Papers by Dr Mariyah Hidayat
Journal of University College of Medicine and Dentistry, May 18, 2024

Annals of King Edward Medical University
Objective: To histologically observe the effects of hypothyroidism on the hippocampus of neonatal... more Objective: To histologically observe the effects of hypothyroidism on the hippocampus of neonatal rats. Methods: A total of 10 healthy female Wistar rats, between 12-16 weeks old, were randomly divided into 2 groups; Group A was labelled as control and Group B was made hypothyroid by giving 15mg/kg of Propylthiouracyl (PTU) daily mixed in chow. The treatment was continued for a week before they were allowed to mate and conceive, and it was not interrupted throughout pregnancy and delivery until 21st day of lactation. On the 22nd day, 10 pups from each of the two groups were euthanized; 3cc of blood was drawn out from the heart immediately and the brains were scooped out, weighed, fixed in formalin after slicing out the cerebrum along with hippocampus, processed and stained to observe the arrangement and count and number of pyramidal neurons of CA3 region of hippocampus. Results: There was a significant decrease in the brain weights of group B pups (1.21 ± 0.21mg) when compared to th...

Journal of University College of Medicine and Dentistry
Today, digital storytelling has emerged as a popular tool in educating the public on health matte... more Today, digital storytelling has emerged as a popular tool in educating the public on health matters as it integrates digital technology with public health. It is predominantly defined as a story in multimedia form, presented as a video or animation for public viewing and used as educational material for healthcare professionals, patients and families. Patient education is becoming increasingly important with the rise in chronic illnesses, and this technique of educating and engaging patients leaves a lasting impression on their minds. The inspirational aspect of digital storytelling is that it works equally well for all viewers, educated oruneducated, as it engages listeners on a whole new level, arousing their emotions and energy. To motivate people to reach certain goals, we must engage their emotions, and the key to their hearts is a compelling story. By applying digital technology, we can better engage and motivate our trainees and transform them into lifelong learners, as story...

Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
Objective: To investigate the policy barriers leading to hindrance in mass immunization of Covid-... more Objective: To investigate the policy barriers leading to hindrance in mass immunization of Covid-19 in Pakistan. Study design: A cross-sectional qualitative study was Duration of study: study was conducted from October 2021 to April 2022 Place of study: was conducted on 106 individuals at 4 vaccination centers of Lahore, including Expo center, Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and research center (PKLI), Lahore Developmental Authority (LDA) sports complex, Railway dispensary Model Town. Methodology: It covered interviews, focus group discussions and filling in of semi- structured questionnaires from the general public visiting the vaccination center. Individual interviews of hospital administrators and focused group interviews of general public visiting various hospitals of Lahore, including Jinnah Hospital, Services hospital, Lady Wallington hospital and University of Lahore Teaching Hospital were also included in this study. The data obtained was transcribed and analyzed by usin...

Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad
Online teaching and learning have been in place for the last two decades. COVID-19 pandemic has i... more Online teaching and learning have been in place for the last two decades. COVID-19 pandemic has intensely augmented institutions towards implementation of online teaching. Literature reported benefits of online learning including flexibility and self-direction. In addition, researchers reported that virtual learning pedagogy is encouraging, as it mainly inspires lifelong learning due to its self-paced and self-directed instruction. Flipped classroom is an active pedagogical instructional strategy that uses online resources external to the classroom, and then employs small group pedagogies within the classroom. Flipped classroom strategy allows use of lecture time for active learning activities. This active model restructures the traditional lecture paradigm, in that students acquire basic course content before coming to the classroom, while class time is dedicated for problem solving learning activities. Flipped classroom utilizes time in student interaction sometimes one to one, ad...

Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, Jun 20, 2015
Background: It has been demonstrated in experimental animal models that oxidative stress causes p... more Background: It has been demonstrated in experimental animal models that oxidative stress causes persistent and chronic hyperglycaemia, causing reduction in antioxidant defence system, ultimately leading to accumulation of free radicals. This study was performed to observe the effect of melatonin on serum glucose and body weights in streptozotocin induced diabetes in albino rats. Methods: Forty healthy adult male albino rats were included in the study and divided equally into 4 groups for 6 weeks. Group-A was taken as control. Group-B received streptozotocin I/P in a dose of 37 mg/kg body weight. Group-C received 10 mg/100 ml melatonin in drinking water and Group-D received only melatonin. Results: Streptozotocin significantly increased serum glucose and decreased weight in group B animals, whereas in group C, melatonin significantly restored serum glucose but could not restore the body weights reduced by streptozotocin. There was a significant reduction in body weight in melatonin treated group D animals. Conclusion: Melatonin decreases oxidative stress and hyperglycemia, but cannot restore the body weight reduced by streptozotocin. In fact, it further reduces body weight both in diabetic and normal state.

Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad : JAMC, 2021
BACKGROUND Postgraduation programs, including clinical specialties, have inculcated a mandatory r... more BACKGROUND Postgraduation programs, including clinical specialties, have inculcated a mandatory research component, yet no initiatives are taken for the promotion of research at the undergraduate MBBS programs across Pakistan. This study has highlighted a research mentoring program at undergraduate level conducted at Central Park Medical College (CPMC), Lahore, which developed research interest from the start of MBBS. The objective of the study was to explore the perception of mentees and mentors regarding the research mentoring program at CPMC. METHODS This observational cross-sectional study, conducted from April-December 2019, included 500 MBBS students, along with their 50 research mentors. After institutional ethical approval and written informed consent, a survey questionnaire was circulated in November, amongst mentors and mentees, to explore their perspective regarding research program. The data was entered in SPSS version 21. Frequency and Reliability analysis by Cronbachs ...

Aims: To evaluate the protective role of melatonin and insulin on the morphology of proximal conv... more Aims: To evaluate the protective role of melatonin and insulin on the morphology of proximal convoluted tubules(PCT) of albino rats made nephrotoxic by a chemotherapeutic drug like streptozotocin (STZ). Study design: Prospective experimental study. Place and duration of study: Department of Anatomy, Basic Medical Sciences Institute (BMSI), Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center (JMPC), Karachi, for 6 weeks from March to April, 2012. Material and methods: 60 male albino rats were divided into 4 groups, containing 15 animals each. Group(gp) A was treated as control, gp B , C and D received 37 mg/kg STZ Intraperitoneally (I/P) once at the start of experiment, whereas gp C additionally received 10mg/100 ml of melatonin (MEL) 3-days prior to STZ administration, and gp D received MEL at the same dose along with subcutaneous INS at a dose of 1 unit per 100 grams body weight. Serum glucose was measured weekly. Body weights were recorded at the start and end of experiment, and the relative kidney weights were recorded after sacrificing the animals. The kidneys were processed for histological examination and periodic Acid Schiff Haematoxylin (PAS-H) stained sections were viewed under the light microscope for detailed morphological examination of the proximal convoluted tubules in all groups of rats. Results: The microscopic examination revealed marked epithelial, cytoplasmic and nuclear changes in the P.C.T. of STZ treated gp B, a significant reduction in the severity of these changes in MEL treated gp C and complete restoration of morphology in MEL and INS treated group D. Serum glucose was significantly increased in both gp B and C and significantly restored in group D. STZ significantly decreased body weight of animals and increased relative weights of kidneys in gp B. MEL treatment in gp C significantly resorted the relative kidney weights but the body weights could not be restored in gp C, whereas in gp D, the animals gained a normal amount of body weight during 6 weeks as they did in control gp A and the relative kidney weights were also similar to those of control gp. Conclusions: The results of the investigation indicated that concomitant administration of MEL and INS suppressed the progression of renal injury induced by nephrotoxic drugs like STZ.MEL alone significantly suppressed the histopathological damage to the P.C.T. but It could not decrease STZ induced hyperglycemia.Therefore,to counteract the nephrotoxicity and hyperglycemia induced by STZ,both MEL and INS should be administered concomitantly.

Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences
Objectives: To study the effects of melatonin in preventing neonatal neuronal apoptosis induced b... more Objectives: To study the effects of melatonin in preventing neonatal neuronal apoptosis induced by maternal hypothyroidism. Methods: Twelve healthy female Wistar rats, 12-16 weeks, were divided equally into three groups. Group-A was labelled as control. Group-B was made hypothyroid by giving 15mg/kg of propylthiouracyl (PTU) daily whereas Group-C was given PTU along with melatonin (10mg of melatonin/kg/day) in drinking water. After one week of treatment, the female rats were allowed to mate and conceive. The treatment of all groups continued throughout the period of pregnancy and lactation. After delivery, a total of 30 pups, 10 from each group, were labelled and sacrificed on 22nd day of life. The serum levels of TSH, T3 and T4 of the pups were measured. The brains were extracted from the skull and homogenized for isolation of mitochondria to determine the levels of cytochrome c oxidase and for isolation of RNAs to measure the levels of gene expressions of caspases 3, 9 and 8. Resu...

Background: The role of vitamin D, a steroid hormone that exerts most of its biological activitie... more Background: The role of vitamin D, a steroid hormone that exerts most of its biological activities by binding to the vitamin D receptor, in health and disease is far from understood and the literature is full of contradictory findings. Still, evidence that vitamin D is capable of modulating several features of cancer exist. Objective: To correlate changes in breast tissue with low serum levels of Vitamin D(Vit D) in females during their reproductive years. Methods: This study was conducted in the department of Anatomy, Ziauddin Medical College, Karachi and data collected from the department of surgery, Patel Hospital, Karachi in patients undergoing biopsy of the breast lump, between February 2012 and February 2013. 90 patients with diagnosis of breast lump, between 25-40 years of age, with parity varying from 1-5 were divided into 2 groups, those with serum Vit D levels in the normal Range(group A) and those having marked deficiency of serum Vit D levels(group B). Detailed histological study of the biopsy specimen was conducted in all the patients. Results: Patients who had a marked deficiency of serum vitamin D levels, had more proliferation of stromal connective tissue in group B whereas in group A patients, minimal proliferation of connective tissue was observed in H and E stained slides under the light microscope. Conclusion: It seems clear that Breast Cancer prevention includes maintaining adequate Vitamin D levels by using oral vitamin D supplementation and with prudent exposure to sunlight.
Background: The objective of the present investigation was to study the effect of hypothyroidism ... more Background: The objective of the present investigation was to study the effect of hypothyroidism on the fertility of female wistar rats. Moreover, its effects on the gross morphology of the pups was also observed. Methods: For this purpose. 30 female wistar rats were divided into 2 groups, 15 as control group and 15 rendered hypothyroid and then made to conceive. Results: After 28-29 days, it was observed that some of the hypothyroid rats could not conceive while others had very reduced litter size. On the 7th day of birth, it was further observed that the size and weight of pups in hypothyroid group were significantly lower as compared to those of control group but no other physical deformity was observed. Conclusion: This led to the conclusion that hypothyroidism has a significant effect on fertility of females as well as on size and weight of offspring.

Background: In experimental animal models, Streptozotocin (STZ) causes hypertrophy and disruption... more Background: In experimental animal models, Streptozotocin (STZ) causes hypertrophy and disruption of the layers of adrenal cortex, and administration of melatonin protects the adrenal cortex damaged by stress-induced oxidative damage. Aim: To observe the effect of melatonin on the body weight, serum glucose and ACTH, and morphology of adrenal cortex in STZ treated adrenal glands of albino rats. Duration of study: 01 November to 15 December 2013. Study design: Prospective experimental study. Place of study: Anatomy department at BMSI, JPMC, Karachi. Methods: Sixty healthy adult albino rats were included in the study and divided equally into 3 groups for 6 weeks. Group-A was taken as control. Group-B received STZ I/P in a dose of 37 mg/kg body weight. Group-C received STZ in the same dose and additionally received 10 mg/100 ml melatonin in drinking water for 6 weeks. Results: STZ significantly increased serum glucose and decreased weight in group B animals and in group C. Melatonin co...

Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad : JAMC, 2021
BACKGROUND The adrenal gland is one of the major endocrine glands involved not only in different ... more BACKGROUND The adrenal gland is one of the major endocrine glands involved not only in different physiological functions, but also in response to stress This study was done to asses the effects of L-arginine and insulin on streptozotocin (STZ) induced adrenal gland damage in albino rats. METHODS This laboratory based experimental study on animals was undertaken in the Anatomy department of Basic Medical Sciences Institute (BMSI), Jinnah postgraduate Medical Center (JPMC), Karachi, from February to March 2018. Forty adult, healthy male albino rats were placed into 4 groups (10 each). Group A was taken as control. Group B was given STZ. Group C and D were given STZ as in group B with insulin and L-arginine respectively. Absolute and relative weight of adrenal glands was measured at the end of the study. Tissues from adrenal glands were processed and stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin for the morphometric study. RESULTS The absolute as well as relative adrenal weight of animals was si...

Background: Hyperthyroidism is accompanied by increased rates of bone formation and resorption. M... more Background: Hyperthyroidism is accompanied by increased rates of bone formation and resorption. Melatonin through its free radical scavenging and antioxidant properties, impairs osteoclast activity and bone resorption in hyperthyroid state. Aim: To study the effect of melatonin on bone density decreased during hyperthyroidism. Duration of study: 01 November to 30 th of January, 2014-15. Study design: Randomized Controlled Trial. Place of study: Anatomy department at BMSI, JPMC, Karachi. Methods: Ninety healthy adult albino rats were included in the study and divided equally into 3 groups for 12 weeks. Group-A was taken as control. Group-B received levothyroxine orally, daily in a dose of 8 μgm /100 g BW for 12 weeks to induce experimental hyperthyroidism. Group C was given levothyroxine orally in the above mentioned dose as well as melatonin in drinking water daily in a dose of 10 mg/100 g BW. Results: Melatonin significantly restored the thickness of bone cortex in the shaft of fem...

Aim: To study the renoprotective effect of Vitamin C on the histology of the proximal convoluted ... more Aim: To study the renoprotective effect of Vitamin C on the histology of the proximal convoluted tubules in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetes in albino rats. Study design: A prospective experimental study. Place: Department of Anatomy, Post Graduate Medical Institute, Lahore. Duration: January to April 2011 for a period of 12 weeks. Material and methods: Forty five male albino rats were divided into three groups A, B and C respectively. Group A served as the control group, group B and C were administered STZ in a single dose of 45mg/kg whereas group C additionally received Vit C in a dose of 10g/L/day in drinking water three days before the administration of STZ. The rats were sacrificed at the end of the experimental period, their blood samples taken and their kidneys dissected, fixed in alcoholic formalin and processed further for histological examination. Serum glucose, glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1C) and serum creatinine levels were compared in all the three groups. Results: The...

OBJECTIVE: To study neuronal damage in brains of first and second-generation pups, born to hypoth... more OBJECTIVE: To study neuronal damage in brains of first and second-generation pups, born to hypothyroid Wistar rats. METHODS: Ten female adult Wistar rats, randomized into two equal groups-propylthiouracil (Group-P) and control (Group-C) were allowed to conceive. Group-P was given oral propylthiouracil throughout gestational period and weaning until 22nd day. Nine offspring from group-C (C/FC) and group-P (P/FC) were sacrificed on 22nd day of life to collect blood and brain samples. The dams of group-P (group-PP) were allowed to conceive and continued with propylthiouracil treatment throughout gestation and weaning. Their nine offsprings (PP/FC) were sacrificed on 22nd day. Serum levels of triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) were measured. Brain weight, apoptotic cell count (ACC) of Purkinje cells of cerebellar cortex and Pyramidal cells of hippocampus were documented. RESULTS: Mean TSH levels were 21±3ηg/dl, 23.3±3.5ηg/dl and 10±2.1ηg/dl in P/...

Aim: To assess the role of Triglyceride to High Density lipoprotein cholesterol (TG/HDL_C) ratio ... more Aim: To assess the role of Triglyceride to High Density lipoprotein cholesterol (TG/HDL_C) ratio as a risk factor of coronary heart disease in women Study design: Cross sectional study. Place and duration of study: The study was conducted in Ayub teaching Hospital, Abbottabad, for 8months from January to August, 2010. Methods: The study was conducted in 100 females known cardiac patients and 50 controls who were referred for Exercise tolerance test (ETT) for assessment of angina. The lipid profile for total cholesterol (TC), Triglyceride (TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL_C), Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL_C) levels were determined in fasting blood samples and analyzed for correlation. Results: Lipid profile (TG, and HDL_C) of the patients were deranged. Serum Triglyceride to High density lipoprotein cholesterol (TG/HDL_C) ratio was found to be a risk factor for coronary heart disease in women. Conclusions: The results of the investigation indicated that Trigl...

Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad : JAMC, 2015
BACKGROUND It has been demonstrated in experimental animal models that oxidative stress causes pe... more BACKGROUND It has been demonstrated in experimental animal models that oxidative stress causes persistent and chronic hyperglycaemia, causing reduction in antioxidant defence system, ultimately leading to accumulation of free radicals. This study, was performed to observe the effect of melatonin on serum glucose and body weights in streptozotocin induced diabetes in albino rats. METHODS Forty healthy adult male albino rats were included in the study and divided equally into 4 groups for 6 weeks. Group-A was taken as control. Group-B received streptozotocin I/P in a dose of 37 mg/kg body weight. Group-C received 10 mg/100 ml melatonin in drinking water and Group-D received only melatonin. RESULTS Streptozotocin significantly increased serum glucose and decreased weight in group B animals, whereas in group C, melatonin significantly restored serum glucose but could not restore the body weights reduced by streptozotocin. There was a significant reduction in body weight in melatonin tre...

Objectives: This study investigated the injurious effects of Streptozotocin(STZ) induced diabetes... more Objectives: This study investigated the injurious effects of Streptozotocin(STZ) induced diabetes on histology of rat salivary gland along with ameliorationof these effects by the antioxidant melatonin.Methodology: This prospective experimental study was conducted in the departmentof Anatomy, Basic Medical Sciences Institute, JPMC, Karachi for aperiod of 6 weeks from November to December, 2012. 45 male albino ratswere divided into 3 groups, containing 15 animals each. Group A was treatedas control, group B and C received 37 mg/kg STZ Intraperitoneally (i/p) onceat the start of experiment, whereas group C additionally received 10mg/100ml of melatonin (MEL) 3-days prior to STZ administration. After sacrificing theanimals, the parotid glands were processed for histological examination andviewed under the light microscope.Results: The histological findings demonstrated changes in the parotid glandmorphology of group B animals, such as the presence of lipid vacuoles inthe serous acini an...
Papers by Dr Mariyah Hidayat