Papers by Dr. Prachi Kushwaha
Materials Today: Proceedings, Mar 1, 2023
Materials Today: Proceedings, Nov 1, 2022

SKIT Research Journal
Waste is defined as material by-products of any kind that have no residual value from human or in... more Waste is defined as material by-products of any kind that have no residual value from human or industrial activities. Elimination of brick dust landfills is a serious and important task that is being considered by many countries around the world. The reuse of brick dust for road construction is a sustainable solution to ecological problems. The reuse of brick dust reduces road construction and landfill costs. The purpose of this study was to examine the overall performance of a bituminous concrete mix in which brick dust replaced certain combinations of specific aggregates in different proportions. In this study, brick dust was used in proportions of 5%, 10%, and 15% as a substitute for natural sand. The optimum range of substitution was determined based on results obtained from Marshall Parameters. In general, studies have shown that the use of brick dust in bituminous Concrete mixes is acceptable.
Materials Today: Proceedings

Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
Regions with soil having poor bearing capacity suffer from increased construction cost and waste ... more Regions with soil having poor bearing capacity suffer from increased construction cost and waste generation due to the replacement of soil. Bio-enzymes help stabilizes the soil by acting as a catalyst in strengthening such soils. Effects of these enzymes vary based on soil properties and application rates. Thus application rates need to be determined for a soil type exclusively. In this study, clayey soil with intermediate plasticity was treated with different dosages of Terrazyme in order to determine the optimum dosage of the enzyme. Results show that the strength gain is a function of curing time. Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and California bearing ratio (CBR) values of treated soil increased with an increase in the curing period. Permeability test of Terrazyme treated surface confirmed that it also acts as a waterproofing agent and can be used for dust control on unpaved surfaces with low traffic. The findings substantiate the suitability of bio-enzymatic additives for stabilization of subgrade soil making them apt for use in pavement construction.
SKIT Research Journal, 2021
In today's scenario, availability of natural aggregates is diminishing and simultaneously the was... more In today's scenario, availability of natural aggregates is diminishing and simultaneously the waste generation due to debris of demolished buildings is increasing considerably. Incorporationg these demolished materials into construction process can provide a respite from both these issues. The aggregate from demolished structures mainly consists of 70-80% of concrete components as per different studies, so it will be very beneficial for the environment to recycle this aggregate for construction works. In this paper a review of contemporary practices of use of recycled concrete aggregate in pavement construction has been done.

SKIT Research Journal, 2021
Most of the pavements are handling traffic load more than for what they have been designed. In ad... more Most of the pavements are handling traffic load more than for what they have been designed. In addition to the seasonal variation, the pavement is subjected to temperature variation throughout the year. For pavement construction, type of material selected is based on the climatic condition of the location. The quality of binder is refined in order to enhance its performance during service life. In present scenario, use of polymer modified binder is very common to improve binder. In this study, two types of binders are used VG-30 and PMB-40. The changes in physical properties are measured by performing tests like softening point, ductility and elastic recovery on aged and un-aged sample. The testing was performed as per the codal provisions of IS 1201-1220-1978, ASTM-D 17540 and IRC: SP: 53-2010. The effect of ageing on physical properties of binder is presented in tabular form in this paper.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022

Advances in Human Biology, 2020
Background: Jaundice in pregnancy carries a grave prognosis for both the foetus and the mother, a... more Background: Jaundice in pregnancy carries a grave prognosis for both the foetus and the mother, and is responsible for 12% of maternal deaths. Liver disease is a rare complication of pregnancy, but when it occurs it may do so in a dramatic and tragic fashion for both the mother and infant. Materials and Methods: Data were collected as prospective Hospital based observational study at tertiary care centre. After the preliminary assessment with regard to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, informed consent was obtained from all patients. Thorough history was taken and physical examination was done. Demographic details of each patient were obtained. Relative investigations were done. Results: Out of 300 patients, 287 were healthy and alive and 13 patients died. The maternal mortality was 4.33%. Out of the total 13 maternal deaths, 4 cases died due to hepatic encephalopathy, 3 due to disseminated-intravascular coagulation and 3 due to sepsis with multiorgan failure. Mortality was due to HELLP- Hemolysis Elevated Liver enzymes and Platelet count in two cases and due to acute fatty liver in one case. In 126 (42%) cases, the mode of delivery was lower segment caesarean section, 138 (46%) cases had normal vaginal delivery, while 36 (12%) cases had undergone abortion. A total of 114 (38%) cases delivered full-term live baby and 78 (26%) cases delivered preterm live baby. Full-term intrauterine foetal death (IUFD) was seen in 15 (5%) cases and preterm IUFD was seen in 69 cases (23%). There was neodeath in 24 (8%) babies. The total perinatal mortality was 36.0%. Conclusion: The present study shows that although liver dysfunction is infrequently seen in pregnancy, it can result in severe maternal and foetal compromise. Jaundice in pregnancy should be managed as a team with the collaboration of the department of obstetrics, internal medicine, gastroenterology, anaesthesia and critical care so that early diagnosis and aggressive management can prevent and reduce foeto–maternal morbidity and mortality.

Fouth International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Construction Engineering - CSCE 2016, Aug 19, 2016
Construction and subsequent maintenance of pavements in good condition has become quite problemat... more Construction and subsequent maintenance of pavements in good condition has become quite problematic During monsoon season the natural subgrade soils become soft and pose serious problem ,To the movement of vehicular traffic, Instead of cutting out and replacing the unstable soil, soil adjustment is the only alternative as it saves lot of time and millions of money too. Soil adjustment can be defined as the change of the soil properties by synthetic or physical means keeping in mind the end goal to improve the designing nature of the soil. This paper presents the result of comprehensive laboratory investigation over behaviour of stabilised black cotton soil using Terrasil and Zycobond as nano-chemical based stabiliser. The soil is stabilised in different proportions and combination of Terrasil and Zycobond.

International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2019
ABSTRACT Stabilization of soil is imperative to the performance and serviceability of the pavemen... more ABSTRACT Stabilization of soil is imperative to the performance and serviceability of the pavement. Conventionally, soil stabilization has been done using cement, lime and fly ash; with advent in engineering and machinery, new technologies have been coming up, latest being the use of nanomaterials. This paper focuses on studying the changes in geotechnical properties of soil when treated with two nanochemicals, S (ionic stabilizer) and P (binding co-polymer). The chemicals were added to soil in varying dosages, and in final investigation, 3% cement was also added to the mix to study the suitability of soil for use in subgrade and sub-base layers for application in low-volume roads. The test results showed improvement in properties of the soil on incorporating nanochemical stabilizers. It also revealed that the strength of the soil treated with nanochemicals increases with curing time, and better results are reported as the cycle of treatment is increased. Abbreviations: CBR: California Bearing Ratio; FSI: Free Swell Index; LL: Liquid Limit; MDD: Maximum Dry Density; MoRTH: Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India; OMC: Optimum Moisture Content; PI: Plasticity Index; PL: Plastic Limit; UCS: Unconfined Compressive Strength

Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, 2019
With the growing concern on global warming, there is a constant demand for technologies which can... more With the growing concern on global warming, there is a constant demand for technologies which can help reduce emissions. One such technology is warm mix asphalt (WMA) which reduces the mixing and compaction temperatures of the pavement materials leading to less energy consumption, fewer emissions, better workability, and reduced aging. One of the WMA techniques is foaming of bitumen which works on the concept of injecting cold water into the asphalt binder in order to create foam. In this study, conducted in the Rajasthan state of India, tests were conducted to adjudge the strength and moisture susceptibility of foamed bitumen-treated reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). Eighty-four percent RAP was mixed with 15% stone dust and 1% active filler; and trials were conducted to determine the optimum percentage of foamed bitumen and water to be injected. Indirect tensile strength tests (wet and dry) were conducted and the results were found to be within satisfactory ranges. Tensile strength ratio was also calculated and established to be under permissible limits. This study shows the utilization of reclaimed asphalt pavements as a sustainable measure for road construction having fewer adversities on the environment by re-using the old pavement materials.
Papers by Dr. Prachi Kushwaha