Papers by Dr. Indra Vijay Singh
![Research paper thumbnail of Studies on pre-fertilization crossability barriers between cultivated and wild species of pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]](
Research Square (Research Square), Jan 31, 2023
The present day commercially grown cultivars of pigeonpea are susceptible to pod borer, pod y ins... more The present day commercially grown cultivars of pigeonpea are susceptible to pod borer, pod y insect pest and a number of diseases those causes huge economic loss every year to the farmers. On the other hand wild relative of cultivated pigeonpea possess genes for insect pest/ diseases resistance besides having some other useful genes. Transfer of desirable gene from wild to cultivated pigeonpea is hindered by several pre fertilization barriers. The identi cation of pre fertilization barriers will help in the introgression of desirable genes for insect pest and diseases resistance into cultivated types for enhancing and stabilizing pigeonpea production. In present investigation crossability barriers between the cultivated Cajanus cajan (PADT-16 and Pusa-992) and wild species Cajanus scarabaeoides (ICP-15683, ICP-15703) and Cajanus platycarpus (ICP-15663) were examined by pre-fertilization parameters like pollen germination, pollen tube growth, and pollen tube abnormalities. In hand-sel ng and intervarietal crosses mean pollen germination and pollen tube growth was higher than interspeci c crosses. Strong pre-fertilization barriers were observed in C. cajan x C. platycarpus crosses. However in interspeci c crosses involving C. platycarpus as female, low level of reproductive barriers were observed when crossed with C. scarabeoides compared to cross with C. cajan, though pollen tube reached ovule in both crosses. More pollen tube abnormalities were observed in interspeci c crosses involving cultivated and species from tertiary gene pool. Molecular diversity among experimental material through SSR markers exhibited maximum diversity between cultivated C. cajan and wild C. platycarpus whereas closest relationship was observed between C.scarabeoides ICP-15683 and ICP-15703.

The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are ~22nt long non-coding RNAs, which regulate the gene regulation at the post... more MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are ~22nt long non-coding RNAs, which regulate the gene regulation at the post transcriptional level in both plants and animals. These miRNA are conserved in nature and hence potential base for new miRNA prediction through homology search. No miRNAs in this species are identified so far in economically important water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). In this study, EST-based homology search, an established computational approach is used to find the potential miRNAs in buffalo. Six potential miRNA in buffalo were identified utilizing publicly available buffalo ESTs against the already known mature miRNAs of closely related species i.e. Bos taurus. Based on their sequence complementarity, target genes were identified which encode transcription factors (8%), enzymes (30%) and transporters (14%) as well as other proteins involved in physiological and metabolic processes (48%). These target genes also encode the proteins for signal transduction and normal development. This s...

The Pigeonpea Genome, 2017
Pigeonpea owing to its ability to sustain harsh environment and limited input/water requirement r... more Pigeonpea owing to its ability to sustain harsh environment and limited input/water requirement remains an excellent remunerative crop in the face of increasing climatic adversities. With nearly 70% share in global pigeonpea production, India is the leading pigeonpea producing country. Since the mid-1900s, constant research efforts directed to improve yield and resistance levels of pigeonpea have resulted in the development and deployment of several commercially accepted cultivars in India, accommodating into diverse agro-climatic zones. However, the crop productivity needs incremental improvements in order to meet the growing nutritional demands, especially in developing countries like India where pigeonpea forms a dominant part of vegetarian diet. Empowering crop improvement strategies with genomic tool kit is imperative to attain the project gains in crop yield. In the context, adoption of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology has helped establish a wide range of genomic resources to support pigeonpea breeding, and the existing molecular tool kit includes genome-wide genetic markers, transcriptome/genome assemblies, and candidate genes/QTLs for target traits. Similarly, availability of whole mitochondrial genome sequence and derived DNA markers is immensely relevant in order to furthering the understanding of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system and hybrid breeding. This chapter covers the progress of developing modern genomic resources in pigeonpea and highlights their vital role in designing future crop breeding schemes.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2020
Fusarium wilt (FW) and sterility mosaic diseases (SMD) are key biotic constraints to pigeonpea pr... more Fusarium wilt (FW) and sterility mosaic diseases (SMD) are key biotic constraints to pigeonpea production. Occurrence of these two diseases in congenial conditions is reported to cause complete yield loss in susceptible pigeonpea cultivars. Various studies to elucidate genomic architecture of the two traits have revealed significant marker–trait associations for use in breeding programs. However, these DNA markers could not be used effectively in genomics-assisted breeding for developing FW and SMD resistant varieties primarily due to pathogen variability, location or background specificity, lesser phenotypic variance explained by the reported QTL and cost-inefficiency of the genotyping assays. Therefore, in the present study, a novel approach has been used to develop a diagnostic kit for identification of suitable FW and SMD resistant lines. This kit was developed with 10 markers each for FW and SMD resistance. Investigation of the diversity of these loci has shown the role of diff...

Crop Science, 2020
Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] is one of the world's hardiest warm‐season cere... more Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] is one of the world's hardiest warm‐season cereal crop cultivated for food and animal feed in the semi‐arid tropics of Asia and Africa. This crop faces terminal drought during rainy and flowering‐stage heat stress during summer seasons. Blast is emerging as a serious threat affecting its production and productivity in India. Using wild P. violaceum (Lam) Rich. and pearl millet cultivars, prebreeding populations were developed following backcross method. These populations were evaluated in target ecologies in India at three locations during the 2018 summer season for flowering‐stage heat stress and at two locations during the 2018 rainy season for terminal drought stress. A total 18 introgression lines (ILs) from Population (Pop) 3 exhibited improved seed set under high heat stress vs. the cultivated parent, whereas no IL was better than the cultivated parent in Pop 4. Under rainfed conditions at Hisar and Bawal, India, 19 ILs from Po...

3 Biotech, 2020
Seed traits present important breeding targets for enhancing grain yield and quality in various g... more Seed traits present important breeding targets for enhancing grain yield and quality in various grain legume crops including pigeonpea. The present study reports significant genetic variation for six seed traits including seed length (SL), seed width (SW), seed thickness (ST), seed weight (SWT), electrical conductivity (EC) and water uptake (WU) among Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh acc. ICPL 20340 and Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) Thouars acc. ICP 15739 and an F2 population derived from this interspecific cross. Maximum phenotypic values recorded for the F2 population were higher than observed in the parent ICPL 20340 [F2 max vs ICPL 20340: SW (7.05 vs 5.38), ST (4.63 vs 4.51), EC (65.17 vs 9.72), WU (213.17 vs 109.5)], which suggested contribution of positive alleles from the wild parent, ICP 15739. Concurrently, to identify the QTL controlling these seed traits, we assayed two parents and 94 F2 individuals with 113 polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. In the F2 population, 98 of the 113 SSRs showed Mendelian segregation ratio 1:2:1, whereas significant deviations were observed for 15 SSRs with their χ 2 values ranging between 6.26 and 20.62. A partial genetic linkage map comprising 83 SSR loci was constructed. QTL analysis identified 15 marker-trait associations (MTAs) for seed traits on four linkage groups i.e. LG01, LG02, LG04 and LG05. Phenotypic variations (PVs) explained by these QTL ranged from 4.4 (WU) to 19.91% (EC). These genomic regions contributing significantly towards observed variability of seed traits would serve as potential candidates for future research that aims to improve seed traits in pigeonpea.

Agronomy, 2020
Pigeonpea is one of the important pulse crops grown in many states of India and plays a major rol... more Pigeonpea is one of the important pulse crops grown in many states of India and plays a major role in sustainable food and nutritional security for the smallholder farmers. In order to overcome the productivity barrier the Translational Pigeonpea Genomics Consortium (TPGC) was established, representing research institutes from six different states (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, and Uttar Pradesh) of India. To enhance pigeonpea productivity and production the team has been engaged in deploying modern genomics approaches in breeding and popularizing modern varieties in farmers’ fields. For instance, new genetic stock has been developed for trait mapping and molecular breeding initiated for enhancing resistance to fusarium wilt and sterility mosaic disease in 11 mega varieties of pigeonpea. In parallel, genomic segments associated with cleistogamous flower, shriveled seed, pods per plant, seeds per pod, 100 seed weight, and seed protein content have...

Legume Crops - Characterization and Breeding for Improved Food Security, 2019
Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) is economically most important crop of Vigna group. It is als... more Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) is economically most important crop of Vigna group. It is also known as green gram, golden gram, moong, Chickasaw, Oregon pea, and chop suey bean and this legumes have a strategic position in Southeast Asian countries for nutritional security and sustainable crop production. Being rich in quality protein, minerals and vitamins, they are inseparable ingredients in the diets of a vast majority of Indian population. When supplemented with cereals, they provide a perfect mix of essential amino acids with high biological value. These crops have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen (58-109 kg per ha in kg per ha mungbean) in symbiotic association with Rhizobium bacteria, which enables them to meet their own nitrogen requirement and also benefit the succeeding crops. This crop has also been reported to smother weed flora appreciably (20-45%) when intercropped with tall cereals or pigeonpea and consequently, minimize the cost incurred on weed control. On account of short duration and photo-thermo insensitivity, they are considered excellent crops for crop intensification and diversification. A seed of mungbean is highly nutritious containing 24-28% protein, 1.0-1.5% fat, 3.5-4.5% fibre, 4.5-5.5% ash and 59-65% carbohydrates on dry weight basis and provide 334-344 kcal energy. Mungbean protein is considered to be easily digestible. Mungbean are tropical grain legumes widely grown in the sub-tropical countries of South and Southeast Asia. Nevertheless, these crops are cultivated over a wide range of latitudes in the regions where average diurnal temperatures during the growing season are warmer than about 20°C.
European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2013
In this paper, fatigue crack growth simulations of bi-material interfacial cracks have been perfo... more In this paper, fatigue crack growth simulations of bi-material interfacial cracks have been performed using extended finite element method (XFEM) under thermo-elastic loading. The material discontinuity (interface) has been modelled by a signed distance function whereas a strong discontinuity (crack) has been modelled by two functions i.e. Heaviside and asymptotic crack tip enrichment functions. The values of stress intensity factors are extracted from the XFEM solution by domain based interaction integral approach. Standard Paris fatigue crack growth law is used for the life estimation of various model problems. The results obtained by XFEM for an interfacial edge and centre cracks are compared with those obtained by finite element method based on a remeshing approach.

Frontiers in plant science, 2017
Abiotic stress is one of the major factors responsible for huge yield loss in crop plants. MicroR... more Abiotic stress is one of the major factors responsible for huge yield loss in crop plants. MicroRNAs play a key role in adaptive responses of plants under abiotic stress conditions through post-transcriptional gene regulations. In present study, 95 potential miRNAs were predicted in Brassica juncea using comparative genomics approach. It was noted that these miRNAs, target several transcription factors (TFs), transporter family proteins, signaling related genes, and protease encoding genes. Nineteen distinct miRNA-target regulatory networks were observed with significant involvement in regulation of transcription, response to stimulus, hormone and auxin mediated signaling pathway related gene ontology (GO) term. The sucrose-starch metabolism and pentose-gluconate interconversion pathways were found significantly enriched for these target genes. Molecular markers such as Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) were identified on miRNAs (miR-SSRs and mi...

Journal of Education and Practice, 2015
The performance in chemistry at tertiary level in Zambia has not been as expected. It has therefo... more The performance in chemistry at tertiary level in Zambia has not been as expected. It has therefore been a matter of concern. There has been a continuous focus on exploring new teaching strategies to improve the understanding of this difficult subject. This study investigated the effectiveness of composite use of concept maps and traditional method on student achievement in selected topics in chemistry. The study was conducted in view of determining the method which is more effective in enhancing student understanding in chemistry. There were three groups involved in the study i.e. Control, experimental group1 and experimental group 2. The pre-test, post -test true experimental research design was used for the study. The sample of the study consisted of thirty nine (39) first year students at Mufulira College of education. Each of the three groups was randomly assigned 13 students. The treatment took four weeks using the topics "atomic structure" and "chemical bonding". The control group was treated using the traditional method, the experimental group 1 was treated using the concept map method while experimental group 2 used composite of both the traditional and concept map methods. One way ANOVA at an alpha (α) = .05 was conducted to analyze the results of the pre-test and post test scores. The means of the pre-test scores were; control group = 6.46, Experimental group 1 = 7.07 and experimental group 2 = 6.61. These results show that there was no significant difference in the performance of the students in all groups. This result implied that the entry level performance for all the groups was not significantly different. The means of the post-test results(control group = 4.53,experimental group1 = 5.46, experimental group 2 = 6.61) showed that there was a significant effect on the use of both traditional teaching method and concept map teaching method at p < .05 level for the three groups at F(2,36) = 17.156 , p = 0.00. The experimental group 2 performed better than both control group and experimental group 1 in the post test scores. Post hoc comparisons using the Turkey HSD test indicated that the mean scores were significantly different. The results strongly support that when students are taught using both the concept map teaching strategy and traditional teaching strategy, they achieve the best scores. This study therefore offers an encouraging solution towards improvement of student performance in Chemistry at tertiary level.

Legume Research - An International Journal, 2015
Despite concerted breeding efforts directed towards genetic improvement of pigeonpea, huge gap ex... more Despite concerted breeding efforts directed towards genetic improvement of pigeonpea, huge gap exists between its potential and actual yields. Recently, in order to stabilize pigeonpea yield the CGMS- based system has been established in pigeonpea. Maintenance of the genetic purity of parental lines and hybrids, however, remains one the greatest challenges associated with CGMS-based system. In the context, identification of some markers clearly discriminating the parental lines and hybrids would be of immense importance. With this view, here we report the discovery of a spontaneous mutant phenotype that would act as potential visual marker in the CGMS based hybrid breeding programmes. Moreover, the nature of inheritance for the mutant phenotype was also examined. All the F1s derived from a bi-parental cross (mutant × normal) were normal with lanceolate leaves and normal flower morphology while the F2 and backcross generations segregated in ratio of 3:1 and 1:1, respectively indicati...
![Research paper thumbnail of A Study on Comparative Fertility Restoration in A2 and A4 Cytoplasms and Its Implication in Breeding Hybrid Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]](
American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2015
Exploitation of hybrid vigour has been visualized as the most efficient option for increasing pro... more Exploitation of hybrid vigour has been visualized as the most efficient option for increasing productivity in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]. Cytoplasms from various wild relatives of pigeonpea have been transferred to develop CMS lines in the background of cultivated pigeonpea. However, A 2 (Cajanus scarabaeoides) and A 4 (Cajanus cajanifolius) cytoplasms have been utilized most frequently. In order to study fertility restoration efficiency in F 1 hybrids having either A 2 or A 4 cytoplasms, an experiment was conducted at the Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR), Kanpur during 2008-2012. Four CMS lines namely Hy4A, H28A (each with A 2 cytoplasm), ICP 2039A and ICP 2043A (both with A 4 cytoplasm) were crossed with ten genotypes/restorers of long duration pigeonpea for two years. The F 1 hybrids so-obtained were assessed in the succeeding years for pollen fertility and pod setting. All the pollinators except IPA 203 restored fertility in F 1 hybrids derived from ICP 2039A and ICP 2043A (both having A 4 cytoplasm). However, none of the restorers were effective in restoring fertility in hybrids derived from Hy4A and H28A (each with A 2 cytoplasm). This could be ascribed to undesirable linkage drag still present in these two CMS lines having A 2 cytoplasm. The F 2 progenies derived from 4 hybrids (ICP 2039A × NA-1, ICP 2039A × Bahar, ICP 2043A × NA-1 and ICP 2043A × Bahar) segregated approximately into 3 fertile: 1 sterile plants. However, 2 F 2 progenies having Pusa 9 as the restorer revealed approximately 15 fertile:1 sterile ratio. Thus monogenic and digenic duplicate gene action with complete dominance for fertility restoration was observed in F 1 hybrids derived from CMS lines having A 4 cytoplasm. F 3 progenies from individual F 2 plants of these crosses also confirmed the same pattern of fertility restoration. This study indicated that CMS lines based on A 4 cytoplasm would be more desirable as these might have more number of restorers compared to those having A 2 cytoplasm.

Procedia Materials Science, 2014
The present work deals with formulation and implementation of coupled FE-EFG approach to solve th... more The present work deals with formulation and implementation of coupled FE-EFG approach to solve three dimensional crack problems in thermal loading environment. Geometrical discontinuity across crack surface is modelled by extrinsically enriched EFGM and remaining part of the domain is approximated by standard FEM. In interface/transition region, ramp function based interpolation scheme has been implemented. This coupled approach combines the advantages of both EFGM and FEM. Thermoelastic problems are decoupled into thermal and elastic problems. At first, unknown temperature field has been obtained by solving steady-state heat conduction equation, and it is used as load input in elastic problem to get displacement and stress field. To check accuracy of proposed technique, one 3-D benchmark crack domain is solved for mechanical loading and obtained results are compared with available reference results. Further, a penny shape crack embedded in cuboid domain is simulated under three different thermo-elastic loading conditions namely thermal shock, adiabatic and isothermal loads to reveal the sturdiness and versatility of the coupled approach.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2014
success achieved through conventional breeding so far in most of the pulse crops will not be enou... more success achieved through conventional breeding so far in most of the pulse crops will not be enough to feed the ever increasing population. In this context, genomics-assisted breeding (GAB) holds promise in enhancing the genetic gains. Though pulses have long been considered as orphan crops, recent advances in the area of pulse genomics are noteworthy, e.g. discovery of genome-wide genetic markers, high-throughput genotyping and sequencing platforms, high-density genetic linkage/QTL maps and, more importantly, the availability of whole-genome sequence. with genome sequence in hand, there is a great scope to apply genome-wide methods for trait mapping using association studies and to choose desirable genotypes via genomic selection. It is anticipated that GAB will speed up the progress of genetic improvement of pulses, leading to the rapid development of cultivars with higher yield, enhanced stress tolerance and wider adaptability.
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2007
This paper presents the effect of interface on the equivalent thermal conductivity of the carbon ... more This paper presents the effect of interface on the equivalent thermal conductivity of the carbon nanotube composites. The element free Galerkin method has been utilized as a numerical tool to evaluate the thermal conductivity of the composites. The numerical results have been obtained using continuum mechanics approach for a model composite problem, and it was found that the interface has

Environmental Geology, 2000
Monsoon rain causes large scale sediment-water movement and reworking of sediments of the Ganga P... more Monsoon rain causes large scale sediment-water movement and reworking of sediments of the Ganga Plain which is one of the largest fluvial systems on Earth. Geomorphology and drainage type combined with sedimentation processes play a substantial role on dispersion and transport patterns of metals bound to sediments and soils. The study area of Kanpur-Unnao industrial region in the Ganga Plain has been divided into five independent geochemical domains on the basis of sediment-geomorphic, hydrological and geochemical characters. The monsoon hydrography and physicochemical parameters (pH, conductivity) of the river and urban drain waters play a prominent role in regulating the concentrations and behaviour of the metals in the aquatic system of the Ganga Plain. Values of pH and specific electrical conductivity of the river water of the study area decrease whereas those of the urban drain water increase in postmonsoon period. The monsoon rain reduces the contents of Co, C-org, Cr, Fe and Ni and enhances the contents of Cd, Sn and Zn in sediments of post-monsoon period. In soils, it reduces the contents of Al, Co, Fe, Mn and Ni and enhances the contents of Cd, Sn and Zn in the post-monsoon period. These changes in concentrations vary from metal to metal and from one geochemical domain to the other. An increase in the concentrations of few metals in the soils from pre-to post-monsoon periods indicates that these metals were mobilized
Infrared stimulated luminescence dating of sub-surface sediment core samples from about 350-190 m... more Infrared stimulated luminescence dating of sub-surface sediment core samples from about 350-190 m depths in Meerut and Yamuna Puram (Bulandshahr) regions of western Ganga Plain gave ages of 49-31 ka. Such sample depths and ages indicate rapid subsidence of the region during latest Pleistocene to create appropriate accommodation space in a relatively short time. Geochemical and clay mineralogical data indicate a humid climate during 50-30 ka. It is inferred that during 50-10 ka western Ganga Plain was rapidly subsiding and received large amount of sediment from the activity of Ganga Megafan.
Proceedings of the World Congress on …, 2009
In this paper, elasto-plastic analysis of an edge crack has been performed using element free Gal... more In this paper, elasto-plastic analysis of an edge crack has been performed using element free Galerkin method. A model problem has been solved in plane stress condition under mode-I loading. A system of nonlinear equations has been obtained by using incremental theory of plasticity, and the equations are solved by assuming piecewise linear approximation. A code has been written in Matlab for elastoplastic analysis of cracked components. The size of plastic zone is calculated around the tip of the crack by EFGM code.
Papers by Dr. Indra Vijay Singh