IJIRAE Published Papers by Dr.Kalyan Chakraborty

Austenitic Stainless steel (316L) is a low carbon high chromium containing high alloy steel, it h... more Austenitic Stainless steel (316L) is a low carbon high chromium containing high alloy steel, it has a good number of application because of its high strength, high ductility and corrosion resistance. It is used in jet engine parts, heat exchanger application and pharmaceutical application. It is compatible in cryogenic temperature to red hot temperature. The paper presents an experimental investigation on different parameters which affect the cutting process and also cause significant effect on the chip formation in machining of Austenitic Stainless steel (316L). In this study, experiments were conducted on Austenitic Stainless steel (316L) at different cutting speed, feed and depth of cut and the effect of different influential parameters on the process of chip formation has been studied subsequently. Quality characteristic of machined item is depending much on material behaviour during machining. Present experimental analysis on machining has been performed by implementing Von Mises stress evaluation employing true stress-true strain behaviour of the materials under consideration. Experimental true stress-true strain plot was required to find out the strength coefficient and strain hardening exponent of the material and using the same, Von Mises stress was estimated by using material property consideration. Experimental study on machining was performed on austenitic stainless steel (316L) to know the trend of variation of chip thickness, shear angle, Von Mises stress and total work done with respect to cutting velocity. From the study it showed that austenitic stainless steel gets work hardened at higher cutting speed. Therefore this type of material can be machined at lower cutting speed only.
IJIRAE Published Papers by Dr.Kalyan Chakraborty