Papers by Dr. M. Adil Salepçioğlu
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Feb 18, 2022

Pressacademia, 2021
Purpose-This research envisages conceptually demonstrating Industry 6.0, which can be a new model... more Purpose-This research envisages conceptually demonstrating Industry 6.0, which can be a new model of governance, starting with the financial sector and addressing the issue, primarily based on the approach that business organizations will evolve into hybrid models. Methodology-On the one hand, how a crypto asset created by using the blockchain (block-chain) ecosystem can be used by converting it into a kind of symbolic digital currency that will be created virtually through the process of accounting as a business investment tool and a financial instrument. On the other hand, a method to be developed will examine the prediction that economic balances can be achieved by using digital networks in the governance model to make businesses more resilient to financial fluctuations. In addition, based on the prediction that organizational sustainability and the most important global problem in economies is the management of risks, in order to establish the parameters of internal control, internal and external audit and corporate risk management of the governance process, using artificial intelligence and machine learning of the control mechanism, with logic in the project-oriented agile management approach of the accuracy and purpose-oriented audit process, how it can be involved in every stage of strategic decision-making processes and corporate governance practices. On the other hand, a review will be carried out by associating personnel empowerment and matrix organizations, organizational transformation and network structures, organizational agility and virtual organizations. In addition, the impact of organizational agility on quality will be thinned by addressing innovation and innovation-oriented components. At the same time, research will be supported by the study of estimating the impact of artificial neural networks and strategic management tools on business DNA. All findings of the research will be associated with each other and the research will be deepened. On the one hand, financial applications based on blockchain technologies, on the other hand, by estimating exchange rate ratios in financial markets, macroeconomic balances can be achieved as a result of corporate risk management through digital networks, deep learning and machine learning applications to make businesses more resilient to financial fluctuations and support corporate governance processes.the prediction that it will be examined. Since a modeling will be made using artificial intelligence and machine learning methods in these studies, the concept of artificial is used in this study. The concept of remote is also included because the control mechanism will be done by robo-processors in a way. In addition, since it is foreseen that virtual reality applications integrated with artificial intelligence can be discussed in the context of accelerating the decisionmaking process in the management process, it is aimed to establish a managerial decision-making model through audit-oriented processes on which the concept of Industry 6.0 is based, at the point where the increased corporate governance or artificial and remote governance process intersects with the increased virtual and artificial audit process. Findings-When the research is completed, it will be discussed in detail. In the light of pilot studies, it is possible to say that the research results are positive. Conclusion-With digital networks, an artificial remote governance model that will make decision-making processes in the business structure faster, more efficient and more efficient, and an industry 6.0 approach based on specific and scientific data will be introduced with an increased understanding of virtual and artificial control.

EURAS Journal of Social Sciences
Labor union managers have an important role in the establishment and organization process, activi... more Labor union managers have an important role in the establishment and organization process, activities and the future of labor unions. Familiarity and knowledge of labor union managers on social, economic and legal issues have an impact on the fact that union management has become a profession. Union managers should have a profound vision on union activities, worker-employer relations, protecting the rights of workers, creating a union culture, changing the way their members think and behave, and increasing their loyalty and participation. In this research, the impact of the role of union managers working in the metal industry in ensuring worker-employer relations, achievements and union loyalty of has been studied. The role of unions on worker-employer relations has influenced the achievements of union managers, union loyalty, faith in the importance of

EURAS Journal of Social Sciences
With this study, it is aimed to determine what employees in Generation Y (generation) think about... more With this study, it is aimed to determine what employees in Generation Y (generation) think about job satisfaction and what they do satisfy them in their work. Accordingly, 2 questions about job satisfaction were applied on 20 people using unstructured in-depth interview technique. The data obtained by the in-depth interview method were grouped according to the subtopics identified and evaluated by associating them with the answers of the people interviewed. When the data obtained were evaluated, it was determined that wage, education and development were promoted and promoted in the first places in generation Y job satisfaction elements. In this respect, when the socioeconomic projection for the next 10 years is evaluated, it has been determined that the business satisfaction elements of generation Y are the support of wages, education and development in the first place.
Journal of Social Sciences, 2021
The use of information systems for companies and institutions is increasing. Participation of the... more The use of information systems for companies and institutions is increasing. Participation of these systems in management decisions for companies and institutions is also on the agenda. The adventure of implementing IT in companies which starts with the running of daily operations has evolved to shape decisions regarding many managerial issues. Within the scope of the research, the information systems used by companies and institutions are categorized structurally.

SN Applied Sciences
In this study, we attempt to show the reason behind the poor estimation of the future values of f... more In this study, we attempt to show the reason behind the poor estimation of the future values of foreign exchange-rate (FXR) signals under difference-equation modeling, using the neural network approach for evaluating the local system coefficients. To do this, we have splitted EUR/USD and AUD/CAD signals into many small-segments and modeled each segment as the signal representation of a linear time-invariant (LTI) system using the simple linear difference equation (LDE) formulation. After a precise segmentation of each FXR signal such that an LTI system based modeling is highly accurate in each segment, it is observed that the coefficient values of the corresponding LDEs are highly volatile, which indicates that a reliable estimation would be very difficult using LDE modeling. Although the LDE coefficients are usually observed to take values within a small range over a given FXR signal segment (sample-set), frequent sudden-jumps in coefficient values do occur, which subjects/forces t...

Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi
Bu çalışma, çalışanların sosyo-yapısal ve psikolojik motivasyonel olarak güçlendirilmelerinin örg... more Bu çalışma, çalışanların sosyo-yapısal ve psikolojik motivasyonel olarak güçlendirilmelerinin örgütsel çeviklik üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada öncelikle modern yönetim anlayışı ve buna bağlı organizasyonel yapılar, post-modern yönetim anlayışı içerisinde yer alan personel güçlendirme ve örgütsel çeviklik ile ilgili teorik çerçeve oluşturulmuş, daha sonra araştırma kapsamında uygulanan ankete dair verilere yer verilmiştir. Araştırma evreni, Türkiye’ nin İstanbul şehrinde bulunan ve laboratuvar hizmeti alanında faaliyet gösteren kuruluşların çalışanlarından oluşmaktadır. Çalışmada nicel araştırma yaklaşımından yararlanılmıştır. Anket formları, demografik sorular ile “Sosyo-Yapısal” ve “Psikolojik Motivasyonel” olmak üzere iki boyutlu ifadeleri içeren personel güçlendirme ve örgütsel çeviklik ölçeklerinden oluşmakta olup, 5’li Likert ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada personel güçlendirme için; Spreitzer (1995) tarafından geliştirilen, örgütsel çeviklik...
Anadolu BİL Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, Oct 1, 2019
Erkek egemen işlerde çalışan kadınlarda cam tavan sendromu ve iş motivasyonu 314 çalışmanın olmad... more Erkek egemen işlerde çalışan kadınlarda cam tavan sendromu ve iş motivasyonu 314 çalışmanın olmadığı görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışmada, erkek egemen işlerde çalışan kadınların önündeki kariyer engellerini ortaya koymak, soyut bir kavram olarak bilinen cam tavan sendromuna açıklık getirmek ve "havacılık" ile "güvenlik" iş kollarında çalışan kadınların kariyer engellerinin ve cam tavan algılarının iş motivasyonları ile ilişkisi belirlemek istenmektedir.

Istanbul University - DergiPark, Nov 24, 2020
Bu çalışmanın amacı COVID-19 sürecinde Y ve Z kuşaklarının iş yaşamından beklentilerinin demograf... more Bu çalışmanın amacı COVID-19 sürecinde Y ve Z kuşaklarının iş yaşamından beklentilerinin demografik özellikler açısından incelenmesidir. Y ve Z kuşağında olan üniversite öğrencileri, bu kuşakların özellikleri, tecrübeleri, oluşumlarını etkileyen faktörler, farklılıkları, iş yaşamından beklentileri ve salgının etkisi literatür taraması yapılarak nicel analiz yöntemiyle incelemiştir. Araştırmanın analiz bölümü için Y ve Z kuşağındaki üniversite öğrencisi bireyler hedef kitleyi oluşturmaktadır. Kolayda örneklem yöntemiyle anket formları 627 kişiye ulaştırılmıştır. Çalışmada öğrencilerin ideal yönetici, karar verme biçimi, takım çalışması, çalışmak istenen kurum ve motivasyon gibi beklentilerinin çeşitli demografik ve kategorik değişkenlere göre anlamlı farklılar gösterip göstermediğinin analiz edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda, cinsiyet, yaş, medeni durum, eğitim düzeyi, çalışma durumu gibi demografik değişkenlere yer verilmiştir. Bunun yanında, katılımcıların bölümü severek okuma durumu, okudukları üniversite türü, çalışma durumu, okudukları sınıf, aile ile birlikte yaşama durumları ve ebeveyn mesleklerine göre de işten beklentilerinin değişip değişmediği incelenmiştir. Hipotezlerin incelenmesi amacıyla bağımsız örneklem T testi ve tek yönlü varyans analizinden (ANOVA) yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular, COVID-19 döneminde kurumların Y ve Z kuşağında bulunan kişilere göre çalışma koşullarını ve kurum kültürlerini değiştirmeleri ve geliştirmeleri gerektiğini göstermektedir.
Lecture notes in networks and systems, Jul 30, 2022

Journal of Transnational Management, 2021
Abstract Corporate governance, which is defined as the laws, rules and elements system controllin... more Abstract Corporate governance, which is defined as the laws, rules and elements system controlling the activities in a business and whose principles are fairness, transparency, accountability and responsibility, is of great importance for all companies of national and international nature. The reasons that make corporate governance so important for all market mechanisms are financial crises and large-scale business scandals. Corporate governance, which is constantly regulated by taking into account its historical development and becomes more mandatory every day, is a form of strategic management based on holistic approach and sustainability. This research was interpreted by means of the BIST Corporate Governance Index data, which makes corporate governance arrangements, and the information obtained from the annual reports published on the websites of companies, institutions and organizations. The analysis was carried out with the data of 15 companies, institutions and organizations that can provide common data in the same time series. It is designed to investigate the effectiveness of HRM on 15 companies by applying Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) method, which is one of Artificial Intelligence methods. In the findings of the study, the classification success analysis of the model and the importance of independent variables were determined. It demonstrated that HRM is effective, the most important variable is the fact that it is 100% standardized importance and human resources policy, and 87.3% standardized importance and corporate governance compliance report.

Anadolu BİL Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 2019
Istanbul Basaksehir Belediyesi’nde faaliyette bulunan Sosyal Hizmetler Merkezi calisanlarinin org... more Istanbul Basaksehir Belediyesi’nde faaliyette bulunan Sosyal Hizmetler Merkezi calisanlarinin orgute bagliliklari ile is doyumu arasindaki iliskisini belirlemek amaciyla bu calisma gerceklestirilmistir. Sosyal Hizmetler Merkezi’ndeki 210 sosyal hizmet calisaninin orgute bagliliklarini belirlemek amaciyla Meyer ve arkadaslarinin uc boyutlu Orgutsel Baglilik Olcegi, ise olan doyum duzeylerini belirlemek icinse Minesota Is Doyumu Olcegi kullanilmistir. Calisanlarin demografik ozelliklerini belirlemek icin de cinsiyet, medeni durum, yas, egitim durumu, aylik gelir, mevcut kurumdaki calisma suresi, kurumdaki pozisyon, kadro durumu ve calisma sekilleri sorulari sosyal hizmet calisanlarina yoneltildi. Arastirma turu nicel arastirmadir. Arastirmada veri toplama yontemi olarak anket yontemi kullanilmistir. Demografik sorularin basta oldugu, is doyumu ve orgutsel baglilik anketleri kisilere kâgida basili sekilde sunulmustur. Analizler icin IBM SPSS v21 istatistik paket programi kullanilmistir...

Bu calismanin temel amaci; Turk sivil havacilik sektorundeki havayolu islemelerinden yararlanan y... more Bu calismanin temel amaci; Turk sivil havacilik sektorundeki havayolu islemelerinden yararlanan yolcularin davranissal segmentasyon analizini yapmak, havayolu tercihini etkileyen yolcu davranis faktorlerini, bu faktorlerin onem sirasini belirlemek ve bu faktorler ile yolcu sadakati arasindaki iliskiyi incelemektir. Bu amac dogrultusunda musteri sadakati kavrami ve bilesenleri kapsaminda, havacilik sektoru ve onemli dinamikleri arastirilmis ve Turkiye’de havacilik hizmeti alan yolcularin tercih faktorlerinin neler oldugu analiz edilerek, yolcu sadakati uzerinde etkili olan faktorlerle bireylerin tercihi arasindaki iliski incelenmistir. Ayrica yolcu memnuniyetinin yolcu sadakati bagliligi uzerinde araci etkiye sahip olup olmadigi olculmustur. Arastirmanin orneklem grubunu basit rastgele ornekleme yontemi kullanarak secilen Turk Hava Yollari yolculari olusturmaktadir. Arastirmadan elde edilen veriler SSPS ve AMOS programlari kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Yapilan analizler sonucunda e...
Papers by Dr. M. Adil Salepçioğlu