Papers by Dr. Safia Sultana

Background: Blood Culture is the gold standard and accurate method of diagnosing bacteremia in en... more Background: Blood Culture is the gold standard and accurate method of diagnosing bacteremia in enteric fever; however, conventional blood culture is slow in isolating Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi. Objective: The main aim of this study was to compare the result of the lytic centrifugation method with conventional blood culture system for the accurate diagnosis of enteric fever in febrile patients. Methodology: The cross-sectional study was carried out in the department of Microbiology, Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh between July 2010 and June 2011 including 200 individuals of different ages and sexes. Of them, 150 were clinically suspected cases of typhoid fever and 50 controls comprising of 25 non-typhoidal febrile patients and 25 healthy individuals. Both types of blood culture were performed for each of the cases and controls. Result: The lytic centrifugation method recovered more organisms (17.3%) than the conventional blood culture method (13.3%). Time requi...

The diagnosis of typhoid fever on clinical presentations alone is difficult, as the presenting sy... more The diagnosis of typhoid fever on clinical presentations alone is difficult, as the presenting symptoms are diverse and similar to those observed with other febrile illnesses, especially during the first weeks of the infection. Therefore, laboratory-based investigations are essential for supporting the diagnosis of the disease. The "gold standard" for diagnosis of typhoid fever is the isolation of Salmonella typhi from appropriate samples including blood, bone marrow aspirates, stool, urine and rose spots. This facility is not available in many areas where the disease is endemic. Serodiagnosis depends upon the 100-year-old Widal test, and other serological diagnostic tools have limitations because of their low sensitivity and/or specificity. The development of molecular methods for diagnosis of infectious diseases, including typhoid fever has improved the sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis. One of the molecular methods, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the most sen...

Allergy Disorders & Therapy, 2014
Background: Extended Spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) are rapidly evolving group of β-lactamase enzy... more Background: Extended Spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) are rapidly evolving group of β-lactamase enzymes produced by the gram-negative bacteria which is very important to detect in clinical laboratory for effective treatment. The aim of the present study was to see the ESBL genes among Third Generation Cephalosporins (3GCs) sensitive bacterial strains. Methods: This cross sectional study was undertaken in non-repetitive clinical isolates collected from Mymnesingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh, Bangladesh from both the outpatient and inpatient departments over a period of six months from January 2011 to June 2011. The ESBL status was confirmed by double disc diffusion test and minimum inhibitory concentration by agar dilution method as recommended by Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute 2010 and multiplex polymerase chain reaction for TEM, SHV and CTX-M genes. Results: A total of 300 Gram negative bacilli were included in the study; among them 236 were resistant and 64 were sensitive to 3GCs by disc diffusion test. Multidrug resistant ESBL production was found 75.8% from resistant isolates and 54.6% from sensitive isolates. Rate of TEM, SHV and CTX-M genes present among sensitive strains were 36.4%, 24.2% and 21.1%, respectively. Both common and new ESBLs genes were detected from 3GCs sensitive bacteria of which TEM is most common. Routine ESBLs screening for all Gram-negative isolates both from sensitive and resistant to 3GCs strains might be useful for the physicians in selecting effective antibiotics.

Bangladesh Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2017
Background: Blood Culture is the gold standard and accurate method of diagnosing bacteremia in en... more Background: Blood Culture is the gold standard and accurate method of diagnosing bacteremia in enteric fever; however, conventional blood culture is slow in isolating Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi. Objective: The main aim of this study was to compare the result of the lytic centrifugation method with conventional blood culture system for the accurate diagnosis of enteric fever in febrile patients. Methodology: The cross-sectional study was carried out in the department of Microbiology, Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh between July 2010 and June 2011 including 200 individuals of different ages and sexes. Of them, 150 were clinically suspected cases of typhoid fever and 50 controls comprising of 25 non-typhoidal febrile patients and 25 healthy individuals. Both types of blood culture were performed for each of the cases and controls. Result: The lytic centrifugation method recovered more organisms (17.3%) than the conventional blood culture method (13.3%). Time required for isolation of S. typhi and S. paratyphi A was short in lytic method (18-20hours) than conventional method (42-72hours). Total contamination rate was 0.5% by lytic as compared to the conventional blood culture method which was 5.0%. Conclusion: In conclusion the lytic method is better than conventional blood culture system for good result, short isolation time and less chance of contamination.

Bangladesh Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2017
The diagnosis of typhoid fever on clinical presentations alone is difficult, as the presenting sy... more The diagnosis of typhoid fever on clinical presentations alone is difficult, as the presenting symptoms are diverse and similar to those observed with other febrile illnesses, especially during the first weeks of the infection. Therefore, laboratory-based investigations are essential for supporting the diagnosis of the disease. The "gold standard" for diagnosis of typhoid fever is the isolation of Salmonella typhi from appropriate samples including blood, bone marrow aspirates, stool, urine and rose spots. This facility is not available in many areas where the disease is endemic. Serodiagnosis depends upon the 100-year-old Widal test, and other serological diagnostic tools have limitations because of their low sensitivity and/or specificity. The development of molecular methods for diagnosis of infectious diseases, including typhoid fever has improved the sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis. One of the molecular methods, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the most sensitive and rapid method to detect microbial pathogens in clinical specimens. Antigen detection has not been investigated for well over three decades and detecting an immune response specific for typhoid fever has been done only with antibody detection. There is an urgent need for the rational design and evaluation of effective and appropriate diagnostics for typhoid fever which must include the emerging threat of S. typhi. However, monitoring of antibiotic susceptibility patterns will ensure that signs of developing resistance are detected early and that the appropriate action is taken. Therefore, this present review has been designed to describe the different diagnostic procedure of typhoid fever.
Ibrahim Medical College Journal, 2016
Extended spectrum beta lactamases (ESBLs) produced by Gram negative bacteria are mainly mediated ... more Extended spectrum beta lactamases (ESBLs) produced by Gram negative bacteria are mainly mediated by three important genes, namely TEM, SHV and CTX-M. In this study, we used a multiplex PCR to determine the prevalence of CTX-M and its subgroups CTX-M-3, CTX-M-14, among the members of Enterobacteriaceae family and in Pseudomonas spp that were isolated from different clinical samples in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh.
All praises belongs to Almighty Allah, the most merciful, the most beneficent and the most kind f... more All praises belongs to Almighty Allah, the most merciful, the most beneficent and the most kind for giving me the opportunity, courage and enough energy to carry out and complete the entire thesis work. I am very grateful and deeply indebted to my honourable teacher and guide Professor Dr. Md. Akram Hossain, Head of the Department of Microbiology, Mymensingh Medical College. It is my great pleasure to express my deepest regards and whole hearted indebtedness to him for his inspiring encouragement, continuous guidance, active cooperation, constant supervision, valuable suggestions, constructive criticism and help in carrying out this work successfully. I am grateful and express thanks to the honorable members of the Ethical Review Committee for giving kind approval to my research protocol. I am obliged to Professor Md. Aminul Haque Principal of Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh for his kind permission to conduct the thesis. I would like to express my deepest regards and gratitude to my respected teacher Dr. Md.
Papers by Dr. Safia Sultana