Papers by Dra. Luh Putu Suciptawati, M.Si.

IJSSHR, 2024
Mean years of schooling (MYS) is one of the indicators measuring the quality of education in Indo... more Mean years of schooling (MYS) is one of the indicators measuring the quality of education in Indonesia, regulated through the nine-year compulsory education policy. West Kalimantan Province is one of the provinces with the lowest MYS rates in Indonesia, with only one out of its 13 districts/cities fulfilling the compulsory education policy. Therefore, research is needed to obtain the best model and understand the factors that influence the MYS districts/cities of West Kalimantan Province. This study uses the Geographically Weighted Panel Regression (GWPR) analysis method, due to the annual changes in MYS numbers indicating time effects in data and differences in MYS numbers in each district/city indicating differences in characteristics between regions. GWPR is a combination of panel data regression model and geographically weighted regression (GWR) model. The results showed that the best model obtained is the GWPR adaptive bisquare model with an AIC value of-147.241 and R 2 value of 80.07%. The variables of per capita income, dependency ratio, literacy rate, and the number of schools significantly influence MYS, and four groups of regions are formed based on significant variables.

BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan
The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that influence the socio-economic impact of ... more The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that influence the socio-economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses explanatory factor analysis that is an analysis that forms new random factors in which the later formed factors or constructs can be interpreted. The case study was conducted in Sawan Village, Sawan District, Buleleng Bali, with six variables explaining the economic impact, and 16 variables explaining the social impact. The results of the study show that there are three factors that explain the economic impact due to Covid-19. They are the income factor, the purchase of quotas and gadgets, and the expenditure factor with the total variance described being 82,178 percent. Meanwhile, the social impact due to the Covid-19 pandemic is explained by three factors, namely the fear of interacting in public places, the fear factor of doing activities outside the home, and the fear of using public facilities with a total variance that can be explained is 73,6...

International Journal of Social Science and Human Research
The aim of this research is to determine the economic activities of informal sector workers befor... more The aim of this research is to determine the economic activities of informal sector workers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, the survival strategies of informal sector workers during the pandemic, a comparison of the welfare of informal sector workers before and during the pandemic, and the association of survival strategies with economic activity. It is hoped that the research findings can provide recommendations for stakeholders for evaluating policies regarding improving the welfare of informal sector workers in the future. The research was conducted in four sub-districts in Denpasar City, Bali, Indonesia. Data collection in the field was carried out using survey methods. The variables used include Socio-economic characteristics of informal sector workers, economic activity before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, survival strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic, and welfare. The data analysis method uses descriptive analysis and association analysis uses chi square analy...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Sep 1, 2012
This research aim to knowing the variables classification that distinguish graduated time student... more This research aim to knowing the variables classification that distinguish graduated time student between proper time with not proper time on FMIPA Udayana Universities with use CHAID Method. This research conducted at FMIPA Udayana Universities, with research sample about 751 persons student graduated FMIPA Udayana Universities period February 2008 until August 2011. CHAID method produce 7 segment there are: student graduated from Biology department and Chemistry women gender; from Biology and Chemistry man gender; from Mathematic department and Physic with IPK≤3,00; from Mathematic department and Physic with IPK>3,00 and thesis period≤6 months; from Mathematic department and Physic with IPK>3,00 and period thesis>6 months; from Pharmacy as well as student graduated from Computer science department.

E-Jurnal Matematika
Spatial regression is an extension of classical regression analysis by considering spatial elemen... more Spatial regression is an extension of classical regression analysis by considering spatial elements of spatial elements. One of the model of spatial regressions is the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). In the analysis, the GWR method considers the differences in characteristics between regions (spatial heterogeneity). Diarrhea cases in toddlers can be modeled using the GWR model. This research aims to model and identify factors that significantly influence diarrhea cases in toddlers in each district in East Java Province in 2020 using GWR. There are two weighting functions used in this research that are fixed bisquare kernel and adaptive bisquare kernel. The results showed that the GWR model with the adaptive kernel bisquare weighting function was more suitable because it produced the highest 2 value of 79.29%. The factors that have a significant effect in each district are different and the dominant factor is the provision of vitamin A to toddlers.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Sep 1, 2012
This study aims to determine factors that influence the number of high/vocational school students... more This study aims to determine factors that influence the number of high/vocational school students that do not pass the examination in Bali in 2011. Factors that used in this study are the external factors include the proportion of public high/vocational school, proportion of the classrooms high/vocational school have damaged, the proportion of high/vocational school teachers have certified, and the number of participants high/vocational school national examination. This study uses Poisson regression analysis. Poisson regression is included in the Generalized Linear Models and this is one of the regression analysis for count data models with Poisson distributed response variables. Poisson regression analysis methods assume the mean and variance of the response variables are equal. Response variable is said to be Poisson distributed and overdispersion not happen if the value of the ratio between the variance and the mean close to one and less than 2.5. Test results show the response variable in this study Poisson distributed and there is no overdispersion. The analysis showed that all four factors are independent variables in this study affect the response variable is the number of high school/vocational school students which do not pass the examination.

E-Jurnal Matematika
One of the spectacular advances in technology in the economic field is the cryptocurrency it crea... more One of the spectacular advances in technology in the economic field is the cryptocurrency it created. The fluctuating price of Bitcoin, is widely used as a means of making profit. The time series forecasting method that can be used for the case of nonlinear time series data such as Bitcoin data is the smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) model. STAR is an extension of the autoregressive model for nonlinear time data. The purpose of this study is to obtain the results of forecasting Bitcoin price data for the next 2 two months using the STAR method. The data used in this study is Bitcoin daily price data from September 2017 to April 2021. To estimate the STAR model, several things that must be determined are the autoregressive model, transition variables, and transition functions. If the STAR model has been estimated, forecasting will be carried out for the next 2 months, which results in the forecast for the highest Bitcoin price falling on June 30, 2021 and the lowest Bitcoin pr...

Tekinfo: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri dan Informasi, 2019
Kurangnya kualitas pelayanan menjadi salah satu kendala terhadap tingkat kepuasan pelanggan. Berd... more Kurangnya kualitas pelayanan menjadi salah satu kendala terhadap tingkat kepuasan pelanggan. Berdasarkan kuesioner pendahuluan yang disebarkan kepada beberapa responden dan wawancara dengan karyawan Sodaqo Mart Kasemen, terdapat beberapa pelayanan yang telah diberikan dengan baik, namun belum sepenuhnya layanan yang ada di Sodaqo Mart Kasemen ditanggapi dengan baik oleh konsumen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pelanggan yang menggunakan jasa pelayanan minimarket Sodaqo Mart Kasemen. Pengukuran kualitas pelayanan dilakukan dengan metode Servqual, Importance Performance Analysis, dan Customer Satissfaction Index (CSI). Kualitas pelayanan menggunakan lima dimensi yang terdapat dalam Servqual yaitu tangibles (bukti fisik), reliability (keandalan), responsiveness (daya tanggap), assurance (jaminan), emphaty (empati). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai gap dari beberapa atribut yang ada dalam dimensi memiliki nilai negatif. Yang artinya beberapa ...
... Populasi Spasial Bergerombol. Author: Suciptawati, Ni Luh Putu. Abstract: Metode penarikan co... more ... Populasi Spasial Bergerombol. Author: Suciptawati, Ni Luh Putu. Abstract: Metode penarikan contoh gerombol adaptif baik digunakan untuk menduga total populasi pada populasi spasial bergerombol. Dalam penarikan contoh ...

E-Jurnal Matematika
Customer satisfaction in using cosmetic products is influenced by many factors. Emina Cosmetics i... more Customer satisfaction in using cosmetic products is influenced by many factors. Emina Cosmetics is one of the local cosmetic products that is well known to the public because the products produced are safe and reliable so that it can create customer satisfaction and affect customer loyalty to continue using these cosmetic products. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of quality, price, and product image on satisfaction and loyalty of Emina cosmetic users. This study uses a variant-based structural equation model (PLS-SEM). The latent variable in this study is customer satisfaction which is explained by product quality, price, and product image as well as customer loyalty. Data were obtained from 120 female adolescent respondents in Bali Province in each district/city. Based on PLS-SEM, showed that the quality, price, and image of the product affected customer satisfaction by of 77,2%, and customer satisfaction affected customer loyalty in using Emina Cosmetic products by 42,5%.

E-Jurnal Matematika, Aug 31, 2022
Inequality in income distribution is one of the problems that are often experienced by some count... more Inequality in income distribution is one of the problems that are often experienced by some countries in the world. Income inequality in Indonesia is measured by an indicator named Gini Ratio. BPS Indonesia noted that in March 2021, the Gini Ratio in Indonesia was 0,384. This figure shows that Indonesia belongs to the category of moderate income inequality, which means that income in Indonesia is not well distributed or there is an inequality in income distribution. For this reason, the inequality that occurs needs to be decreased by recognizing the factors that affect it. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that significantly affect the Indonesia's Gini Ratio in 2016-2020 by applying panel data regression. The results show that the model chosen to represent the Indonesia's Gini Ratio in 2016-2020 is a fixed time effect model with 2 of 40,282%, which is significantly be affected by the human development index, population, open unemployment rate, percentage of poor people, and average hourly wage for worker.

E-Jurnal Matematika
Gross regional domestic product (GRDP) is one of the important indicators to determine economic c... more Gross regional domestic product (GRDP) is one of the important indicators to determine economic conditions in a region. The magnitude of the growth rate of GRDP is developed by the progress of regional economic development, both carried out by the government and the private sector in order to improve the welfare of the population. The purpose of this study is to examine the business sector that has the most significant influence on GRDP in Indonesia by applying spatial panel data regression. The results show that the best model in modeling GRDP in Indonesia is the spatial lag common effect which has an value of 83,13% while the independent variables that are significant to the increase in GRDP can be divided into two, namely significant positive and significant negative effects. The variables that have a significant and positive effect on GRDP are agriculture, forestry, and fisheries , mining and quarrying electricity and gas supply, water supply, waste management, waste and recyc...
Jurnal Matematika, 2012
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakan produk roti sisir pada perusahaan XYZ sudah terk... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakan produk roti sisir pada perusahaan XYZ sudah terkendali atau tidak. Selanjutnya diselidiki faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi variasi proses pada inspeksi ketebalan roti sisir dengan diagram sebab akibat. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kerusakan roti sisir di perusahaan XYZ adalah pada ketebalan rotinya. Rata-rata ketebalan roti sisir proses belum terkendali, faktor-faktor yang mempengarhi mutu variable ketebalan roti sisir adalah manusia, bahan baku, mesin oven, dan mesin steamer.
The aim of learning the introduction of measurement angle (acute angle, obtuse angle and privileg... more The aim of learning the introduction of measurement angle (acute angle, obtuse angle and privileged corner) at SDN5 Keramas Blahbatuh, can be understood by all students. Application in everyday life of objects that have angles can also be understood and mentioned by the students, hence increased students increase learning outcomes. Learning results show that the score of the average pre-test 60.16 increased after learning that occur spost-test average of 83.58. Test results do not accept H0 hypothesis, namely that the effect of treatment after a given learning, seen from the Evaluate that indicates 0.094. This means the application of learning and angle measurement application runs fine and successfully for student learning outcomes. Keywords: Measurement ofangle, Classroom action research, question and answer method, the inquirymethod.
E-Jurnal Matematika, 2021
Unemployment is one of the problems in the field in economic development. To determine the develo... more Unemployment is one of the problems in the field in economic development. To determine the development of open unemployment in a region, an indicator of the open unemployment rate is used. The highest of open unemployment rate is Aceh Province and Maluku Province in 2015 at 9,93 percent and the lowest Bali Province in 2018 at 1,37 percent. The purpose of this work is to modeling and determine the significant factors that affect the open unemployment rate in Indonesia by applying spatial panel data regression. The results show indicate that there is no effect of spatial dependence on the model, so the model chosen to model the open unemployment rate in Indonesia is a panel data model with a fixed time effect and significant affect by head count index, the percentage of illiterate people, the provincial minimum wage, and the number of the workforce.

The aim of this study was to characterize physicochemical properties of gelatin extracted from sk... more The aim of this study was to characterize physicochemical properties of gelatin extracted from skin of chicken at different temperatures (40 o C, 45 o C, 50 o C) for 24 hours. Pre-treatment of dry defatted skin of chicken was done with a combination of alkaline-acid solution sodium hydroxide (NaOH, 0.15%w/v), sulfuric (0.15%v/v) and citric acid (0.7%w/v) and extraction was carried out in waterbath by adding water at pH 4-5. Physicochemical properties analyzed were yield, gel strength, proximate compositions, pH and characteristicfunctional groups. Statistical analysis showed that temperatures of extraction significantly (p<0.05) affected the physicochemical properties of gelatin produced. The yield and proximate compositions increased by increasing temperatures of extractions. The highest yield, water, protein, ash and fat content of gelatin (based on dry weight) were obtained at 50 o C and the lowest at 40 o C. Conversely, gel strength of gelatin decreased by increasing the t...

Pariwisata Provinsi Bali merupakan salah satu kegiatan ekonomi utama di koridor ekonomi Provinsi ... more Pariwisata Provinsi Bali merupakan salah satu kegiatan ekonomi utama di koridor ekonomi Provinsi Bali-Nusra dalam Programr Masteplan Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (MP3EI). Pariwisata Provinsi Bali cukup berpengaruh terhadap perekonomian Provinsi Bali. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memodelkan kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara ke Provinsi Bali. Variabel-variabel yang diamati adalah jumlah wisatwan mancanegara ke Provinsi Bali , tingkat inflasi indonesia, IHK Indonesia, nilai tukar mata uang dolar Amerika terhadap rupiah, serta PDRB Provinsi Bali. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder berupa data bulanan dari bulan Januari 2004 sampai Juni 2014. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kointegrasi dan Error Corection Model (ECM).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi keseimbangan jangka panjang antara jumlah kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara dengan variabel-variabel bebas yang diamati dengn nilai R2=0.888632, sedangkan R2 untuk persa...
International Journal of Applied Sciences in Tourism and Events, 2017
This study was aimed to figure out of the long term and short term correlation between -tourism p... more This study was aimed to figure out of the long term and short term correlation between -tourism price and tourist income to the tourism demand of Japanese to Bali. Quarterly data from 2003-2016 were analyzed by cointegration test and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The result showed that there were both long term and short term balance among research variables. At long term, the tourist income has a positive influence on tourism demand and on the other hand the tourism price has a negative one. Meanwhile at the short term the tourist income has a negative influence on the tourism demand.
E-Jurnal Matematika, 2019
Bali is one of the regions in Indonesia which is famous for its tourism. Vacationing in Bali seem... more Bali is one of the regions in Indonesia which is famous for its tourism. Vacationing in Bali seems to be a must for every tourist, both domestic and foreign tourists. For tourists who are on vacation many things are considered be it time, distance, cost and others. Travel time with a distance that is already known is something that can not be estimated with certainty, given the many factors that influence including traffic conditions, weather, or road infrastructure. Robust optimization is one area of ??optimization that solves problems with uncertainty which in this study uses a box uncertainty set approach. Optimization problems can be solved by a branch and bound algorithm, the results obtained in the form of tourist attraction routes should be chosen with a minimum time and influenced by indefinite factors.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) or village credit institution is a financial institution that is o... more Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) or village credit institution is a financial institution that is only exists in Bali. LPDs had been developed to promote the local people economies by providing micro credits as well as to deposit their money. This paper is aimed to study the satisfaction of customers toward LPD’s services. A hundred and fifty customers of LPD Sidakarya that is located at Denpasar were purposive sampling selected as the respondents of the study on July 2017. The data were collected by applying self-organized questionnairé which its items were developed using 7 scale on Likerts’ measurement. The respondents were asked to value their expectation as well as their perception on five dimension of service quality i.e. tangible factor, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The study reveals tangible factor was perceived positively whilest the other determinants need to be improved.
Papers by Dra. Luh Putu Suciptawati, M.Si.