and dry weight plant-1 and dry matter accumulation plant-1), yield attributing traits viz. number of pods plant-1 , number of seeds plant-1 , test weight and biological yield, grain yield, straw yield in chickpea differ significantly among different treatments. Growth parameters were significantly better in the treatment T8 (Rhizobium + PSB+ DAP). The highest grain yield was recorded in T8 where DAP was applied with inoculation of Rhizobium and PSB. This treatment was superior to the other treatments. Growth and yield attributing characters were comparatively higher in T8. From the study it is concluded that the application of DAP with Rhizobium and PSB inoculation (T8 Rhizobium + PSB+ DAP) gave best results and proved to be beneficial for Kabuli chickpea.

<strong>Abstract</strong><strong>—</strong> Biochar is a boon for agricul... more <strong>Abstract</strong><strong>—</strong> Biochar is a boon for agricultural crops. Biochar is baked biomass that you can add to soil. It is a biomass that is thermally altered in the absence of oxygen, it is baked and not burned and flammable gasses are released (hydrogen, carbon dioxide). Heat transforms plant carbon (found in the cellulose and lignin) into fused aromatic carbon rings that are very stable. Biochar are made from different feedstocks at different physical and chemical properties. In carbon cycle almost all of the carbon returns to the air. Green plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere via photosynthesis and convert it into biomass. Virtually all of that carbon is returned to the atmosphere when the plants die and decay, or immediately if the biomass is burned as a renewable substitute for the fossil fuels. While in the biochar cycle up to half of the carbon is sequestered, green plants removed and sequestered as biochar, while the other half is converted to renewable energy co- products before being returned to the atmosphere. Biochar retains soil moisture of the agricultural field. Worms loves biochar, it works best when composted with other organic matter before adding to garden soil. This allows life to colonize the biochar. Biochar composted with animal manure, it is inoculated with compost tea. Biochar composted with food waste and bokashi (anaerobic lactobacillus fermentation). Other activities include minerals, NPK, fungi, worm castings, fish emulsion, urea, etc. biochar can be added to soils to improve fertility. Reduces emissions from the biomass. Improves the water quality and quantity. Helps to improve the agricultural productivity. Valuable resource reduces the forest fires. Value added product for urban and rural agriculture and forest communities.
Papers by Drishty Katiyar