Papers by Dr. Malik Ghulam Behlol

Pakistan journal of humanities and social sciences, Dec 15, 2023
The fairness of the test for taking admission to prestigious institutions is a debatable issue ac... more The fairness of the test for taking admission to prestigious institutions is a debatable issue across the globe. The majority of institutions apply a 'traditional meritocratic approach' to award admission on the basis of grades and admission tests. This paradigm does not fulfil the needs of marginalized, low socioeconomic , poor-quality background students. The present study is descriptive and quantitative in nature, investigated the socioeconomic and academic factors of the students who were successful in securing admission to Cadet Colleges after passing the test and interview. We constructed two interview questionnaires for data collection from applicants. The sample of the study was comprised of 228 students for the session 2022 in selected institutions. The findings of the study highlight the low SocioEconomic Status as a strong factor in getting admission in prestigious education institutions. The results despairingly indicate that the admission test and stipulations at the interview to get enrolled in the institution do not equally address the learning competence of different streams thus putting a question about the national integration and cohesion that discourages marginalization of students from low SocioEconomic Status. The results of the study stress measures to be taken by the policymakers for the formulation of admission tests that equally correspond to ensuring equal competition opportunities for students with varying socioeconomic and educational systems backgrounds.

Voyage Journal of Educational Studies
The teaching philosophies and qualities that characterize the best teacher remain contentious asp... more The teaching philosophies and qualities that characterize the best teacher remain contentious aspects of the multilayered educational landscape of Pakistan. The present study explores the ontological configuration of successful teaching while examining primary school teachers' beliefs and philosophies asking what are the fundamental requirements for becoming an excellent teacher who ultimately can contribute enormously to the development of both individual and collective intellectual capital. For this study, a qualitative approach of inquiry was adopted employing in-depth interviews with 33 primary school teachers (17 males, 16 females) from Rawalpindi city to elicit the grassroots perception concerning their beliefs regarding the perquisites of becoming a successful teacher. The study point to a number of traits that teachers believe are essential for successful teaching including loyalty and honesty, commitment, punctuality and passion vis-a-vis, effective communication skills...

Journal of Development Policy, Research & Practice (JoDPRP)
The importance of Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) has been a topic of recent interest for the ... more The importance of Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) has been a topic of recent interest for the global community. Pakistan is no exception to this trend. In recent years, university students have often been targets of extremist violence propaganda. This study aimed to explore perception of university students about violent extremism and the role of socio-cultural capital and community resilience in CVE. Quantitative research design was used to survey students belonging to various public and private universities in three major cities of Pakistan: Rawalpindi, Islamabad, and Peshawar. Due to the COVID-19 lockdown and closure of universities, the online survey technique was used by posting the survey on social media; using personal contacts; and emails. The ‘Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism’ (BRAVE) scale was used to assess the students’ perceptions and behaviour towards violent extremism. 480 students participated in the study over a two-month period. The findings demonst...
2018 7th International Conference on Medical Engineering and Biotechnology (MEDEB 2018), 2018
In this experiment, the tobacco variety Yunyan 87 was cultivated by 3 different planting methods.... more In this experiment, the tobacco variety Yunyan 87 was cultivated by 3 different planting methods. Afterwards, tobacco leaves were taken as the research material. By using the high throughput sequencing technology, DNA in the 16S rDNA-V4 region of tobacco was sequenced to analyze the abundance and diversity of species, in order to understand the diversities of endophytic bacteria in tobacco under different kinds of planting methods. The results show that the sequence of micro flora richness of 3 tobacco samples was Y6.1 > Y7.1 > Y1.1; the sequence of bacteria diversity was Y7.1 > Y6.1 > Y1.1. The bacterial diversity of Y7.1 was higher than that of Y1.1 and Y6.1. Endophytic bacteria found in samples were distributed in 13 phyla, namely Proteobacteria,

<em>As long as COVID-19 prevails, safe operations of schools are contingent upon formulatin... more <em>As long as COVID-19 prevails, safe operations of schools are contingent upon formulating a preparedness plan to take reasonable measures to protect the health of students and school staff. We investigated the levels of awareness and preparedness for COVID-19 epidemic among staff in publicly administered schools in Rawalpindidistrict, Pakistan and assessed preventive measures undertaken for an infection free environment. Two hundred secondary schools in district Rawalpindi, participated in this cross-sectional study. Interview data from 400 school principals and administrators were collected using an interview questionnaire and a school profile checklist was filled through observing preparedness indicators. A mean score within each domain of knowledge, preparedness and practices, was calculated and scores among schools were compared using one-way ANOVA. Respondents were fairly knowledgeable about protection and transmission of COVID-19. However, preparedness and practices of public health measure was inadequate. Although 85%, schools have assigned focal person and 73% reported about sharing school preparedness policy, more disease-specific preparedness including room allocation to isolate suspected COVID-19 cases was established in 46% schools while only 14% of schools had thermometers to check temperature. Results of ANOVA showed significant differences among schools types across each domain of knowledge (p value &lt; 0.05), preparedness (p value &lt; 0.05), and practices (p value &lt; 0.01). Schools are not well equipped to confront COVID-19 and the level of preparedness is inadequate to ensure a safe environment. The training of school staff and monitoring mechanism to support implementation of safety guidelines is contingent.</em>
Elementary Education Online, 2021

The study was conducted to compare the teaching methods and evaluation practices in English subje... more The study was conducted to compare the teaching methods and evaluation practices in English subject at secondary school certificate (SSC) and general certificate of education GCE-O-level in Pakistan. The population of the study was students, teachers and experts at SSC and 0- level in the Punjab province. Purposive and random sampling techniques were applied to select the schools and teachers. It was a descriptive study in which the questionnaires were developed to collect the data, and it was analyzed applying t test and chi square. It revealed that GCE- O level results are better due to the availability of competent teachers, educational equipments, management and incentives given to teachers. The examination system also promotes understanding conceptual clarity instead of cramming. It also revealed that the teacher practise Direct, Audio Lingual and activity based methods in GCE –O level system whereas at SSC level system Grammar Translation and Lecture methods were frequently us...

Asian Journal of Education and e-Learning, 2013
The major research questions of the study were to explore the nature of supervisory practices at ... more The major research questions of the study were to explore the nature of supervisory practices at Primary and Secondary educational institutions of Pakistan and their impacts on the quality of education. The population of the study was the teachers, heads of institutions and district level supervisors. Multistage random sampling technique was applied to select the participants of the study. .It is a descriptive study and the variables were studied in natural condition. The method of qualitative research was applied to collect the data of the study. The researcher constructed semi structured interview for teachers and district level supervisors that was validated by the experts. The main conclusions of the study are that the supervisors follow inspectoral mode to find out the faults of teachers to threaten and humiliate them. They do not facilitate and help them in solving the problems that they may face in the classroom. They do not observe the teaching learning process in the cl...

The tendency to emulate developed countries in applying their “state of-the-art” programs without... more The tendency to emulate developed countries in applying their “state of-the-art” programs without creating the requisite infrastructural base, conceptual and technical expertise, socio-cultural milieu, and financial strength is always problematic. Pakistan’s teacher training program is a typical example. The problem is confounded by the academically poor, relatively less-privileged and baffled students which these programs are constrained to admit. The notoriety of abysmally poor quality of teachers training programs warranted this study “an identification of factors of quality of teacher training and development of a model program for Pakistan”. An instrument developed by Yackulic and Noonan for their study on quality indicators of teacher training in Canada (2001) was adapted as questionnaire. Program admission requirements; knowledge of basic skills (language art and math); knowledge of human growth and development; received the highest ranking, in seriatim, as factors of quali...

The research objectives of the study were to investigate the effectiveness of public secondary sc... more The research objectives of the study were to investigate the effectiveness of public secondary schools with respect to peer-academic relationship, teacher and students’ academic relationship, significance of pedagogical practices, and school plant-infrastructure for learning-supportive. Survey method was applied to collect data with the five-point Likert scale. Population of the study were 10th grade students studying in Government Municipal Corporation Secondary Schools in Rawalpindi city. Convenient sampling technique was applied to select students. The result of the Year 2007-2011 of 10 grade and enrollment trends were also analysed. The main conclusions of the study were that the enrollment rate in the public secondary schools is decreasing. It is reflected that the decreasing trends are due to the missing facilities in public schools and lack of student centered learning opportunities. Students may be involved in decision making relating to academic activities, and dialogue bet...

The major objective of the study was to examine the scope and impact of interventions carried out... more The major objective of the study was to examine the scope and impact of interventions carried out by National Rural Support Program (NRSP) for capacity building of school councils (SC) in district Bhakkar. Survey method was applied to conduct this study that allows examining the variables in natural setting without any manipulation or control. Geographical universe of the study was district Bhakkar whereas primary school teachers and SC members were the human universe of the study. Random and purposive sampling techniques were applied to select the sample of the study. Structured interview was constructed and validated by the experts to collect data. The major conclusions of the study are that SC may have positive impact on the access and quality of education in providing financial, administrative and intellectual support to primary schools. It needs to be restructured and SCs members get need based training for effective monitoring, supervising, supporting and facilitating schools....
The major aims of this experimental study were to develop and validate Blended Learning Module (B... more The major aims of this experimental study were to develop and validate Blended Learning Module (BLM) in teaching expository writing skills to students studying English at grade 9. The researcher applied experimental method with pre-test and post-test equivalent group design to carry out this study. The study revealed that the students taught with BLM performed significantly better than the students taught with text-book material on post-test. It was inferred that the better performance of both high and low achievers was the result of active learning, self-paced, individualised and pair activities, support of computer technology that enhanced engagement and motivation of the students in the learning process. It is recommended that English teachers are required to be trained to develop and apply BLM in teaching English.

The study investigates effectiveness of Problem Solving Approach (PSA) in teaching mathematics to... more The study investigates effectiveness of Problem Solving Approach (PSA) in teaching mathematics to students studying at grade 8 in public schools. Pretest-posttest equivalent group design was used to conduct this study. The researcher applied matching technique to place the students in experimental and control groups (CG).Achievement test was used as a pre-test and post-test in this study. The test was validated by the experts, and table of specification was formulated to check content validity.The study revealed that the achievement level of students taught through PSA was significantly different as compared to the performance of the students taught through traditional methods of teaching on posttest. The same was the case about the performance of high and low achievers taught through PSA. Better performance of the experimental group (EG) was inferred due to active participation, self-directed learning, and higher confidence of the students in the learning process. It is also reflec...

Mentoring prospective teachers is multifaceted process in pre-service teacher education program. ... more Mentoring prospective teachers is multifaceted process in pre-service teacher education program. This qualitative study was conducted to explore the practices of prospected teachers during teaching practicum in B.ED (Hons) Elementary program. The current study found contradictory views of participants. Teaching practicum was tough experience for prospective teachers, they required proper guideline from cooperative teachers. In school settings cooperative teachers tried to support prospective teachers in learning pedagogical skills through modeling but it is difficult for them to facilitate prospective teachers without appropriate training. The most frequently repeated contradictions are lack of hands on activities, threatening oral feedback, and absence from class rooms on the part of cooperative teacher. Study concluded that prospective teachers learnt a lot during teaching practicum but they need a formal mentoring process to learn how to teach in actual class room situations. In ...

The major focus of the study was to explore the social, cultural, financial and academic problems... more The major focus of the study was to explore the social, cultural, financial and academic problems of married women at higher education, and also to sensitize, orientate relevant stakeholders to address them. It was descriptive research following qualitative approach to collect data with the semi-structured interview. Population of the study were married female students enrolled in private Universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, and 20 participants were selected through snowball sampling technique to collect the data. It is concluded that education is basic necessity for every human beings whether male or female, however, certain families in Pakistan do not allow women in general and married women in particular for higher education because of social, cultural, religious, economic and educational factors. Support for the education of married women depends upon family attitude, educational status, financial stability and husband viewpoint. Most of the conservative families think that...

Liberal Arts and Social Sciences International Journal (LASSIJ), 2021
The local communities and School Councils (SC) play a significant role in supporting the schools ... more The local communities and School Councils (SC) play a significant role in supporting the schools for successful and effective learning at the elementary level. This study examines the extent of community-school partnership in improving the functioning of elementary schools, and community development through the agency of SC. The main research question of the study was, how school and community mutually guide, interact and support each other for solving the burning issues faced to primary schools in their effective functioning. The case study method with survey technique was applied to conduct this study. Thirteen elementary schools located in Union Council (UC) Chountra, a Sub-Tehsil of district Rawalpindi were taken as an integrated case. The quantitative and qualitative data was gathered through a checklist with five point Likert scale, and a semi-structured interview which were corroborated for analysis to draw findings and conclusions. Analysis revealed that schools are not ful...

Incorporating theory into practice is not a simple rather dialectical and complex process of obse... more Incorporating theory into practice is not a simple rather dialectical and complex process of observing, scaffolding, reflecting, and coordinating prospective teachers. It has been observed that interaction in the form of academic feedback between CTs and PTs is missing in the teaching practicum. The present study aims to investigate the perceptions and practices of PTs and CTs about Feedback in teaching practicum to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the Pre-service Teacher Education Program. It is an exploratory investigation applying survey method and semi-structured interview to collect data from PTs and CTs to answer the investigation inquiries about the role of Feedback practices in bridging the theory-practice gap. Purposive and Criterion sampling techniques were applied to select the participants of the study. Findings reveal that the CTs are working as mentors without any professional training and recognition in their department and universities for their contribu...

Pakistan Journal of Education, 2009
List of Tables xi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 01 1.2 Statement of the problem 04 1.3 Objectives of th... more List of Tables xi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 01 1.2 Statement of the problem 04 1.3 Objectives of the study 05 1.4 Significance of the study 05 1.5 Delimitation of the study 06 1.6 Research methodology 08 CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF LITERATURE 11 2.1 Definitions of module 14 2.2 Kinds of module 15 2.3 Difference between module and programmed instruction 18 2.3.1 Difference between module and unit 18 2.3.2 Competency based model of teacher education and modular instruction 20 2.3.3 Comparison of modular instruction and conventional teaching 21 2.3.4 Difference between modular teaching and lecture method 22 2.4 History of Modular Approach 25 2.5 Purposes of modular teaching 27 2.6 Advantages of modular teaching 29 2.7 Implementation of module in the classroom 32 ix 2.8 General Administration 35 2.9 Dimension of the instructional process 37 2.10 Writing objectives of the module 43 2.11 Steps in developing module 44 2.12 Validation of module 46 2.13 Learning Activities 54

Journal of Education and Educational Development, 2014
The objectives of this study were to assess the impacts of Inclusive Education (IE) Project imple... more The objectives of this study were to assess the impacts of Inclusive Education (IE) Project implemented in government schools of Islamabad and anticipate its practicability for public schools. Quantitative and qualitative methods were applied for data collection. Study instruments were structured interviews, unstructured focus group discussions, and questionnaire. The study revealed that Students with Disabilities (SWDs) carrypositive attitudes about their mainstreaming and promote friendships among them. The accessibility of school infrastructure normally addresses the needs of all students, but curriculum, equipment, teaching, learning aids, and assessment methods need to be adjusted. Principals in the schools have a positive attitude towards IE and suggested the government take more concrete measures toward mobilizing financial and technical resources for the training of teachers and providing them with technological support. Teachers involved in IE practices have a positive atti...

English Language Teaching, 2010
The study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of structural method of teaching vocabulary... more The study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of structural method of teaching vocabulary in English subject at secondary level. The population of the study was the students of secondary classes studying in Federal Government schools of Islamabad District. Purposive and random sampling techniques were applied to select the school, teachers and the subjects. Pretest-Posttest Control Group design was used for this study. The study revealed that there was significant difference between the performance of the students taught with the structural method of teaching vocabulary (SMTV) and taught with the definitional method of teaching vocabulary (DMTV). The high, average and low achievers of experimental group performed better as compared to the performance of the students who were taught with the DMTV vocabulary. The better performance in all the categories of the experimental group was due to the morphological analyses of a word, experimenting with the word, role of the students as the partner in the learning process, management of the learning by the students themselves, generation and active processing of vocabulary, provision of multiple exposure of different intensity for practice and personalization of word learning.
Papers by Dr. Malik Ghulam Behlol