Papers by Dr. Neelam Thakur

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 2021
The physiological systems of humans and other organisms are periodic in nature. One such system i... more The physiological systems of humans and other organisms are periodic in nature. One such system is a circadian rhythm, a biological internal clock that is endogenous and entrainable. The circadian rhythm regulates essential functions such as the sleep/wake cycle, hormones, feeding behaviour, metabolism and cell division as well. Due to shift work or jet lag or even irregular sleep, diet, etc., circadian rhythm disorders are one of the most common problems in this century. It is a major factor that can trigger various diseases like depression, lung tumorigenesis, cancer, anxiety, depression and many more. The purpose of this review is to discuss circadian dysregulation and its potential long-term effects in cancer including lung tumor and mental illness including depression, anxiety. Loss of autonomous cells containing Bmal1 and Per2 (the core components of circadian rhythm) will increase growth and metabolism imbalance and increase in c-Myc levels. To treat circadian rhythm disorder...

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 2021
Despite the significant progress that has been made in the battle against HIV-1, the virus remain... more Despite the significant progress that has been made in the battle against HIV-1, the virus remains a major threat to global health. Since it can only be suppressed with the utilization of highly active antiretroviral therapy, it remains a challenge to prevent the flow of the infection. According to UNAIDS, only 70% of individuals with HIV are diagnosed and only 53% are treated. This means that 44% of the tainted people have undetectable viral load. Despite the efforts made by various governments and private organizations, the battle against HIV infection remains a challenge that requires a comprehensive approach. The fast rise and evolution of technologies that enable the modification of qualities at the DNA level has raised hopes for an end to the epidemic. Through the employment of endonucleases, we've been able to build exact changes in DNA of being cells. The capacity to alter the outflow of the HIV gene by replicating the LTR promoter played vital role. If the promoter is e...

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International
One of the most serious threats to the environment in today’s world is plastic pollution. The rea... more One of the most serious threats to the environment in today’s world is plastic pollution. The reason for widespread of plastic is its poor disposal management, indiscriminate use of plastic and its related products. There was a tremendous increase in the production of plastic from the start of 21st century due to its high demand which tripled the waste in these two decades. This review papers aims at providing the understanding of various techniques used for PET plastic degrading process and currently used in large scale that is quite detrimental to the environment. Further, the recent discovery of the bacteria eating enzyme provided a shaft of light in waste green recycling process. Adding to this, there is an outline provided for bioengineering of the most preferred enzymes for hydrolysis process result is compared that which one is more efficient one. Comparing them and trying to exploring the potential of various mutated enzymes for hydrolyzing of plastic waste formulated by var...

4455 Case Report: A Stable dicentric chromosome, tdic (2: 21), in an Intellectually Disabled Fema... more 4455 Case Report: A Stable dicentric chromosome, tdic (2: 21), in an Intellectually Disabled Female Neelam Thakur Assistant Professor, Zoology, Department of Chemistry, Chandigarh University, Punjab Email: [email protected] Abstract In human beings, dicentric chromosomes are occasionally encountered as stable chromosomal constitution except Robertsonian translocations that occur in an insignificant portion of the population. In present investigation, an 18 years female born to younger parents, who was naturally delivered but was under wt. after birth and had 42, XX, tdic (2; 21) chromosomal constitution is described. It is suggested that the stability of dicentric chromosome has been attributed to inactivation of chromosome no. 2 centromere. Stanford-Binet test was performed to ascertain the degree of intellectual disability and was found to be severe (IQ: 20-25 to 35-40). A reciprocal translocation which leads to dicentric chromosome formed from a chromosome 2 and a 21chro...

International Journal of Environment, 2018
The present study was designed to find etiology of non-genetic ID/MR and evaluated the contributi... more The present study was designed to find etiology of non-genetic ID/MR and evaluated the contribution of demographic, prenatal, perinatal and neonatal factors to the prevalence of intellectual disability among individuals aged 10–17 years in Himachal Pradesh. This study explored the utility of subdividing mental retardation firstly on the basis of IQ and then further on the basis of presence or absence of neurological disorders. Kamat's Binet test was performed for dividing cases into mild (IQ=50-55 to 70) and serious (IQ=50-55-<20-25) These cases were further divided in to isolated and cases with other neurological abnormalities for eradicating the effects of these disorders on various degrees of mental retardation. This study concluded that prevention of mild retardation requires anticipation of some risk factors such as low maternal education, maternal history of pregnancy loss, lack of prenatal care, neonatal diarrhoea and neonatal infection, but serious cases are less compatible to the factor, neonatal diarrhoea. These risk factors found to be associated with MR, implied preventative strategies that could lessen the frequency of intellectual disability/ MR in children.

The present study was designed to find etiology of non-genetic ID/MR and evaluated the contributi... more The present study was designed to find etiology of non-genetic ID/MR and evaluated the contribution of demographic, prenatal, perinatal and neonatal factors to the prevalence of intellectual disability among individuals aged 10–17 years in Himachal Pradesh. This study explored the utility of subdividing mental retardation firstly on the basis of IQ and then further on the basis of presence or absence of neurological disorders. Kamat's Binet test was performed for dividing cases into mild (IQ=50-55 to 70) and serious (IQ=50-55-<20-25) These cases were further divided in to isolated and cases with other neurological abnormalities for eradicating the effects of these disorders on various degrees of mental retardation. This study concluded that prevention of mild retardation requires anticipation of some risk factors such as low maternal education, maternal history of pregnancy loss, lack of prenatal care, neonatal diarrhoea and neonatal infection, but serious cases are less comp...

Down’s syndrome (DS) is the most commonly diagnosed congenital anomaly in oocytes, abortuses and ... more Down’s syndrome (DS) is the most commonly diagnosed congenital anomaly in oocytes, abortuses and human live borns which is caused by imbalance in gene dosage resulting from trisomy of human chromosome-21. This investigation had included 50 DS patients who were selected on the basis of cytogenetic confirmation and 50 apparently normal children as a control. Cultivation of peripheral lymphocytes was done by standard method of 72 hours. The accepted level of statistical significance was P<0.05. Severity was tested according to Stanford-Binet test which was conducted for every patient and alienated all cases into four categories i.e. mild (50-55 to 70), moderate (50-55), severe (20-25 to 35-40) and profound (<20-25). To delineate the effect of advanced parental age on Down’s syndrome, logistic regression analysis was performed. Chromosomal analysis revealed that trisomy-21 is the most common cause of DS and found to be associated with mild to moderate degree of intellectual disabi...
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2013
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Papers by Dr. Neelam Thakur