Papers by Dr. Erick J Mazyala
RER…………………Rough endoplasmic reticulum ROS ………………...Reactive oxygen species SE …………………..Standard e... more RER…………………Rough endoplasmic reticulum ROS ………………...Reactive oxygen species SE …………………..Standard error of mean TBS…………………Tris-buffered saline. TEM……………….. Transmission electron microscope TGF-beta ………….. Transforming growth factor-beta TIMPs. ……………...Inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases TNF-alpha ………….Tumor necrotic factor alpha UVA……………….. Ultraviolet-alpha radiation UVB ………………..Ultraviolet-beta radiation VEGF……………….Vascular endothelial cell growth factor vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS During this project I depended on academic excellence that prevails in the Department of Biomedical Sciences (Division of Anatomy and Histology), at the University of Stellenbosch. My sincerest thanks to the following, without whose help this research project and dissertation would not have been possible.

Academia Anatomica International, 2017
Aberrant origin of ulnar artery that potentially changes its normal anatomical relationship is co... more Aberrant origin of ulnar artery that potentially changes its normal anatomical relationship is considerable rare. But when present, it must never be overlooked before carrying invasive procedures on the anteromedial aspect of the arm and forearm by the clinician. This would avoid unprecedented iatrogenic loss of part or entire distal part of the upper limb due to loss of arterial blood supply. While doing the normal dissection of the left upper limb on the 35 year old female cadaver, medical students saw a strangely and superficially placed ulnar artery that arose from the brachial artery way up within the upper part of the middle 3rd of the arm. This superficial ulnar artery coursed within the deep brachial and antebrachial fascia, making it superficial to all flexor muscles of the flexor compartment of the forearm. It only resumes its normal course at the wrist joint distally. The brachial artery coursed normally and bifurcated at the cubital fossa to give radial artery laterally and common interosseous artery medially. On the other hand, the right upper limb had normal arterial patterning.

BMC Medical Education, 2016
Background: The use of cadavers in human anatomy teaching requires adequate number of anatomy ins... more Background: The use of cadavers in human anatomy teaching requires adequate number of anatomy instructors who can provide close supervision of the students. Most medical schools are facing challenges of lack of trained individuals to teach anatomy. Innovative techniques are therefore needed to impart adequate and relevant anatomical knowledge and skills. This study was conducted in order to evaluate the traditional teaching method and reciprocal peer teaching (RPT) method during anatomy dissection. Methods: Debriefing surveys were administered to the 227 first year medical students regarding merits, demerits and impact of both RPT and Traditional teaching experiences on student's preparedness prior to dissection, professionalism and communication skills. Out of this, 159 (70 %) completed the survey on traditional method while 148 (65.2 %) completed survey on RPT method. An observation tool for anatomy faculty was used to assess collaboration, professionalism and teaching skills among students. Student's scores on examinations done before introduction of RPT were compared with examinations scores after introduction of RPT.
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 2015
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) may exist with other cardiovascular anomalies, which must be consi... more Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) may exist with other cardiovascular anomalies, which must be considered at the time of diagnosis. We report a rare coexistence of PDA and a variant of aortic arch branching pattern in a 12-year old Tanzanian female patient during surgery to close a PDA. In this case, the 'left brachiocephalic trunk' was seen to arise from the arch of aorta distal to the origin of the right brachiocephalic trunk. We discuss the relevant literature, its potential embryologic development and clinical significance.

International Journal of Shoulder Surgery, 2007
The process of autologous cell regeneration (ACR) is a facet of cell therapy and regenerative med... more The process of autologous cell regeneration (ACR) is a facet of cell therapy and regenerative medicine. It is initiated when activated autologous platelet rich plasma alone (PRP), containing cytokines or growth factors, is injected into the dermis or other structure in order to initiate a regenerative or antiaging process. The recipients resident cells at the target zone are activated by biologically active growth factors, derived from the activated platelets in the PRP through a paracrine effect. The platelet gel that contains the fibrin and clumped platelets, releases growth factors that influences activation of macrophages and stem cells in the recipient site. Tissue regeneration is facilitated by stem cell proliferation and differentiation. The PRP that has sealant and wound healing properties, may shift the wound healing cascade to the left, thereby speeding up tissue regeneration and remodelling by the use of the recipients own plasma. Both the fibroblast and myofibroblast play key roles in the wound healing cascade. The fibroblast, of mesenchymal origin, plays a pivotal role in the formation of the extracellular matrix and deposition of collagen. A failure of organised fibroblast function results in important and disabling disease processes and conditions such as chronic ischaemic heart disease and remodelling of the heart, lung fibrosis, fibromatosis, solar aged-face, keloids, hypertrophic scar formation, nodular fasciitis, inguinal hernia, Dupuytren's disease and scleroderma. More recent additions include frozen shoulder and the captured shoulder. In aesthetic medicine, one of the prime functions of fractional photothermolysis with lasers, intense pulsed light and radiofrequency devices, is to stimulate dermal fibroblast proliferation, by thermal energy thereby increasing collagen deposition which enhances facial rejuvenation. Platelet-rich plasma (REGENLAB PRP, REGENLAB-ACR) possesses unique growth factors that stimulate, fibroblast, keratinocyte and myoblasts ex vivo in tissue culture, allowing threedimensional cell proliferation within the fibrin gel. PRP can be used as a cell carrier (i.e., keratinocytes, fibroblasts), may enhance cell retention at the point of treatment. REGENKIT is authorized for human use, ISO and CE marked. In this overview fibroblast morphology, tissue culture and cell biology relevant to the shoulder surgeon is reviewed.
International Journal of Shoulder Surgery, 2007
... biology perspective. Don F du Toit 1 , Wayne G Kleintjes 2 , Morkel J Otto 3 , Erick J Mazyal... more ... biology perspective. Don F du Toit 1 , Wayne G Kleintjes 2 , Morkel J Otto 3 , Erick J Mazyala 4 , Benedict J Page 5. 1 Division ... shoulder surgery. How to cite this article:du Toit DF, Kleintjes WG, Otto MJ, Mazyala EJ, Page BJ. Soft and ...

BMC Oral Health, 2011
Background: Clefts of the lip (CL), the palate (CP), or both (CLP) are the most common orofacial ... more Background: Clefts of the lip (CL), the palate (CP), or both (CLP) are the most common orofacial congenital malformations found among live births, accounting for 65% of all head and neck anomalies. The frequency and pattern of orofacial clefts in different parts of the world and among different human groups varies widely. Generally, populations of Asian or Native American origin have the highest prevalence, while Caucasian populations show intermediate prevalence and African populations the lowest. To date, little is known regarding the epidemiology and pattern of orofacial clefts in Tanzania. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study was conducted at Bugando Medical Centre to identify all children with orofacial clefts that attended or were treated during a period of five years. Cleft lip and/or palate records were obtained from patient files in the Hospital's Departments of Surgery, Paediatrics and medical records. Age at presentation, sex, region of origin, type and laterality of the cleft were recorded. In addition, presence of associated congenital anomalies or syndromes was recorded. Results: A total of 240 orofacial cleft cases were seen during this period. Isolated cleft lip was the most common cleft type followed closely by cleft lip and palate (CLP). This is a departure from the pattern of clefting reported for Caucasian and Asian populations, where CLP or isolated cleft palate is the most common type. The distribution of clefts by side showed a statistically significant preponderance of the left side (43.7%) (χ 2 = 92.4, p < 0.001), followed by the right (28.8%) and bilateral sides (18.3%). Patients with isolated cleft palate presented at very early age (mean age 1.00 years, SE 0.56). Associated congenital anomalies were observed in 2.8% of all patients with orofacial clefts, and included neural tube defects, Talipes and persistent ductus arteriosus. Conclusions: Unilateral orofacial clefts were significantly more common than bilateral clefts; with the left side being the most common affected side. Most of the other findings did not show marked differences with orofacial cleft distributions in other African populations.
Advances in Anatomy, 2014
Introduction. Studying anatomy through dissection of human cadavers requires a regular supply of ... more Introduction. Studying anatomy through dissection of human cadavers requires a regular supply of human bodies. Tanzanian medical schools depend entirely on collecting unclaimed bodies in hospital mortuaries. This method is no longer reliable. This study aimed at evaluating sources and profile of cadavers in Tanzanian medical schools and addressing challenges and suggests appropriate lasting solutions. Methods. Seven spreadsheets were sent electronically to seven medical schools in Tanzania to capture data related to sources and profiles of cadavers received. Only 2 out of 7 responded timely. Results. 100% of all cadavers in Tanzanian medical schools are unclaimed bodies of black population. Female cadavers accounted for 0–20%. About 9 days elapse before embalmment of cadavers. Conclusion. It is the time to jump onto body bequest wagon.
Papers by Dr. Erick J Mazyala