Papers by Dr Sheetal Asutkar
International journal of life science and pharma research, May 1, 2023

International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research
Kshara’ is related to ‘Paka’ (preparation) and ‘vidhi’ (application). Because of its superiority ... more Kshara’ is related to ‘Paka’ (preparation) and ‘vidhi’ (application). Because of its superiority among the sharper andauxiliary instruments, caustic alkali performs excision, incision, and scarification, alleviating three doshas and being used forspecific functions. Among the para-surgical measures, all three- Agni (cauterization), Kshara (caustic alkali), and Jalauka (leeches)are important. Still, kshara is the chief because operations excision, incision, etc., cannot be performed by Agni and Jalauka. It isalso applied for specific purposes, such as in Arsha caused by Pitta. This article will be essential in containing from the smallest todeepest knowledge of Akshara, which is available in classics & articles in scattered forms. This study intends to gather allinformation related to Kshara and elaborate on their properties as mentioned in classics, especially in Sushruta Samhita andRasashashtra. The method followed here thoroughly analyzes Sushruta Samhita, its commentaries, and va...

International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research
Despite highly developed scientific studies, pain continues to be the leading cause of disability... more Despite highly developed scientific studies, pain continues to be the leading cause of disability that affects a sizable portion of theglobal population. An integrated approach to pain management may alleviate the distress associated with treating this symptom, which can bepresent in various degrees. The Sushruta Samhita is the only complete work that addresses the difficulties of actual surgery and midwifery.Sushruta was a deeply skilled surgeon. Since the beginning, doctors have recognized the importance of anesthesia and have worked to createthis pain-free surgical environment. Sushruta utilized Sangyaharana for painless surgery. The Sushruta Samhita is where we first see asystematic approach to organizing the surgical expertise of more experienced surgeons. Some dravyas, such as Madya (wine), have beendescribed by Sushruta, while mohachurna has been discussed in Bhojaprabandha. According to Charaka, the tikshna sura should beadministered to the patient before surgery. Some study...

International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine
Introduction- Dinacharya means an ideal daily regimen as per Ayurveda that offers a lifestyle wit... more Introduction- Dinacharya means an ideal daily regimen as per Ayurveda that offers a lifestyle with beneficial physiological and psychological effects for a human body and mind. Why is it called ideal is because it harmonizes balance between body humors(Dosha),tissues(Dhatu) and wastes (Mala) power of digestion(Agni), grooms a pleasant mind, soul and sense organs and offers disease free long life. This is how health is defined by Sushruta Acharya. This idealism needs also to be understood through conceptual justification from Ayurveda. Dinacharya includes activities such waking in Bramha-muhurta (45min before sunrise), brushing teeth-Dantadhawana, Tongue cleaning-Jihva-Nirlekhan, applying corrylium-Anjana, Nasal drops-Nasya, Oilpulling-Kavala, Medicated gargles-Gandusha, Oil massaging-Abhyanga, Exercise-Vyayama, Powder massage-Udvartana, Bathing-Snana, righteous conduct-Sadvrutta and Bhojana-Rules for food consumption etc. Disregarding them have increased the ratio of non-communicabl...

International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research
Tarunyapidika is one of the common health issues in youngsters. According to Ayurveda, it is unde... more Tarunyapidika is one of the common health issues in youngsters. According to Ayurveda, it is under the heading of Kshudra Roga. As per modern, it is correlated with Acne vulgaris by resembling the symptoms like itching, pain, discoloration, and inflammation. Tarunyapidikahara Lepaguti is one of the modified herbal formulations that can be used to treat Acne vulgaris. Tarunyapidikahara Lepaguti includes three ingredients: Symplocos racemoser oxb, Coriandrum sativam Linn, and Acorus calamus Linn in equal parts. This Lepaguti is given to the 20 years old patient having classical signs and symptoms of Acne vulgaris for up to 21 days for local application on affected sites. In this case study, we have to evaluate the efficacy of Tarunyapidikahara Lepaguti in treating Tarunyapidika (Acne vulgaris). After the treatment, Tarunyapidikahara Lepaguti alleviated the symptoms of Acne vulgaris by reducing itching, pain, discoloration, and inflammation. Tarunyapidikahara Lepaguti is Katu Tikta Kas...

International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research
CharmakeelaArsha (Anal warts) are small growths in and around the anal region caused by the human... more CharmakeelaArsha (Anal warts) are small growths in and around the anal region caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The patient, the age 39- years female, came to O.P.D. of shalyatantra complaining of baddhamalapravruti (hard stools), sarakta malapravruti (bleeding per rectum on and off), Guda pradeshi Mamsankura prachiti (feeling of mass at anal region), sashoola malapravruti (pain during and after defecation) since six months. Clinically diagnosed patient as a case of Charmakeelaarsha (anal warts) with internal piles and sentinel tag. Chedana (Excision) of anal warts and Sentinel tag by Agnikarma (electric cautery) was performed with ligation haemorrhoidectomy under spinal anaesthesia. It is challenging to manage post-operative wound healing with simple ointments. So there is a need to intervene in the ayurvedic ointments and treatment of post-operative wounds to heal them faster with no complications. After the operative procedure, the patient was managed with Ayurvedic proto...
Pan African Medical Journal
Drugs and cell therapies in hematology, Oct 1, 2021

Asian journal of multidisciplinary studies, 2016
Mukhdushika could be compared with modern medicine of Acne vulgaris. Many oral medicines and loca... more Mukhdushika could be compared with modern medicine of Acne vulgaris. Many oral medicines and local applications are available in many other pathies which provide less relief and more side effects such as cortio steroids, Laser therapy, aroma therapy, local thermal facial packs etc. In Ayurveda, Mukhadushika is considered under the category of Kshudra rogas. Almost all the skin diseases are considered as 'Kshudra' because they are less troubling, consume less time, produce less symptoms and does not affect the physical working capacity of a person. Hence, it does not affect the day to day routine of a person. Hence they are termed as 'Kshudra’. Mukhadushika appears due to dosha and dhatu dushti in the form of small pidikas all over the body especially on face. This affects the face mainly hence termed as 'Mukhadushika'.

The treatment of disease conditions with the application of medicinal leeches is termed as Leech ... more The treatment of disease conditions with the application of medicinal leeches is termed as Leech Therapy. It has been termed as Jaloukavacharana in ancient Ayurvedic texts. Acharya Sushruta, the father of Surgery has stated the uses of leeches in Anushastras, which means the instruments or tools which can be used as Para surgical tools Jaloukavacharana has been an established therapy of Raktamokshana by Anushastras. Leech therapy (Hirudotherapy) is one of the oldest practices in medicine; it is known from the time of extreme antiquity and is still alive . Leeches were used for treatment in Egypt as early as 1500 BC. Salivary glands of a medical leech contain more than 100 bioactive substances and the salivary gland secretion has anti-edematous, bacteriostatic, and analgesic effects; it possesses resolving activity, eliminates microcirculation disorders, restores the damaged vascular permeability of tissues and organs, eliminates hypoxia (oxygen starvation), reduces blood pressure, i...

Asian journal of multidisciplinary studies, 2016
Despite long medical history of identification and treatment, anorectal disorders still pose a ch... more Despite long medical history of identification and treatment, anorectal disorders still pose a challenge to the medical fraternity in terms of finding satisfactory cure.Diseases like fistula in ano ,Hemorrhoids have high prevalence rate.Modern treatments like fistulectomy,Hemorrhoidectomy are invasive methods and recurrence rate is also high.So owing to this ayurveda researchers have come with a time tested proven treatment modality for treating anorectal disorders like fistula in ano known ss ksharsutra therapy. Kshar Sutra means a thread smeared with medicines capable of causing phytochemical cauterization. Even if ksharsutra therapy is a gold standard treatment it should be done with some limitations in mind.So this article is an attempt to highlight the scope, limitations and strengths of Ksharsutra Therapy and subsequently remedies will be discussed in this article.

Raktamokshana, is a para-surgical procedure directed for the treatment of specifically Raktaja ro... more Raktamokshana, is a para-surgical procedure directed for the treatment of specifically Raktaja roga (blood-borne diseases), along with many other surgical diseases. To expel out the vitiated blood, seven procedures are advocated: Venesection (Sira Vedhan), horn application (Sringa Avacharana), gourd application (Alabu Aavacharana), leech application (Jalauka Avacharana), scrapping (Pracchanna Karma), cupping glass application (Ghati Yantra Avacharana), and needle application (Suchi Avacharana).The process of Raktamokshana can be traced back to the Vedic period only and not beyond that. In the Koushika sutra of Atharvaveda, references of bloodletting (Raktamokshana) by leech application are available. Sushruta and Vagbhata focused on the Raktamokshana in detail. Bloodletting as a method of treatment is indicated in Gouty Arthritis (Vatarakta), filariasis, herpes, tumors, various skin disorders, genital infections, abscess, inflammatory conditions, cellulitis, painful ulcers, chronic ...

In Ayurveda, Chonic non healing wound can be correlated to Dushtavrana which has foul smell, putr... more In Ayurveda, Chonic non healing wound can be correlated to Dushtavrana which has foul smell, putrefied pus along with blood and cavity, present since long time and has bad odor. According to T.I.M.E. principle of wound management, Leech therapy stands as biotherapy for wound debridement. Vis a vis it has anti-coagulant, anti-phlogistic, antibacterial and anesthetic properties which relieve local inflammation, enhances microcirculation thereby providing nutrition to the affected tissues. Thus it facilitates formation of healthy granulation tissue and wound bed preparation. A case study is presented in which a female of 65 years of age with chronic non healing wound on right heel, presented to our OPD. Prima facie it resembled a malignant ulcer due to severe pain and soft tissue deformity on the heel. But on HPE, it was found to be benign. According to T.I.M.E principle, this dushtavrana was subjected to debridement under LA, daily dry dressing and leech therapy for 15 days. On day 5...

International Journal of Research, 2020
Joint pain is the worst of sufferings of humans and man's efforts to conquer the pain are old... more Joint pain is the worst of sufferings of humans and man's efforts to conquer the pain are older than his efforts to prevent death. In Ayurveda. The experimental and investigational status of leech therapy (Jaloukavacharan) in RA, a clinical research is presented comprising of 44 patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis (Aamvata). In this study, leeches (Jalouka) were applied on alternate days for 10 sittings on preferably knee joints and ankle joints and patients were subjected to certain assessment criteria like pain, redness, tenderness, rise in local temperature, restricted movements, walking effect and pathological parameters. Leeches were applied following the standard operating procedures (SOP’S).The clinical data on various aspects of joint pain, signs of joint inflammation and pathological parameters was statistically analysed, significant results were found which are elaborated under relevant sections of this article. Follow ups taken and observations noted suggest that mean %...

Of all the surgical entities , the treatment of Vrana is the hallmark of Ayurveda Shalya Chikitsa... more Of all the surgical entities , the treatment of Vrana is the hallmark of Ayurveda Shalya Chikitsa. Acharya Sushruta has explained varieties of Vrana, of them Dushta Vrana secures supreme importance.Vrana which has foul smell, flowing putrefied pus along with blood, with cavity, since long time and has bad odor, is Dushta Vrana. Moreover wound which heals very slowly in spite of best efforts by chikitsa chatuspada can be considered as Dushta Vrana and needs extra therapeutic efforts for management. Acharya Sushruta has explained Shashti Upakramas and have also mentioned Shodhana by Raktamokshana (Bloodletting) in Dushta Vrana (contaminated wound). According to modern medical science chronic wounds are those which do not follow the normal healing process and show no signs of healing in 4 weeks and remain in prolonged inflammatory stage. Wound bed preparation is the management of a wound in order to accelerate endogenous healing or to facilitate the effectivene...

Amavata can be correlated to Rheumatoid Arthritis which is characterized by the inflammatory type... more Amavata can be correlated to Rheumatoid Arthritis which is characterized by the inflammatory type of arthritis, of severe and debilitating nature. No doubt modern medical science has got an important role to play in overcoming the agony of pain, restricted movement and disability and prolonged use of modern medicines are not only giving rise to many side effects, toxic symptoms and adverse reactions but also more serious complications are caused, Hence the management of this disease is merely insufficient in other systems of medicine and patients are continuously looking with a hope towards Ayurveda to overcome this challenge. Leech Therapy has been established as one of the most efficacious therapies in the management of various skin conditions like psoriasis, Eczema, cysts, abscess, and cellulitis etc. and musculoskeletal disorders. The present study primarily aims at studying the change in inflammatory markers such as C reactive proteins (CRP), Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR...

International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2020
Chronic non healing wounds represent a significant public health problem. A wound may be acute or... more Chronic non healing wounds represent a significant public health problem. A wound may be acute or chronic; the later could be defined as a wound that is not continuously progressing towards healing, which can be correlated with Dushtavrana. Various therapies are potentially conducive to wound healing, and according to T.I.M.E. principle of wound healing; E stands for edges of wound which is undermined due to chronicity and infection, corrected by debridement and Leech therapy is biological debridement therapy. It is a para-surgical procedure which serves debridement of the wounds by the blood sucking and oozing phenomenon. Jalaukavacharana possesses high efficacy in both Vrana Shodhana and Ropana, hence can be used for management of Dushta Vrana. Jalaukavacharana being a bio-purificatory method removes deep seated toxins, clearing Srotasa and pacifying vitiated Doṣha. Salivary gland secretions of leech have multiple actions like analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial which s...

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 2021
The sense of pain in arthritis carries the highest stigma among the sufferers as well as the trea... more The sense of pain in arthritis carries the highest stigma among the sufferers as well as the treating physicians. It makes the life miserable for the patients along with the disability the disease rheumatoid arthritis causes, which can be correlated to Aamvata in Ayurveda.There are the conventional treatment options which are available in the form of shodhana and shanmana. Besides NSAID.s and corticosteroids in modern medicine rendering many side effects Ayurveda offers drugless healing art in the form of jaloukavacharan also known as leech therapy which is known for the anti-inflammatory and analgesic, anesthetic actions of leech salivary gland secretions. Hence, a protocol was designed for the doctoral research on "Study of inflammatory markers in patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis treated by leech therapy", for the assessment of subjective parameters of pain, swelling, redness, tenderness, loss of function of joints assessed by standard criterion, and objective parameters like CRP and ESR before and after leech therapy for 10 sittings on alternate days. Observations were taken on day 0 and day 21, and follow up taken on day 30 and day 45. Statistical tests were applied which revealed significant results of anti-inflammatory effect of leech therapy on CRP(relative change 23.54%),with p value =0.0001,than ESR(relative change 10.30). Leech therapy was found to be having highly significant effect on pain score (relative change 57.62%), followed by tenderness score(relative change 72%) and followed by significant increase in walking effect (relative change 56.67%). There was statistically significant improvement in other subjective parameters of assessment like swelling on ankle(relative change by 11.73).,knee joint(relative change 10.29),redness(relative change25%),walking effect(relative change 72%),rise in local temperature(relative change 61.90%) withp value,0.0001.with corelatable clinical improvement.
Papers by Dr Sheetal Asutkar