Papers by Dr Razvan Hainarosie
Romanian Journal of Ophthalmology, Sep 25, 2017
Transnasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy is a good alternative for external DCR. It is conside... more Transnasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy is a good alternative for external DCR. It is considered a safe and efficient technique with successful results, comparable or even better than the external technique. Advanced knowledge of the endoscopic anatomy and the lacrimal system is necessary to perform the procedure safely, and to obtain good surgical outcomes. The aim of the paper is to analyze the changes of the endoscopic technique and to improve it. The transnasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy surgical technique is described in a "step by step" manner. Also the surgical technologies that can be used for this intervention are presented, focusing on the cold instruments.

Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 2021
Laryngeal papillomatosis represents a challenging disease for the ENT surgeon. It has a recurrent... more Laryngeal papillomatosis represents a challenging disease for the ENT surgeon. It has a recurrent pattern, with lesions that tend to be more and more extensive and affect the quality of life of the patient. Due to it’s viral etiology, multiple medical therapies have been attempted for these patients. Their results are still somewhat controversial, taking into account the local and systemic side effects. Diabetes mellitus (DM) patients are considered to be relatively immunocompromised and the laryngeal papillomatosis is more severe. The lesions occur at an epithelial level. The earlier the diagnosis, the better the outcome of the patient. The advancements made in the field of medical technologies made possible ample surgical interventions that maintain the natural airway. Out of these, the most used today is the CO2 LASER, with good results when correctly managed. The purpose of this paper is to present the use of an endoscopic method of examination, that uses SPIES filters, for a mo...
Journal of Mind and Medical Sciences, 2021
Congenital epulis is a rare benign tumor of the newborn that could be detected in the prenatal pe... more Congenital epulis is a rare benign tumor of the newborn that could be detected in the prenatal period. Females are more often affected than males and the premaxillary region is usually the predilection site for this oral mass. Excision is the treatment of choice and no recurrences have been reported so far. We present our experience with two cases of congenital epulis, detected in the second trimester of gestation and treated shortly after birth with no further complications. Histopathology should differentiate between congenital epulis and other congenital oral tumors even if its clinical appearance is usually enough to make a tentative diagnosis. A multidisciplinary assessment in the management of this tumor can avoid unwanted complications such as airway obstruction or bleeding.

Coblation is a surgical technology which consists in delivering radiofrequency energy to soft tis... more Coblation is a surgical technology which consists in delivering radiofrequency energy to soft tissue. This technology uses radiofrequency in a bipolar mode with a conductive solution, such as saline. It energizes the ions in the saline to form localized plasma near the tissue placed in the area of surgical interest. Juvenile angiofibroma represents up to 1% of the head and neck tumors. This kind of tumor occurs almost exclusively in male patients and the average age of onset is 13 to 17 years old.This rare type of tumor is characterized by unilateral, recurrent, severe epistaxis, reluctant to conventional treatment, that can endanger the patient's life. The aim of the present paper is to illustrate the use of coblation technology in the surgical ablation of the juvenile angiofibroma. In this respect we present some data concerning coblation, juvenile angiofibroma and a case report.

Journal of Medical and Surgical Research, 2017
Pectoralis major myocutaneous flap (PMMC) has been used for almost 40 years for the reconstructio... more Pectoralis major myocutaneous flap (PMMC) has been used for almost 40 years for the reconstruction of head and neck defects. Since then the technique has been modified and aesthetically and functionally improved expanding the indication of surgical removal of large tumors otherwise inoperable. This review highlights the role pectoralis major pedicled flap plays in the context of free flaps and other modern developments of the technique. Beyond the ethical component and obtaining the informed consent of the patient. There are several factors, which must be taken into account when choosing between a pectoralis major flap and a free flap reconstruction technique: resource constraints, patient co-morbidities, cases of extended neck dissections, of vessel depleted neck or free flap failure, post radiotherapy oro-cutaneous fistula and post chemotherapy residual neck disease. Head and neck tumor risk factors, indications and complications of this type of flap have been reviewed in a contem...
The aim of this paper is to present technic and technological aspects related to coblation surger... more The aim of this paper is to present technic and technological aspects related to coblation surgery on the malignant tumors of the nasopharynx. The methodology of this paper is to investigate pre- and post-operative aspects of the neoplasms of the nasopharynx which underwent volumetric reduction using coblation surgery. The conclusions emphasize the utility of coblation technology associated with endoscopy and Narrow Band Imaging for the surgical approach of malignant tumors of the nasopharynx in aviators. The efficient screening, diagnosis and treatment of nasopharynxneoplasms in the case of aviators will lead also to a reduction of the costs associated with the aggravation of disorders.
Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia is a benign disease. It appears in relation with the mutations of ... more Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia is a benign disease. It appears in relation with the mutations of the GNAS gene that results interferes with differentiation and proliferation of bone-forming stromal cells and leads to the replacement of normal bone and marrow by fibrous tissue and woven bone. In can appear isolated to a single bone or affect multiple skeletal sites and / or endocrine organs. The paper provides clinically focused multidisciplinary management of facial fibrous dysplasia.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021
In head and neck cancers, the effectiveness of cisplatin (CisPt) treatment is limited by its toxi... more In head and neck cancers, the effectiveness of cisplatin (CisPt) treatment is limited by its toxicity, especially when higher doses are necessary, and the possible occurrence of cisplatin resistance. This study evaluated the effects of resveratrol (RSV) on the expression of different genes involved in the response of human tumor cells (FaDu, PE/CA-PJ49) to cisplatin therapy. Our results revealed that RSV induced apoptosis amplification in both FaDu and PE/CA-PJ49 cells and modulated the expression of specific genes differently than in normal HaCaT cells. In FaDu cells, combined CisPt + RSV treatment induced an increase in apoptosis, which was associated with an increase in c-MYC and TP53 and a decrease in BCL-2 expression. While CisPt + RSV treatment induced apoptosis in PE/CA-PJ49 cells by inhibition of BCL-2 associated with high levels of MDM-2 and subsequently led to inhibition of TP53 gene expression. Decreased c-MYC expression in PE/CA-PJ49 treated with CisPt + RSV was accompan...

Nutrients, 2020
Natural compounds can modulate all three major phases of carcinogenesis. The role of the natural ... more Natural compounds can modulate all three major phases of carcinogenesis. The role of the natural compounds such as resveratrol (RSV) and curcumin (CRM) in modulation of anticancer potential of platinum-based drugs (CisPt) is still a topic of considerable debate. In order to enhance head and neck cancer (HNSCC) cells’ sensitivity to the cytotoxic effects of CisPt combined treatments with RSV or CRM were used. The study aim was to evaluate how the RSV or CRM associated to CisPt treatment modulated some cellular processes such as proliferation, P21 gene expression, apoptotic process, and cell cycle development in HNSCC tumor cell line (PE/CA-PJ49) compared to a normal cell line (HUVEC). The results showed that RSV or CRM treatment affected the viability of tumor cells more than normal cells. These natural compounds act against proliferation and sustain the effects of cisplatin by cell cycle arrest, induction of apoptosis and amplification of P21 expression in tumor cells. In conclusion...

Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine, 2019
Dental implants have become a routine intervention worldwide, with a high success rate both funct... more Dental implants have become a routine intervention worldwide, with a high success rate both functionally and aesthetically. Nowadays edentation is no longer accepted and removable prosthesis are considered uncomfortable and are becoming more difficult to tolerate by the patient. As these interventions are becoming more and more often, the protocol that these patients must follow grows even more standardized. The success rate is high, which only makes the cases of implant failure ever more difficult to manage. Due to the patient's expectancies, the impact that further treatment and expensive interventions can cause on these patients can be significant, leading even to medico-legal implications in some cases. The aim of this paper is to identify the most frequent causes of dental implant failure and the means of prevention that are available for the physicians, thus avoiding unwanted complications.

Journal of Mind and Medical Sciences, 2018
Introduction. The latest histological classification of lung adenocarcinoma includes lepidic, aci... more Introduction. The latest histological classification of lung adenocarcinoma includes lepidic, acinar, papillary, micropapillary, and solid as subtypes. Testing these subtypes for their prognostic and predictive value is an ongoing scientific challenge. The present research article aims to describe the influence this classification has on patient survival. Materials and Methods. Thirty-three patients were included in the trial. The most important enrollment criterion was the clear specification of the adenocarcinoma subtype in the pathology report. Patients were stratified into three groups which included the adenocarcinoma pathological subtypes as follows: lepidic (LEP), acinar and papillary (ACN/PAP), and micropapillary/solid (MIP/SOL). The primary endpoint was progression-free survival. Other endpoints included overall survival. Results. The lepidic subtype of ADC had superior PFS and OS, regardless of stage. Papillary and acinar subtype showed an intermediate prognosis, whereas micropapillary and solid subtypes were the most aggressive. Conclusions. The experience of this single center confirmed data in the literature. Further studies are needed to demonstrate all the possible implications of this pathology classification.

Revista de Chimie, 2019
Cancer of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses is a rare malignancy. The tumours of the nasal c... more Cancer of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses is a rare malignancy. The tumours of the nasal cavity are thus associated with the maxillary and ethmoidal sinuses. Those that start from the nasal vestibule and nasal septum raise particular problems and, although rare, form a particular group of cases among the rhinosinusal tumours. Radiation exposure, viral infections and constitutional factors were associated with the occurrence of rhinosinusal neoplasia also, but the evidence is inconclusive and indicates that only a small proportion of all squamous carcinomas can be attributed. The purpose of this study is the complex retrospective analysis of the cases of rhinosinusal malignancies diagnosed and treated in the Otolaryngology Clinic of the St. Spiridon Emergency Clinical Hospital in Iasi. We evaluated the characteristics of the patient group using a statistically significant analysis of the age, gender, background, and factors of affiliation. Specific tests and indicators have be...

Revista de Chimie, 2019
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin, with very agg... more Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin, with very aggressive behavior. Etiological factors contributing to MCC development, include exposure to UV radiation, infection with Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) and chronic immunosuppression. It is commonly found in regions of the body that are exposed to sun -55% of cases are located in the head and neck. The 5 years survival rate for metastatic disease is approximately 25%. The estimated mortality rate for MCC is between 33% and 46%. Therapeutic options for MCC depends on disease characteristics (stage of disease at presentation, location of the tumor, regional lymph node involvement, comorbidities and performance status of the patient) and it includes multimodal treatments like surgery, chemotherapy and emerging immunotherapeutic treatments with early promising results. Our clinic experience is very limited with this type of malignancy, only three cases were diagnosed and treated in our depar...
Revista de Chimie, 2019
Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related mortality, and non-small cell lung cancer ... more Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related mortality, and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) represents about 85% of all lung cancers. In the last years, novel targeted therapies have been developed and approved in the treatment of NSCLC. Angiogenesis is a very complex process, and cancer angiogenesis is the most important event concerning cancer growth, invasion and metastasis. VEGF signalling pathway plays a significant role in cancer angiogenesis, and it is demonstrated that VEGF levels are correlated with increased angiogenesis and with poor prognosis and metastasis in NSCLC patients. Bevacizumab is a recombinant humanised monoclonal IgG1 antibody, it is one of the first agent used for anti-angiogenic treatment, and it was approved for the treatment of non-squamous NSCLC in combination with chemotherapy.
Revista de Chimie, 2018
Septoturbinar synechia is a pathological adherence between the mucosa of the turbinate and the na... more Septoturbinar synechia is a pathological adherence between the mucosa of the turbinate and the nasal septum. Synechiae result after endoscopic sinus surgery or can be caused by trauma, infections, autoimmune pathologies, drug abuse, chemical burns, radiotherapy or intensive nose packing. The treatment for septoturbinar synechiae is surgery with the ablation of adherences. In this paper we will present a new surgical method for the ablation of synechiae under endoscopic control, using coblation.
Revista de Chimie, 2019
Approximately 2% of head and neck malignancies are represented by tumors of the soft palate. The ... more Approximately 2% of head and neck malignancies are represented by tumors of the soft palate. The main risk factors associated are smoking, alcohol abuse, human papilloma virus infections, poor oral hygiene, mechanical irritation. The treatment of the soft palate cancer depends on the staging of the tumor and of the pathologic type of the carcinoma. In this article, we will present coblation under endoscopic control as a new method of resection of the soft palate neoplasms.
Materiale Plastice, 2018
The development and increase use of the endoscopic techniques in endonasal surgery has encouraged... more The development and increase use of the endoscopic techniques in endonasal surgery has encouraged the practice of endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy as a trustworthy alternative to external dacryocystorhinostomy. The purpose of the present paper is to provide another insight into transnasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy by proposing the fitting, at the end of the intervention, of a conformational stent model with aspiration made out of medical silicone similar to a Montgomery tube.
Revista de Chimie, 2017
Laryngeal cancer represents an important problem in the public health department, mainly due to t... more Laryngeal cancer represents an important problem in the public health department, mainly due to the fact that the lack of early symptoms leads to most cases being diagnosed in advanced stages, when surgical procedures must be extensive and will affect the quality of life of the patient. Nowadays, the problem of early diagnosis of laryngeal cancer and procedures that may facilitate it is of great importance, with contact endoscopy following in vivo methilene blue coloration being one of the most promising options.
Revista de Chimie, 2018
Lingual squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most frequent localization of the oral carcinomas. ... more Lingual squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most frequent localization of the oral carcinomas. The tongue neoplasia represents nearly 40% of the oral carcinomas. Recent studies showed an increasing trend of lingual carcinoma in young patients. Several staining tests have been described to early detect the disease. After detection, disease free margins resection will increase the survival rate. This study aims to analyze the methylene blue staining test in achieving disease free resection margins in lingual squamous cell carcinoma.

Revista de Chimie, 2017
Laryngeal papillomatosis, although a viral and benign disease, poses a great challenge for the EN... more Laryngeal papillomatosis, although a viral and benign disease, poses a great challenge for the ENT surgeon from a therapeutical point of view. The lack of a curative treatment and the tendency of the papillomatosis to recur in an extensive manner require an aggressive treatment. Although multiple medical therapies are available, their results are not always the desired ones. That is why nowadays the focus of the therapy is on the surgical approach. The best results may be obtained thru multiple surgeries, with resection of all papilloma foci. Although this approach may impact the quality of life of the patients due to the multiple interventions required, the overall result translates into a physiologic airway. Because the site where the lesions first appear is at an epithelial level, tendency to use methods of early diagnosis, that make the disease recognizable before extensive lesions, is the natural tendency. Also, it is extremely important to remove all papilloma lesions during s...
Papers by Dr Razvan Hainarosie