Papers by DrHemant Toshikhane

International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2021
Ayurveda a science life which deals the maintenance of health and treatment for the diseases mani... more Ayurveda a science life which deals the maintenance of health and treatment for the diseases manifested in the human body. In Ayurveda many herbal and herbo-mineral formulations have been explained for disease treatment. Guduchi-Bhadramustadi yoga is herbal formulation explained in classical which consists of five herbal medicines and it has been converted in to Ghanavati form by following the sop in GMP certified pharmacy. It is a classical preparation used in the management of Kapha Dosha Vikaras by practitioners. Material & Methods: The present study was aimed to recognize the constituents of Guduchi-Badraustadi Ghanavati by using physico-chemical parameters, Qualitative analysis and Chromatography (HPTLC). Conclusion: This study will be useful for standardization of Guduchi-Badramustadi Ghanavati and for the preparation of the monography of this formulation for the Ayurvedic Formulary of India (AFI).

National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 2018
Osteoporosis is a major international health problem, accentuated by increasing longevity. Osteop... more Osteoporosis is a major international health problem, accentuated by increasing longevity. Osteoporosis as “a systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and bone architectural leading to increased riskâ€. Menopause is the normal process but now a day it becoming the major health problem in developing countries like India. In Ayurveda Menopause deals with jarapakvaavasta of the body Jara and Rajonivritti are manifested due to the progressive reduction in the functional ability of Agnis, which results in an inadequate tissue nutrition. This nutritional imbalance triggers the irreversible degenerative changes in „Sapta Dhatus‟. The disease Osteoporosis is somewhat similar to the description of Asthi Kshaya in which metabolism of Asthi Dhatu is disturbed. Rasayana therapy has proved efficacious in managing and preventing many chronic conditions till date. As Postmenopausal Osteoporosis is a disease related to aging, Rasayana can provide the better alternative to i...
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2019
Rakta dhatu (Blood) is a significant dhatu among seven dhatus in Ayurveda. "Rakta" is gotten from... more Rakta dhatu (Blood) is a significant dhatu among seven dhatus in Ayurveda. "Rakta" is gotten from Devanagari word "Raj Ranjane" which determine red shading. The job of Rakta dhatus are clarified in different angles like, kala, matrujabhav twacha, avayavautpatti in garbhavastha, strotas, ashaya, marmasambandha. Rakta utapatti, its panchbautikatva, upadhatu, praman, gunas, mala have been clarified.
International Journal of Research, Apr 13, 2019
Vata dosha is important dosha in body. It is responsible for all types of movements in human body... more Vata dosha is important dosha in body. It is responsible for all types of movements in human body as well as all types of reflexes are carried out by Vata dosha. Vata dosha inside human body represents Vayu in external environment. Vata is the only moving dosha among the three and it carries Pitta and Kapha all over the body along with it. Now in this article we are going to study – Nirukti of Vata dosha, functions of Vata dosha, characteristics of Vata dosha, types and locations of Vata dosha and Importance of Vata dosha over Pitta and Kapha dosha.

International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 2020
The key goals of Yoga are physical health, psychological wellbeing, social health, spiritual heal... more The key goals of Yoga are physical health, psychological wellbeing, social health, spiritual health, selfknowledge or the knowledge of the Divine within us. These goals are achieved through love and help for all living beings, respect for all times, protection of nature and therefore of the environment, a peaceful state of mind, a full vegetarian diet, pure thoughts and a positive lifestyle, physical, mental and spiritual practices, tolerance for all nations, cultures and religions. Pranayama is a vital, but little-known aspect of Yoga. Lifestyle Yoga can be a practice program consisting of eight stages of growth in the fields of physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellness. If the body is physically healthy, the mind is calm, concentrated, and tension is under control. This gives the opportunity to connect with loved ones and establish socially healthy relationships.
International Journal of Ayurveda Research, 2010
A woman with subacute thyroiditis following ginger consumption is presented. The diagnosis was co... more A woman with subacute thyroiditis following ginger consumption is presented. The diagnosis was confi rmed by physical examination and laboratory tests, in two distinct episodes. The patient was cured and recommended to refuse ginger consumption.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2019
Acharya Charak has described Medovriddhi as excessive increase in quantity of Meda Dhatu leading ... more Acharya Charak has described Medovriddhi as excessive increase in quantity of Meda Dhatu leading to pendulous movements of buttock, abdomen and chest with morphological disproportion and Acharya Sushrut explain Medo Vriddhi Lakshnas like unctuousness in organs, enlargement of abdomen, flanks etc. Medovriddhi is caused due to vitiation of body entities like Kapha Dosha, Meda Dhatu, Mala etc, and if it is not managed it leads further diseased condition like Sthoulya, Prameha etc. That’s why this has drawn my attention towards prevention of diseases & control of Medovriddhi with the help of ayurvedic management in the form of Ushnodakpan and Vyayama.

Padabhyanga is a holistic and very beneficial therapy and it is an effective inpsychosomatic diso... more Padabhyanga is a holistic and very beneficial therapy and it is an effective inpsychosomatic disorders. The word padabhyanga is composed with two words i.e. abhi and anga, abhi means “to rub” and anga means “limb”. And pada means “feet”.It is a concept beyond massage (Abhyanga) and it is an important part of Ayurvedic traditionalchikitsa. padabhyanga is the massage and reflexology techniques done on the sole through the marmas. Acupuncture, Acupressure and Pedicure seems to have developed from this ancient therapy. Padabhyanga can be done at any time of the day but it is more beneficial when it is done at evening or at night. In night it should be done before going to bed. mostly Abhyanga is advised to be done in daily routine life for maintenance of healthy life, so thatPadabhyanga can be done on a daily basis. Oil applied to the feet, makes the padasthairya(feet strong), Nidrakara (induces sleep), drishtiprasadana (improve eye vision), relieves padasupti , shrama(tiredness),stambh...

International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine
Background: There are several diseases which arise in gall bladder and one of them is gall stones... more Background: There are several diseases which arise in gall bladder and one of them is gall stones (cholelithiasis). The prevalence rate is difficult to work out because calculous disease is often asymptomatic. Cholelithiasis has become one among the foremost common diseases of the biliary tract. approximately 80 percent of gallstones contain cholesterol and therefore the remaining 20 percent are pigment stones, which consist mainly of calcium bilirubinate. Case Report: A 35-year male patient approached complaints of heaviness of abdomen, mild intermittent abdomen pain, nausea and with ultrasonography report which was suggestive of cholelithiasis of 4.7mm. Conclusion: The patient was diagnosed as Pittashmari and treated with ayurvedic medicine. With the help of Ayurvedic treatment protocol, the patient was free from 4.7mm cholelithiasis within 2 months of treatment and also improvement was observed in symptoms like the heaviness of the abdomen, pain in the abdomen, and nausea.

International Journal of Advanced Research
Introduction : A group of human is nothing but society. Ayurveda not only explains individuals he... more Introduction : A group of human is nothing but society. Ayurveda not only explains individuals health but well commented on community health. In this context, Ayurveda described about Supraja (Healthy and Cultured progeny). Female has got an opportunity to nurture Supraja as she has capability of giving birth because of typical genetic development. For mother and child care diet, remedies, medicines, rules are mentioned in Ayurveda. (Aim). Hence topic was selected to review Chaturvidhasneha ( internal and external) in Sutikapricharya. Material and Method: Sutikaparicharya and Sheh Varga (group of unctuous food) were reviewed. Observation: A female, after expulsion of placenta at the end of labour is known as Sutika . According to classical references Sutika Kalavadhi is from 5th day to up to 45 th day. Involvement Trishosha, Saptadhatu, Upadhatu are observed during labour and Sutikaawastha. In Ayurvedic compendia, twenty four types of herbal unctuous substances are mentioned. Postna...

International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, May 31, 2019
Rasashatra is one of the essential branches in Ayurvedic management of diseases. In Rasashatra te... more Rasashatra is one of the essential branches in Ayurvedic management of diseases. In Rasashatra texts we can find different formulations prepared out of mineral, metal and herbo mineral drug combinations which are going to show their medicinal effect in very short of time and giving good result in the management of different diseases. In present due to scarcity, unavailability, miss interpretations of the drug many of the drugs and formulations are not in use and highlighted them in the group of Controversy. If the controversies which are present in branch of science not resolved, it going to harm the existence of drugs explained in text book. To preserve the treasure of science it is need of hour to carryout scientific validation process by encouraging research scholars to take up such work in institutional level. In this article review of controversial drug is done to brief the drugs in endangered condition.

Ancient science of life
Calcaneus forms the bone of the foot. Due to abnormal pressures, foot muscles and ligaments are s... more Calcaneus forms the bone of the foot. Due to abnormal pressures, foot muscles and ligaments are stretched beyond their normal limits that lead to chronic plantar heel pain, among which calcaneal spur tops the list. In Ayurveda, it can be correlated to "Vātakaṇṭaka" (pricking sensation in the foot)-a painful condition of heel caused by its improper placement on the ground. To assess the effect of syringing method (modified Śṛṅga) in the treatment of Vātakaṇṭaka. A 10 ml syringe was for ease, hygiene, and to enable the case to be managed in the outpatient department. A diagnosed case of calcaneal spurs with pain, tenderness, and swelling visited KLE University's Shri BMK Ayurveda Hospital and Research Centre, Belgaum, Karnataka, India. After Snigdha Patrapoṭṭali sveda (a form of sudation therapy), bloodletting was performed by syringing method. In total procedure was performed for 4 times on the patient. Marked subjective relief was observed. Pain from 8 visual analog sc...

Ancient Science of Life, 2013
Venous ulcers (stasis ulcers, varicose ulcers) are the wounds occurring due to inappropriate func... more Venous ulcers (stasis ulcers, varicose ulcers) are the wounds occurring due to inappropriate functioning of venous valves, usually of the legs. It is one of the most serious chronic venous insufficiency complications. The overall incidence rate is 0.76% in men and 1.42% in women. When a venous valve gets damaged, it prevents the backflow of blood, which causes pressure in the veins that leads to hypertension and, in turn, venous ulcers. These are mostly along the medial distal leg, which is often very painful, can bleed, and get infected. Treating varicose ulcers is a difficult task to the physician and a nightmare to the suffering patients, though a good number of the treatment principles are mentioned and practiced in allied sciences. In Ayurveda, this condition is considered as duṣṭa vraṇa. It can be managed with the specific s'odhana therapy. So, the same treatment protocol was used to treat the case discussed here, i.e. with Nitya virecana and by Basti karma. The wound was successfully treated and, therefore, is discussed in detail.
International Journal of Ayurveda Research, 2010
The development of alternative methods of drug administration has improved the ability of physici... more The development of alternative methods of drug administration has improved the ability of physicians to manage specific problems. The nasal route of administration has been used for different therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for millennia. The drugs, which are administered through the nose, act locally as well as systemically. The dose of drugs required is very minimal. The metabolism of the drug is not required through first passage and the action of the drug is faster and effective.
Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga, 2016
Ayurveda is a complete science of life, where we get elaborate descriptions about prevention of d... more Ayurveda is a complete science of life, where we get elaborate descriptions about prevention of disease in a healthy individual as well as the management diseases. One of the common problems and challenges to modern world is trauma and the management the skeletal system injuries which occur as the result of trauma in most of cases. Such skeletal injuries are well explained with their classification and treatment in classical Ayurvedic Literature. Such orthopedic conditions are well explained and documented in the literatures of Ayurveda in the name of Bhagna Chikitsa 1. This paper presents a historic perspective of fracture management in the Ayurveda tradition.
Papers by DrHemant Toshikhane