Papers by Dr. Chandra P Trivedi

lINKEDUN, 2024
हिन्दुस्तान का वाटरगेट काण्ड 1947
न्याय की देवी के आंख पर बंधी पट्टी हटी पर कानून की आंख नहि खुल... more हिन्दुस्तान का वाटरगेट काण्ड 1947
न्याय की देवी के आंख पर बंधी पट्टी हटी पर कानून की आंख नहि खुली। सत्य एक ही होता है और न्यायपालिका का मूल वाक्य है सत्यमेव जयते। आस्था अलग अलग हो सकती है यदि आस्था के बहुमत के आधार पर माननीस न्यायाधीष बहुमत के आधार पर न्याय का निणर्य करते है तो न्यााय कहा हुआ। यह अंग्रेजो द्वारा पदŸा भीड तंत्र का अनुसरण है। संविधान पीठ के तीन माननीय न्यायाधीष यदि असहमत है तो कानून अंधा है सिर्फ न्यााय की देेवी से आंखॅ पर बंधी पट्टी हटाने से आंखे नही खुली। अन्यथा एक सत्य पर सर्वसम्मत निर्णय द्वारा ही न्याय हो सकता है। यदि माननीय न्यायाधीध किसी आस्था से प्रेरित है तो वह नियम 23 के अनुसार शाष्कीय सेवा के योग्य नही है।
त्नसम 23 ;पद्ध व िजीम ळवअमतदउमदज ैमतअंदजे ब्वदकनबज त्नसमे ;दवू त्नसम 5द्ध
माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय का निर्णय 1967 जिसमे अलिगड मुस्लिम विष्वविद्यालय अल्पसंख्यक दर्जा खत्म किया गया और अपने ही निणर्य को सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने निरस्त कर दिया। इससे प्रतीत होता है कि वह बेंच जिसने 1967 मे निणर्य दिया वह संविधान से अनभिज्ञ थी या यह बेंच अनभिज्ञ है। दानो ही बेंच गुलाम भारत के संविधान 1935 मे भटक रहे है। जो अविभाजित भारत के लिए था। स्वतंत्रता के नाम पर छल् करते हुए इसे ही 1950 मे लागु किया गया। इसे मुर्तरूप् देने के बाद लार्ड माउंटबेटन अंमि वायसरॉय 14 अगस्त 1950 को भारत से गए और उनका एहसान मानते हुए स्वतंत्र भारत के प्रथम वायसराय लार्ड माउंटबेटन को भव्य बिदाई दी गई। और पाकिस्तान की कृपा कि हिन्दुस्तान के विभाजन से पाकिस्तान को पुनर्वास मे सहयोग हेतु 80 करौड रूपये दिए गए।
विभाजन के प्रस्ताव के साथ यह भी षर्त थी कि जनता का हितसंवंर्धन सरकार का दायित्व होगा। नेहरू जी ने तुरंत घोषणा की कि भारत धर्म निरपेक्ष होगा। और जिन्नाह ने बहुत नरसंहार होने के बाद हिन्दुओ के हित संरक्षण की घोषध्णा की। जब विभाजन के नाम पर लाखो निरीह भारतीय मारे गए और गांधी जी का अहिंसक आंदोलन हिंसा मे परिवर्तित हो गया। इस खुन की होली मे भारत पाकिस्तान जष्न मना रहे थे। जो अंग्रेज षासको की विजय थी और हिन्दुस्तान की हत्या कि भारतवंषी मुसलमान हिन्दुओं के दुष्मन हो गए। कि इन हिन्दुओ के कारण भारत मुस्लिम राज्य नही बना इसे मुस्लिम राष्ट् बनाना पाकिस्तान का मूल उद्देष्य। बंगलादेष पाकिस्तान मे हिन्दू नरसंहार और भारतीय सŸाा के मद मे त्रिषंकु मौन सन्यासी और ब्रिटेन मे कर्तलध्वनि से स्वागत।
हिन्दुस्तान का वाटरगेट काण्ड 1947
स्वतंत्रता काण्ड 1947 की इबारत 1857 में लिखी गई जिसकी कल्पना भरतीय राजनीयको की कल्पना से बाहर है। और रामजन्म भूमि बाबरी मस्जिद संयुक्त आस्था केद्र मे परिक्रमसा को रामचबुतरे तक सिमीत कर विभाजन काण्ड की नींव रखी। जिसका जष्न 14 और 15 अगस्त 1947 को लाखो निरीह मनुष्यो के साथ खूुन की होली खेलकर मनाया।
मुस्लिम लीग का एहसान और मुस्लिम हित संवर्धन के नाम पर वक्फ बोर्ड अधिनियम लागु किया। ताकि कांग्रेस को मुस्लिम के थोंक मे वोट मिलते रहे। संविधान के नियम 23 कि किसी संगठन का सदस्य होने पर वह भेदभाव कर सकता है जो देष हित मे नही है वह षासकीय सेवा के अयोग्य होगा की अवहेलना की गई। इसके साथ पाकिस्तान मे नारे लगे हंस के लिया है पाकिस्तान और लड के लेंगे हिन्दुस्तान। इसके लिए मुस्लिम जनसंख्या के विस्तार को अरब के मुस्लिम राष्ट् का संगठन धन देता है ताकि हिन्दुस्तान मुस्लिम राष्ट् बने। बंदरबांट के राजनेता इसे पोषित करते है और वक्फ बोर्ड माध्यम। युरोप के देष भी यही चाहते कि अरबी मुसलमान का घ्यान इजराइल से हट कर भारत पर ध्यान दे कि भारत को मुस्लिम राष्ट् बनाना आसान है। और भारत गाजा बन जाए। मुस्लिम दंषे से पहले भी भी भयभीत थै और आज भी भयभीत है।
मोदी की तीसरी जीत से विष्व के मुस्लिम देष और युरोप के देष ब्रिटैन अमेरिका आस्ट्ैलिया कनाडा भारत विरोधी होकर भारत मे अराजकता फैलाना चाहते है। बंगलादेष पाकिस्तान इनके मोहरे।
भारतवासी लार्ड मॅकाले के षिष्य आंख से अंधे और नाम नैनसुख
ल्ज्ञर्ड मॅकाले ने अपनी षिक्षा पद्धति में यह षिक्षा दी कि वेद हिन्दुओं के धर्मग्रंथ है और समझ से परे। युरोपिय विद्वानो ने वेदो का गहन अध्ययन किया और वैदिक धरोहर से विष्व का परिचय कराया। परन्तु वेदक्षर उनके लिए अनबुझ पहेली थी फिर भी यह प्रतिपादित किया कि आर्य गोरे बाहर से आये और काले द्रनिढो को मारकर भगा दिया और बाद मे वेदो की संरचना की। एक वेद वाक्य कि अज्ञानी षुद्र वेद ज्ञान के अधिकारी नही है। यह सही साबित हुआ। कि अज्ञानी के लिए वेद काला अक्षर भैंस बराबर है। वेदाक्षर के स्वरषब्द अविनाषी और एक एक षब्द सेकेत मे ज्ञान का अथह भण्डार है जो रुपको और पहेलियों मे समाहित है। वेदाक्षर के षब्द संकेत से अनभिग्य विद्वाानो ने सूर्य पर उभार रहित काले धब्बो को को नाक रहित काले द्रविडो की संज्ञा दी और विद्युत बिजली की चमक को गोरे आर्य कहा। जिसका अर्थ है कि सूर्य की सतह पर काले धब्बे सूर्य की चमक को अवरूद्ध करते है जिनहे विद्युत चुम्बकीय ऊर्जा ने सक्रिय होकर नष्ट किया और सूर्य की चमक मे अवरोधो दानवो को दूर किया। इसे युरापिय विद्वाानो ने काले और गोरो के मध्य युद्ध कहा। जिसे वैदिक षब्दावली और संकेत का ज्ञान हो वह इसे समझ सकता है। इससे अनभिज्ञ विद्वाानो ने वेदो को ग्वालो के गीत कहकर कहा कि आर्य भारत में बाहर से आये । और अंग्रेजो ने कहा कि जैसे आर्य बाहर से आये वैसे ही हम भारत मे आये। वेदो की तुलना बाइबल और कुरान से कर वदो को हिन्दुओं के धर्मग्रंथ और भारतीय संस्कृति को हिन्दू धर्म कह कर संगठित धर्मो की श्रेणी मे रख दिया।
भारतीय संस्कृति अजेय वेदो का प्रतिबिम्ब है इसे धर्म कह कर अंग्रेजो ने इसकी तुलना बाइबल से कर इसका अवमूल्यन किया और विभाजन कर भारत की हत्या कर दी ।
उपमहाद्वीप मे अषांति पंष्चिमी षडयंत्र
भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप 15 अगस्त स्वतंत्रता अंध्धकार दिवस
स्वतंत्रता के नाम पर भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप हिंसाा अराजकता की आग मे जल रहा है। देषद्रोही विभाजन की ध्ध्काली रात 14 अगस्त 1947 ने भाईयो भारतंवंषी को विदेषी बना दिया।

PUBITEX AJPSS 129 , 2024
Breakthrough Sun’s Power House
Abstr act
The unfathomed cosm... more Breakthrough Sun’s Power House
Abstr act
The unfathomed cosmos is beyond the end. The visible solar system with the sun in the center is a small unit, we are part of the same human body is a microcosm inside a macrocosm that can reveal all about the cosmos, just like a drop of water reveals the nature of the sea.
The high resolution telescope of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) instrument took images in high concentration regions of UV rays. Normally UV rays are toxic harmful for eyes. With long concentration on the sun’s surface developed a resistance against the UV rays, and I have observed plenty of Ultraviolet rays around my eye ball, due the practice of eight disciplines ‘Ashtanga Yoga’ sky of infinite mind become active to connect the infinite thought waves with the universe, and the UV rays around the eye ball, and picture on retina connected the thought waves made one with the sun to look on the surface, of the sun, and solar phenomena, thought wave penetrate into the interior of sun’s surface. I observed the phenomena like live TV telecast videography. The picture on the retina are thought stimulator, and connect it with the sun as one unit to observe the phenomena.
The sun's interior is beyond visual perception, my thought wave with picture on retina, and UV rays entered into the interior, it comprises huge large black high-intensity dark atmosphere, dark matter inherent inactive magnetism. It has activated by equal, and opposite dark wave, antimagnetic without charge with the electron transfer, and half spin change in the opposite wavelength. The electron transfer is the foremost event brought oxidation, reduction reactions in chan. The high magnetic field developed into a dynamo with rotation of the sun at its axis. It is responsible for the sun’s strong magnetic field and source of vital energy with nuclear chain reactions and the bursting of sunspots with solar flares, which is a source of all wealth on Earth. The Scientists are searching the Dark matter, it is not the matter. The dark atmosphere is hidden in the interior of the sun and black caters and sunspots explode with blast and light.
Keywords- Thought wave, UV rays, sun spots, Dark wave, picture, Retina
The modern researches with the telescopic eye revealed many secrets to enter in the pre-cosmic cosmology. The CERN scientists with the discovery of Higgs Field 2014 made a land mark, and working day, and night to search strong force that binds quarks together into hadrons, phonon scattered the photon in a crystal Lie et al 2014, Einstein 1923 there must be two equal and opposite forces. LIGO picked up gravitational waves in 2015, The Gravitational interactions are equal and opposite active and passive July 13 2023 Physics 16 s 97
The photon is the smallest unit of light, and the immortal phonon is the smallest unit of the sound wave vibration connected at the molecular level with equal and opposite wavelengths. The phonon is passive force, and immortal activate the event with the electron transfer, and half spin change in the opposite wavelengths to execute the functions in the cyclic manner without end. The oxidation, and Reduction with electron transfer is the foremost Event
The electron transfer with half spin change in the opposite wavelength is the foremost event brought forward the oxidation, synthesis, and reduction degradation with time in a cyclic manner is without end laid down the foundation of the creation Einstein’s Equation E=Mc²
The vibrational wave touched the press mark and rebounded and skewed the dark matter with electron transfer and half-spin change in the opposite wavelengths. The electron transfer generated tremendous heat Transverse waves in umbral fibrils in the chromosphere of a strongly magnetized sunspot. The energy flux carried by the vibrational waves was estimated to be 7.52 × 106 W m−2 Transverse oscillations and an energy source in a strongly magnetized sunspot Nat Astron 2023 has activated the dark matter with the opposite wavelength with electron configuration and half-spin change in the opposite direction. The phonon wavelength is immortal and infinite taking millions of years to activate the inactive magnetism-dark matter with opposite wavelengths with vital energy in action. It has laid down the foundation of the creation, and working as a system.
Sun's dimension is much more than Earth the sun disc before us is a tiny model moving continuously rapidly with glowing luster all over, the continuous fixing eyes on sun disc, the scenario change rapidly with fabulous colors, penetrating the sight observe the sun's surface phenomena, a mini shining dot in the center glowing luster like sun, moving like sun disc is the powerhouse of sun may be of many Km. in dimension with reference to sun's dimension. The tiny disc with magnetosphere shines with UV rays explore the boundary of the magnetosphere.
The ionization in the magnetosphere, the Higgs Field, underlying space imparts mass to the elementary particles with equal opposite wavelength to bind them in series, constituting the sun's surface with craters, and sun spots.
The chromosphere and corona around the sun disc with the solar flares moving in concentric circles have many circles with the dimensions of kms. incandescent clouds.
The high resolution telescope of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) instrument took images in high concentration regions of UV rays. Normally UV rays are toxic harmful for eyes. With long concentration on the sun’s surface developed a resistance against the UV rays, and I have observed plenty of Ultraviolet rays around my eye ball, due the practice of eight disciplines ‘Ashtanga Yoga’ sky of infinite mind become active to connect the infinite thought waves with the universe, and the UV rays around the eyeball, and picture on retina connected the thought waves made one with the sun to look on the surface, of the sun, and solar phenomena, thought wave penetrate into the interior of sun’s surface. I observed phenomena like live TV telecast videography. The picture on the retina is a thought stimulator, and connects it with the sun as one unit to observe the phenomena.
All the objects of the universe are connected with each other with gravitational vibrational waves, and have individual existence with gravity, and magnetic field, and magnetosphere around them. The human cell body is a microcosm inside a macrocosm that also has a magnetic field, and magnetosphere around it as a small part of the universe, and protects the cell body from the magnetic field of the sun, and other planets.
Phonon is Fifth Force
The fifth force of the universe other than Gravity, Electromagnetism, the strong Force, and the weak Force is the primordial force working everywhere and beholding all existing. The vibrational waves Choir phonon is the fifth force of the universe. The phonon is antimagnetic without charge with induced magnetism, strike the opposite magnetic wavelength, and rebound remain unaffected stable with electron transfer and half-spin change in the opposite wavelength, the electrical vibrations connected with the universe.
The complementary wavelength with induced magnetism strikes, and skews the opposite DNA wavelength in the cell body. The gravitational waves active and passive are universal connects all in in one unit,
The phonon is antimagnetic without charge with induced magnetism, strike the opposite magnetic wavelength, and rebound remain unaffected stable with electron transfer and half-spin change in the opposite wavelength, the electrical vibrations connected with the universe. The concentration of UV rays around the eyeball with the picture on retina converts it into a telescopic eye 24 hours. and sun never sets. Filtering through the atmospheric layers, eyelids reveal different scenarios on the retina and thoughts in mind to observe the phenomena.
With regards
Dr.C.P. Trivedi

Decipherment of Indus Valley Seals Vol. I ISBN 978-81-938049-5-7 Vo;.I
Indus Valley Vedic Civilization
The Decipherment of Indus Valley seals explores Vedi... more Indus Valley Vedic Civilization
The Decipherment of Indus Valley seals explores Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography as an intellectual language. As also it explores the antiquity of India’s Vedic culture as part of the life of Indians. After natural catastrophes, global warming, and ice age, the people moved towards villages to maintain harmony with nature. India’s village culture and the Europeans could not decode the Vedic language code and the height of the Vedic development. To worship the plants was superstition for them, although to worship plants is the most scientific as the plants are a source of life with photosynthesis on the earth. It was the main reason behind their ‘Aryan’ invasion hypothesis without basis. Aryan’ means well-civilized person. It has nothing to do with religion, caste, color, race, or creed. North India is near to the mountains cold and south is near to the seashore warm, it is the cause of the color difference between the north and south Indians. Hence Aryan invasion was a conspiracy to deny the antiquity of India. It is the Vedic Scientific Heritage of Mankind on the earth, which emphasizes the whole earth is one family like a global nest, a village. Biotechnology was the main business of Indus Valley as reflected on the copper tablets. The rich biodiversity of the Indian subcontinent is proof of the original inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent.
The key to deciphering the Indus valley seals is in the Vedic metaphors and Vedic Science. The Vedic metaphoric knowledge of creation and Biology has been engraved on the seals.
It is a known fact that India and Africa have the largest biodiversity zones in the world, it reflects their knowledge of biotechnology and the development of new species.
Ŗgveda the oldest literary record of human civilization on the earth has no description of the temple or iconic worship. The Indus Valley has no trace of the temple or idol worship and their religious beliefs. It suggests that Vedas in original are not only religious scriptures.
The excavation of the fire altar at some places is an indication of their knowledge of sacrifice-yajna. It is common to sign of Indus-Vedic culture testimony.
A well-developed, city organization, the existence of a dockyard and dam, indicates their foreign connections for trade. Indus
Vedic culture was having trade contacts with summer, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Babylon.
In excavation at Indus Valley, the Archaeologists have discovered a large number of crop varieties and the croplands with irrigation facilities and water supply through the canal system. A large number of water reservoirs and wells with a big dam reveal the fact that the civilization was a scientifically developed society having no place for God and Soul, as we believe today. With the scientific developments, they reach the peak of the development, and the ecological disaster, global warming, and flooding with time was the main cause of the destruction of the Indus Valley- Vedic culture. The excess irrigation and deforestation may be the cause of the ecological disaster and the formation of the desert. They were having the knowledge of global warming and its impact hence before the catastrophe they have evacuated the areas nearby the seashore and rescued themselves. Due to this after flooding and release of the dam water, the whole area was under the sea mud, which has its emergence afterward on the earth with the geological disturbances with which we are in contact at present. Due to this in the highly populated areas the human skeletons have not been excavated in large quantities and those, who have not escaped, might have been the victims of the sea currents. Accordingly the traces of laboratories, machines have could not be found.
They have reached the peak of development scientifically. They may have exploited nature through cross-breeding, Hybridization, and the development of new species for domestic purposes. Their achievement in this field and consequent development of Biotechnology has been reflected on the seals through the pictographs.
They have compiled their knowledge in the Vedic hymns after going far away from the affected regions. They have emphasized harmony with nature and the natural components. The Puru–a sÊkta is the latest with a supreme knowledge of the creation in sixteen verses. The compilation of the Vedic hymns is after reaching at the peak of the development and after the ecological disaster, it can be confirmed from the Asya vamiya Sukta- The hymn of the supreme. The scientific knowledge compiled in the Vedic hymns reflects that the Vedic Science is vis-à-vis modern science, along with it; the Atharvaveda has a hymn on global warming. It is the testimony that they were acquainted with global warming and its impact. Accordingly, they have developed harmony with nature and traced the origin of life and its scientific reason behind it on the earth. This knowledge has been acquired in the post-Indus valley Vedic culture era.
The Indus Valley- Vedic culture was scientifically developed in various fields along with gene Technology. We can trace the facts from the pictographic seals. A look at the seals with deep insight reveals the fact that the engraved small pictographs associated with the animal or human figure are complimentary with each other. They are the symbolic expressions for which the seals were prepared. The pictograph, which has been engraved on the seals is basically the same for all people. It is also a fact that such a development is not possible without the scientific and ecological knowledge and the principles working in the creation. The Vedic scientific principles synonym to our modern knowledge can justify the development and the compilation of the Vedic hymns was for the future generation to come on the earth.
Let us with tuneful skill proclaim these generations of the Gods, that one may see them when these hymns are chanted in a future age.ÿg.10-72 1.
Lexigraphy; where each word, sentence or hymn signifies a symbol. In this sense, the symbols on the seals are complementary with Vedic symbolism for demonstration and teaching with its text in Vedic hymn.
To interpret the Vedic hymns has been a great puzzle for scholars. It is because the scholars were not acquainted with the Vedic scientific terminology and height of Vedic science. . UNESCO has included the Rigveda in the list of world heritage. It is unanimously accepted that the Vedas are the oldest literary monuments of human civilization on the earth.
Veda is the first word of the civilized person on the earth. "What can be more tedious than the Veda, and yet what can be more interesting, if once we know that it is the first word spoken by the Aryan man?" These are words of F. Max Muller, who has the credit to introduce Vedas in the world. The ‘Aryan’ means civilized person.
DNA from Sun
The discovery of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953 has brought revolution in Biotechnology The scientists are involved in preparing Bio-weapons for chemical warfare. They are working in retrogressive manner to destroy human civilization without. The DNA has much more to save humanity. The decipherment of the Indus Valley seals explore much more with its text in Vedas. DNA is a vessel of Life, the purine and pyrimidine base pair have come from the sun with the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with three immortal and three stages of life. The immortal phonon voice follows from generation to generation with new life.
Life is a trinity of three immortal
Three immortal
Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)
Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.
Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)
The Sarasvati thought words ensign of existence with the chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in mind and vital energy ensign of life manifest with action, the germ of plants and infants as well.
The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, the ensign of existence. With this, the fundamental energy Soma, manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, the infant also. The speed of the resonant waves is more than the light, which stimulates the action.
1. The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, the ensign of the existence of all.
2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feed the living-beings
3. The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all.
'Sarasvati' is not a terrestrial river, the immortal phonon is flowing in countless channels with life-like streams in the ocean of life. The discovery of the fundamental energy works with its dualistic force photon and phonon has been engraved on Gold plate excavated at Indus Valley. It was the highest discovery confirmed at Grand Canyon. The immortal phonon is the smallest unit of sound Voice vibrations, and photon is the smallest unit of light It follows the immortal DNA from generation to generation with new life and brought forward the infinite nature 'Aditi' in action.
Gold plate Indus Valley India Einstein’s Unification theory Shows that phonon and photon are connected at the molecular lever with the complementary wavelength. DNA is vessel of Life
The phonon and phonon are like two parallel streams of a river, their flow has been halted with the formation of the atom, and the phonon with underlying skys pace imparted mass to three subatomic particles, where fundamental energy appears in the center and binds them in series ensign of the existence of all. The vital fundamental energy is in the center like a pillar. The immortal phonon stimulates the DNA with the origin of life and beholds all ...

Page No: 01J of Physics & Chemistry 2023 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY Review ArticleVolume 1 | issue 1, 2023
Indian history is not like Western history to record their name in History, Indian scholars know ... more Indian history is not like Western history to record their name in History, Indian scholars know the fact that before birth, we were unknown and after death will be again unknown, for whom we should write History, name, and year. Indus Valley breakthroughs
Deciphering the Indus Valley Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography on Indus Valley Seals
Indus Valley was the most advanced civilization. With the discovery of Higgs Field 2012, DNA Watson and Crick 1953, Darwin's 1859 origin of species, Phonon can disintegrate Photon in a crystal Lie et al 2014, the recent discovery of Gravitational interactions equal, and opposite Physics 2023 we have touched their height and can grasp the symbols.
Symbolism on Indus Valley Seals
UNICORN is a symbolic animal that existed at any time, it was used in the Indus Alley seals extensively on a maximum number of seals. People tried to trace it in old Sanskrit scripture as ‘Ek Shragi’ it was hypothetical.
The symbolic animal is used to express the evolution of the creation from a single ancestor from the cosmos.
The animal body is a symbolic cosmic unit solar system with an incense barrier on the neck to express that just like the burner is a source of light the sun is the source of light and energy.
The three curves merge in four curves the building block of the creation is three subatomic particles and energy.
The symbolic animal expresses that life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division.

American Journal of Planetary Space Physics , 2023
The fifth force of the universe, other than gravity, electromagnetism, the strong force, and the ... more The fifth force of the universe, other than gravity, electromagnetism, the strong force, and the weak force, is the primordial force working everywhere and beholding all that exists. The scientists at Fermi Lab near Chicago found that the muons did not behave in accordance with the current theory called the standard model in Nature 2021. Camille Brown raised the question, 'Can cosmology distinguish a dark force from a modification of gravity? An unknown force acting on the dark matter could mimic the gravitational slip and invalidate the test. Nature Astronomy, June 22, 2023. The CERN scientists are searching for a strong force that binds quarks together into hadrons. Astronomers 'hear' the celestial choir of powerful gravitational waves, created by collisions between black holes echoing across the universe. Scientists are searching for dark matter, dark energy, antimatter of dark matter, and force prior to the Big Bang. The echo across the universe created by collisions between black holes is evidence of the fifth force. The gravitational interactions are equal and opposite, active and passive. July 13, 2023, Physics 16 s. 97, and the gravitational slip invalidates the test, suggesting that this is the fifth force acting everywhere in the universe.
About the book Quest of Creation Higgs; God particle and Vedas; The book explore the foundation o... more About the book Quest of Creation Higgs; God particle and Vedas; The book explore the foundation of Vedic Science in the light of most exciting discovery of the decade, the Higgs; God particle by CERN scientists It explores antiquity of India and Indian Science with graphical confirmation from Indus Valley seals. The decoding of Vedas reveals the fact that the Indus Valley was counter part of Vedic culture. The discovery of Higgs; God particle is a important step to understand the universe and life on the earth. They can get further clues from the Vedas.
Begonias are much-loved garden plants in the UK, but did you know they originate in tropical clim... more Begonias are much-loved garden plants in the UK, but did you know they originate in tropical climes? The genus Begonia occurs throughout the tropics, with species mostly growing in undisturbed cloud and montane forests. Some are epiphytes (they grow on other plants, often trees), while others favour shady rock faces or waterfalls. To date (March 2020) 1,963 species have been named but botanists expect this figure to exceed 2,000 by the end of 2020. Some of these new species may one day make it into our gardens. Chapter 1. Seeking out species before they disappear 7 FIGURE 2: The proportion of species from each continent named as new to science in 2019 The relative size of the continents reflects the number of species named from each. There were no plants named from Antarctica.

E Khabar Ratlam , 2022
Rosetta Granite Stone Embodies the Secret of Creation
The most amazing discovery of... more Rosetta Granite Stone Embodies the Secret of Creation
The most amazing discovery of the earth is the excavation at Grand Canyon Arizona, North America. UNESCO has included it as a world heritage site among the wonders of the world. The Rig Veda is on the list of world heritage as the most ancient literary monument of human civilization on earth. They together explore the Ancient Vedic Science and Technology at Grand Canyon and in Egypt.
The Vedic civilization flourished at the Indian subcontinent with the development of the advanced Indus Valley civilization. The discovery of DNA De oxy Ribose Nucleic Acid and zero-space was their global achievement like DNA 1953 and Higgs field 2013. The Kumari Kandam in south India also flourished at that time (which is now under the sea). Kailash Ellora India the temple complex from the top of the mountain is the wonder of the world.
The Vedic Scientists moved from here with DNA on the flag to Grand Canyon. To trace the vital energy to travel beyond space- Time. The Vedic Expedition at America
America was first explored by a Vedic Scientist with DNA on the flag. The beautiful underground city of caves was developed by transgenic animals, robots, and Giants. They have been developed by DNA technology. The photographs explain the procedure and technique and are engraved on the Rosetta Granite stone.
THE Pyramids of Egypt, the Underground cave city at the Grand Canyon, Arizona, North America, and Rock cut Temple Complex, Maharashtra ELLORA, and Bhojshala, Dhar, India are ancient monuments of the oldest civilization on the Earth. The Rosetta Granite stone in the British Museum London is its testimony, as the Heritage of mankind. They have touched the zenith of the creation and used pictographic Lexicography, where each word, sentence or hymn has a symbol with its text in the Veda.
Rosetta Granite Stone Egypt Deciphered Embodies the secret of the creation and Lide on the Earth
The Tvashta’s Asvivn nucleotide pair Saranyu and Sanjana have similar structures that differ only in Nitrogen. They divide in air-like images in the mirror and are transported from the sky with incandescent clouds. The nucleotide pair purine Saranyu and pyrimidine Sanjana are joined with a triple bond of hydrogen, with the electron transfer the triple bond converted into a double bond and reunited in the opposite direction. The key of electron transfer is in the complementary phonon wavelength and the chemical energy of photosynthesis. It has been expressed in the picture symbolically with the Vedic Lexicography.

E Kahabar Ratlam , 2023
Dharma’ is the duty of an individual in life as a human to work in society. It has been wrongly c... more Dharma’ is the duty of an individual in life as a human to work in society. It has been wrongly correlated with Religion, which refers to collective duty in the name of faith in God. faith may differ from nan to man and the regions, territories, and continents. With different faith, and name, the name of God become unholy, and irreligious with faith. The world is one, the environment is one, and God is one not different from man to man. The ancient history of earth defined Earth as one unit ‘Jambu Dweep’ known as Pangea, one land mass, with continental drift, the land masses get separated into continents.
JAMBU DWIP’ KNOWN TURTLE EYE LAND from Grand Canyon North America
The earth was one land mass Pangea has developed with an equal and opposite wavelength of phonon and photon, The phonon is immortal, and the smallest unit of light undergo synthesis and degradation with time, They have developed in the two equal and opposite sphere, and the creation came into the existence.
Evolution of immortal thought words in the opposite direction with the birth
Back Forward goes he grasped by strength inherent the Immortal born the brother of the mortal. Ceaseless they move in the opposite direction: men mark one and fail to mark the other Rig. 1-164-38
The activation of dark matter is the activation of inherent magnetism in the cosmos, with the formation of charged elementary particles. The electrostatic force is the force that governs the motion of the elementary particles, which caused them to aggregate or collide in various ways with oxidation and reduction with the transfer of electrons.
The photon and phonon have broad complementary spectra from gamma rays to radio waves with equal and opposite wavelengths. The immortal phonon stimulates the event with electron configuration and half-spin change in the opposite wavelength and the photon undergoes the synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s Equation E=Mc².
Dr. C.P. Trivedi 9425456518
[email protected] Indore India

E Khabar Ratlam , 2023
Rigveda is the oldest literary monument of human civilization on the earth, and the first word of... more Rigveda is the oldest literary monument of human civilization on the earth, and the first word of a civilized person on earth. Aryan, means the well-cultured civilized person on earth. UNESCO has included the Rig Veda in the world heritage list. Vedic Sanskrit is a monumental language with Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography, where each word, sentence, or hymn has a symbol with the vast ocean of knowledge in the background with its text in Veda.
Vedic Ramayan
Introduction The Glory of immortal phonon wavelength, which controls and beholds all existence
Vedic Ramayan embodies the oldest history of the human civilization on the earth, first written by sage Valmik in Sanskrit, The personification of the natural deities in human form with different names with the fancy of the narrator has given it a different turn with mythology, and we have many versions of Ramayan in different languages, the Ramayan written in Devanagari Hindi by Shri Tulsidas is the most popular. The Valmik Ramayan is the most ancient and embodies the evolution of the creation with Sat Yuga when nothing was there,

The formless God and Soul arethe subject of philosophical/ theological discussion. The history go... more The formless God and Soul arethe subject of philosophical/ theological discussion. The history goes back to the six systems of philosophy and Religion. It starts from the worship of natural deities and leads to monism. God has a prominent place. The transmigration of the Soul has given it a unique place. The conflict has started with a literary discussion on the theories of formless God and Soul on the physical plane, and transmigration of Soul. The Brahma, Allaha, God is the cosmic principle, and the Soul is the life principle, both are the same, and beyond the perception of human senses. Hence it is the matter of selfrealization, just like magnetism induces magnetism in iron, in the same way, the cosmic principle induces its replicates. Life on the earth is its higher form with evolution and complexity in nature. Hence it has been said that God and Soul are the same without attribute and character. The Creation has evolved from single ancestor fundamental energy, under the laws of thermodynamics. Einstein's equation E=Mc².It is the combination of the fundamental energy and Nature, both are infinite.

cspustkalaya , 2020
The Corona virus has created panic and threat for survival of life on the Earth. India has faced ... more The Corona virus has created panic and threat for survival of life on the Earth. India has faced similar situation earlier during Indus Valley civilization, which was highly developed civilization with advance Biotechnology. They have exploited the nature with gene technology. They have searched its solution in Phonon-Photon interaction. The life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. Similarly the single Covid19 has attacked millions of human-beings. It has no remedy, but if we know the secret of creation than we can search its solution. Einstein's equation E=Mc². The Phonon is earliest. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as dualistic complimentary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and photon undergo synthesis and degradation with time Einstein's equation E=Mc². The DNA is instrument of life and phonon beholds the life consciousness with its dualistic complimentary spectrum to execute functions of life. The plasma membrane acts as transition zone with electron configuration.
ceN nod ³eN #eb Yeg Je vem³eN ceO³es N leHe ef me $eÀeN vleb me ef ueN uem³e He Š N = ÿs leef m c... more ceN nod ³eN #eb Yeg Je vem³eN ceO³es N leHe ef me $eÀeN vleb me ef ueN uem³e He Š N = ÿs leef m ce_í3evleN s ³e GN kes À ®e os N Jee JeN = #em³eN mkeÀvOe ë HeN ef jle FJeN MeeKee ë¤ A great monster' (yak-a) in the midst of the creation (bhuvana) strode? (krÈnta) in penace on the back of the sea-in it are set(cri) whatever gods there are like the branches of a tree roundabout the trunk Atharvaveda 10-7-38
The Origin of Life and Consciousness is a great puzzle for the Scientists. Its seeds are in pre-c... more The Origin of Life and Consciousness is a great puzzle for the Scientists. Its seeds are in pre-cosmic dawn phonon. The recent discovery of Gravitational waves akin to sound waves and photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal. Nat. Commun (2014)

The recent discovery of Gravitational wave is a clear signal from the universe that Einstein got ... more The recent discovery of Gravitational wave is a clear signal from the universe that Einstein got it right and his gravitational waves were real. The Gravitational waves are akin to sound waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light. The photon-phonon interaction plays an important role in modern physics and device applications, photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal. It has opened a new window to discuss photon-phonon interaction as two distinct opposite forces interacting with each other at molecular level Li, E. et al. The Photon and Phonon are two distinct opposite complimentary forces of nature. They held up the creation and life, under space time fabric. The Phonon is earliest with pre-cosmic dawn; it has activated the dark matter with echo in ripper with blast and light. The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life, The DNA is instrument of life. The cellular body beholds the thought mentality adorned to body. The phonic presser compress the plasma membrane, the configuration of electrons with half spin change the wavelength on opposite side and reached to brain with electromagnetic impulses for action. It is phonic presser compression electromagnetic force, which connects the body with single unified force Phonon.

Einstein’s Unification Theory Akin to Phonon & Vedas
The recent discovery of Gravi... more Einstein’s Unification Theory Akin to Phonon & Vedas
The recent discovery of Gravitational wave is a clear signal from the universe that Einstein got it right and his gravitational waves were real. Einstein was motivated by an intellectual need to unify the forces of nature. He felt very strongly that all of nature must be described by a single theory. “The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields totally independent of each other by their nature,” Einstein said in his Nobel lecture in 1923.
It has the key to understand universe and life on the earth with assumption that there exist two distinct fields totally independent of each other by their nature, but interact with each other with phonon-Photon interaction The fourth force of the nature is sound waves phonon, which held up the creation with compression under space time fabric.
The huge blast of gravitational wave energy was recorded as a high-frequency “chirp” by LIGO as the black holes rapidly spiralled into one another, merging as one. The Gravitational waves are akin to sound waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light,
It has been searched earlier also at Grand Canyon and Egypt with its text in Vedic metaphor symbols to explain universe and life on the earth.
Gravitational and Sound Waves
The Gravitational waves are akin to sound waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light,
The Life is beautiful with smile and food is its source. She is like flying falcon, which appears with birth and disappear with death. The voice rests on his golden pinion, it regulate the life cycle with thought and words with DNA replication.
Vena rests on her Golden pinion and Gandharva erst in the womb pronounced it.
The sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the bird adorned with all an Asura’s magic might
Sages observe him in the ocean’s inmost depth: the wise disposers seek the station of his rays.
The flying Bird bears speech within his spirit: erst the Gandharva in the womb pronounced it and at the seat of sacrifice the sages cherish the radiant, heavenly-bright invention Rig.10-177-1,2
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life. It is the spiralling waves which bind the life consciousness between the life and death as two bow end between birth and death.
I saw the Herdsman, him who never resteth, approaching and departing on his pathways.
He, clothed in gathered and dillusive splendor, within the worlds continually travels Rig.10-177-3
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of to cherish the life. The thought mentality of an individual never rest, it travel continuously in the world with new life after death.
A photo from Egypt Pyramid Exploring Origin of Life from single cell with genetic recobination and cell division from Phonon, under space time fabric The hair knot at back of the head is the point, which connect the brain with vibration of a frequency of phonon as chord of life to speak in assembly from mouth with lips. The fertilized DNA led the development of body, it act as antenna and speaker with transcription and translation of the message.
The sound waves compress and rebound from all sides to generate thoughts in brain for action with circumstances in life, the plasma membrane acts as two faces of the same coin, the striking waves configure the electrons with half spin and change in wave length conveyed to brain with electrical impulses for action with thought and words. The brain waves connects the body with the universe with unified field. The phonic presser compress the plasma membrane, the configuration of electrons with half spin change the wavelength on opposite side and reached to brain with electromagnetic impulses for action. It is phonic presser compression electromagnetic force, which connects the body with single unified force.
Result and Conclusion
The vibrations of sound and electromagnetic rays travel parallel with each other in straight way. They have synonym opposite wave length. They have evolved simultaneously into atom, molecule, and matter. The photosynthesis by the plants is source of food for all. The leaf is symbol of photosynthesis.
The immortal sound waves evolved into thought and voice with origin of life consciousness from DNA and chromosomes.
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life, just like current of a river in the ocean of life.
The creation has evolved from space Zero to infinity. It has been explained on the rocks with hieroglyphic picture writing system with symbolism. The hieroglyphs and Petroglyphs are for teaching and demonstration with its text in the Vedas. The life is present on the earth, due to Gravitational sound waves and geomagnetism on earth.
The life has evolved from the single DNA and cell division to infinity with genetic recombination from infinite space zero. The vibrations of spiralling waves have evolved into thought and words with evolution of life from DNA. The voice retains the blessed sign imprinted on the DNA to follow the mankind from generation to generation. The immortal DNA regulates the life with hereditary characters from generation to generation.
The DNA charger, identity code
The life in all its form is one, but all have different genetic identity in DNA, which is 99.9 % is same in all. The 0.01 % DNA constitutes the genetic identity of an individual in life. Even the time time-twins have different genetic identity and fate in life. It has four bases arranged in two complimentary base pairs A═T G≡C and control whole biological world with double bond of Hydrogen and Triple bond.

Einstein’s Unification Theory Akin to Phonon & Vedas
The recent discovery of Gravi... more Einstein’s Unification Theory Akin to Phonon & Vedas
The recent discovery of Gravitational wave is a clear signal from the universe that Einstein got it right and his gravitational waves were real. Einstein was motivated by an intellectual need to unify the forces of nature. He felt very strongly that all of nature must be described by a single theory. “The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields totally independent of each other by their nature,” Einstein said in his Nobel lecture in 1923.
It has the key to understand universe and life on the earth with assumption that there exist two distinct fields totally independent of each other by their nature, but interact with each other with phonon-Photon interaction The fourth force of the nature is sound waves phonon, which held up the creation with compression under space time fabric.
The huge blast of gravitational wave energy was recorded as a high-frequency “chirp” by LIGO as the black holes rapidly spiralled into one another, merging as one. The Gravitational waves are akin to sound waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light,
It has been searched earlier also at Grand Canyon and Egypt with its text in Vedic metaphor symbols to explain universe and life on the earth.
Gravitational and Sound Waves
The Gravitational waves are akin to sound waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light,
The Life is beautiful with smile and food is its source. She is like flying falcon, which appears with birth and disappear with death. The voice rests on his golden pinion, it regulate the life cycle with thought and words with DNA replication.
Vena rests on her Golden pinion and Gandharva erst in the womb pronounced it.
The sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the bird adorned with all an Asura’s magic might
Sages observe him in the ocean’s inmost depth: the wise disposers seek the station of his rays.
The flying Bird bears speech within his spirit: erst the Gandharva in the womb pronounced it and at the seat of sacrifice the sages cherish the radiant, heavenly-bright invention Rig.10-177-1,2
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life. It is the spiralling waves which bind the life consciousness between the life and death as two bow end between birth and death.
I saw the Herdsman, him who never resteth, approaching and departing on his pathways.
He, clothed in gathered and dillusive splendor, within the worlds continually travels Rig.10-177-3
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of to cherish the life. The thought mentality of an individual never rest, it travel continuously in the world with new life after death.
A photo from Egypt Pyramid Exploring Origin of Life from single cell with genetic recobination and cell division from Phonon, under space time fabric The hair knot at back of the head is the point, which connect the brain with vibration of a frequency of phonon as chord of life to speak in assembly from mouth with lips. The fertilized DNA led the development of body, it act as antenna and speaker with transcription and translation of the message.
The sound waves compress and rebound from all sides to generate thoughts in brain for action with circumstances in life, the plasma membrane acts as two faces of the same coin, the striking waves configure the electrons with half spin and change in wave length conveyed to brain with electrical impulses for action with thought and words. The brain waves connects the body with the universe with unified field. The phonic presser compress the plasma membrane, the configuration of electrons with half spin change the wavelength on opposite side and reached to brain with electromagnetic impulses for action. It is phonic presser compression electromagnetic force, which connects the body with single unified force.

Decipherment of Indus Valley Vedic Seals in Vedic Genetics
... more Decipherment of Indus Valley Vedic Seals in Vedic Genetics
Prof. C.P.Trivedi
Deciphering the script could not only further cement India's rich ancient heritage but may inspire solutions to other large societal and scientific challenges.
The quest of creation is quest of human mind from dawn of the Civilization on the earth. The discovery of the double helical structure of the DNA by the Watson and crick 1953 has brought the revolution in the field of Biotechnology. The same echo is coming from the well developed Indus Valley Civilization. The pictographic symbols on the seals are cytological models for teaching; they explore the cellular genetic evolution on the earth with genetic recombination. Its literary text is in the Vedic hymns. The Vedic metaphoric symbols for DNA have been engraved on the seals. Accordingly the seals and cytological symbolic pictographs deciphered in chronological order. It is not a script of known language but microscopic cytological models. The electron microscopic structure of DNA engraved on the seals confirm their advance technology, it explore evolution of human species in chronological order.
1. The synthesis of chromosome 2. DNA replication and Protein translation
3. Nucleotide pairs 4 Nuclear reaction – the Ribosome translate the DNA code into life.
The group of tiny seals expresses the evolution of the creation from the pre-cosmic condition up to the evolution of man symbolically in chronological order.
Full article --
Decipherment of Indus Valley seals
Cracking the DNA code of Indus Valley
Genetics and Cytology
Indus Valley was highly advance civilization. The Indu is Vedic term for oxygen associated with life resource Sindhu, just like a stream of river in the ocean of life. The oxygen is life resource with water and Vivasvan DNA spread in all direction with water in the cell body. The Indo, Indus and India derived from Indu and the invader’s pronounced Sindhu as Hindu and Hindukush mountain range. Accordingly, they have named the region at the bank of Sindhu as Hindu and Indian subcontinent as Hindustan. India is name of Bharat and resident of India are Indian and Hindu as resident of Hindustan.
The Law duty towards motherland is Dharma, foreigner’s compared it with their superstitions and religion. It has created problem of religious identification of Indians as Hindu, Muslim or Christian, otherwise all are Indian Hindu as resident of Hindustan. All are free to follow their traditions and ethics with spiritual freedom to serve the motherland. After cracking the DNA code the Vedic culture pronounced ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ the nature feed all, whatever is and whatever will be in future is nature only, to live harmoniously with nature is duty of mankind on the earth. The life has originated from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division from pre-existing cells. The DNA records the deeds of an individual with transcription and translates it with circumstances in life from generation to generation with new life.
It has been engraved on seals for teaching and demonstration on seals.
Papers by Dr. Chandra P Trivedi
न्याय की देवी के आंख पर बंधी पट्टी हटी पर कानून की आंख नहि खुली। सत्य एक ही होता है और न्यायपालिका का मूल वाक्य है सत्यमेव जयते। आस्था अलग अलग हो सकती है यदि आस्था के बहुमत के आधार पर माननीस न्यायाधीष बहुमत के आधार पर न्याय का निणर्य करते है तो न्यााय कहा हुआ। यह अंग्रेजो द्वारा पदŸा भीड तंत्र का अनुसरण है। संविधान पीठ के तीन माननीय न्यायाधीष यदि असहमत है तो कानून अंधा है सिर्फ न्यााय की देेवी से आंखॅ पर बंधी पट्टी हटाने से आंखे नही खुली। अन्यथा एक सत्य पर सर्वसम्मत निर्णय द्वारा ही न्याय हो सकता है। यदि माननीय न्यायाधीध किसी आस्था से प्रेरित है तो वह नियम 23 के अनुसार शाष्कीय सेवा के योग्य नही है।
त्नसम 23 ;पद्ध व िजीम ळवअमतदउमदज ैमतअंदजे ब्वदकनबज त्नसमे ;दवू त्नसम 5द्ध
माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय का निर्णय 1967 जिसमे अलिगड मुस्लिम विष्वविद्यालय अल्पसंख्यक दर्जा खत्म किया गया और अपने ही निणर्य को सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने निरस्त कर दिया। इससे प्रतीत होता है कि वह बेंच जिसने 1967 मे निणर्य दिया वह संविधान से अनभिज्ञ थी या यह बेंच अनभिज्ञ है। दानो ही बेंच गुलाम भारत के संविधान 1935 मे भटक रहे है। जो अविभाजित भारत के लिए था। स्वतंत्रता के नाम पर छल् करते हुए इसे ही 1950 मे लागु किया गया। इसे मुर्तरूप् देने के बाद लार्ड माउंटबेटन अंमि वायसरॉय 14 अगस्त 1950 को भारत से गए और उनका एहसान मानते हुए स्वतंत्र भारत के प्रथम वायसराय लार्ड माउंटबेटन को भव्य बिदाई दी गई। और पाकिस्तान की कृपा कि हिन्दुस्तान के विभाजन से पाकिस्तान को पुनर्वास मे सहयोग हेतु 80 करौड रूपये दिए गए।
विभाजन के प्रस्ताव के साथ यह भी षर्त थी कि जनता का हितसंवंर्धन सरकार का दायित्व होगा। नेहरू जी ने तुरंत घोषणा की कि भारत धर्म निरपेक्ष होगा। और जिन्नाह ने बहुत नरसंहार होने के बाद हिन्दुओ के हित संरक्षण की घोषध्णा की। जब विभाजन के नाम पर लाखो निरीह भारतीय मारे गए और गांधी जी का अहिंसक आंदोलन हिंसा मे परिवर्तित हो गया। इस खुन की होली मे भारत पाकिस्तान जष्न मना रहे थे। जो अंग्रेज षासको की विजय थी और हिन्दुस्तान की हत्या कि भारतवंषी मुसलमान हिन्दुओं के दुष्मन हो गए। कि इन हिन्दुओ के कारण भारत मुस्लिम राज्य नही बना इसे मुस्लिम राष्ट् बनाना पाकिस्तान का मूल उद्देष्य। बंगलादेष पाकिस्तान मे हिन्दू नरसंहार और भारतीय सŸाा के मद मे त्रिषंकु मौन सन्यासी और ब्रिटेन मे कर्तलध्वनि से स्वागत।
हिन्दुस्तान का वाटरगेट काण्ड 1947
स्वतंत्रता काण्ड 1947 की इबारत 1857 में लिखी गई जिसकी कल्पना भरतीय राजनीयको की कल्पना से बाहर है। और रामजन्म भूमि बाबरी मस्जिद संयुक्त आस्था केद्र मे परिक्रमसा को रामचबुतरे तक सिमीत कर विभाजन काण्ड की नींव रखी। जिसका जष्न 14 और 15 अगस्त 1947 को लाखो निरीह मनुष्यो के साथ खूुन की होली खेलकर मनाया।
मुस्लिम लीग का एहसान और मुस्लिम हित संवर्धन के नाम पर वक्फ बोर्ड अधिनियम लागु किया। ताकि कांग्रेस को मुस्लिम के थोंक मे वोट मिलते रहे। संविधान के नियम 23 कि किसी संगठन का सदस्य होने पर वह भेदभाव कर सकता है जो देष हित मे नही है वह षासकीय सेवा के अयोग्य होगा की अवहेलना की गई। इसके साथ पाकिस्तान मे नारे लगे हंस के लिया है पाकिस्तान और लड के लेंगे हिन्दुस्तान। इसके लिए मुस्लिम जनसंख्या के विस्तार को अरब के मुस्लिम राष्ट् का संगठन धन देता है ताकि हिन्दुस्तान मुस्लिम राष्ट् बने। बंदरबांट के राजनेता इसे पोषित करते है और वक्फ बोर्ड माध्यम। युरोप के देष भी यही चाहते कि अरबी मुसलमान का घ्यान इजराइल से हट कर भारत पर ध्यान दे कि भारत को मुस्लिम राष्ट् बनाना आसान है। और भारत गाजा बन जाए। मुस्लिम दंषे से पहले भी भी भयभीत थै और आज भी भयभीत है।
मोदी की तीसरी जीत से विष्व के मुस्लिम देष और युरोप के देष ब्रिटैन अमेरिका आस्ट्ैलिया कनाडा भारत विरोधी होकर भारत मे अराजकता फैलाना चाहते है। बंगलादेष पाकिस्तान इनके मोहरे।
भारतवासी लार्ड मॅकाले के षिष्य आंख से अंधे और नाम नैनसुख
ल्ज्ञर्ड मॅकाले ने अपनी षिक्षा पद्धति में यह षिक्षा दी कि वेद हिन्दुओं के धर्मग्रंथ है और समझ से परे। युरोपिय विद्वानो ने वेदो का गहन अध्ययन किया और वैदिक धरोहर से विष्व का परिचय कराया। परन्तु वेदक्षर उनके लिए अनबुझ पहेली थी फिर भी यह प्रतिपादित किया कि आर्य गोरे बाहर से आये और काले द्रनिढो को मारकर भगा दिया और बाद मे वेदो की संरचना की। एक वेद वाक्य कि अज्ञानी षुद्र वेद ज्ञान के अधिकारी नही है। यह सही साबित हुआ। कि अज्ञानी के लिए वेद काला अक्षर भैंस बराबर है। वेदाक्षर के स्वरषब्द अविनाषी और एक एक षब्द सेकेत मे ज्ञान का अथह भण्डार है जो रुपको और पहेलियों मे समाहित है। वेदाक्षर के षब्द संकेत से अनभिग्य विद्वाानो ने सूर्य पर उभार रहित काले धब्बो को को नाक रहित काले द्रविडो की संज्ञा दी और विद्युत बिजली की चमक को गोरे आर्य कहा। जिसका अर्थ है कि सूर्य की सतह पर काले धब्बे सूर्य की चमक को अवरूद्ध करते है जिनहे विद्युत चुम्बकीय ऊर्जा ने सक्रिय होकर नष्ट किया और सूर्य की चमक मे अवरोधो दानवो को दूर किया। इसे युरापिय विद्वाानो ने काले और गोरो के मध्य युद्ध कहा। जिसे वैदिक षब्दावली और संकेत का ज्ञान हो वह इसे समझ सकता है। इससे अनभिज्ञ विद्वाानो ने वेदो को ग्वालो के गीत कहकर कहा कि आर्य भारत में बाहर से आये । और अंग्रेजो ने कहा कि जैसे आर्य बाहर से आये वैसे ही हम भारत मे आये। वेदो की तुलना बाइबल और कुरान से कर वदो को हिन्दुओं के धर्मग्रंथ और भारतीय संस्कृति को हिन्दू धर्म कह कर संगठित धर्मो की श्रेणी मे रख दिया।
भारतीय संस्कृति अजेय वेदो का प्रतिबिम्ब है इसे धर्म कह कर अंग्रेजो ने इसकी तुलना बाइबल से कर इसका अवमूल्यन किया और विभाजन कर भारत की हत्या कर दी ।
उपमहाद्वीप मे अषांति पंष्चिमी षडयंत्र
भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप 15 अगस्त स्वतंत्रता अंध्धकार दिवस
स्वतंत्रता के नाम पर भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप हिंसाा अराजकता की आग मे जल रहा है। देषद्रोही विभाजन की ध्ध्काली रात 14 अगस्त 1947 ने भाईयो भारतंवंषी को विदेषी बना दिया।
Abstr act
The unfathomed cosmos is beyond the end. The visible solar system with the sun in the center is a small unit, we are part of the same human body is a microcosm inside a macrocosm that can reveal all about the cosmos, just like a drop of water reveals the nature of the sea.
The high resolution telescope of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) instrument took images in high concentration regions of UV rays. Normally UV rays are toxic harmful for eyes. With long concentration on the sun’s surface developed a resistance against the UV rays, and I have observed plenty of Ultraviolet rays around my eye ball, due the practice of eight disciplines ‘Ashtanga Yoga’ sky of infinite mind become active to connect the infinite thought waves with the universe, and the UV rays around the eye ball, and picture on retina connected the thought waves made one with the sun to look on the surface, of the sun, and solar phenomena, thought wave penetrate into the interior of sun’s surface. I observed the phenomena like live TV telecast videography. The picture on the retina are thought stimulator, and connect it with the sun as one unit to observe the phenomena.
The sun's interior is beyond visual perception, my thought wave with picture on retina, and UV rays entered into the interior, it comprises huge large black high-intensity dark atmosphere, dark matter inherent inactive magnetism. It has activated by equal, and opposite dark wave, antimagnetic without charge with the electron transfer, and half spin change in the opposite wavelength. The electron transfer is the foremost event brought oxidation, reduction reactions in chan. The high magnetic field developed into a dynamo with rotation of the sun at its axis. It is responsible for the sun’s strong magnetic field and source of vital energy with nuclear chain reactions and the bursting of sunspots with solar flares, which is a source of all wealth on Earth. The Scientists are searching the Dark matter, it is not the matter. The dark atmosphere is hidden in the interior of the sun and black caters and sunspots explode with blast and light.
Keywords- Thought wave, UV rays, sun spots, Dark wave, picture, Retina
The modern researches with the telescopic eye revealed many secrets to enter in the pre-cosmic cosmology. The CERN scientists with the discovery of Higgs Field 2014 made a land mark, and working day, and night to search strong force that binds quarks together into hadrons, phonon scattered the photon in a crystal Lie et al 2014, Einstein 1923 there must be two equal and opposite forces. LIGO picked up gravitational waves in 2015, The Gravitational interactions are equal and opposite active and passive July 13 2023 Physics 16 s 97
The photon is the smallest unit of light, and the immortal phonon is the smallest unit of the sound wave vibration connected at the molecular level with equal and opposite wavelengths. The phonon is passive force, and immortal activate the event with the electron transfer, and half spin change in the opposite wavelengths to execute the functions in the cyclic manner without end. The oxidation, and Reduction with electron transfer is the foremost Event
The electron transfer with half spin change in the opposite wavelength is the foremost event brought forward the oxidation, synthesis, and reduction degradation with time in a cyclic manner is without end laid down the foundation of the creation Einstein’s Equation E=Mc²
The vibrational wave touched the press mark and rebounded and skewed the dark matter with electron transfer and half-spin change in the opposite wavelengths. The electron transfer generated tremendous heat Transverse waves in umbral fibrils in the chromosphere of a strongly magnetized sunspot. The energy flux carried by the vibrational waves was estimated to be 7.52 × 106 W m−2 Transverse oscillations and an energy source in a strongly magnetized sunspot Nat Astron 2023 has activated the dark matter with the opposite wavelength with electron configuration and half-spin change in the opposite direction. The phonon wavelength is immortal and infinite taking millions of years to activate the inactive magnetism-dark matter with opposite wavelengths with vital energy in action. It has laid down the foundation of the creation, and working as a system.
Sun's dimension is much more than Earth the sun disc before us is a tiny model moving continuously rapidly with glowing luster all over, the continuous fixing eyes on sun disc, the scenario change rapidly with fabulous colors, penetrating the sight observe the sun's surface phenomena, a mini shining dot in the center glowing luster like sun, moving like sun disc is the powerhouse of sun may be of many Km. in dimension with reference to sun's dimension. The tiny disc with magnetosphere shines with UV rays explore the boundary of the magnetosphere.
The ionization in the magnetosphere, the Higgs Field, underlying space imparts mass to the elementary particles with equal opposite wavelength to bind them in series, constituting the sun's surface with craters, and sun spots.
The chromosphere and corona around the sun disc with the solar flares moving in concentric circles have many circles with the dimensions of kms. incandescent clouds.
The high resolution telescope of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) instrument took images in high concentration regions of UV rays. Normally UV rays are toxic harmful for eyes. With long concentration on the sun’s surface developed a resistance against the UV rays, and I have observed plenty of Ultraviolet rays around my eye ball, due the practice of eight disciplines ‘Ashtanga Yoga’ sky of infinite mind become active to connect the infinite thought waves with the universe, and the UV rays around the eyeball, and picture on retina connected the thought waves made one with the sun to look on the surface, of the sun, and solar phenomena, thought wave penetrate into the interior of sun’s surface. I observed phenomena like live TV telecast videography. The picture on the retina is a thought stimulator, and connects it with the sun as one unit to observe the phenomena.
All the objects of the universe are connected with each other with gravitational vibrational waves, and have individual existence with gravity, and magnetic field, and magnetosphere around them. The human cell body is a microcosm inside a macrocosm that also has a magnetic field, and magnetosphere around it as a small part of the universe, and protects the cell body from the magnetic field of the sun, and other planets.
Phonon is Fifth Force
The fifth force of the universe other than Gravity, Electromagnetism, the strong Force, and the weak Force is the primordial force working everywhere and beholding all existing. The vibrational waves Choir phonon is the fifth force of the universe. The phonon is antimagnetic without charge with induced magnetism, strike the opposite magnetic wavelength, and rebound remain unaffected stable with electron transfer and half-spin change in the opposite wavelength, the electrical vibrations connected with the universe.
The complementary wavelength with induced magnetism strikes, and skews the opposite DNA wavelength in the cell body. The gravitational waves active and passive are universal connects all in in one unit,
The phonon is antimagnetic without charge with induced magnetism, strike the opposite magnetic wavelength, and rebound remain unaffected stable with electron transfer and half-spin change in the opposite wavelength, the electrical vibrations connected with the universe. The concentration of UV rays around the eyeball with the picture on retina converts it into a telescopic eye 24 hours. and sun never sets. Filtering through the atmospheric layers, eyelids reveal different scenarios on the retina and thoughts in mind to observe the phenomena.
With regards
Dr.C.P. Trivedi
The Decipherment of Indus Valley seals explores Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography as an intellectual language. As also it explores the antiquity of India’s Vedic culture as part of the life of Indians. After natural catastrophes, global warming, and ice age, the people moved towards villages to maintain harmony with nature. India’s village culture and the Europeans could not decode the Vedic language code and the height of the Vedic development. To worship the plants was superstition for them, although to worship plants is the most scientific as the plants are a source of life with photosynthesis on the earth. It was the main reason behind their ‘Aryan’ invasion hypothesis without basis. Aryan’ means well-civilized person. It has nothing to do with religion, caste, color, race, or creed. North India is near to the mountains cold and south is near to the seashore warm, it is the cause of the color difference between the north and south Indians. Hence Aryan invasion was a conspiracy to deny the antiquity of India. It is the Vedic Scientific Heritage of Mankind on the earth, which emphasizes the whole earth is one family like a global nest, a village. Biotechnology was the main business of Indus Valley as reflected on the copper tablets. The rich biodiversity of the Indian subcontinent is proof of the original inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent.
The key to deciphering the Indus valley seals is in the Vedic metaphors and Vedic Science. The Vedic metaphoric knowledge of creation and Biology has been engraved on the seals.
It is a known fact that India and Africa have the largest biodiversity zones in the world, it reflects their knowledge of biotechnology and the development of new species.
Ŗgveda the oldest literary record of human civilization on the earth has no description of the temple or iconic worship. The Indus Valley has no trace of the temple or idol worship and their religious beliefs. It suggests that Vedas in original are not only religious scriptures.
The excavation of the fire altar at some places is an indication of their knowledge of sacrifice-yajna. It is common to sign of Indus-Vedic culture testimony.
A well-developed, city organization, the existence of a dockyard and dam, indicates their foreign connections for trade. Indus
Vedic culture was having trade contacts with summer, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Babylon.
In excavation at Indus Valley, the Archaeologists have discovered a large number of crop varieties and the croplands with irrigation facilities and water supply through the canal system. A large number of water reservoirs and wells with a big dam reveal the fact that the civilization was a scientifically developed society having no place for God and Soul, as we believe today. With the scientific developments, they reach the peak of the development, and the ecological disaster, global warming, and flooding with time was the main cause of the destruction of the Indus Valley- Vedic culture. The excess irrigation and deforestation may be the cause of the ecological disaster and the formation of the desert. They were having the knowledge of global warming and its impact hence before the catastrophe they have evacuated the areas nearby the seashore and rescued themselves. Due to this after flooding and release of the dam water, the whole area was under the sea mud, which has its emergence afterward on the earth with the geological disturbances with which we are in contact at present. Due to this in the highly populated areas the human skeletons have not been excavated in large quantities and those, who have not escaped, might have been the victims of the sea currents. Accordingly the traces of laboratories, machines have could not be found.
They have reached the peak of development scientifically. They may have exploited nature through cross-breeding, Hybridization, and the development of new species for domestic purposes. Their achievement in this field and consequent development of Biotechnology has been reflected on the seals through the pictographs.
They have compiled their knowledge in the Vedic hymns after going far away from the affected regions. They have emphasized harmony with nature and the natural components. The Puru–a sÊkta is the latest with a supreme knowledge of the creation in sixteen verses. The compilation of the Vedic hymns is after reaching at the peak of the development and after the ecological disaster, it can be confirmed from the Asya vamiya Sukta- The hymn of the supreme. The scientific knowledge compiled in the Vedic hymns reflects that the Vedic Science is vis-à-vis modern science, along with it; the Atharvaveda has a hymn on global warming. It is the testimony that they were acquainted with global warming and its impact. Accordingly, they have developed harmony with nature and traced the origin of life and its scientific reason behind it on the earth. This knowledge has been acquired in the post-Indus valley Vedic culture era.
The Indus Valley- Vedic culture was scientifically developed in various fields along with gene Technology. We can trace the facts from the pictographic seals. A look at the seals with deep insight reveals the fact that the engraved small pictographs associated with the animal or human figure are complimentary with each other. They are the symbolic expressions for which the seals were prepared. The pictograph, which has been engraved on the seals is basically the same for all people. It is also a fact that such a development is not possible without the scientific and ecological knowledge and the principles working in the creation. The Vedic scientific principles synonym to our modern knowledge can justify the development and the compilation of the Vedic hymns was for the future generation to come on the earth.
Let us with tuneful skill proclaim these generations of the Gods, that one may see them when these hymns are chanted in a future age.ÿg.10-72 1.
Lexigraphy; where each word, sentence or hymn signifies a symbol. In this sense, the symbols on the seals are complementary with Vedic symbolism for demonstration and teaching with its text in Vedic hymn.
To interpret the Vedic hymns has been a great puzzle for scholars. It is because the scholars were not acquainted with the Vedic scientific terminology and height of Vedic science. . UNESCO has included the Rigveda in the list of world heritage. It is unanimously accepted that the Vedas are the oldest literary monuments of human civilization on the earth.
Veda is the first word of the civilized person on the earth. "What can be more tedious than the Veda, and yet what can be more interesting, if once we know that it is the first word spoken by the Aryan man?" These are words of F. Max Muller, who has the credit to introduce Vedas in the world. The ‘Aryan’ means civilized person.
DNA from Sun
The discovery of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953 has brought revolution in Biotechnology The scientists are involved in preparing Bio-weapons for chemical warfare. They are working in retrogressive manner to destroy human civilization without. The DNA has much more to save humanity. The decipherment of the Indus Valley seals explore much more with its text in Vedas. DNA is a vessel of Life, the purine and pyrimidine base pair have come from the sun with the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with three immortal and three stages of life. The immortal phonon voice follows from generation to generation with new life.
Life is a trinity of three immortal
Three immortal
Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)
Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.
Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)
The Sarasvati thought words ensign of existence with the chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in mind and vital energy ensign of life manifest with action, the germ of plants and infants as well.
The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, the ensign of existence. With this, the fundamental energy Soma, manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, the infant also. The speed of the resonant waves is more than the light, which stimulates the action.
1. The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, the ensign of the existence of all.
2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feed the living-beings
3. The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all.
'Sarasvati' is not a terrestrial river, the immortal phonon is flowing in countless channels with life-like streams in the ocean of life. The discovery of the fundamental energy works with its dualistic force photon and phonon has been engraved on Gold plate excavated at Indus Valley. It was the highest discovery confirmed at Grand Canyon. The immortal phonon is the smallest unit of sound Voice vibrations, and photon is the smallest unit of light It follows the immortal DNA from generation to generation with new life and brought forward the infinite nature 'Aditi' in action.
Gold plate Indus Valley India Einstein’s Unification theory Shows that phonon and photon are connected at the molecular lever with the complementary wavelength. DNA is vessel of Life
The phonon and phonon are like two parallel streams of a river, their flow has been halted with the formation of the atom, and the phonon with underlying skys pace imparted mass to three subatomic particles, where fundamental energy appears in the center and binds them in series ensign of the existence of all. The vital fundamental energy is in the center like a pillar. The immortal phonon stimulates the DNA with the origin of life and beholds all ...
Deciphering the Indus Valley Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography on Indus Valley Seals
Indus Valley was the most advanced civilization. With the discovery of Higgs Field 2012, DNA Watson and Crick 1953, Darwin's 1859 origin of species, Phonon can disintegrate Photon in a crystal Lie et al 2014, the recent discovery of Gravitational interactions equal, and opposite Physics 2023 we have touched their height and can grasp the symbols.
Symbolism on Indus Valley Seals
UNICORN is a symbolic animal that existed at any time, it was used in the Indus Alley seals extensively on a maximum number of seals. People tried to trace it in old Sanskrit scripture as ‘Ek Shragi’ it was hypothetical.
The symbolic animal is used to express the evolution of the creation from a single ancestor from the cosmos.
The animal body is a symbolic cosmic unit solar system with an incense barrier on the neck to express that just like the burner is a source of light the sun is the source of light and energy.
The three curves merge in four curves the building block of the creation is three subatomic particles and energy.
The symbolic animal expresses that life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division.
The most amazing discovery of the earth is the excavation at Grand Canyon Arizona, North America. UNESCO has included it as a world heritage site among the wonders of the world. The Rig Veda is on the list of world heritage as the most ancient literary monument of human civilization on earth. They together explore the Ancient Vedic Science and Technology at Grand Canyon and in Egypt.
The Vedic civilization flourished at the Indian subcontinent with the development of the advanced Indus Valley civilization. The discovery of DNA De oxy Ribose Nucleic Acid and zero-space was their global achievement like DNA 1953 and Higgs field 2013. The Kumari Kandam in south India also flourished at that time (which is now under the sea). Kailash Ellora India the temple complex from the top of the mountain is the wonder of the world.
The Vedic Scientists moved from here with DNA on the flag to Grand Canyon. To trace the vital energy to travel beyond space- Time. The Vedic Expedition at America
America was first explored by a Vedic Scientist with DNA on the flag. The beautiful underground city of caves was developed by transgenic animals, robots, and Giants. They have been developed by DNA technology. The photographs explain the procedure and technique and are engraved on the Rosetta Granite stone.
THE Pyramids of Egypt, the Underground cave city at the Grand Canyon, Arizona, North America, and Rock cut Temple Complex, Maharashtra ELLORA, and Bhojshala, Dhar, India are ancient monuments of the oldest civilization on the Earth. The Rosetta Granite stone in the British Museum London is its testimony, as the Heritage of mankind. They have touched the zenith of the creation and used pictographic Lexicography, where each word, sentence or hymn has a symbol with its text in the Veda.
Rosetta Granite Stone Egypt Deciphered Embodies the secret of the creation and Lide on the Earth
The Tvashta’s Asvivn nucleotide pair Saranyu and Sanjana have similar structures that differ only in Nitrogen. They divide in air-like images in the mirror and are transported from the sky with incandescent clouds. The nucleotide pair purine Saranyu and pyrimidine Sanjana are joined with a triple bond of hydrogen, with the electron transfer the triple bond converted into a double bond and reunited in the opposite direction. The key of electron transfer is in the complementary phonon wavelength and the chemical energy of photosynthesis. It has been expressed in the picture symbolically with the Vedic Lexicography.
JAMBU DWIP’ KNOWN TURTLE EYE LAND from Grand Canyon North America
The earth was one land mass Pangea has developed with an equal and opposite wavelength of phonon and photon, The phonon is immortal, and the smallest unit of light undergo synthesis and degradation with time, They have developed in the two equal and opposite sphere, and the creation came into the existence.
Evolution of immortal thought words in the opposite direction with the birth
Back Forward goes he grasped by strength inherent the Immortal born the brother of the mortal. Ceaseless they move in the opposite direction: men mark one and fail to mark the other Rig. 1-164-38
The activation of dark matter is the activation of inherent magnetism in the cosmos, with the formation of charged elementary particles. The electrostatic force is the force that governs the motion of the elementary particles, which caused them to aggregate or collide in various ways with oxidation and reduction with the transfer of electrons.
The photon and phonon have broad complementary spectra from gamma rays to radio waves with equal and opposite wavelengths. The immortal phonon stimulates the event with electron configuration and half-spin change in the opposite wavelength and the photon undergoes the synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s Equation E=Mc².
Dr. C.P. Trivedi 9425456518
[email protected] Indore India
Vedic Ramayan
Introduction The Glory of immortal phonon wavelength, which controls and beholds all existence
Vedic Ramayan embodies the oldest history of the human civilization on the earth, first written by sage Valmik in Sanskrit, The personification of the natural deities in human form with different names with the fancy of the narrator has given it a different turn with mythology, and we have many versions of Ramayan in different languages, the Ramayan written in Devanagari Hindi by Shri Tulsidas is the most popular. The Valmik Ramayan is the most ancient and embodies the evolution of the creation with Sat Yuga when nothing was there,
The recent discovery of Gravitational wave is a clear signal from the universe that Einstein got it right and his gravitational waves were real. Einstein was motivated by an intellectual need to unify the forces of nature. He felt very strongly that all of nature must be described by a single theory. “The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields totally independent of each other by their nature,” Einstein said in his Nobel lecture in 1923.
It has the key to understand universe and life on the earth with assumption that there exist two distinct fields totally independent of each other by their nature, but interact with each other with phonon-Photon interaction The fourth force of the nature is sound waves phonon, which held up the creation with compression under space time fabric.
The huge blast of gravitational wave energy was recorded as a high-frequency “chirp” by LIGO as the black holes rapidly spiralled into one another, merging as one. The Gravitational waves are akin to sound waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light,
It has been searched earlier also at Grand Canyon and Egypt with its text in Vedic metaphor symbols to explain universe and life on the earth.
Gravitational and Sound Waves
The Gravitational waves are akin to sound waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light,
The Life is beautiful with smile and food is its source. She is like flying falcon, which appears with birth and disappear with death. The voice rests on his golden pinion, it regulate the life cycle with thought and words with DNA replication.
Vena rests on her Golden pinion and Gandharva erst in the womb pronounced it.
The sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the bird adorned with all an Asura’s magic might
Sages observe him in the ocean’s inmost depth: the wise disposers seek the station of his rays.
The flying Bird bears speech within his spirit: erst the Gandharva in the womb pronounced it and at the seat of sacrifice the sages cherish the radiant, heavenly-bright invention Rig.10-177-1,2
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life. It is the spiralling waves which bind the life consciousness between the life and death as two bow end between birth and death.
I saw the Herdsman, him who never resteth, approaching and departing on his pathways.
He, clothed in gathered and dillusive splendor, within the worlds continually travels Rig.10-177-3
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of to cherish the life. The thought mentality of an individual never rest, it travel continuously in the world with new life after death.
A photo from Egypt Pyramid Exploring Origin of Life from single cell with genetic recobination and cell division from Phonon, under space time fabric The hair knot at back of the head is the point, which connect the brain with vibration of a frequency of phonon as chord of life to speak in assembly from mouth with lips. The fertilized DNA led the development of body, it act as antenna and speaker with transcription and translation of the message.
The sound waves compress and rebound from all sides to generate thoughts in brain for action with circumstances in life, the plasma membrane acts as two faces of the same coin, the striking waves configure the electrons with half spin and change in wave length conveyed to brain with electrical impulses for action with thought and words. The brain waves connects the body with the universe with unified field. The phonic presser compress the plasma membrane, the configuration of electrons with half spin change the wavelength on opposite side and reached to brain with electromagnetic impulses for action. It is phonic presser compression electromagnetic force, which connects the body with single unified force.
Result and Conclusion
The vibrations of sound and electromagnetic rays travel parallel with each other in straight way. They have synonym opposite wave length. They have evolved simultaneously into atom, molecule, and matter. The photosynthesis by the plants is source of food for all. The leaf is symbol of photosynthesis.
The immortal sound waves evolved into thought and voice with origin of life consciousness from DNA and chromosomes.
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life, just like current of a river in the ocean of life.
The creation has evolved from space Zero to infinity. It has been explained on the rocks with hieroglyphic picture writing system with symbolism. The hieroglyphs and Petroglyphs are for teaching and demonstration with its text in the Vedas. The life is present on the earth, due to Gravitational sound waves and geomagnetism on earth.
The life has evolved from the single DNA and cell division to infinity with genetic recombination from infinite space zero. The vibrations of spiralling waves have evolved into thought and words with evolution of life from DNA. The voice retains the blessed sign imprinted on the DNA to follow the mankind from generation to generation. The immortal DNA regulates the life with hereditary characters from generation to generation.
The DNA charger, identity code
The life in all its form is one, but all have different genetic identity in DNA, which is 99.9 % is same in all. The 0.01 % DNA constitutes the genetic identity of an individual in life. Even the time time-twins have different genetic identity and fate in life. It has four bases arranged in two complimentary base pairs A═T G≡C and control whole biological world with double bond of Hydrogen and Triple bond.
The recent discovery of Gravitational wave is a clear signal from the universe that Einstein got it right and his gravitational waves were real. Einstein was motivated by an intellectual need to unify the forces of nature. He felt very strongly that all of nature must be described by a single theory. “The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields totally independent of each other by their nature,” Einstein said in his Nobel lecture in 1923.
It has the key to understand universe and life on the earth with assumption that there exist two distinct fields totally independent of each other by their nature, but interact with each other with phonon-Photon interaction The fourth force of the nature is sound waves phonon, which held up the creation with compression under space time fabric.
The huge blast of gravitational wave energy was recorded as a high-frequency “chirp” by LIGO as the black holes rapidly spiralled into one another, merging as one. The Gravitational waves are akin to sound waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light,
It has been searched earlier also at Grand Canyon and Egypt with its text in Vedic metaphor symbols to explain universe and life on the earth.
Gravitational and Sound Waves
The Gravitational waves are akin to sound waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light,
The Life is beautiful with smile and food is its source. She is like flying falcon, which appears with birth and disappear with death. The voice rests on his golden pinion, it regulate the life cycle with thought and words with DNA replication.
Vena rests on her Golden pinion and Gandharva erst in the womb pronounced it.
The sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the bird adorned with all an Asura’s magic might
Sages observe him in the ocean’s inmost depth: the wise disposers seek the station of his rays.
The flying Bird bears speech within his spirit: erst the Gandharva in the womb pronounced it and at the seat of sacrifice the sages cherish the radiant, heavenly-bright invention Rig.10-177-1,2
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life. It is the spiralling waves which bind the life consciousness between the life and death as two bow end between birth and death.
I saw the Herdsman, him who never resteth, approaching and departing on his pathways.
He, clothed in gathered and dillusive splendor, within the worlds continually travels Rig.10-177-3
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of to cherish the life. The thought mentality of an individual never rest, it travel continuously in the world with new life after death.
A photo from Egypt Pyramid Exploring Origin of Life from single cell with genetic recobination and cell division from Phonon, under space time fabric The hair knot at back of the head is the point, which connect the brain with vibration of a frequency of phonon as chord of life to speak in assembly from mouth with lips. The fertilized DNA led the development of body, it act as antenna and speaker with transcription and translation of the message.
The sound waves compress and rebound from all sides to generate thoughts in brain for action with circumstances in life, the plasma membrane acts as two faces of the same coin, the striking waves configure the electrons with half spin and change in wave length conveyed to brain with electrical impulses for action with thought and words. The brain waves connects the body with the universe with unified field. The phonic presser compress the plasma membrane, the configuration of electrons with half spin change the wavelength on opposite side and reached to brain with electromagnetic impulses for action. It is phonic presser compression electromagnetic force, which connects the body with single unified force.
Prof. C.P.Trivedi
Deciphering the script could not only further cement India's rich ancient heritage but may inspire solutions to other large societal and scientific challenges.
The quest of creation is quest of human mind from dawn of the Civilization on the earth. The discovery of the double helical structure of the DNA by the Watson and crick 1953 has brought the revolution in the field of Biotechnology. The same echo is coming from the well developed Indus Valley Civilization. The pictographic symbols on the seals are cytological models for teaching; they explore the cellular genetic evolution on the earth with genetic recombination. Its literary text is in the Vedic hymns. The Vedic metaphoric symbols for DNA have been engraved on the seals. Accordingly the seals and cytological symbolic pictographs deciphered in chronological order. It is not a script of known language but microscopic cytological models. The electron microscopic structure of DNA engraved on the seals confirm their advance technology, it explore evolution of human species in chronological order.
1. The synthesis of chromosome 2. DNA replication and Protein translation
3. Nucleotide pairs 4 Nuclear reaction – the Ribosome translate the DNA code into life.
The group of tiny seals expresses the evolution of the creation from the pre-cosmic condition up to the evolution of man symbolically in chronological order.
Full article --
Decipherment of Indus Valley seals
Cracking the DNA code of Indus Valley
Genetics and Cytology
Indus Valley was highly advance civilization. The Indu is Vedic term for oxygen associated with life resource Sindhu, just like a stream of river in the ocean of life. The oxygen is life resource with water and Vivasvan DNA spread in all direction with water in the cell body. The Indo, Indus and India derived from Indu and the invader’s pronounced Sindhu as Hindu and Hindukush mountain range. Accordingly, they have named the region at the bank of Sindhu as Hindu and Indian subcontinent as Hindustan. India is name of Bharat and resident of India are Indian and Hindu as resident of Hindustan.
The Law duty towards motherland is Dharma, foreigner’s compared it with their superstitions and religion. It has created problem of religious identification of Indians as Hindu, Muslim or Christian, otherwise all are Indian Hindu as resident of Hindustan. All are free to follow their traditions and ethics with spiritual freedom to serve the motherland. After cracking the DNA code the Vedic culture pronounced ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ the nature feed all, whatever is and whatever will be in future is nature only, to live harmoniously with nature is duty of mankind on the earth. The life has originated from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division from pre-existing cells. The DNA records the deeds of an individual with transcription and translates it with circumstances in life from generation to generation with new life.
It has been engraved on seals for teaching and demonstration on seals.
न्याय की देवी के आंख पर बंधी पट्टी हटी पर कानून की आंख नहि खुली। सत्य एक ही होता है और न्यायपालिका का मूल वाक्य है सत्यमेव जयते। आस्था अलग अलग हो सकती है यदि आस्था के बहुमत के आधार पर माननीस न्यायाधीष बहुमत के आधार पर न्याय का निणर्य करते है तो न्यााय कहा हुआ। यह अंग्रेजो द्वारा पदŸा भीड तंत्र का अनुसरण है। संविधान पीठ के तीन माननीय न्यायाधीष यदि असहमत है तो कानून अंधा है सिर्फ न्यााय की देेवी से आंखॅ पर बंधी पट्टी हटाने से आंखे नही खुली। अन्यथा एक सत्य पर सर्वसम्मत निर्णय द्वारा ही न्याय हो सकता है। यदि माननीय न्यायाधीध किसी आस्था से प्रेरित है तो वह नियम 23 के अनुसार शाष्कीय सेवा के योग्य नही है।
त्नसम 23 ;पद्ध व िजीम ळवअमतदउमदज ैमतअंदजे ब्वदकनबज त्नसमे ;दवू त्नसम 5द्ध
माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय का निर्णय 1967 जिसमे अलिगड मुस्लिम विष्वविद्यालय अल्पसंख्यक दर्जा खत्म किया गया और अपने ही निणर्य को सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने निरस्त कर दिया। इससे प्रतीत होता है कि वह बेंच जिसने 1967 मे निणर्य दिया वह संविधान से अनभिज्ञ थी या यह बेंच अनभिज्ञ है। दानो ही बेंच गुलाम भारत के संविधान 1935 मे भटक रहे है। जो अविभाजित भारत के लिए था। स्वतंत्रता के नाम पर छल् करते हुए इसे ही 1950 मे लागु किया गया। इसे मुर्तरूप् देने के बाद लार्ड माउंटबेटन अंमि वायसरॉय 14 अगस्त 1950 को भारत से गए और उनका एहसान मानते हुए स्वतंत्र भारत के प्रथम वायसराय लार्ड माउंटबेटन को भव्य बिदाई दी गई। और पाकिस्तान की कृपा कि हिन्दुस्तान के विभाजन से पाकिस्तान को पुनर्वास मे सहयोग हेतु 80 करौड रूपये दिए गए।
विभाजन के प्रस्ताव के साथ यह भी षर्त थी कि जनता का हितसंवंर्धन सरकार का दायित्व होगा। नेहरू जी ने तुरंत घोषणा की कि भारत धर्म निरपेक्ष होगा। और जिन्नाह ने बहुत नरसंहार होने के बाद हिन्दुओ के हित संरक्षण की घोषध्णा की। जब विभाजन के नाम पर लाखो निरीह भारतीय मारे गए और गांधी जी का अहिंसक आंदोलन हिंसा मे परिवर्तित हो गया। इस खुन की होली मे भारत पाकिस्तान जष्न मना रहे थे। जो अंग्रेज षासको की विजय थी और हिन्दुस्तान की हत्या कि भारतवंषी मुसलमान हिन्दुओं के दुष्मन हो गए। कि इन हिन्दुओ के कारण भारत मुस्लिम राज्य नही बना इसे मुस्लिम राष्ट् बनाना पाकिस्तान का मूल उद्देष्य। बंगलादेष पाकिस्तान मे हिन्दू नरसंहार और भारतीय सŸाा के मद मे त्रिषंकु मौन सन्यासी और ब्रिटेन मे कर्तलध्वनि से स्वागत।
हिन्दुस्तान का वाटरगेट काण्ड 1947
स्वतंत्रता काण्ड 1947 की इबारत 1857 में लिखी गई जिसकी कल्पना भरतीय राजनीयको की कल्पना से बाहर है। और रामजन्म भूमि बाबरी मस्जिद संयुक्त आस्था केद्र मे परिक्रमसा को रामचबुतरे तक सिमीत कर विभाजन काण्ड की नींव रखी। जिसका जष्न 14 और 15 अगस्त 1947 को लाखो निरीह मनुष्यो के साथ खूुन की होली खेलकर मनाया।
मुस्लिम लीग का एहसान और मुस्लिम हित संवर्धन के नाम पर वक्फ बोर्ड अधिनियम लागु किया। ताकि कांग्रेस को मुस्लिम के थोंक मे वोट मिलते रहे। संविधान के नियम 23 कि किसी संगठन का सदस्य होने पर वह भेदभाव कर सकता है जो देष हित मे नही है वह षासकीय सेवा के अयोग्य होगा की अवहेलना की गई। इसके साथ पाकिस्तान मे नारे लगे हंस के लिया है पाकिस्तान और लड के लेंगे हिन्दुस्तान। इसके लिए मुस्लिम जनसंख्या के विस्तार को अरब के मुस्लिम राष्ट् का संगठन धन देता है ताकि हिन्दुस्तान मुस्लिम राष्ट् बने। बंदरबांट के राजनेता इसे पोषित करते है और वक्फ बोर्ड माध्यम। युरोप के देष भी यही चाहते कि अरबी मुसलमान का घ्यान इजराइल से हट कर भारत पर ध्यान दे कि भारत को मुस्लिम राष्ट् बनाना आसान है। और भारत गाजा बन जाए। मुस्लिम दंषे से पहले भी भी भयभीत थै और आज भी भयभीत है।
मोदी की तीसरी जीत से विष्व के मुस्लिम देष और युरोप के देष ब्रिटैन अमेरिका आस्ट्ैलिया कनाडा भारत विरोधी होकर भारत मे अराजकता फैलाना चाहते है। बंगलादेष पाकिस्तान इनके मोहरे।
भारतवासी लार्ड मॅकाले के षिष्य आंख से अंधे और नाम नैनसुख
ल्ज्ञर्ड मॅकाले ने अपनी षिक्षा पद्धति में यह षिक्षा दी कि वेद हिन्दुओं के धर्मग्रंथ है और समझ से परे। युरोपिय विद्वानो ने वेदो का गहन अध्ययन किया और वैदिक धरोहर से विष्व का परिचय कराया। परन्तु वेदक्षर उनके लिए अनबुझ पहेली थी फिर भी यह प्रतिपादित किया कि आर्य गोरे बाहर से आये और काले द्रनिढो को मारकर भगा दिया और बाद मे वेदो की संरचना की। एक वेद वाक्य कि अज्ञानी षुद्र वेद ज्ञान के अधिकारी नही है। यह सही साबित हुआ। कि अज्ञानी के लिए वेद काला अक्षर भैंस बराबर है। वेदाक्षर के स्वरषब्द अविनाषी और एक एक षब्द सेकेत मे ज्ञान का अथह भण्डार है जो रुपको और पहेलियों मे समाहित है। वेदाक्षर के षब्द संकेत से अनभिग्य विद्वाानो ने सूर्य पर उभार रहित काले धब्बो को को नाक रहित काले द्रविडो की संज्ञा दी और विद्युत बिजली की चमक को गोरे आर्य कहा। जिसका अर्थ है कि सूर्य की सतह पर काले धब्बे सूर्य की चमक को अवरूद्ध करते है जिनहे विद्युत चुम्बकीय ऊर्जा ने सक्रिय होकर नष्ट किया और सूर्य की चमक मे अवरोधो दानवो को दूर किया। इसे युरापिय विद्वाानो ने काले और गोरो के मध्य युद्ध कहा। जिसे वैदिक षब्दावली और संकेत का ज्ञान हो वह इसे समझ सकता है। इससे अनभिज्ञ विद्वाानो ने वेदो को ग्वालो के गीत कहकर कहा कि आर्य भारत में बाहर से आये । और अंग्रेजो ने कहा कि जैसे आर्य बाहर से आये वैसे ही हम भारत मे आये। वेदो की तुलना बाइबल और कुरान से कर वदो को हिन्दुओं के धर्मग्रंथ और भारतीय संस्कृति को हिन्दू धर्म कह कर संगठित धर्मो की श्रेणी मे रख दिया।
भारतीय संस्कृति अजेय वेदो का प्रतिबिम्ब है इसे धर्म कह कर अंग्रेजो ने इसकी तुलना बाइबल से कर इसका अवमूल्यन किया और विभाजन कर भारत की हत्या कर दी ।
उपमहाद्वीप मे अषांति पंष्चिमी षडयंत्र
भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप 15 अगस्त स्वतंत्रता अंध्धकार दिवस
स्वतंत्रता के नाम पर भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप हिंसाा अराजकता की आग मे जल रहा है। देषद्रोही विभाजन की ध्ध्काली रात 14 अगस्त 1947 ने भाईयो भारतंवंषी को विदेषी बना दिया।
Abstr act
The unfathomed cosmos is beyond the end. The visible solar system with the sun in the center is a small unit, we are part of the same human body is a microcosm inside a macrocosm that can reveal all about the cosmos, just like a drop of water reveals the nature of the sea.
The high resolution telescope of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) instrument took images in high concentration regions of UV rays. Normally UV rays are toxic harmful for eyes. With long concentration on the sun’s surface developed a resistance against the UV rays, and I have observed plenty of Ultraviolet rays around my eye ball, due the practice of eight disciplines ‘Ashtanga Yoga’ sky of infinite mind become active to connect the infinite thought waves with the universe, and the UV rays around the eye ball, and picture on retina connected the thought waves made one with the sun to look on the surface, of the sun, and solar phenomena, thought wave penetrate into the interior of sun’s surface. I observed the phenomena like live TV telecast videography. The picture on the retina are thought stimulator, and connect it with the sun as one unit to observe the phenomena.
The sun's interior is beyond visual perception, my thought wave with picture on retina, and UV rays entered into the interior, it comprises huge large black high-intensity dark atmosphere, dark matter inherent inactive magnetism. It has activated by equal, and opposite dark wave, antimagnetic without charge with the electron transfer, and half spin change in the opposite wavelength. The electron transfer is the foremost event brought oxidation, reduction reactions in chan. The high magnetic field developed into a dynamo with rotation of the sun at its axis. It is responsible for the sun’s strong magnetic field and source of vital energy with nuclear chain reactions and the bursting of sunspots with solar flares, which is a source of all wealth on Earth. The Scientists are searching the Dark matter, it is not the matter. The dark atmosphere is hidden in the interior of the sun and black caters and sunspots explode with blast and light.
Keywords- Thought wave, UV rays, sun spots, Dark wave, picture, Retina
The modern researches with the telescopic eye revealed many secrets to enter in the pre-cosmic cosmology. The CERN scientists with the discovery of Higgs Field 2014 made a land mark, and working day, and night to search strong force that binds quarks together into hadrons, phonon scattered the photon in a crystal Lie et al 2014, Einstein 1923 there must be two equal and opposite forces. LIGO picked up gravitational waves in 2015, The Gravitational interactions are equal and opposite active and passive July 13 2023 Physics 16 s 97
The photon is the smallest unit of light, and the immortal phonon is the smallest unit of the sound wave vibration connected at the molecular level with equal and opposite wavelengths. The phonon is passive force, and immortal activate the event with the electron transfer, and half spin change in the opposite wavelengths to execute the functions in the cyclic manner without end. The oxidation, and Reduction with electron transfer is the foremost Event
The electron transfer with half spin change in the opposite wavelength is the foremost event brought forward the oxidation, synthesis, and reduction degradation with time in a cyclic manner is without end laid down the foundation of the creation Einstein’s Equation E=Mc²
The vibrational wave touched the press mark and rebounded and skewed the dark matter with electron transfer and half-spin change in the opposite wavelengths. The electron transfer generated tremendous heat Transverse waves in umbral fibrils in the chromosphere of a strongly magnetized sunspot. The energy flux carried by the vibrational waves was estimated to be 7.52 × 106 W m−2 Transverse oscillations and an energy source in a strongly magnetized sunspot Nat Astron 2023 has activated the dark matter with the opposite wavelength with electron configuration and half-spin change in the opposite direction. The phonon wavelength is immortal and infinite taking millions of years to activate the inactive magnetism-dark matter with opposite wavelengths with vital energy in action. It has laid down the foundation of the creation, and working as a system.
Sun's dimension is much more than Earth the sun disc before us is a tiny model moving continuously rapidly with glowing luster all over, the continuous fixing eyes on sun disc, the scenario change rapidly with fabulous colors, penetrating the sight observe the sun's surface phenomena, a mini shining dot in the center glowing luster like sun, moving like sun disc is the powerhouse of sun may be of many Km. in dimension with reference to sun's dimension. The tiny disc with magnetosphere shines with UV rays explore the boundary of the magnetosphere.
The ionization in the magnetosphere, the Higgs Field, underlying space imparts mass to the elementary particles with equal opposite wavelength to bind them in series, constituting the sun's surface with craters, and sun spots.
The chromosphere and corona around the sun disc with the solar flares moving in concentric circles have many circles with the dimensions of kms. incandescent clouds.
The high resolution telescope of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) instrument took images in high concentration regions of UV rays. Normally UV rays are toxic harmful for eyes. With long concentration on the sun’s surface developed a resistance against the UV rays, and I have observed plenty of Ultraviolet rays around my eye ball, due the practice of eight disciplines ‘Ashtanga Yoga’ sky of infinite mind become active to connect the infinite thought waves with the universe, and the UV rays around the eyeball, and picture on retina connected the thought waves made one with the sun to look on the surface, of the sun, and solar phenomena, thought wave penetrate into the interior of sun’s surface. I observed phenomena like live TV telecast videography. The picture on the retina is a thought stimulator, and connects it with the sun as one unit to observe the phenomena.
All the objects of the universe are connected with each other with gravitational vibrational waves, and have individual existence with gravity, and magnetic field, and magnetosphere around them. The human cell body is a microcosm inside a macrocosm that also has a magnetic field, and magnetosphere around it as a small part of the universe, and protects the cell body from the magnetic field of the sun, and other planets.
Phonon is Fifth Force
The fifth force of the universe other than Gravity, Electromagnetism, the strong Force, and the weak Force is the primordial force working everywhere and beholding all existing. The vibrational waves Choir phonon is the fifth force of the universe. The phonon is antimagnetic without charge with induced magnetism, strike the opposite magnetic wavelength, and rebound remain unaffected stable with electron transfer and half-spin change in the opposite wavelength, the electrical vibrations connected with the universe.
The complementary wavelength with induced magnetism strikes, and skews the opposite DNA wavelength in the cell body. The gravitational waves active and passive are universal connects all in in one unit,
The phonon is antimagnetic without charge with induced magnetism, strike the opposite magnetic wavelength, and rebound remain unaffected stable with electron transfer and half-spin change in the opposite wavelength, the electrical vibrations connected with the universe. The concentration of UV rays around the eyeball with the picture on retina converts it into a telescopic eye 24 hours. and sun never sets. Filtering through the atmospheric layers, eyelids reveal different scenarios on the retina and thoughts in mind to observe the phenomena.
With regards
Dr.C.P. Trivedi
The Decipherment of Indus Valley seals explores Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography as an intellectual language. As also it explores the antiquity of India’s Vedic culture as part of the life of Indians. After natural catastrophes, global warming, and ice age, the people moved towards villages to maintain harmony with nature. India’s village culture and the Europeans could not decode the Vedic language code and the height of the Vedic development. To worship the plants was superstition for them, although to worship plants is the most scientific as the plants are a source of life with photosynthesis on the earth. It was the main reason behind their ‘Aryan’ invasion hypothesis without basis. Aryan’ means well-civilized person. It has nothing to do with religion, caste, color, race, or creed. North India is near to the mountains cold and south is near to the seashore warm, it is the cause of the color difference between the north and south Indians. Hence Aryan invasion was a conspiracy to deny the antiquity of India. It is the Vedic Scientific Heritage of Mankind on the earth, which emphasizes the whole earth is one family like a global nest, a village. Biotechnology was the main business of Indus Valley as reflected on the copper tablets. The rich biodiversity of the Indian subcontinent is proof of the original inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent.
The key to deciphering the Indus valley seals is in the Vedic metaphors and Vedic Science. The Vedic metaphoric knowledge of creation and Biology has been engraved on the seals.
It is a known fact that India and Africa have the largest biodiversity zones in the world, it reflects their knowledge of biotechnology and the development of new species.
Ŗgveda the oldest literary record of human civilization on the earth has no description of the temple or iconic worship. The Indus Valley has no trace of the temple or idol worship and their religious beliefs. It suggests that Vedas in original are not only religious scriptures.
The excavation of the fire altar at some places is an indication of their knowledge of sacrifice-yajna. It is common to sign of Indus-Vedic culture testimony.
A well-developed, city organization, the existence of a dockyard and dam, indicates their foreign connections for trade. Indus
Vedic culture was having trade contacts with summer, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Babylon.
In excavation at Indus Valley, the Archaeologists have discovered a large number of crop varieties and the croplands with irrigation facilities and water supply through the canal system. A large number of water reservoirs and wells with a big dam reveal the fact that the civilization was a scientifically developed society having no place for God and Soul, as we believe today. With the scientific developments, they reach the peak of the development, and the ecological disaster, global warming, and flooding with time was the main cause of the destruction of the Indus Valley- Vedic culture. The excess irrigation and deforestation may be the cause of the ecological disaster and the formation of the desert. They were having the knowledge of global warming and its impact hence before the catastrophe they have evacuated the areas nearby the seashore and rescued themselves. Due to this after flooding and release of the dam water, the whole area was under the sea mud, which has its emergence afterward on the earth with the geological disturbances with which we are in contact at present. Due to this in the highly populated areas the human skeletons have not been excavated in large quantities and those, who have not escaped, might have been the victims of the sea currents. Accordingly the traces of laboratories, machines have could not be found.
They have reached the peak of development scientifically. They may have exploited nature through cross-breeding, Hybridization, and the development of new species for domestic purposes. Their achievement in this field and consequent development of Biotechnology has been reflected on the seals through the pictographs.
They have compiled their knowledge in the Vedic hymns after going far away from the affected regions. They have emphasized harmony with nature and the natural components. The Puru–a sÊkta is the latest with a supreme knowledge of the creation in sixteen verses. The compilation of the Vedic hymns is after reaching at the peak of the development and after the ecological disaster, it can be confirmed from the Asya vamiya Sukta- The hymn of the supreme. The scientific knowledge compiled in the Vedic hymns reflects that the Vedic Science is vis-à-vis modern science, along with it; the Atharvaveda has a hymn on global warming. It is the testimony that they were acquainted with global warming and its impact. Accordingly, they have developed harmony with nature and traced the origin of life and its scientific reason behind it on the earth. This knowledge has been acquired in the post-Indus valley Vedic culture era.
The Indus Valley- Vedic culture was scientifically developed in various fields along with gene Technology. We can trace the facts from the pictographic seals. A look at the seals with deep insight reveals the fact that the engraved small pictographs associated with the animal or human figure are complimentary with each other. They are the symbolic expressions for which the seals were prepared. The pictograph, which has been engraved on the seals is basically the same for all people. It is also a fact that such a development is not possible without the scientific and ecological knowledge and the principles working in the creation. The Vedic scientific principles synonym to our modern knowledge can justify the development and the compilation of the Vedic hymns was for the future generation to come on the earth.
Let us with tuneful skill proclaim these generations of the Gods, that one may see them when these hymns are chanted in a future age.ÿg.10-72 1.
Lexigraphy; where each word, sentence or hymn signifies a symbol. In this sense, the symbols on the seals are complementary with Vedic symbolism for demonstration and teaching with its text in Vedic hymn.
To interpret the Vedic hymns has been a great puzzle for scholars. It is because the scholars were not acquainted with the Vedic scientific terminology and height of Vedic science. . UNESCO has included the Rigveda in the list of world heritage. It is unanimously accepted that the Vedas are the oldest literary monuments of human civilization on the earth.
Veda is the first word of the civilized person on the earth. "What can be more tedious than the Veda, and yet what can be more interesting, if once we know that it is the first word spoken by the Aryan man?" These are words of F. Max Muller, who has the credit to introduce Vedas in the world. The ‘Aryan’ means civilized person.
DNA from Sun
The discovery of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953 has brought revolution in Biotechnology The scientists are involved in preparing Bio-weapons for chemical warfare. They are working in retrogressive manner to destroy human civilization without. The DNA has much more to save humanity. The decipherment of the Indus Valley seals explore much more with its text in Vedas. DNA is a vessel of Life, the purine and pyrimidine base pair have come from the sun with the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with three immortal and three stages of life. The immortal phonon voice follows from generation to generation with new life.
Life is a trinity of three immortal
Three immortal
Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)
Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.
Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)
The Sarasvati thought words ensign of existence with the chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in mind and vital energy ensign of life manifest with action, the germ of plants and infants as well.
The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, the ensign of existence. With this, the fundamental energy Soma, manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, the infant also. The speed of the resonant waves is more than the light, which stimulates the action.
1. The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, the ensign of the existence of all.
2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feed the living-beings
3. The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all.
'Sarasvati' is not a terrestrial river, the immortal phonon is flowing in countless channels with life-like streams in the ocean of life. The discovery of the fundamental energy works with its dualistic force photon and phonon has been engraved on Gold plate excavated at Indus Valley. It was the highest discovery confirmed at Grand Canyon. The immortal phonon is the smallest unit of sound Voice vibrations, and photon is the smallest unit of light It follows the immortal DNA from generation to generation with new life and brought forward the infinite nature 'Aditi' in action.
Gold plate Indus Valley India Einstein’s Unification theory Shows that phonon and photon are connected at the molecular lever with the complementary wavelength. DNA is vessel of Life
The phonon and phonon are like two parallel streams of a river, their flow has been halted with the formation of the atom, and the phonon with underlying skys pace imparted mass to three subatomic particles, where fundamental energy appears in the center and binds them in series ensign of the existence of all. The vital fundamental energy is in the center like a pillar. The immortal phonon stimulates the DNA with the origin of life and beholds all ...
Deciphering the Indus Valley Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography on Indus Valley Seals
Indus Valley was the most advanced civilization. With the discovery of Higgs Field 2012, DNA Watson and Crick 1953, Darwin's 1859 origin of species, Phonon can disintegrate Photon in a crystal Lie et al 2014, the recent discovery of Gravitational interactions equal, and opposite Physics 2023 we have touched their height and can grasp the symbols.
Symbolism on Indus Valley Seals
UNICORN is a symbolic animal that existed at any time, it was used in the Indus Alley seals extensively on a maximum number of seals. People tried to trace it in old Sanskrit scripture as ‘Ek Shragi’ it was hypothetical.
The symbolic animal is used to express the evolution of the creation from a single ancestor from the cosmos.
The animal body is a symbolic cosmic unit solar system with an incense barrier on the neck to express that just like the burner is a source of light the sun is the source of light and energy.
The three curves merge in four curves the building block of the creation is three subatomic particles and energy.
The symbolic animal expresses that life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division.
The most amazing discovery of the earth is the excavation at Grand Canyon Arizona, North America. UNESCO has included it as a world heritage site among the wonders of the world. The Rig Veda is on the list of world heritage as the most ancient literary monument of human civilization on earth. They together explore the Ancient Vedic Science and Technology at Grand Canyon and in Egypt.
The Vedic civilization flourished at the Indian subcontinent with the development of the advanced Indus Valley civilization. The discovery of DNA De oxy Ribose Nucleic Acid and zero-space was their global achievement like DNA 1953 and Higgs field 2013. The Kumari Kandam in south India also flourished at that time (which is now under the sea). Kailash Ellora India the temple complex from the top of the mountain is the wonder of the world.
The Vedic Scientists moved from here with DNA on the flag to Grand Canyon. To trace the vital energy to travel beyond space- Time. The Vedic Expedition at America
America was first explored by a Vedic Scientist with DNA on the flag. The beautiful underground city of caves was developed by transgenic animals, robots, and Giants. They have been developed by DNA technology. The photographs explain the procedure and technique and are engraved on the Rosetta Granite stone.
THE Pyramids of Egypt, the Underground cave city at the Grand Canyon, Arizona, North America, and Rock cut Temple Complex, Maharashtra ELLORA, and Bhojshala, Dhar, India are ancient monuments of the oldest civilization on the Earth. The Rosetta Granite stone in the British Museum London is its testimony, as the Heritage of mankind. They have touched the zenith of the creation and used pictographic Lexicography, where each word, sentence or hymn has a symbol with its text in the Veda.
Rosetta Granite Stone Egypt Deciphered Embodies the secret of the creation and Lide on the Earth
The Tvashta’s Asvivn nucleotide pair Saranyu and Sanjana have similar structures that differ only in Nitrogen. They divide in air-like images in the mirror and are transported from the sky with incandescent clouds. The nucleotide pair purine Saranyu and pyrimidine Sanjana are joined with a triple bond of hydrogen, with the electron transfer the triple bond converted into a double bond and reunited in the opposite direction. The key of electron transfer is in the complementary phonon wavelength and the chemical energy of photosynthesis. It has been expressed in the picture symbolically with the Vedic Lexicography.
JAMBU DWIP’ KNOWN TURTLE EYE LAND from Grand Canyon North America
The earth was one land mass Pangea has developed with an equal and opposite wavelength of phonon and photon, The phonon is immortal, and the smallest unit of light undergo synthesis and degradation with time, They have developed in the two equal and opposite sphere, and the creation came into the existence.
Evolution of immortal thought words in the opposite direction with the birth
Back Forward goes he grasped by strength inherent the Immortal born the brother of the mortal. Ceaseless they move in the opposite direction: men mark one and fail to mark the other Rig. 1-164-38
The activation of dark matter is the activation of inherent magnetism in the cosmos, with the formation of charged elementary particles. The electrostatic force is the force that governs the motion of the elementary particles, which caused them to aggregate or collide in various ways with oxidation and reduction with the transfer of electrons.
The photon and phonon have broad complementary spectra from gamma rays to radio waves with equal and opposite wavelengths. The immortal phonon stimulates the event with electron configuration and half-spin change in the opposite wavelength and the photon undergoes the synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s Equation E=Mc².
Dr. C.P. Trivedi 9425456518
[email protected] Indore India
Vedic Ramayan
Introduction The Glory of immortal phonon wavelength, which controls and beholds all existence
Vedic Ramayan embodies the oldest history of the human civilization on the earth, first written by sage Valmik in Sanskrit, The personification of the natural deities in human form with different names with the fancy of the narrator has given it a different turn with mythology, and we have many versions of Ramayan in different languages, the Ramayan written in Devanagari Hindi by Shri Tulsidas is the most popular. The Valmik Ramayan is the most ancient and embodies the evolution of the creation with Sat Yuga when nothing was there,
The recent discovery of Gravitational wave is a clear signal from the universe that Einstein got it right and his gravitational waves were real. Einstein was motivated by an intellectual need to unify the forces of nature. He felt very strongly that all of nature must be described by a single theory. “The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields totally independent of each other by their nature,” Einstein said in his Nobel lecture in 1923.
It has the key to understand universe and life on the earth with assumption that there exist two distinct fields totally independent of each other by their nature, but interact with each other with phonon-Photon interaction The fourth force of the nature is sound waves phonon, which held up the creation with compression under space time fabric.
The huge blast of gravitational wave energy was recorded as a high-frequency “chirp” by LIGO as the black holes rapidly spiralled into one another, merging as one. The Gravitational waves are akin to sound waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light,
It has been searched earlier also at Grand Canyon and Egypt with its text in Vedic metaphor symbols to explain universe and life on the earth.
Gravitational and Sound Waves
The Gravitational waves are akin to sound waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light,
The Life is beautiful with smile and food is its source. She is like flying falcon, which appears with birth and disappear with death. The voice rests on his golden pinion, it regulate the life cycle with thought and words with DNA replication.
Vena rests on her Golden pinion and Gandharva erst in the womb pronounced it.
The sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the bird adorned with all an Asura’s magic might
Sages observe him in the ocean’s inmost depth: the wise disposers seek the station of his rays.
The flying Bird bears speech within his spirit: erst the Gandharva in the womb pronounced it and at the seat of sacrifice the sages cherish the radiant, heavenly-bright invention Rig.10-177-1,2
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life. It is the spiralling waves which bind the life consciousness between the life and death as two bow end between birth and death.
I saw the Herdsman, him who never resteth, approaching and departing on his pathways.
He, clothed in gathered and dillusive splendor, within the worlds continually travels Rig.10-177-3
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of to cherish the life. The thought mentality of an individual never rest, it travel continuously in the world with new life after death.
A photo from Egypt Pyramid Exploring Origin of Life from single cell with genetic recobination and cell division from Phonon, under space time fabric The hair knot at back of the head is the point, which connect the brain with vibration of a frequency of phonon as chord of life to speak in assembly from mouth with lips. The fertilized DNA led the development of body, it act as antenna and speaker with transcription and translation of the message.
The sound waves compress and rebound from all sides to generate thoughts in brain for action with circumstances in life, the plasma membrane acts as two faces of the same coin, the striking waves configure the electrons with half spin and change in wave length conveyed to brain with electrical impulses for action with thought and words. The brain waves connects the body with the universe with unified field. The phonic presser compress the plasma membrane, the configuration of electrons with half spin change the wavelength on opposite side and reached to brain with electromagnetic impulses for action. It is phonic presser compression electromagnetic force, which connects the body with single unified force.
Result and Conclusion
The vibrations of sound and electromagnetic rays travel parallel with each other in straight way. They have synonym opposite wave length. They have evolved simultaneously into atom, molecule, and matter. The photosynthesis by the plants is source of food for all. The leaf is symbol of photosynthesis.
The immortal sound waves evolved into thought and voice with origin of life consciousness from DNA and chromosomes.
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life, just like current of a river in the ocean of life.
The creation has evolved from space Zero to infinity. It has been explained on the rocks with hieroglyphic picture writing system with symbolism. The hieroglyphs and Petroglyphs are for teaching and demonstration with its text in the Vedas. The life is present on the earth, due to Gravitational sound waves and geomagnetism on earth.
The life has evolved from the single DNA and cell division to infinity with genetic recombination from infinite space zero. The vibrations of spiralling waves have evolved into thought and words with evolution of life from DNA. The voice retains the blessed sign imprinted on the DNA to follow the mankind from generation to generation. The immortal DNA regulates the life with hereditary characters from generation to generation.
The DNA charger, identity code
The life in all its form is one, but all have different genetic identity in DNA, which is 99.9 % is same in all. The 0.01 % DNA constitutes the genetic identity of an individual in life. Even the time time-twins have different genetic identity and fate in life. It has four bases arranged in two complimentary base pairs A═T G≡C and control whole biological world with double bond of Hydrogen and Triple bond.
The recent discovery of Gravitational wave is a clear signal from the universe that Einstein got it right and his gravitational waves were real. Einstein was motivated by an intellectual need to unify the forces of nature. He felt very strongly that all of nature must be described by a single theory. “The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields totally independent of each other by their nature,” Einstein said in his Nobel lecture in 1923.
It has the key to understand universe and life on the earth with assumption that there exist two distinct fields totally independent of each other by their nature, but interact with each other with phonon-Photon interaction The fourth force of the nature is sound waves phonon, which held up the creation with compression under space time fabric.
The huge blast of gravitational wave energy was recorded as a high-frequency “chirp” by LIGO as the black holes rapidly spiralled into one another, merging as one. The Gravitational waves are akin to sound waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light,
It has been searched earlier also at Grand Canyon and Egypt with its text in Vedic metaphor symbols to explain universe and life on the earth.
Gravitational and Sound Waves
The Gravitational waves are akin to sound waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light,
The Life is beautiful with smile and food is its source. She is like flying falcon, which appears with birth and disappear with death. The voice rests on his golden pinion, it regulate the life cycle with thought and words with DNA replication.
Vena rests on her Golden pinion and Gandharva erst in the womb pronounced it.
The sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the bird adorned with all an Asura’s magic might
Sages observe him in the ocean’s inmost depth: the wise disposers seek the station of his rays.
The flying Bird bears speech within his spirit: erst the Gandharva in the womb pronounced it and at the seat of sacrifice the sages cherish the radiant, heavenly-bright invention Rig.10-177-1,2
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life. It is the spiralling waves which bind the life consciousness between the life and death as two bow end between birth and death.
I saw the Herdsman, him who never resteth, approaching and departing on his pathways.
He, clothed in gathered and dillusive splendor, within the worlds continually travels Rig.10-177-3
The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of to cherish the life. The thought mentality of an individual never rest, it travel continuously in the world with new life after death.
A photo from Egypt Pyramid Exploring Origin of Life from single cell with genetic recobination and cell division from Phonon, under space time fabric The hair knot at back of the head is the point, which connect the brain with vibration of a frequency of phonon as chord of life to speak in assembly from mouth with lips. The fertilized DNA led the development of body, it act as antenna and speaker with transcription and translation of the message.
The sound waves compress and rebound from all sides to generate thoughts in brain for action with circumstances in life, the plasma membrane acts as two faces of the same coin, the striking waves configure the electrons with half spin and change in wave length conveyed to brain with electrical impulses for action with thought and words. The brain waves connects the body with the universe with unified field. The phonic presser compress the plasma membrane, the configuration of electrons with half spin change the wavelength on opposite side and reached to brain with electromagnetic impulses for action. It is phonic presser compression electromagnetic force, which connects the body with single unified force.
Prof. C.P.Trivedi
Deciphering the script could not only further cement India's rich ancient heritage but may inspire solutions to other large societal and scientific challenges.
The quest of creation is quest of human mind from dawn of the Civilization on the earth. The discovery of the double helical structure of the DNA by the Watson and crick 1953 has brought the revolution in the field of Biotechnology. The same echo is coming from the well developed Indus Valley Civilization. The pictographic symbols on the seals are cytological models for teaching; they explore the cellular genetic evolution on the earth with genetic recombination. Its literary text is in the Vedic hymns. The Vedic metaphoric symbols for DNA have been engraved on the seals. Accordingly the seals and cytological symbolic pictographs deciphered in chronological order. It is not a script of known language but microscopic cytological models. The electron microscopic structure of DNA engraved on the seals confirm their advance technology, it explore evolution of human species in chronological order.
1. The synthesis of chromosome 2. DNA replication and Protein translation
3. Nucleotide pairs 4 Nuclear reaction – the Ribosome translate the DNA code into life.
The group of tiny seals expresses the evolution of the creation from the pre-cosmic condition up to the evolution of man symbolically in chronological order.
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Decipherment of Indus Valley seals
Cracking the DNA code of Indus Valley
Genetics and Cytology
Indus Valley was highly advance civilization. The Indu is Vedic term for oxygen associated with life resource Sindhu, just like a stream of river in the ocean of life. The oxygen is life resource with water and Vivasvan DNA spread in all direction with water in the cell body. The Indo, Indus and India derived from Indu and the invader’s pronounced Sindhu as Hindu and Hindukush mountain range. Accordingly, they have named the region at the bank of Sindhu as Hindu and Indian subcontinent as Hindustan. India is name of Bharat and resident of India are Indian and Hindu as resident of Hindustan.
The Law duty towards motherland is Dharma, foreigner’s compared it with their superstitions and religion. It has created problem of religious identification of Indians as Hindu, Muslim or Christian, otherwise all are Indian Hindu as resident of Hindustan. All are free to follow their traditions and ethics with spiritual freedom to serve the motherland. After cracking the DNA code the Vedic culture pronounced ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ the nature feed all, whatever is and whatever will be in future is nature only, to live harmoniously with nature is duty of mankind on the earth. The life has originated from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division from pre-existing cells. The DNA records the deeds of an individual with transcription and translates it with circumstances in life from generation to generation with new life.
It has been engraved on seals for teaching and demonstration on seals.
‘jyotirlinga’ the beginning of the Time Era Yuga
Ancient Indian History is not like the history written by the western Historians and the Archaeologist. Thay have kept record in Veda, the oldest literary monument of the human civilization on the earth. The creation is working as a system under the cycle of the year ‘Samvatsar Kal’ they have not mention their name, date or year. We were unknown before the birth, and will be unknown after the seath. For whom we should write history.
The rotation of the sun at its axis has given the concept of time as a great event MAHAKAL’ Jyotirlinga at Ujjain, as one wheel chariot and the twelve ‘Jyotirlinga’ in India represents Twelve fellies Twelve ‘Aditya’ twelve faces of the sun with 360 days cycle of one ‘Samvatsar Kal’ under which the creation is working as a system under the cycle of six seasons.
Twelve are the fellies and the wheel is single; three are the naves. What man hath understood it? Therein are set together spokes three hundred and sixty which in nowise can be loosened. Rig. 1-164-48
It has been indicated here that all the phenomena on the earth are going on under the wheel of the year. It has twelve months, and three hundred and sixty days with three centers, Sky, the Atmosphere, and the earth. It indicates the yearly cycle of the months and seasons. Under the wheel of the year, nature exhibits its functions.
19:49 (1 minute ago)
to Pastor, Thirumala, bharatswabhiman2014, headoffice, [email protected], World, nirmal, Raghavan, Lakshman, seshadri, Subramanian, Shilpi, Kavi, Usha, K, udaya, Usha, Rajendra, Ravi, devindersingh, Major(Retd).R.Rudra, tilak, Abridged, shirish, Amit, sastry, Singh, Suresh, Durgashanker, ram, vasant, Mukund, Mukund, Bheem, keshavaprasad, Dr, Satya, Satya, WBF, Raja/Roopa, Nirmal, Mukund, CB, adityancsa, Council, ECI, Sanjeev, savarkar, Satish, Rama, arathi.vbr, Mythili, Tushita, Amrit, Dirgha, Chandar, Pabitra, Paresh, jatinder, Sudhakaran, Gregory, Gurvinder, Pragya, PRANESHRAMESH2000, V, venkatraman, Dr.Sri.KRS.Murthy, Eli, Mandyam, Venkita, Janet, Sankaran, M.D., Mihir, Dr, kusumbhat, Lavanya, rama.bhat
भारत का गौरवषाली अतीत भारत का आधार है, सैकडो सालों की गुलीमी ने इसे नेस्तनाबुत करने के असंख्य प्रयत्न किए, परन्तु यह कालजयी संस्कृति आज भी जीवित है। जो इकबाल के षब्दो का जीवंत प्रमाण है।
बाकी मगर है अब तक नामो निषां हमारा,
कुछ बात है कि हस्ती मिटती नही हमारी
सदियों रहा है दुष्मन दौरे जमॉ हमारा।
Father of the Monotheism in the world 'ASHOKAN EMBLEM' NATIONAL EMBLEM OF INDIA
Kumbha Mela at Ujjain with entry of sun in Aries and Jupitor in Leo has a special significance. When, sun emits gigantic radiations with nectarine drops. It is the great event on the Earth. It has given the way for origin of life with cordial atmospheric conditions on earth. To preserve the ancient wisdom, the Kumbha Mela is celebrated with every twelve years cycle.
The pot Kumbha signifies the immortal DNA as instrument of life, phonon beholds life consciousness and food metabolism is source of life. The Ascetics with different ideologies gather at one place to celebrate the great event of origin of life on the Earth. The sapient beholds the life consciousness adorned to cell body with different genetic identity in DNA to cherish the life.
During the cosmology a pot of nectarine drops was shed, it is immortal drop of Amrit for the creatures. The life blossom like flower with the nectarine drop and leaves feed the creation with photosynthesis.
It has been expressed the life is like birds their nest upon the tree Rig. 10-127-4
The pot represents DNA is like vessel for life and the DNA nucleotide blossom like flower with chemical energy of photosynthesis.
‘Once only once, the heaven was made, once only once, the earth was formed. Once, only PriŚni’s milk (Soma) was shed: no second, after this, is born Rig-Veda 6-48-22
It has been expressed that the in the history of the creation once only once the earth has taken its shape with cosmology. The Prisni’s milk – Prisni is name of cow, who gives all types of food, the shed of chlorophyll pigment has been expressed by Prisni’s milk, It is the source of food chains and food webs in nature and feed the creation with photosynthesis.
The modern cosmology has done outstanding work on cosmologiacal events and explored early cosmic events. But the pre-cosmic atmosphere is unexplored without this our cosmological knowledge is incomplete. It has been explored at Kailash Ellora with Vedic symbols and metaphors. It may give new direction for thinking to explore pre-cosmic event? The one force with its dualistic nature initiated the early pre-cosmic event. It has been expressed by the breathless breathed by its own nature and one become many. It has activated the pre-cosmic deep dark atmosphere in action with blast and light. It is activation of inactive dormant magnetism with quarks and charged elementary particles with its dualistic force phonon and photon. The phonon is immortal and phonon undergoes synthesis and sisintegration under space time fabric. The phonon stimulates the event to happen.
It may give new direction for thinking on scientific heritage of India and pre-cosmic atmosphere, which sown the seed of creation and life. The Christel explore the didden aspects of carving with her deep insight and I have tried to explain with Vedic Science and modern Science. She deserves the full credit. It is ancient wisdom of creation and life as reflected on the carvings of Kailash. They have used picture writing system with Vedic symbols.
The Life is like bird’s nest upon the tree or we can say that DNA is instrument of life. The source of DNA on the earth is Sun. It has been engraved at Kailah Ellora on Pillar. It explores origin and evolution of life consciousness from single cell with activation of DNA by phonon – photon interaction. The chemical energy of photosynthesis is the source of life.
The genetic recombination with cell division brought biodiversity in nature.The photosynthesis by leaves brought forward food chains and food webs in nature. At the top it has been expressed that the human species is highly evolved. The garland at head denotes phonon wave beholds life consciousness.
The immortal phonon with antimagnetic property is earliest with pre-cosmic dawn. It has activated the inherent inactive dark magnetism in action with blast and light. The formation of quarks and charged elementary particles led forth the process of evolution with photon-phonon interaction.
The DNA is universal instrument of life. It has blown out from sun prior to the formation of earth and survived in deep sea. It has given the way for origin of life. We all are connected at molecular level with ancestry in single DNA.
‘Once only once, the heaven was made, once only once, the earth was formed. Once, only PriŚni’s milk (Soma) was shed: no second, after this, is born Rig-Veda 6-48-22
It has been expressed that the in the history of the creation once only once the earth has taken its shape with cosmology. The Prisni’s milk – Prisni is name of cow, who gives all types of food, the shed of chlorophyll pigment has been expressed by Prisni’s milk, It is the source of food chains and food webs in nature and feed the creation with photosynthesis.
The cosmological Great Event is manifestation of vital energy with blast and light. The other significant event prior to the formation of Earth is sheding of nectarine DNA and Chlorophyll with cosmological event. It has given the way for origin of life on the earth.
It has been explored at Kailash Ellora with carvings on the sinhle rocks. It is great Heritage of mankind on the earth.
The utility of ancient wisdom is only this that we should come forward to save the mother earth from early catastrophe.
Dr.Chandra P. Trivedi [email protected] and Christel plz [email protected]
It is strange and stunning to touch the pre-cosmic and cosmic conditions to explain Einstein’s Grand Unified Force theory. It is vital energy, which is easily accessible all round, just like one can experience all oceans in a drop of water.
The dualistic force of vital energy is most unseen, most mighty to stimulate thoughts in brain. Just like eyes work on the tune of vision with picture on retina. It is unseen principle and experience of life. It stimulates the action, but not involves in action, and remains unaffected. The Phonon has appeared first in ripper with cosmic dawn in early pre-cosmic condition. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light in a straight way.
The photon and phonon are two complimentary independent forces of vital energy. They interact at molecular level with configuration of electron and half spin change in complimentary wavelength. The immortal phonon with resonance is most mighty force of nature, it disintegrate the photon with electron configuration and subsequent half spin change in its complimentary wavelength. Through this the phonon stimulates the event to happen and remains unaffected. The vibrations of electrons with resonance and electrical impulses connect it universally.
When Sarama had found the mountain’s fissure, that vast and ancient place she plundered thoroughly. In the floods’ van she led them forth, light footed: she who well knew came first unto their lowing.
In the floods’ van she led them forth; the gravitational and sound waves led the path of evolution with activation of dark energy in the early universe with blast and light. The Photon and Phonon with charged particles led the path of evolution just like two parallel river opposite struggling for contending reins.
Forth from the bosom of the mountains eager as two swift mares with loosened rein contending.
Like two bright mother cows who lick their youngling, Vipasha and Sutudri speed down their waters. Impelled by Indra whom ye pray to urge you, ye move as ‘twere on chariot the ocean (Rig. 3-33-1,2)
The photon and phonon feed the creation, just like two mother supported by the Indra, (electricity), just like two river Vipasha and Sutudri. The light and sound are complimentary and follow each other, just like two mares with loosened reins.
Sarama represent micro pulse phonon wave, which find a place in fissure in the dark matter in early pre-cosmic condition. It has plundered thoroughly the dark matter and vibrations of the waves with echo activated the dark matter with concentration in the centre with blast and light. The electromagnetic rays of light travel with vibrations and the photon and phonon run in parallel straight way as complimentary to each other.
The man has never seen the voice, yet he see, one man has hearing, but never heard her, but on another man, she showed her beauty as well dressed women to her husband. The phonon is earliest with origin of life. The wise men have created the language for communication. It is imprinted in the mind as blessed sign of friendship with music of life in different tones of seven syllables.
The flow of life channels
Seven sisters sprung from threefold source, (abiding in the three worlds that is , heaven earth and air) the Five Tribes prosper, she must be Invoked in every deed of might (ÿg-Veda 6-61-12)
The seven sisters represent seven rays of visible light, and seven syllables of voice, they are flowing in three fold manner and nourish five gross elements air, water, sun; energy, sky and earth; matter with life in countless channels.
Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)
Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.
Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)
The Sarasvati thought words ensign of existence with chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in mind and vital energy ensign of life manifest with action, the germ of plants and infants as well.
The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, ensign of existence. With this the fundamental energy Soma, manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, infant.
1. The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, ensign of existence of all.
2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feed the living-beings.
3. The immortal DNA with resonant words is light of life for all
The visible light and audible words have complimentary spectrum. The voice strikes the ear drum and rebound, the message is immediately reached to brain with electrical impulses. The ‘Phonic Presser Compression electromagnetic force’ is the creative force and operating every where as counter part of life. The photon and phonon are acting as dualistic force of eternal vital energy and feed the creation and life under space time fabric.
They have gone ahead to explain cosmology that Gravitational and Sound waves have played a significant role in the early pre-cosmic condition. The resonant vibration waves with resonance behold the creation and life under space time fabric. The voice is identity of life. It requires radical rethinking on cosmology to understand universe and life.
Prof. Chandra Prakash Trivedi
Former Principal, MJS College, Bhind, MP & Vedic Research Institute, Ratlam, Indore
A new Book on study into IVC has revealed its scientific achievements. Vedic Culture and the Indus Valley was the most advanced civilization. With the discovery of Higgs field 2012, DNA Watson and Crick 1953, Darwin Origin of Species 1859, Phonon can disintegrate Photon in a crystal Lie et al 2014, and a recent discovery of Gravitational waves 1919, we have touched their height up to this and can grasp further.
Though the IVC was the most expansive civilization of its time – spanning parts of present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northwest India – and its archaeological sites are of great scholarly interest, we don’t yet know which language(s) its people spoke. Their script is also yet to be deciphered.
Deciphering the Indus Vedic Language code
Language and script changes with time, they have used Lexicography, where each word, hymn or sentence has a symbol. The symbols have a vast ocean of knowledge in the background. Its answer is in complementary symbols in concern Vedic hymn. It means Sanskrit and Veda were in practice in IVC. Sanskrit is oldest and mother of all languages it was having its existence in IVC along with other languages. Symbols of Vedic hymns have been engraved on the seals to explore origin and evolution of creation and life on the earth.
Lexigraphy; where each word or sentence signifies a symbol. In this sense the symbols on the seals are complementary with Vedic symbolism for demonstration and teaching with its text in Vedic hymn.
To interpret the Vedic hymns has been a great puzzle for scholars. It is because the scholars were not acquainted with the Vedic scientific terminology and height of the Vedic science. UNESCO has included the ÿgveda in the list of world heritage. It is unanimously accepted that the Vedas are the oldest literary monuments of human civilization on the earth.
Einstein’s Unification Theory
Einstein was motivated “The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields independent of each other by their nature,” Einstein said in his Nobel lecture in 1923.
The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon, it has been termed both the father and their son metaphorically.
Both their father is also their son; both the chief is also the meanest (Kani–—ha) of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb Ath. 10-8-28.
The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon. They together have been termed as both the father and their son metaphorically. of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb. . Out of these two, one Phonon has entered in the mind first and stimulates the language of DNA in the womb, the phonon is earliest, it has activated the Dark matter in pre-cosmic condition.
Vedic Science is in the metaphors and riddles with symbolism. The Vedic hymns have their beginning, with the discovery of a single unified force and dualistic force of fundamental energy Photon and Phonon.
Lexicography of Indus Valley Vedic Copper tablets
The Vedas are oldest literary documents on the earth. It belongs to the history of the world and India. It was a most advanced civilization of the world with its text in Rig-Veda to express the origin and evolution of the creation from fundamental energy as single ancestor with its dualistic force phonon and photon under the laws of thermodynamics Einstein’s equation E=Mc²
The Sanskrit literature as a whole represents an independent civilization, entirely different from the West. The Sanskrit is phonetic language with phonetic combination between the finals and initials of words in the Sanskrit sentence. The Vedic hymns contain some words of phonetic types, which can only be explained by borrowing on the part of their composers from popular speech. We find similes or metaphors and riddles with symbolism, where words have vast ocean of knowledge in the background with lexicography and phonetics. The thoughts have woven with praise prayers, to express the importance of the deity of the hymn to express phenomena at molecular level with symbolism.
We have to follow the path described by philology, to derive from the texts themselves the sense which they contain, it require the usage of the classical speech, and the grammatical and etymological-lexicographical investigation of words.
Synthesis of first Amino acid in slime soup from DNA 4,6 Billions years ago
Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi
The Origin of Life and Consciousness is a great puzzle for the Scientist. Its seeds are in pre-cosmic dawn phonon. The Scientists have used sound to 'talk' to an artificial atom 2015, the recent discovery of Gravitational waves akin to sound waves and photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal. Nat. Commun Lie et al 2014 The NASA researchers noticed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in meteorites. With extra hydrogen or oxygen called quinones have the potentiality for origin of life.
The Phonon is earliest. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as dualistic complimentary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and photon under go synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc²
It has been observed that the DNA has purine and pyrimidine complimentary base differing only in Nitrogen base. It has pulled out like a zipper along with incandescent gaseous clouds and gigantic radiations, prior to the formation of solar system. With time the earth cooled down with floods of water and movement of molten mass generated the magnetosphere around the earth with ozone layer in the atmosphere.
It has given the way for synthesis of first amino acid in the slime soup from DNA base pair as precursor molecule and phonon stimulated the event. They follow each other in chain with synthesis of chromosome pairs in prokaryotic cell and autotrophic eukaryotic cell in series with cell division and evolution.
The Life has evolved from single DNA and cell with genetic recombination and cell division. The first amino acid is synthesized in slime soup from purine and pyrimidine base pair with resonant vibrations of charged ions in the colloidal solution. It has evolved in to a prokaryotic cell and autotrophic eukaryotic cell with protoplasmic vibrations and cell division.
The protoplasmic vibrations connect the life with DNA as two pillars on the path of evolution. The Higgs field imparted mass to proteins and food metabolism is the source of life. The phonon has evolved into thought and words with consciousness.
The DNA is instrument of life and phonon beholds the life consciousness with its dualistic complimentary spectrum to execute function of life. The plasma membrane acts as transition zone with electron configuration, just like two faces of the same coin.
Key words - Life Science; DNA instrument; Phonon; Purine; pyrimidine
Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi
INVISIBLE GOD, SOUL SPIRIT, LIFE CONSCIOUSNESS is the subject matter of intellectual discussion in Philosophy.
Life is Trinity of Three Immortal
1. The Higgs field, God particle immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles, ensign of the existence of all has been described as indestructible supreme God as CREATOR.
THE SPACE is present in the live cell body, it has been said that God and Soul are one.
2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feeds the living beings with food metabolism and is the source of life. It has been described as life consciousness, which appears with birth and disappears with death.
3. The immortal DNA with immortal resonant words is the light of life for all with activation of DNA mental code in the womb of the mother. The immortal DNA has been described as Bio-Soul to cherish the life with birth.
SPIRIT The thought and words of an individual in life are immortal constitutes the spirit with action in life, they follow the mankind from generation to generation with new life and behold the life consciousness with equal and opposite wavelength.
Humans are suffering from the ego of their Religion, race, language, and caste. They are dwelling between the religious philosophy and Science without knowing their origin from a single DNA Deoxy ribose nucleic acid with evolution. The human species has evolved from the Homosapien and monkeys the dominant animal instinct and ego of race language and caste confirm the same. We have got the human birth after 84 Lac birth it should be utilized.
The human species is in the process of mental evolution. The human species has ancestry in a single DNA, but their ego of religion race, and language have created anarchy and unrest on the earth Unknowingly with climate change and global warming the human species is going to be extinct. EARTH IS ONE, ENVIRONMENT IS ONE AND LIFE IS ONE WITH ANCESTRY IN SINGLE DNA.
The differences are due to the different environments and Geographical conditions. .
Key words - God, Soul Spirit
Life has evolved from single DNA with cell division and genetic recombination. It has brought biodiversity in nature. The human species is highly evolved with mental evolution. The phonon voice beholds life consciousness.
It has been observed that the DNA has a purine and pyrimidine complementary base differing only in Nitrogen base. It has pulled out like a zipper along with incandescent gaseous clouds and gigantic radiations, prior to the formation of solar system. With time the earth cooled down with floods of water and movement of molten mass generated the magnetosphere around the earth with ozone layer in the atmosphere. It has given the way for origin of life.
It’s like molecular choreography where the molecules choreograph their own behavior. In the same way, the DNA choreographs its own behavior with its first dawn in the slime of primordial soup with Life’s First Spark. It has maintained its nectarine quality with photon-photon interaction and plasma membrane-like two faces of the same coin with genetic recombination and cell division. The DNA has an antenna and speaker with transcription and translation. Food metabolism is the source of life.
The life on the earth
Rbhu The cell has a body formed for flight in nature. The Charger DNA is swift like wind, the motion is his spirit. Just like his horns, they spread in all directions with the restless beat.
11. A body formed for flight hast thou, O charger; swift as the wind in motion is thy spirit.
Thy horns are spread abroad in all directions: they move with the restless beat in wildernesses. ÿg. 1-163-11
Charger - Symbolically, it has been expressed that the end of the life-cycle with aging is not the end of life energy. The life energy flies from the body, and the cellular body has a charger Phonon wave, which stimulates the event again and food metabolism is a source of life in the form of chemical energy of food, which is swift in motion, just like the speed of the wind. The chemical energy, move forward with the oxidation of the food, and remain unaffected in nature, it has been indicated.
Accordingly, the DNA has spread in all the direction with a new cell body in nature. It has been expressed through the metaphor of horns that their movement is hard to check like hard horns, they are moving and restlessly working in the different forms in the wild and at other places. Symbolically the universal nature of DNA and the formation of the food chains and the food webs in nature have been expressed.
11. a body formed for flight hast thou, O charger; swift as the wind in motion is thy spirit.
Thy horns are spread abroad in all directions: they move with the restless beat in wildernesses (Rig-Veda 1-163-11)
Indus Vedic Biotechnology is a monumental work on the Indus Valley. The Vedas are the oldest literary monuments of the world. As such they represent common heritage of the mankind on the earth. Prof. C.P. Trivedi has entered in this field as an environmental scientist and gone into the depth of various traditions of Indian theology. With his background of the Indian culture and modern science, he has interpreted the Vedic hymns in chronological order with depth of Vedic knowledge. He has decoded the Vedic Language code and deciphered the Indus Valley seals and Copper tablets. Indus Valley Vedic Life Science is the effort of his great devotion to the subject with firm scientific background. He has traced all the scientific theories of the modern Science in the Vedic hymns. Previously we have heard from the mouth of Maharshi Sri Aurobindo and Maharshi Dayanand that the Vedas are book of true Science. Prof Trivedi with his great devotion has proved the same with his scientific approach.
The Inscribed Copper Plates from Indus Valley (Harappan) Civilisation (c. 2600–2000 BC), one of the plates bears 34 characters, which is the longest known single Indus script inscription. Prof. Shinde & Willis 2014 hypothesized that the copper plates have consistent with use in copper plate printing as earliest known printing devices. It has inspire to search the use of copper tablet with one, two or longest 34 character. It suggests that the text may be descriptive or instructive, and has a special purpose.
It has been searched with deep study with above reference that the copper tablets may have been used for demonstration and teaching with symbolism. In this sense the longest inscription with man in yogic posture is like a text book. The other tablets with one or few symbol with different figure are like different chapter/ lectures, to teach the students about the origin and evolution of the creation and life on the earth, with its text in Vedas.
The script and languages change with time, but symbols remain the same. The Indus Valley was most advance and scientific Civilization, now we have touched their height and can interpret the symbols.
The inscription with 34 character symbols explores origin and evolution of the creation and life from a fundamental energy with energy transformation Einstein’s equation E =mc2. The life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. The Photosynthesis by the plants is source of life on the earth.
It has been expressed on the copper plates with Vedic symbolism and may be distributed in large number with printing devise.
The decipherment of Indus Valley seals is a monumental work on Indus Valley.
The creation has developed at its own, from fundamental energy under the laws of thermodynamics with energy transformation. The life has evolved from single DNA on earth under space, time and environmental conditions. The building block of the creation is atom and building block of the life is four bases of DNA It has been explored in Indus Vedic Life Science.
They have used Lexicography, where each word or sentence hava a symbol. Its answer is in complimentary symbol in concern Vedic hymn.
Decipherment of Indus Valley Vedic Culture seals is a new approach on Indus Valley. It explores Indus Vedic Education System and Indus Valley Vedic Life Science. Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi with his deep insight and interdisciplinary approach deciphered the seals and copper tablets. The seals and copper tablets prepared for demonstration and teaching with its text in Vedas. They belong to the contemporary higher Institutes of learning to keep permnant record of the Institutes.
I congratulate Prof. Trivedi for his outstanding contribution as a Professor and Scientist. I hope that the scholars will have inspiration from the Book Indus Vedic Life Science.
Prof. Prasad Joshi
Vice-Chancellor (A)
Deccan College
Post-Graduate and Research Institute
(Deemed to be University)
Pune - 411 006
Ph.: 020-2651 3232
M: +91 7498397113
II. Preface
"What can be more tedious than the Veda, and yet what can be more interesting, if once we know that it is the first word spoken by the Aryan man?" These are words of F. Max Mñller, who has the credit to introduce Vedas in the world. Now it is unanimously accepted that Vedas are oldest literary monuments of the world, as such they represent common heritage of the mankind on the earth.
No ancient or modern lexicon has interpreted the Vedic hymns in terms of science, because it was unimaginable. The modern scientific theories and the principles have been discovered only during the last two century; surprisingly they have been incorporated in the Vedic hymns. It suggests that now we are more near to the Vedic knowledge. The tragedy before modern scholars is that oriental scholars are not acquainted or unaware with the principles and theories of modern science, similarly the modern scientists are not acquainted or unaware with the Vedic literature and Sanskrit, so far as there knowledge of the Vedic literature and Sanskrit is concern.
The Vedic hymns have been compiled by different seers. The Vedic books are supposed to be the family books of the seers. Looking to the depth of knowledge in the Vedic hymns it seems that the seers of the hymns are the subject expert and head of the contemporary institutes of knowledge.
The seers in the beginning of Vedic hymns have traced origin and evolution of the creation and life in a symbolic way from the fundamental energy. It is an essential part of the teaching to start the subject from its original source and gradually enter into the depth of the subject. Accordingly, the way of expression and knowledge is the same but with different metaphors, which lead to the depth of subject concern with praise prayers in the background, where words indicates the phenomenon at micro level. All the seers have used the same terminology of the deities with different metaphoric expressions, indicating the origin of solar system and sun as the main source of energy. The metaphors will look like 'headless and footless', without the concern knowledge with reference to the context.
The Vedic literature is in the form of metaphors and riddles with symbolism, it indicates towards the phenomena of the nature and the natural reactions going on in the nature. With the knowledge of the modern science the indications can be understood. Hence for the interpretation of the indications one must know the Vedic terminology in its proper way, because Vedic terminology with myths of mythology is a product of long history of climatic conditions. The Vedic deities, they actually represent either the component of nature or natural phenomena. The anthropomorphic nature of the deities and their figurative description with personification is a way of expression of the thoughts about the natural phenomena. Although without reference and the knowledge of the related phenomena the metaphors are hard to understand, where words are only the coded indicators. As such with an aim to decode the Vedic metaphors a scientific terminology of the Vedic deities has been prepared to interpret the Vedic hymns and metaphors in a chronological order with depth of the Vedic knowledge. In the same manner the riddles can also be solved, where words are only coded indicators and the unexplainable metaphors explore their true meaning.
They have used Lexigraphy; where each word or sentence signifies a symbol. The same symbols have been engraved on the tablet. Its text has to be searched in concern Vedic hymn with reference to the word symbol.
The Vedas are oldest literary monuments of the world. As such they represent common heritage of the mankind on the earth. Prof. C.P. Trivedi has entered in this field as an environmental scientist and gone into the depth of various traditions of Indian theology. With his background of the Indian culture and modern science, he has interpreted the Vedic hymns in chronological order with depth of Vedic knowledge.He has decoded the Vedic Language code and deciphered the. Indus Valley seals and Copper tablets. Indus Valley Vedic Life Science is the effort of his great devotion to the subject with firm scientific background. He has traced all the scientific theories of the modern Science in the Vedic hymns. Previously we have heard from the mouth of Maharshi Sri Aurobindo and Maharshi Dayanand that the Vedas are book of true Science. Prof Trivedi with his great devotion has proved the same with his scientific approach.
The Inscribed Copper Plates from Indus Valley (Harappan) Civilisation (c. 2600–2000 BC), one of the plates bears 34 characters, which is the longest known single Indus script inscription. Prof. Shinde & Willis 2014 hypothesized that the copper plates have consistent with use in copper plate printing as earliest known printing devices. It has inspire to search the use of copper tablet with one, two or longest 34 character. It suggests that the text may be descriptive or instructive, and has a special purpose.
It has been searched with deep study with above reference that the copper tablets may have been used for demonstration and teaching with symbolism. In this sense the longest inscription with man in yogic posture is like a text book. The other tablets with one or few symbol with different figure are like different chapter/ lectures, to teach the students about the origin and evolution of the creation and life on the earth, with its text in Vedas.
The script and languages change with time, but symbols remain the same. The Indus Valley was most advance and scientific Civilization, now we have touched their height and can interpret the symbols.
The inscription with 34 character symbols explores origin and evolution of the creation and life from a fundamental energy with energy transformation Einstein’s equation E =mc2. The life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. The Photosynthesis by the plants is source of life on the earth.
The discovery of Indus Valley civilization has opened a new chapter in the world history. It has pushed the antiquity of Indian civilization far back in to the past, but rural culture of India and undeciphered Indus Valley script has pushed the Indus Valley in to a mystery, so far as the antiquity of Indian civilization was concern.
The European scholars have done a great service of India with extensive work on the Indian culture and ancient Vedic texts. It has established India as the centre of world heritage, but they were unable to interpret the language of the Vedic hymns and the pictographic script of Indus Valley seals. It has generated a quest to decipher the Vedic language. The seeds of quest were sown in my early child hood, when I have decided at my own to take science as a subject at school, but simultaneously visiting the temple of lord Mahakal at Ujjain with my mother regularly. It was a contradictory in respect of science and a matter of joke for my fellow students. It has generated a quest first time to search the scientific facts behind India’s cultural heritage. With time, with lord Mahakal’s blessings I have entered in to the field of science as an Environmental scientist, and gone in to the depth of various religious scriptures and Vedic texts. The insight in to these scriptures was to trace the mystery of origin of life on the earth. I have got the success in the scientific interpretation of Vedic language and I was very much surprise to trace all the modern principles and theories of creation in the Vedic texts,
The modern civilization on the earth is very much influenced by the achievements of the modern science in the different fields. It is a common faith that such a development of the science on the earth has enlightened the people on the earth first time. Accordingly the common people are dwelling in between the Modern Science and Spiritualism and the Religion.
They are unaware about the Aim of life on the earth. It is the main cause of the unrest and violence on the earth. The earth has faced the similar situation earlier too, it has been reflected in the hymn of 4th book a speech of a seer in the council of world scholars has been given, where, to safeguard the earth from probable nuclear threat has been indicated, the meeting was ended without conclusion, accordingly the seer has expressed these words.
Un satisfied, with speech devoid of vigour, scanty and frivolous and inconclusive,
Where-fore do they address thee here, O Agni? Let these who have no weapons suffer sarrow.14
The speaker was unsatisfied with the attitude of the councillors, they could not draw any conclusion, and all were divided on the issue of peace on the earth. The threat of nuclear war has been reflected in his speech. Accordingly, he has addressed Agni? Let these who have no weapons suffer sorrow. It indicates that some countries may have developed safety device from nuclear threat, those who have no weapons of safety, they are likely to suffer.
In this reference, we may search for the protective nuclear device, to safeguard our-selves from nuclear threat, as indicated in the speech. The contemporary Vedic civilization with their achievements has enlightened the common people so as to guide them in the day to day life.
The Vedic seers with their skill and labour have preserved their knowledge of the creation in the Vedic hymns, so as to transfer it for the succeeding generations for the welfare of the society, with their great skill it has reached to us without break. It is our humble duty to interpret them in their proper way for the welfare of the society.
To interpret the Vedic hymns has been a great puzzle for the scholars. It is due the fact that the scholars were not acquainted with the Vedic scientific terminology and height of the Vedic science. The Vedic science in the Vedic hymns has its beginning, with discovery of single unified force of the creation. The same has been recognised in the modern science. . The insight in to these scriptures was to trace the mystery of origin of life on the earth. I have got the success in the scientific interpretation of Vedic language and I was very much surprise to trace all the modern principles and theories of creation in the Vedic texts. The Vedic hymns have been compiled by different ÿ–is. The Vedic books are supposed to be the family books of the ÿ–is. Looking to the depth of knowledge in the Vedic hymns it seems that the ÿ–is of the hymns are the subject expert and head of the contemporary institutes of knowledge.
He has done his search in the light of modern Science and Vedic Science. He has traced the Vedic Science symbols on the Seals. The pictographic symbols explore the scientific achievements of the Indus Valley with their literary evidences in the Vedic Science. I congratulate Prof. Trivedi for his outstanding contribution as a professor and Scientist. I hope that the scholars will have inspiration from the Book Indus Vedic Life Science.
The creation has developed at its own, from fundamental energy under the laws of thermodynamics with energy transformation. The life has evolved from single DNA on earth under space, time and environmental conditions. The building block of the creation is atom and building block of the life is four bases of DNA It has been explored in Indus Vedic Life Science.
The discovery of scientifically developed Indus Valley Civilization by Sir John Marshal 1920 brought revolution in History of India. They recognized that Indus Valley is glory of India’s glorious past, but struggling for survival with inherent deep rooted faith in Vedas and age old traditions only. Because scholars were unable to trace the height of scientifically developed Indus Valley civilization and contemporary scientific development is still far away. Otherwise each seal is complete in itself with its text in Vedas and modern Science. The decipherment of Indus Valley can restore India’s glorious past. They have used lexicography, to preserve their knowledge, where each word or sentence have symbol.
Decipherment of Indus Valley Vedic Culture seals is a new approach on Indus Valley. It explores Indus Vedic Education System and Indus Valley Vedic Life Science. Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi with his deep insight and interdisciplinary approach deciphered the seals and copper tablets. The seals and copper tablets prepared for demonstration and teaching with its text in Vedas. They belong to the contemporary higher Institutes of learning to keep permnant record of the Institutes.
It has been searched with deep study with above reference that the copper tablets have been used for demonstration and teaching with symbolism. In this sense the longest inscription with man in yogic posture is like a text book. The other tablets with one or few symbol with different figure are like different chapter/ lectures, to teach the students about the origin and evolution of the creation and life on the earth, with its text in Vedas.
The script and languages change with time, but symbols remain the same. The Indus Valley was most advance and scientific Civilization, now we have touched their height and can interpret the symbols.
The inscription with 34 character symbols explores origin and evolution of the creation and life from a fundamental energy with energy transformation Einstein’s equation E=Mc². The life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. The Photosynthesis by the plants is source of life on the earth. Building block of creation is Atom and building block of the living-beings is four bases of DNA, food metabolism is the source of life consciousness, which appears with birth and disappear with death.
It has been expressed on the copper plates with Vedic symbolism and may be distributed in large number with printing devise. The same can be used for examination. It is first International work from Madhya Pradesh. I congratulate Prof. Trivedi for his outstanding contribution as Professor and Scientist.
The problems taken up by Prof.Trivedi are highly interesting and scientific. I am sure the readers would enjoy the confluence of the latest and oldest sets of awareness in solving the agegoing puzzle of creation and life.
Evidences from NASA
Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi
Aseem Trivedi
Vedic Research Institute, Ratlam
The creation has developed at its own, from fundamental energy under the laws of thermodynamics with energy transformation. The life has evolved from single DNA on earth under space, time and environmental conditions. The building block of the creation is atom and building block of the life is four bases of DNA It has been explored in Indus Vedic Life Science.
The discovery of scientifically developed Indus Valley Civilization by Sir John Marshal 1920 brought revolution in History of India. They recognized that Indus Valley is glory of India’s glorious past, but struggling for survival with inherent deep rooted faith in Vedas and age old traditions only. Because scholars were unable to trace the height of scientifically developed Indus Valley civilization and contemporary scientific development is still far away. Otherwise each seal is complete in itself with its text in Vedas and modern Science. The decipherment of Indus Valley can restore India’s glorious past. They have used lexicography, to preserve their knowledge, where each word or sentence have symbol.
Kindly consider it and send ackowledgement.
With regards.
Prof Chandra P. Trivedi
Indus Valley to Grand Canyon
Vital Life Consciousness
The Discovery of Higgs field 2012 is the quest to know the mystery of life on the earth. The same quest reflects in earlier age also before 18000 years ago prior to the ice age on the earth. The Phonetic Consciousness and DNA explores the advance knowledge of the universe to understand the mysteries of Life and Dark matter, which was known to our earlier ancestors globally. Its record is in the common symbolism on the seals, and literary text in the Vedas.
It explore that life is a journey in the ocean of life, we are sailor of the same boat
The message can be grasped only when we touch the same height of development.
With the discovery of Higgs field 2012 and DNA Watson and Crick 1953, Phonon can disintegrate Photon in a crystal Lie etal 2014. We have touched their height up to this, and can grasp further.
Secret of Creation
The creation has developed with cosmological event The deep darkness was there in pre-cosmic condition It was just like a rock A sudden fissure change the scenario with a phonon wave, it has plundered the whole dark matter and activated the fundamental energy in action The explosion in the nebula brought forwarded the Solar system, where Sun is the source of energy and life is present on the earth It has been explained with a lady sitting on the chair Where The photon and phonon are complimentary with each other, just like two streams of river, their flow is halted with life consciousness The Life has evolved from DNA with genetic recombination and cell division The DNA has antennae and speaker to execute functions of life, food metabolism is source of life It has been explained through human figures symbolically.
At the bottom, it has been explained that the creation came in to the existence with photon and phonon inter action, where under lying space has granted mass to elementary particles and phonon beholds the life consciousness. The building block of the creation is atom with four components and building of the living-beings is four bases of DNA Phonon stimulate the event to happen, which appear with birth and dis appear with death. The food metabolism is source of life through Photosynthesis by the plants.
The mighty immortal shock waves have appeared in the pre-cosmic inactive dark atmosphere by secret pathways like child of heaven (O Night, thou Child of Heaven ÿg. 10-126-8) she tarried in the dark atmosphere for many years for appropriate condition. She is known as Swan, the abhorrent floods’ companion, moving in friendship with celestial water (dark matter) (as cause of tsunami destruction)
She has activated and brought forth ‘Dark matter’ in action like Father of the creation. She is near and far away too, and imparts mass to the charged elementary particles with touch and go reaction.
She is without attribute and character-ungracious, but one desert the gracious with life, and founded the Law and Order, She has manifested herself with annihilation of dark matter with light and sound. Both are integral part of life with voice first.
The Origin of Life and Consciousness is a great puzzle for the Scientist. Its seeds are in pre-cosmic dawn phonon. The Scientists have used sound to 'talk' to an artificial atom 2015, the recent discovery of Gravitational waves akin to sound waves and photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal. Nat. Commun Lie et al 2014 The NASA researchers noticed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in meteorites. With extra hydrogen or oxygen called quinones have the potentiality for origin of life.
The Phonon is earliest. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as dualistic complimentary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and photon under go synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
It has been observed that the DNA has purine and pyrimidine complimentary base differing only in Nitrogen base. It has pulled out like a zipper along with incandescent gaseous clouds and gigantic radiations, prior to the formation of solar system. With time the earth cooled down with floods of water and movement of molten mass generated the magnetosphere around the earth with ozone layer in the atmosphere.
It has given the way for synthesis of first amino acid in the slime soup from DNA base pair as precursor molecule and phonon stimulated the event. They follow each other in chain with synthesis of chromosome pairs in prokaryotic cell and autotrophic eukaryotic cell in series with cell division and evolution.
The Life has evolved from single DNA and cell with genetic recombination and cell division. The first amino acid is synthesized in slime soup from purine and pyrimidine base pair with resonant vibrations of charged ions in the colloidal solution. It has evolved in to a prokaryotic cell and autotrophic eukaryotic cell with protoplasmic vibrations and cell division. The protoplasmic vibrations connect the life with DNA as two pillars on the path of evolution. The Higgs field imparted mass to proteins and food metabolism is the source of life. The phonon has evolved into thought and words with consciousness.
The DNA is instrument of life and phonon beholds the life consciousness with its dualistic complimentary spectrum to execute function of life. The plasma membrane acts as transition zone with electron configuration, just like two faces of the same coin.
Key words - Phonon; Life consciousness; DNA instrument;
Discovery of India in a modern perspective
Veda is the first Word of the civilized person on the Earth
Dr. C.P. Trivedi
Veda is the first word of the civilized person on the earth. As reflected in our Vedic traditional rituals ‘Jambudwipe Bharatkhande’ Indian subcontinent. "What can be more tedious than the Veda, and yet what can be more interesting, if once we know that it is the first word spoken by the Aryan man?" These are words of F. Max Muller, who has the credit to introduce Vedas in the world.
Now it is unanimously accepted that the Vedas are the oldest literary monuments of the world, as such, they represent the common heritage of mankind on the earth.
With the establishment of the Royal Asiatic Society in Calcutta in the last decade of the eighteenth century, Vedas found a third way to the eastern world. Most of the scholars like Max Mñller, Wilson, and Griffith, etc have followed Great scholiast SÈyan's commentary.
Western scholars have taught that the Vedas are the religious scriptures of the Hindus and the Vedic hymns have been revealed in trance during meditation, and beyond interpretation? Nobody has dared to condemn it? due to the long slavery under Muslim and British rule. They have brought forward ‘Aryan invasion theory to deny antiquity of India with the discovery of Indus Valley, 1920 by Sir John Marshal.
We have to bring in light that the Vedic culture was all over the world once in history. a well-developed civilization, They have touched the zenith of the creation with the experimental discoveries at the global level. Their inventions and the cosmic principles have been compiled in the Rig-Veda, which were taught to the students by the different Vedic Seer Scientists at their contemporary Institutes of learning and invention. All the seer scientists have used the same terminology, but with different metaphors and riddles with Vedic lexicography, where each word, sentence, and hymn has a symbol. The underground cave city at Grand Canyon, Pyramids of Egypt, and Kailash Ellora, India are proof. They have touched the zenith of the creation the same have been engraved on the petroglyphs, Gold, and copper plate with its text in Vedic lexicography, where each word, sentence, or hymn has a symbol. The answer to the symbol is in modern Science. Vedic Science has a beginning with the immortal phonon nature as the unborn fundamental energy’s image, which controls and regulates the creation All these theories and the cosmic principles have been rediscovered at Indus Valley, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Grand Canyon with its text in Veda 11 thousand years ago.
A most amazing discovery of the earth is excavation at Grand Canyon Arizona, North America. The scientists regarded it as not only the oldest discovery but one of the most valuable in the world. Mostly the people are unaware of it. UNESCO has included it in the world heritage site among wonders of the world. These are the traces of underground cave cities before 11000 years ago with the most advanced technology to build temples and palaces in the caves, the inscription on the walls and pictures explore their relation with Egyptian symbols and Mummies, the people were having a height of 7ft or above. The underground city of Canyon reveals the fact that it was a big laboratory, just like the Large Hadron Collider at Geneva, (LHC) to search for vital energy of life consciousness in deep-sea near to earth’s geomagnetic belt. The petro-glyphs explore their discovery with symbolism with its text in Vedas.
The mystery of vital energy of life was solved at Grand Canyon, underground cave city of North America, and in Egypt with the construction of Pyramids in the deep sea, and caves, just like the Large Hadron Collider tunnel from Geneva to France. In the deep sea near to earth’s geomagnetic belt with Vedic Science in the background. The vital energy of creation and life aligned with the universal energy field of earth’s geomagnetic belt. Its secret source is in the bosom of water currents in the deep sea. It is also the source of alternative energy to travel beyond space and time. The underground cave city at Grand Canyon explores its live evidence with the most advanced technology to build temples and palaces in the caves with advanced robotic DNA technology to develop giants of 7 to 14 feet in height, and animal gliders for travel in space.
The underground cave city at Grand Canyon, Pyramids of Egypt, and Kailash Ellora, India are proof. They have touched the zenith of the creation the same have been engraved on the petroglyphs, Gold, and copper plate with its text in Vedic lexicography, where each word, sentence, or hymn has a symbol. The answer to the symbol is in modern Science. Vedic Science has a beginning with the immortal phonon nature as the unborn fundamental energy’s image, which controls and regulates the creation The picture symbols remain the same. The script and language change with time. They have not engraved historical records, because we were unknown before birth and with death will become unknown. To record history is a human ego in the ocean of life. They have compiled their work in Rig-Veda with great skills for the future generations to come on the Earth.
The hymn is for the future generation of the living beings when these hymns will be chanted in the future.
Let us with tuneful skill proclaim these generations of the Gods, that one may see them when these hymns are chanted in a future age ÿg.10-72 1
The Creation has evolved from fundamental energy, under the laws of thermodynamics.
Einstein’s equation E=Mc².The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force photon and phonon.
The fundamental energy has been described as omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient God in religious scriptures. The fundamental energy in the space of the nucleus drives the life consciousness on the path of evolution. It has been described as Soul. The DNA with the charger is bio-soul. Food Metabolism with photosynthesis by the plants is the source of Life.
Three immortal
Speak forth the three words the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.
Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)
The fundamental energy is the germ of the plants and infant, which is manifested with the activation of mental code on the DNA and the three places on the DNA made apparent to synthesize the cell body. With this, the fundamental energy drives the cell body on the path of evolution.
Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)
Sarasvati voice stimulates the language of the DNA with holy thoughts, which strike the ear and rebound. Food metabolism is the source of Life.
Life is the Trinity of Three Immortals, which appear with birth.
1. The Higgs field, immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles, ensign of the existence of all.
2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feeds the living beings with food metabolism and is the source of life.
3. The immortal DNA with immortal resonant words is the light of life for all with activation of DNA mental code in the womb of the mother.
A most amazing discovery of the earth is excavation at Grand Canyon Arizona, North America. The scientists regarded it as not only the oldest discovery but one of the most valuable in the world. UNESCO has included it in the world heritage site among the wonders of the world. The decipherment of the Petroglyphs at Grand Canyon explores that it was Vedic civilization As also Indus Valley Vedic civilization.
It explores that the creation has evolved from fundamental energy with its dualistic force photon and phonon. The DNA divides into the air just like scent weft from the flower. It is just like an image in the mirror. It has been explored in the pictures in Egypt. The Sun is the Soul and Eye of the creation Rig-Veda 1-115-1
Prof. Trivedi has deciphered the Petroglyphs with its text in Vedic symbolism.
In this sense, the longest inscription with a man in yogic posture is like a textbook. The other tablets with one or few symbols with the different figures are like different chapters/ lectures, to teach the students about the origin and evolution of the creation and life on the earth, with its text in Vedas.
The script and languages change with time, but symbols remain the same. The Indus Valley was the most advanced and scientific Civilization, now we have touched their height and can interpret the symbols. It was a Vedic civilization. The Aryan invasion theory is a dot on the Indian culture. Indus Valley Vedic civilization will remove the dot.
It has been searched with deep study with above reference that the copper tablets have been used for demonstration and teaching with symbolism. In this sense the longest inscription with man in yogic posture is like a text book. The other tablets with one or few symbol with different figure are like different chapter/ lectures, to teach the students about the origin and evolution of the creation and life on the earth, with its text in Vedas.
The script and languages change with time, but symbols remain the same. The Indus Valley was most advance and scientific Civilization, now we have touched their height and can interpret the symbols.
The life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division.
The inscription with 34 character symbols explores origin and evolution of the creation and life from a fundamental energy with energy transformation Einstein’s equation E=Mc². The life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. The Photosynthesis by the plants is source of life on the earth. Building block of creation is Atom and building block of the living-beings is four bases of DNA, food metabolism is the source of life consciousness, which appears with birth and disappear with death.
It has been expressed on the copper plates with Vedic symbolism and may be distributed in large number with printing devise. The same can be used for examination. It is first International work from Madhya Pradesh. I congratulate Prof. Trivedi for his outstanding contribution as Professor and Scientist.
The problems taken up by Prof.Trivedi are highly interesting and scientific. I am sure the readers would enjoy the confluence of the latest and oldest sets of awareness in solving the age going puzzle of creation and life.
The Inscribed Copper Plates from Indus Valley (Harappan) Civilisation (c. 2600–2000 BC), one of the plates bears 34 characters, which is the longest known single Indus script inscription. Prof. Shinde & Willis 2014 hypothesized that the copper plates have consistent with use in copper plate printing as earliest known printing devices. It has inspire to search the use of copper tablet with one, two or longest 34 character. It suggests that the text may be descriptive or instructive, and has a special purpose.
It has been searched with deep study with above reference that the copper tablets may have been used for demonstration and teaching with symbolism. In this sense the longest inscription with man in yogic posture is like a text book. The other tablets with one or few symbol with different figure are like different chapter/ lectures, to teach the students about the origin and evolution of the creation and life on the earth, with its text in Vedas.
The script and languages change with time, but symbols remain the same. The Indus Valley was most advance and scientific Civilization, now we have touched their height and can interpret the symbols.
The inscription with 34 character symbols explores origin and evolution of the creation and life from a fundamental energy with energy transformation Einstein’s equation E =mc2. The life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. The Photosynthesis by the plants is source of life on the earth.
It has been expressed on the copper plates with Vedic symbolism and may be distributed in large number with printing devise.
The decipherment of Indus Valley seals is a monumental work on Indus Valley.
The creation has developed at its own, from fundamental energy under the laws of thermodynamics with energy transformation. The life has evolved from single DNA on earth under space, time and environmental conditions. The building block of the creation is atom and building block of the life is four bases of DNA It has been explored in Indus Vedic Life Science.
They have used Lexicography, where each word or sentence hava a symbol. Its answer is in complimentary symbol in concern Vedic hymn.
Decipherment of Indus Valley Vedic Culture seals is a new approach on Indus Valley. It explores Indus Vedic Education System and Indus Valley Vedic Life Science. Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi with his deep insight and interdisciplinary approach deciphered the seals and copper tablets. The seals and copper tablets prepared for demonstration and teaching with its text in Vedas. They belong to the contemporary higher Institutes of learning to keep permnant record of the Institutes.
I congratulate Prof. Trivedi for his outstanding contribution as a Professor and Scientist. I hope that the scholars will have inspiration from the Book Indus Vedic Life Science.
Prof. Prasad Joshi
Vice-Chancellor (A)
Deccan College
Post-Graduate and Research Institute
(Deemed to be University)
Pune - 411 006
Ph.: 020-2651 3232
M: +91 7498397113
VII. Preface
The Indus Valley was most advanced civilization. With the discovery of Higgs field 2012, DNA Watson and Crick 1953, Phonon can disintegrate Photon in a crystal Lie etal 2014. We have touched their height up to this, and can grasp further.
The seals and tablets excavated at Indus Valley were prepared for demonstration and teaching, to teach Origin and evolution of creation and life, with its text in Vedas.
They have used Lexicography, where each word or sentence have a symbol.. Its answer is in complimentary symbol in concern Vedic hymn.
The symbols on the seals is not a script of any language, these are microscopic cytological models of DNA and chromosome to demonstrate stages of cell division, where Chromosome divide from chromosome to chromosome.
The life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. The Unicorn expresses the same. The animal body represent cosmos which feed the creation with elementary particles.
The Electron Microscopic tiny structures of DNA technology and crystallography have been engraved on the tiny seals to express successive stages during the discovery of DNA.
Biotechnology was most advance, they have developed transgenic animals and plants as reflected on copper tablets. Gene technology was their main business to supply genes and hybrid seeds.
After achieving success in Biotechnology, they moved to Egypt and Grand Canyon to search vital life consciousness in deep sea near geomagnetic belt of earth. They have constructed pyramids and developed underground cave city at Grand Canyon. The petroglyphs excavated at Grand Canyon and pictures in the pyramids explore their discovery of vital life consciousness and Phonon technology with its text in Vedas. They have developed Giants and human clones.
The most important discovery is that fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Photon and Phonon. The Phonon stimulates the event to happen and photon undergoes synthesis and degradation. The Phonon wave beholds Life consciousness and DNA instrument of life, which came from Sun as Pyrimidine and Purine base pair.
Decipherment of Indus Valley Seals in Vedic Genetics. Deciphering the script could not only further cement India's rich ancient heritage but may inspire solutions to other large societal and scientific challenges. It will throw new light on phonon – photon interaction with DNA as instrument of life.
The quest of creation is quest of human mind from dawn of the Civilization on the earth. The discovery of the double helical structure of the DNA by the Watson and crick 1953 has brought the revolution in the field of Biotechnology. The same echo is coming from the well developed Indus Valley Civilization. The pictographic symbols on the seals are cytological models for teaching; they explore the cellular genetic evolution on the earth with genetic recombination. Its literary text is in the Vedic hymns. The Vedic metaphoric symbols for DNA have been engraved on the seals. Accordingly the seals and cytological symbolic pictographs deciphered in chronological order. It is not a script of known language but microscopic cytological models. The electron microscopic structure of DNA engraved on the seals confirm their advance technology, it explore evolution of human species in chronological order.
A most amazing discovery of the earth is excavation at Grand Canyon Arizona, North America. The scientists regarded it as not only the oldest discovery, but one of the most valuable in the world. Mostly the people are unaware about it. UNESCO has included it in world heritage site among wonders of the world. These are the traces of well develop civilization, before 11000 years ago with most advanced technology to build temples and palaces in the caves, the inscription on the walls and pictures explore their relation with Egyptian symbols and Mummies, the people were having height of 7ft or above. It was a man made civilization with advance technology. The temples of underground city of Canyon reveal the fact that it was a big laboratory, just like Large Hadron Collider at Geneva, (LHC) to search vital energy of life consciousness in deep sea near to earth’s geomagnetic belt. The petro-glyphs explore their discovery with symbolism with its text in Vedas.
It shows that once we were the part of global culture as reflected in Vedas. The same technology has been used at Kailash Ellora. where temple complex was built from one rock mountain.
The Vedic deities, they actually represent either the component of nature or natural phenomena. The anthropomorphic nature of the deities and their figurative description with personification is a way of expression of the thoughts about the natural phenomena. Although without reference and the knowledge of the related phenomena the metaphors are hard to understand, where words are only the coded indicators, with its text in Vedas. The symbolism has been used at Grand Canyon and Ejypt.
The decipherment explore that It was Vedic civilization.
I am eq equally thankful to Archaeological Survey of India, Ejypt and Smithsonian Institute of America for seals, pictures and Petroglyphs excavated at Grand Canyon.
Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi 19-3-2020
Vedic Scientist
Vedic Resea
The consciousness is within us, but we are unaware that what is consciousness? It gives the experience of touch, taste, smell, and sensitivity in life. It appears with birth and disappears with death.
The discovery of DNA 1953 has brought revolution in gene technology, and Higgs field 2012 has opened new dimension to understand life, Dark matter and universe. The neuroscience has done tremendous progress, but why we have subjective experiences remains mysterious.
Phonetic consciousness Advanced hypothesis explore the secret of universe with reference to the discovery of Higgs field. It has been described as Creator; Vi–vakarma imaginary primeval Man Puru–a; Hira‡yagarbha Golden embryo, and PrajÈpatÏ Lord of beings in the Vedas. The same has been described as Creator Brahma in Upnishads, Allaha or Khuda in Holy Quraan, Almighty God in Bible, and Ahur Mazda in Avesta as omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient Creator.
In GÏtÈ, Lord K‚–‡a eradicated the superstitions of Arjuna about God and Soul. He satisfied the quest of Arjuna through this knowledge by saying:
The soul is unborn, eternal, everlasting, omnipresent, immovable, constant, and everlasting. It is beyond cutting, drying, and fire-proof. The Brahma and the individual self are the same. The God - Brahma can bestow blessings, but it can not share the sins of individual. The heavenly dreams about it, gives mirage of hope in unseen mystery. It is the cause of unrest with confused mind.
The scientific analysis reveals the fact that the formless Creator God is principle of Creation, and formless Soul is life principle, both are invisible without attribute and character.
The Discovery of Higgs field 2012 is the quest to know the mystery of life on the earth. The same quest reflects in earlier age also before 18000 years ago prior to the ice age on the earth. The Phonetic Consciousness and DNA explores the advance knowledge of the universe to understand the mysteries of Life and Dark matter, which was known to our earlier ancestors globally. Its record is in the common symbolism on the seals, and literary text in the Vedas.
It explore that life is a journey in the ocean of life, we are the sailor of the same boat on the earth.
The message can be grasped only when we touch the same height of development.
With the discovery of Higgs field 2012 and DNA Watson and Crick 1953, we have touched their height up to this, and can grasp further.
Seven sisters sprung from threefold source,( abiding in the three worlds that is , heaven earth and air) the Five Tribes prosper, she must be Invoked in every deed of might ÿgveda 6-61-12
The seven sisters represent seven rays of visible light are flowing in three fold manner and nourish five types of living-beings.
The singer, O ye Waters in Vivasvan’s place, shall tell your grandeur forth that is beyond compare.
The rivers have come forward triply, seven and seven, Sindhu in might surpasses all the streams that flow.
Telling his race aloud with cries repeated, he sends his voice out as his boat a steersman.
O Bird, be ominous of happy fortune: from no side may calamity befall thee. 2-42-1
Let not the falcon kill thee, nor the eagle: let not the arrow-bearing archer reach thee. 42-2
Still crying in the region of Fathers, speak here auspicious, bearing joyful tidings. Rg 2. 42 2
The Origin of Life and Consciousness is a great puzzle for the Scientist. Its seeds are in pre-cosmic dawn phonon. The Scientists have used sound to 'talk' to an artificial atom 2015, the recent discovery of Gravitational waves akin to sound waves and photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal. Nat. Commun Lie et al 2014 The NASA researchers noticed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in meteorites. With extra hydrogen or oxygen called quinones have the potentiality for origin of life.
The Phonon is earliest. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as dualistic complimentary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and photon under go synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
It has been observed that the DNA has purine and pyrimidine complimentary base differing only in Nitrogen base. It has pulled out like a zipper along with incandescent gaseous clouds and gigantic radiations, prior to the formation of solar system. With time the earth cooled down with floods of water and movement of molten mass generated the magnetosphere around the earth with ozone layer in the atmosphere.
It has given the way for synthesis of first amino acid in the slime soup from DNA base pair as precursor molecule and phonon stimulated the event. They follow each other in chain with synthesis of chromosome pairs in prokaryotic cell and autotrophic eukaryotic cell in series with cell division and evolution.
The Life has evolved from single DNA and cell with genetic recombination and cell division. The first amino acid is synthesized in slime soup from purine and pyrimidine base pair with resonant vibrations of charged ions in the colloidal solution. It has evolved in to a prokaryotic cell and autotrophic eukaryotic cell with protoplasmic vibrations and cell division. The protoplasmic vibrations connect the life with DNA as two pillars on the path of evolution. The Higgs field imparted mass to proteins and food metabolism is the source of life. The phonon has evolved into thought and words with consciousness.
The DNA is instrument of life and phonon beholds the life consciousness with its dualistic complimentary spectrum to execute function of life. The plasma membrane acts as transition zone with electron configuration, just like two faces of the same coin.
Key words - Phonon; Life consciousness; DNA instrument;
1. Einstein’s Unification Theory Akin to Phonon
The discovery of the Higgs field 2013, the recent discovery of gravitational waves 2015 is akin to phonon. The photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal Lie et al 2014 The Scientists have heard the sound in the artificial atom. Einstein said in a Nobel lecture in 1923 that there exist two distinct fields independent of each other by their nature,
The photon and phonon are two distinct equal and opposite complementary forces of Nature. The phonon is immortal and earliest, it has activated the dark matter in the pre cosmic condition with blast and light with the fundamental energy in action
The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force photon and phonon. The phonon stimulates the event and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time, under the laws of thermodynamics. Einstein’s equation E=Mc². The phonon stimulates the language of the DNA from generation to generation with new life.
Key words-Phonon, Photon, DNA New Life
1. Einstein’s Unification Theory Akin to Phonon
The Creation has evolved from fundamental energy, under the laws of thermodynamics. Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
Einstein was motivated by an intellectual need to unify the forces of nature. He felt very strongly that all of nature must be described by a single theory. The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields independent of each other by their nature, Einstein said in his Nobel lecture in 1923.
The Phonon is the earliest. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as a dualistic complementary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
Dualistic Force of Vital Energy
The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon, it has been termed both the father and their son metaphorically. The phonon is immortal.
Both their father is also their son; both the chief is also the meanest (Kani–—ha) of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb Ath. 10-8-28
The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon. They together have been termed as both the father and their son metaphorically. of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb. . Out of these two, one Phonon has entered in the mind first and stimulates the language of DNA in the womb, the phonon is earliest, it has activated the Dark matter in pre=cosmic condition.
By their power these Twain in close succession move;
They go as playing children around the sacrifice.
The electromagnetic rays travel with vibrations and sound in close succession with actions and interactions.
;‘‘One of the pair beholdeth all existing things; the other ordereth seasons and is born again’’ Rg.10- LXXXV-18b. One holds all existing things is phonon, which is immortal, and other photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time and is born again.
The immortal phonon follows The A„vins nucleotide pair from generation to generation with new life.
Pre-cosmic Phonon
The pre-cosmic dark atmosphere may be like a solid rock without any space with deep darkness everywhere. A dark ripple find a place in the crack like a thief with a small ripper, the rippling noise plundered the darkness within darkness thoroughly. The motion in hidden darkness appeared as two opponents in motion like abhorrent floods moving in friendship.
The resonant vibrations with compression are concentrated in the center. The resonant noise rises to revolt with rigor to increase temperature and pressure. The motion hidden in darkness annihilated the darkness with the blast, and light and the vital energy in action.
The vital energy as an oxidizing and reducing agent through electron transfer is the foremost event hidden within dark resonant vibrations with touch and go reaction. It activated the dark matter with the manifestation of vital energy, ensign of the existence of all. The dark matter as a whole activated vital energy.
When Sarama had found the mountain’s fissure, that vast and ancient place she plundered thoroughly. In the floods’ van, she led them forth, light-footed: she who well knew came first unto their lowing.
In the floods’ van, she led them forth; the gravitational and sound waves led the path of evolution with activation of dark energy in the early universe with blast and light. The Photon and Phonon with charged particles led the path of evolution just like two parallel rivers opposite struggling for contending reins.
Forth from the bosom of the mountains eager as two swift mares with loosened rein contending.
Like two bright mother cows who lick their youngling, VipÈ„ and ƒutudrÏ speed down their waters. Impelled by Indra whom ye pray to urge you, ye move as ‘were on chariot the ocean (ÿg. 3-33-1,2)
The light and sound feed the creation, just like two mothers supported by the Indra, (electricity), just like water. The light and sound are complementary and follow each other, just like two mares with loosened reins.
The Photon and Phonon are like two rivers Vipa¬a and «utudri, their flow has been halted with the formation of the atoms in existence in series with Higgs field space. They have maintained their continuity in the molecule, matter, and cell body.
Sarama represents a micro pulse phonon wave, which finds a place in a fissure in the dark matter in early pre-cosmic conditions. It has plundered thoroughly the dark matter and vibrations of the waves with echo activated the dark matter with a concentration in the center with blast and light. The electromagnetic rays of light travel with vibrations and the photon and phonon run in a parallel straightway as complementary to each other.
Figure 1 As of dancers
When ye, O Gods, in yonder deep close clasping one another stood; Thence, as of dancers, from your feet, a thickening cloud of dust arose Rig. 10-72-6
The electromagnetic waves of light travel with vibration and sound together, just like dancers. The elementary particles adhered to space, the sound of vibration, touch, press the mark, and rebound. The colliding protons, decaying into hadron jets and electrons, converted them into electric vibrations to join them in series with phonic compression electromagnetic force. The presser compression with touch and go change the wavelength with the configuration of electrons moving around the nucleus with phonic atomic effect, and impart mass to elementary particles.
Higgs field
The Higgs Boson is associated with a field, called the Higgs field, theorized to pervade the universe. As other particles travel through this field, they acquire mass.
Dualistic Force of Vital Energy
It is strange and stunning to touch the pre-cosmic and cosmic conditions to explain Einstein’s Grand Unified Force theory. It is vital energy, which is easily accessible all around, just like one can experience all oceans in a drop of water. The vital energy of the universe and life is the same, it has manifested with its dualistic force in succession with energy transformations along with its source. All components are connected with him like branches of a tree round about the trunk. They are synthesized with energy transformation and merge into the same under space-time fabric Einstein’s equation E=Mc²
The dualistic force of vital energy is mostly unseen, most mighty to stimulate thoughts in the brain. Just like eyes work on the tune of vision with a picture on the retina. It is an unseen principle and experience of life. It stimulates the action, but is not involved in the action, and remains unaffected. The Phonon has appeared first in ripper with cosmic dawn in early pre-cosmic conditions. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light in a straight way.
The photon and phonon are two complementary independent forces of vital energy. They interact at the molecular level with the configuration of electron and half-spin change in complementary wavelength. The immortal phonon with resonance is the most mighty force of nature, it disintegrates the photon with electron configuration and subsequent half-spin change in its complementary wavelength. Through this, the phonon stimulates the event to happen and remains unaffected. The vibrations of electrons with resonance and electrical impulses connect it universally.
Dholavira was having a scientifically developed city as reflected by its city planning structure. Dholavira is a large archaeological site of the ancient Indus valley civilization, situated in the Kutch district of Gujarat in Western India. UNESCO has included it in the World heritage site as part of the Indus Valley civilization in India.
One of the most interesting and significant discoveries at Dholavira was the signboard found in the northern gateway of the city and is often called the Dholavira Signboard. The credit of finding this signboard with 10 inscribed letters goes to ASI in 1991, by a team led by Prof. R. S. Bisht. The board originally was arranged set pieces of the mineral gypsum to form ten large symbols on a big wooden board. Each sign is about 37 cm (15 in) high and the board on which letters were inscribed was about 3 m (9.8 ft) long.
The decoding of the signboard reveals creation is a system under cyclic reactions and life has evolved from DNA. A symbol of Biotechnology and DNA reflects their knowledge of Gene technology with the bead-making industry as beads have been recovered. The symbols on the board are related to Valley Vedic civilization seals, which exhibit the identity of the city as an Industrial Hub. They have used Lexicography, where each word or sentence has a symbol. The symbols have a vast ocean of knowledge in the background. Its answer is in complementary symbols in concern Vedic hymn.
There are Ten symbols on the board each symbol has a vast ocean of knowledge in the background. They have used lexicography, where each word or symbol has vast ocean of knowledge in the background with its text in Veda.
The creation has evolved from fundamental energy, under the laws of thermodynamics. He deives the sun and other planets like a car wheel He beholds the creation like a pillar in the middle. All are linked with him like branches of a tree. The micro-body of DNA reflects their knowledge of Biotechnology. The hexagonal arrangement of Hydrogen bonds reflects their knowledge of crystallography and bead making industry.
The symbol of four frames reflects that the Creator has created four frames of the creation with photosynthesis. Life has evolved from DNA with genetic recombination and cell division, The DNA divide in the air with replication. The ozone layer in the atmosphere protects the life with absorption of toxic UV rays. The Protein body reflects that enzymes are proteinaceous, they lower down the energy of activation, during the biochemical reaction.
Brahma - God and Soul
The Brahma - God, Soul and transmigration of Soul with rebirth has influenced the mankind on the earth from time immemorial. The God - Brahma and Soul are formless, it is beyond human perception. No-body has seen the Brahma-God or Soul, and no-body will be able to see them, but the presence of Brahma-God and Soul can be realized in trance during meditation. It has given it a shape of mystery and supernatural power. No method is there to prove its existence on physical plane, only through logic its existence cannot be proved, and mostly people are not satisfied with logic only. Although to identify its existence Yoga and Meditation has been prescribed, but it is beyond the reach of ordinary human-beings, it is mostly for ascetics - Sannyasi. The Lord K‚–‡a opened the door for all.
The soul is unborn, eternal, everlasting, omnipresent, immovable, constant, and everlasting. It is beyond cutting, drying, and fire-proof. The Brahma and the individual self are the same. The God - Brahma, can bestow blessings, but it can not share the sins of individual. The heavenly dreams about it, gives mirage of hope in unseen mystery. It is the cause of unrest with confused mind.
The soul appears with birth and disappears with death of the physical body. It is not related with rebirth. The soul is the source of consciousness with metabolic reactions. The principle of personality and identity are supplied by the subtle or internal body, which chiefly formed of the inner organs and the senses, surrounds, and is made conscious by the Soul.
This internal body, being the vehicle of merits and demerits, It is the basis of transmigration, accompanies the Soul on its wandering from one gross body to another.
The creation has evolved from fundamental energy, under the laws of Thermodynamics. Einstein’s equation E=MC². The fundamental energy has been imagined in the form of a Man symbolically in Hymn of Man Purush Sukt Rig-Veda 10-90
The life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. Similarly the single Covid19 has attacked millions of human-beings. It has no remedy, but if we know the secret of creation than we can search its solution. Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
The Phonon is earliest. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as dualistic complimentary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and photon undergo synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
The DNA is instrument of life and phonon beholds the life consciousness with its dualistic complimentary spectrum to execute functions of life. The plasma membrane acts as transition zone with electron configuration.
The creation has developed with cosmological event The deep darkness was there in pre-cosmic condition It was just like a rock A sudden fissure change the scenario with a phonon wave, it has plundered the whole dark matter and activated the fundamental energy in action The explosion in the nebula brought forwarded the Solar system, where Sun is the source of energy and life is present on the earth It has been explained with a lady sitting on the chair Where The photon and phonon are complimentary with each other, just like two streams of river, their flow is halted with life consciousness
The Life has evolved from DNA with genetic recombination and cell division The DNA has antennae and speaker to execute functions of life, food metabolism is source of life It has been explained through human figures symbolically.
At the bottom, it has been explained that the creation came in to the existence with photon and phonon inter action, where under lying space has granted mass to elementary particles and phonon beholds the life consciousness. The building block of the creation is atom with four components and building of the living-beings is four bases of DNA Phonon stimulate the event to happen, which appear with birth and dis appear with death. The food metabolism is source of life through Photosynthesis by the plants. The Magnetosphere around the Earth and Ozone layer in the atmosphere has given the way for Origin of life.
The Discovery of Higgs field 2012 is the quest to know the mystery of life on the earth. The same quest reflects in earlier age also before 18000 years ago prior to the ice age on the earth. The Phonetic Consciousness and DNA explores the advance knowledge of the universe to understand the mysteries of Life and Dark matter, which was known to our earlier ancestors globally. Its record is in the common symbolism on the seals, and literary text in the Vedas.
It explore that life is a journey in the ocean of life, we are sailor of the same boat
The message can be grasped only when we touch the same height of development.
With the discovery of Higgs field 2012 and DNA Watson and Crick 1953, Phonon can disintegrate Photon in a crystal Lie etal 2014. We have touched their height up to this, and can grasp further.
Secret of Creation
The Origin of Life and Consciousness is a great puzzle for the Scientist. Its seeds are in pre-cosmic dawn phonon. The recent discovery of Gravitational waves akin to sound waves and photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal. Nat. Commun (2014)
The Phonon is earliest. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as dualistic complimentary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and photon undergo synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
The DNA is instrument of life and phonon beholds the life consciousness with its dualistic complimentary spectrum to execute function of life. The plasma membrane acts as transition zone with electron configuration. The DNA acts with transcription and translation with enzyme system and message reached to brain with electrical impulses
The creation has developed with cosmological event The deep darkness was there in pre-cosmic condition It was just like a rock A sudden fissure change the scenario with a phonon wave, it has plundered the whole dark matter and activated the fundamental energy in action The explosion in the nebula brought forwarded the Solar system, where Sun is the source of energy and life is present on the earth It has been explained with a lady sitting on the chair Where The photon and phonon are complimentary with each other, just like two streams of river, their flow is halted with life consciousness
The Life has evolved from DNA with genetic recombination and cell division The DNA has antennae and speaker to execute functions of life, food metabolism is source of life It has been explained through human figures symbolically.
At the bottom, it has been explained that the creation came in to the existence with photon and phonon inter action, where under lying space has granted mass to elementary particles and phonon beholds the life consciousness. The building block of the creation is atom with four components and building of the living-beings is four bases of DNA Phonon stimulate the event to happen, which appear with birth and dis appear with death. The food metabolism is source of life through Photosynthesis by the plants. The Magnetosphere around the Earth and Ozone layer in the atmosphere has given the way for Origin of Life.
The mighty immortal shock waves have appeared in the pre-cosmic inactive dark atmosphere by secret pathways like child of heaven (O Night, thou Child of Heaven ÿg. 10-126-8) she tarried in the dark atmosphere for many years for appropriate condition. She is known as Swan, the abhorrent floods’ companion, moving in friendship with celestial water (dark matter) (as cause of tsunami destruction)
She has activated and brought forth ‘Dark matter’ in action like Father of the creation. She is near and far away too, and imparts mass to the charged elementary particles with touch and go reaction.
She is without attribute and character-ungracious, but one desert the gracious with life, and founded the Law and Order, She has manifested herself with annihilation of dark matter with light and sound. Both are integral part of life with voice first.
The germ of the world of the world ensign of all creation, be sprang to life and filled the earth and heavens. Even the firm rocks he cleft when passing over, when the five tribes brought sacrifice to Agni (ÿg. 10-45-6)
Forth from the bosom of the mountains eager as two swift mares with loosened rein contending. Opposing struggling.
The light and sound travel in parallel like two mares with opposite characters, and feed the creation like two great mothers.
Like two bright mother cows who lick their younglings, Vipa„ and ƒutudrÏ speed down their waters (ÿg. 3-33-1)
Vipa„ and ƒutudrÏ speed down their waters, it means flow of life consciousness take its shape in the form of a live organism to complete its life cycle.
The thought mentality is flowing like river Vipa„ and „utudrÏ in the ocean of life. Their free flow is checked with life consciousness and birth of infant.
The spiraling waves speak nature of shock waves; I come a God foreseeing from the godless to immortality by secret pathways, While I, ungracious one desert the gracious, leave mine own friends and seek the kin of strangers 1
I, looking to the guest of other lineage, have founded many a rule of Law and Order. I bid farewell to the Great God, the Father, and for neglect, obtain my share of worship 2
4. I tarried many a year within the alter, I leave the Father, for my choice is Indra, Away pass Agni, Varu‡a, and Soma, Rule over changes: this I come to favour.
9. They call him Swan, the abhorrent floods’ Companion, moving in friendship with celestial Waters.
The poets in their thought have looked on Indra swiftly approaching when Anu–—up calls him.
10-125-7 On the world’s summit I bring forth the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean. Thence I extend over all existing creatures and touch even yonder heaven with my forehead.
8. I breath a strong breath like the wind and tempest, the while I hold together all existence (the tsunami waves)
God is !
Religion and Science
I. Foreword
The Book explore secret of creation The Author of the book Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi is a great thinker, he has correlated Science and Religion, which is quest of human mind from dawn of the civilization on the Earth. The world is one and human species is one with different genetic identity. The life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. The life consciousness is one and the same for all. It has been traced scientifically at Indus Valley and Grand Canyon 11 thousand years ago.
God is !
The Creation has evolved from fundamental energy, under the laws of thermodynamics. Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
The fundamental energy has been described as omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient God in religious scriptures. The fundamental energy in the space of nucleus drives the life consciousness on the path of evolution. It has been described as Soul. The DNA with charger is bio-soul.
The fundamental energy has manifested with blast and light Photon and Phonon, The Phonon is earliest and immortal, it stimulates the event to happen and Photon undergoes disintegration. It is new approach on ancient Science.
All Religions have descended from Veda and Grand Canyon. The whole Earth is one family. It is an Ecosystem, where every organism has its own importance in food chains and food webs. Only harmony with nature can safeguard the earth from early disaster. I congratulate Prof. Trivedi for his outstanding commendable work. I hope that world leaders will take cognizance from the book.
II. Preface
Secret of Creation
The world is suffering from the third world war. The Covid-19 Virus has shaken the whole world. Only one Virus has created panic, its remedy is far away. Covid-19 vaccine will take final shape in next few months, but it has given the warning that world is one and life is one, a slight mistake may ruin the world peace and whatever we have achieved through modern development will be nowhere. The third world will be atomic war with guided missiles.
The key of the world peace is with religions, but due to the modern scientific development, they are on the back foot. Only blind faith in the formless God is insufficient. We have exploited the nature too much and we have to face the consequences like covid-19 and natural catastrophe. We have to understand that whatever is and whatever will be is nature only. The sustainable development and harmony with the Nature has the key.
The modern Science has enlightened us that the creation has evolved from fundamental energy, under the laws of thermodynamics. The life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. The food metabolism with photosynthesis by the plants is source of life. The ozone layer in the atmosphere and magnetosphere around the earth protects the life on the Earth. The building block of the creation is atom with four components Electron, proton, neutron and energy. The building block of the living-beings is four bases of DNA. The Higgs field, underlying space has imparted mass to elementary particles with asteroids and planets.
The petroglyph explore advanced knowledge on cosmology and life on the earth. The Grand Canyon wonder of the world was most advanced in Science and technology. They have touched the zenith of the creation the same have been engraved on the petroglyphs with its text in Vedic lexicography. They have used ecofriendly phonon technology. The underground cave city at Grand Canyon, Pyramids of Egypt, and Kailash Ellora, India are proof. The phonon is earliest it has activated the dark matter in the pre-cosmic condition with blast and light. The photon and phonon have complementary spectrums. The phonon is antimagnetic, immortal, and present everywhere, She is the counterforce of dormant fundamental energy in the pre-cosmic condition. It has brought forward the fundamental energy in action. The photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal Lie et al 2014
Keywords; Phonon, pre cosmic, Lexicography.
Cosmology at Grand Canyon and Vedic Lexicography
The petroglyph explore advanced knowledge on cosmology and life on the earth. The creation has developed with cosmological event The deep darkness was there in pre-cosmic condition It was just like a rock A sudden fissure change the scenario with a phonon wave, it has plundered the whole dark matter and activated the fundamental energy in action The explosion in the nebula brought forwarded the Solar system, where Sun is the source of energy and life is present on the earth It has been explained with a lady sitting on the chair Where The photon and phonon are complementary with each other, just like two streams of the river, their flow is halted with life consciousness
Life has evolved from DNA with genetic recombination and cell division The DNA has antennae and speaker to execute functions of life, food metabolism is the source of life It has been explained through human figures symbolically.
At the bottom, it has been explained that the creation came into the existence with photon and phonon interaction, where underlying space has granted mass to elementary particles and phonon beholds the life consciousness. The building block of the creation is an atom with four components and the building of the living beings is four bases of DNA Phonon stimulates the event to happen, which appear with birth and disappear with death. Food metabolism is the source of life through photosynthesis by plants. The Magnetosphere around the Earth and the Ozone layer in the atmosphere have given the way for the Origin of life.
Petroglyph I at Grand Canyon