Papers by Dr. Neelendra Badal
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Nov 23, 2017
This paper deals with the development of watermarking scheme for digital images. Here, we deal wi... more This paper deals with the development of watermarking scheme for digital images. Here, we deal with invisible watermarking. We implemented a hybrid approach of DCT and Bird Spam Algorithm to retain reliability of watermark after being adding into real image and to achieve improved quality of the image and diminish perceptual deprivation. A Hybrid approach is capable of dealing with Noise and maintain the integrity of the watermarking. Three evolutions of the proposed approach were conducted using PSNR. With the proposed technique, we obtained the PSNR value of 94db, which outperform the rest of the algorithm presented in the literature.

Multimedia Tools and Applications
During medical picture transmission, the most pressing concern is security. Medical images must b... more During medical picture transmission, the most pressing concern is security. Medical images must be encrypted since they are extremely sensitive. Watermarking, digital fingerprinting/signature, and encoding are some of the available image security techniques. Images and movies, for example, must be highly encrypted and decoded without losing any content information. Medical photos, for example, require extra protection, and protecting medical images is a critical issue when medical images and related patient information are transferred over public networks. This research work proposes a visual encryption strategy to secure medical pictures before being transmitted or stored in the cloud. This technique makes such pictures of unauthorized people unavailable and also maintains confidentiality, a prime safety requirement. The process made use of a pixel shuffling-based encryption technique and a secret key created from the image. In this research, we encrypted the medical image using modified Arnold Map Encryption and generated secret key values. Therefore, the image is encrypted, and henceforth it is decrypted as well. So this work gave us the encrypted image and decrypted image/ original image as well. The modified Arnold Map Encryption tries to add more randomness, thus increasing the entropy of the image and thus makes it harder to decrypt. The modified Arnold Map Encryption is also compared to other algorithms such as Hyper Chaotic, Secure Hash Algorithm-13 (SHA-13), Ten Logistic Maps, Bakers Map, HenonMap, Cross Chaos Map, and 2D Logistic Map and shows better results in terms of encryption speed and Number of Pixel Change Rate (NPCR) value.

Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography
Abstract The falls due to accidents or loss of consciousness in older people can turn out to be f... more Abstract The falls due to accidents or loss of consciousness in older people can turn out to be fatal if the required assistance is not received with in time. The fear of falling puts constraints on the free movement of the elderly and forces them to always be accompanied by a caretaker. This paper deals with the problem to seek help as and when required rather than always being watched over. The key contribution of this paper belongs to its novelty to detect elderly fall and even to cross validate it(that increase the trust for the model). To find the fall, algorithm fallows 2-way approach. In first way the sensors collect all the data related to fall such as Net acceleration of body, Pitch and Roll, based upon these values various activity is identified. Secondly, to further increases the trust over the model (remove false positive scenarios), this paper has also used image processing. Here, the images of various finger sign made by elderly person are processed at the time of fall. Thus, our work in this paper (Algorithm for fall detection using IoT and Image Processing(AFDI2) works over all the possible conditions and gives 99% accuracy mostly in all the possible conditions whereas SVM model only able to reach an accuracy of 97%, 96%, 98% while walking, walking downstairs and walking upstairs.

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2020
In the real world scenario, people are using various electronics devices according to their use. ... more In the real world scenario, people are using various electronics devices according to their use. These devices are connected to each other in direct and indirect manner. This connection provides communication and sharing of information and data to one and another. This overall communication system uses various technologies i.e. Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Fog Computing and other. The communication in IoT is based on Layered Structure. This layered structure helps to transfer data in safe and secure manner. For safe and secure transmission of data over IoT, user uses encryption method, but on encryption algorithm can be easily recognized by attacker so here user uses a hybrid approach. This hybrid approach is based on AES and Transpositional Reverse Algorithm. Here Transpositional Reverse Algorithm helps the users to secure the AES encryption scheme and helps to create an efficient Hybrid scheme.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2020
Devices can communicate and share information in a smart environment using new generation technol... more Devices can communicate and share information in a smart environment using new generation technology. Smart computing, next-generation computing, is a combination of hardware, software, and network to provide real-time awareness of real-time systems. It aims to monitor, analyzing, and reporting in a faster and smarter way to make a system, as a smart system. This study follows the identification of the various factors that may affect the effectiveness of smart computing. As a result, some factors were identified hypothetically using a comprehensive literature review approach. After performing the analysis, the most important factors were identified. Then, an intelligent approach is applied for improving the effectiveness of smart computing. Lastly, the conclusion concludes along with the future scope which summarizes the work.

Matrix clock is a generalisation of the notion of vector clock. Matrix clock is a mechanism for c... more Matrix clock is a generalisation of the notion of vector clock. Matrix clock is a mechanism for capturing chronological and causal relationship in a Distributed system. Matrix clock is a list of vector clocks, and it also contains the current state of each node in the system. On the basis of this it know which peer received already which messages. When it exchanges messages with another node in the system then it compare the matrix clocks and remember always the highest values for each node. After retrieve back information of node it delete messages which were sent before, it considered that the node already have received them. Matrix clock allows establishing a lower bound on what other hosts know, and is useful in applications such as check pointing and garbage collection. KeywordsDistributed computing, Vector clock, Matrix clock, Event ordering, Clock synchronization, Logical clock.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2018
Complexity is major issue for software quality. Software quality highlights must be synchronized ... more Complexity is major issue for software quality. Software quality highlights must be synchronized in every steps of software development process. The quality parameters are directly affecting the reliability attributes like Fault, Correctness, Complexity and Consistency. Object oriented design is accepted and established conceptions in today’s software development process. The aim of this research work is to empirically explore the relationship between faults factors at design level and software complexity. The proposed paper introduces a Metric based “Complexity Assessment Model” CAMDF to reduce fault in design phase using logistic regression technique.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2020
These instructions give you In modern world Internet is an important medium to transfer the infor... more These instructions give you In modern world Internet is an important medium to transfer the information or data (text, image, video, audio) from one place to another place. But sometime hackers on internet can access the important or personal data of anyone; they can modify or can misuse the valuable information. To make the data safe and secure over the internet we have two different techniques Cryptography and Steganography. Cryptography is the process to convert the original information into unreadable form. And Steganography is science of hiding the secret information. This secret information can be hidden in the text, image, video and audio. To save the important information from the hackers on internet we are hiding the encrypted information in video.
Quadtree Block Partition is the technique through which the matrix can be partitioned into small ... more Quadtree Block Partition is the technique through which the matrix can be partitioned into small pieces or blocks. By partition the matrix, it is very easy to search an item in the matrix in parallel. If the matrix is partitioned into discrete parts, then the search technique can be applied on those partitions in parallel. The use of quadtree partition in this paper is to partition the matrix into small blocks or pieces for searching the elements in matrix in parallel. In this paper a new algorithm is proposed for parallel searching by converting the dataset into matrix and form that matrix into quadtree through which parallel search technique can be applied on those quad blocks and can search the item in all quads concurrently.

A multiprogramming operating system allows more than one process to be loaded into the main-memor... more A multiprogramming operating system allows more than one process to be loaded into the main-memory at a time and allows the loaded process to share the CPU using time-multiplexing. CPU scheduling is the method of determining when processors should be assigned and to which processes. CPU scheduling in a distributed system can be defined as allocating processes to processors so that total execution time will be minimized, utilization of processors and load balancing will be maximized. This paper presents a simulating behavior of CPU scheduling in distributed environment using the design and developed Computing Analyzer and Process Simulator (CAPS) tool. Symmetric multiprocessor scheduling technique has been implemented in the presented CAPS tool where a common ready queue is shared among the processors. The selection of the processes from the ready queue is done through the FCFS scheduling policy. Finally, a comparative study of the CAPS tool with other existing tools on the basis of ...

Distributed Environment is that can evolve their different behaviors based on their changes in da... more Distributed Environment is that can evolve their different behaviors based on their changes in data distribution area. In this paper, we discuss security mechanism design issues and propose security metrics issues also in the context of distributed environment. A key premise with design layouts of distributed environment is that in order to detect their changes, authentication and information must be collected by different approaches of monitoring in environment. How design approaches should be done, what steps should be monitored, and the impact of monitoring may have on the security mechanism of the design issues in target system need for carefully considered. Conversely, the impact of security mechanism design layouts on the securing of data distribution environment. We propose a different design issues in security metrics that can be used to quantify the impact of different monitoring on the distributed security mechanism issues of the target distributed environment.
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2017
This paper deals with the development of watermarking scheme for digital images. Here, we deal wi... more This paper deals with the development of watermarking scheme for digital images. Here, we deal with invisible watermarking. We implemented a hybrid approach of DCT and Bird Spam Algorithm to retain reliability of watermark after being adding into real image and to achieve improved quality of the image and diminish perceptual deprivation. A Hybrid approach is capable of dealing with Noise and maintain the integrity of the watermarking. Three evolutions of the proposed approach were conducted using PSNR. With the proposed technique, we obtained the PSNR value of 94db, which outperform the rest of the algorithm presented in the literature.

Modern Physics Letters B, 2021
For gauging the drowsiness, various algorithms have been proposed, but the maximum of approaches ... more For gauging the drowsiness, various algorithms have been proposed, but the maximum of approaches tries to gauge the facial expression and even change in the skin. In this paper, gauging the landmarks that have been discovered precisely enough to reliably predict the drowsiness was tried using the degree of eye-opening. The suggested algorithm within the paper finds that using the landmarks and eye aspect ratio (EAR) characterizes a person’s eye-opening in each frame. A simple mathematical expression i.e. Euclidean distance finds eye blinks being a blueprint for EAR. Thus, these values help us detect drowsiness. Once the detection happens, other problems arise as to how to send the data to a larger place, as a person may be critical and there is no internet at that place. Then messages cannot be received to a family member. To avoid this situation, nRF is used to facilitate multi-hop communication. Second, this paper focuses on the sleep pattern of an elderly, which is indeed an impo...
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2018
Reliability is an important software quality factor that is more effective at an in the developme... more Reliability is an important software quality factor that is more effective at an in the development software. It is more effective in the case of object oriented design approaches. Completeness is a significant key attribute to reliability analysis. Its evaluations provided the maintainable and highly reliable software. Completeness is a reason of important impact to software developers. This paper evaluated on the need and importance of completeness for reliable software. A model has been proposed for completeness assessment with fault issues at design level by establishing multiple linear regressions. Finally the completeness model has been validated using experimental examine.

Handbook of Research on the Internet of Things Applications in Robotics and Automation, 2020
The internet of things is everywhere. It is an emerging and wide scope of study. Every day there ... more The internet of things is everywhere. It is an emerging and wide scope of study. Every day there is a new addition to this technology. It is simply defined as a network over which a collection of things communicate with each other using internet as a medium of communication. It is also sharing information with each other for the ease, welfare, and convenience of human beings. It makes human life easier. About one trillion devices are expected to connect with this technology in the upcoming future (most probably in 2025). Each and every year its popularity increases. It makes smart health; provides more safety, comfort, and convenience; and also increases wisdom. IoT is one of the platforms of today's smart city and smart energy management systems. This chapter explores IoT technologies and applications.

Computational Methodologies for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021
Security is one of the fundamental issues for both computer systems and computer networks. Intrus... more Security is one of the fundamental issues for both computer systems and computer networks. Intrusion detection system (IDS) is a crucial tool in the field of network security. There are a lot of scopes for research in this pervasive field. Intrusion detection systems are designed to uncover both known and unknown attacks. There are many methods used in intrusion detection system to guard computers and networks from attacks. These attacks can be active or passive, network based or host based, or any combination of it. Current research uses machine learning techniques to make intrusion detection systems more effective against any kind of attack. This survey examines designing methodology of intrusion detection system and its classification types. It also reviews the trend of machine learning techniques used from past decade. Related studies comprise performance of various classifiers on KDDCUP99 and NSL-KDD dataset.
International Journal of Forensic Software Engineering, 2020
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018
Data mining techniques have become an obvious need of today's high-dimensional animal industry da... more Data mining techniques have become an obvious need of today's high-dimensional animal industry data. In the last decade almost every aspect of animal related activities are being captured and stored either in local or central data repositories. Due to complex animal traits such as efficiency, growth, health, stress, behavior and adaptation, data mining is an area of challenge which can be optimally performed only with reduced number of relevant features. In this paper, a comparative analysis of various feature selection techniques based on some performance measuring parameter is presented using animal husbandry dataset. This research work finds J48 classifier to perform better in comparison to other traditional classification approaches.

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2019
Encryption is a process to hide the data into a secure manner. It helps the people to provide sec... more Encryption is a process to hide the data into a secure manner. It helps the people to provide security and protect the data from unauthenticated people. For Encryption process, user uses many algorithms but all algorithm has some pitfalls i.e. a single encryption algorithm is not efficient to provide security to the data. For removing this disadvantages user uses more than one encryption algorithm in sequence to achieve high security encryption method. This process is called Hybrid Encryption Method. Sometimes MD5 hash function identified using Brute Force Attack. So user uses two encryption algorithms i.e. MD5 and Transposition Reverse String Algorithm. Here Transposition Reverse String Algorithm reverse the hash function due to this user cannot easily identify the hash function. This approach has fast Execution time in comparison to another hybrid approaches, so it is an optimize Hybrid Encryption Method.

International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, 2017
The paper presents a novel approach that locates a most suitable data warehouse in IDDW to store ... more The paper presents a novel approach that locates a most suitable data warehouse in IDDW to store user data in it. Unique Identification Number (UIN) is used for the purpose, which is generated by an algorithm presented in the paper. The address of the data warehouse in IDDW where user data is to be stored is found using UIN by the Data Warehouse Locator Bridge (DLB) in which an algorithm is executed. Both DLB and algorithm are also designed, developed and presented in the paper. The data used in the work is real world data. The approach is found feasible from the results obtained by performing experimental work on the implementation of the case presented. The result shows that the time consumed for the data to get stored in data warehouse build at different levels of IDDW decreases with level of IDDW. From the results, it is seen that any real world scenario that may be implemented like IDDW must have more number of levels and data warehouse should be available at lower most possible level of IDDW. The different real world scenarios that may be broken into hierarchies of different levels may be implemented like IDDW. It may also be applied in the scenarios where a unique identity is assigned to a user. Some of the scenarios where the IDDW may be useful to be
Papers by Dr. Neelendra Badal