Papers by Dr. Atmo Prawiro, SH.I., M.E.Sy
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman

An Nawawi
The liberal economic system is an economic system that is widely used in world countries. This ec... more The liberal economic system is an economic system that is widely used in world countries. This economic system will spur people to try to create economic success but then what arises is a system of capitalism, resource monopoly, oligopoly etc.; then the state is present to try to equalize and regulate the dynamics of the country's economy and is known as socialism. And in terms of control over economic resources, Islamic economic thinkers have actually discussed this matter-which provides an explanation regarding the concept of ownership, control over economic resources and the presence of the state as a regulator. In this study, researchers examined the concept of ownership, control of economic resources and the presence of the state, in the perspective of Islamic Economics as contained in turat books. The purpose of this research is to provide an understanding of the community as Economic Actors, so that the economic activities they carry out are correct according to Islamic l...

Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam
This study examines the potential of halal tourism by investigating the relationship between reli... more This study examines the potential of halal tourism by investigating the relationship between religion and socio-cultural identity on the Indonesian island of Lombok. This study draws on a survey of the literature, semi-structured interviews that rely on social responses, and an anthropological approach that is strengthened with data and information from reliable sources. The findings reveal that religious teachings, along with local culture, are one of the positive elements influencing the adoption of halal tourism in Lombok. Islamic principles are represented in the form of physical culture, in addition to those adopted by the society and used as a reference in their daily activity. Furthermore, the interaction between these data supports the existence of a symbiotic relationship exhibited in the form of constructive support between religion, culture, and the tourism business on the island of Lombok within the context of halal tourism.===============================================...

Tasyri' : Journal of Islamic Law
This study aims to explore the principles of contract in Fiqh Muamalah which are practiced in sha... more This study aims to explore the principles of contract in Fiqh Muamalah which are practiced in sharia business. The contract is binding between two or more parties who make a binding agreement. Whereas the principles of agreement (akad) in sharia business are basically taken from the sources of fiqh muamalah itself, then applied in the field of modern sharia business, giving rise to various perceptions about the distribution of agreements (akad) based on the object of the agreement (akad). The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative critical analytic, intended to provide an analytical description of the form of application of contract theories in muamalah fiqh for Islamic financial institutions. Through an analytical approach, methodologically it can be seen the application of contract theory with the support of studies on Islamic financial institutions. The approach used in this study, namely the philosophical and juridical approach of Islamic law. This study f...
This paper seeks to answer important questions on the role of zakat institutions in the distribut... more This paper seeks to answer important questions on the role of zakat institutions in the distribution of social and economical justice in society. This paper is motivated by the concept that zakat is a sharing economy or gift economy that is believed to be able to contribute to increasing the prosperity and welfare of society. But in the Indonesian context, zakat has not been able to playfully that role. At this point zakat management institutions (amil) should be highlighted as zakat fund managers. To optimize the zakat funds, the amil zakat must pay attention to several things: zakat management must be done professionally and clearly, zakat funds must be used as entrepreneurial capital, as eternal funds, sustainable and sustainable capital, zakat institutions must have clear targets and planned, and finally Amil must be willing to collaborate and cooperate between them
Jurnal Bimas Islam, Dec 10, 2017

An Nawawi, 2021
The debate of the world economic system that began post-cold war until today can be said victory ... more The debate of the world economic system that began post-cold war until today can be said victory is in the capitalistic system that uses the free market as one of its characteristics. The collapse of Unisovyet signifies the power of capitalistic economy as the ruler of the world economy. Because almost the countries in the world apply this system. In some countries the world is actually a lot of economic system that is used, but the fact that most of the capitalistic world that dominate it. Similarly, Indonesia is also a free market capitalistic system, although Indonesia in its constitution uses Pancasila economy (humanistic economy) which loves togetherness (ukhwah) and religious ruhs. This research uses descriptive analysis approach, with the sources used are published books and journals. The author finds that the humanist economic system in terms of the above concept belongs to the commonalities of Islamic values, even this humanist economy provides for mutuality, mutual help an...

An Nawawi
This study aims to find out how the concept of savings in the form of wadi'ah contract practi... more This study aims to find out how the concept of savings in the form of wadi'ah contract practices in Savings Products at Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) Tangerang Balaraja, before the merger of BSM with other Islamic banks. The contract of safekeeping of goods or money between the party who owns the goods or money and the party who is entrusted with the aim of maintaining the safety, security, and integrity of the goods or money is allowed. This is explained by the DSN-MUI Fatwa No. 01-02/DSN-MUI/IV/2002 that savings and demand deposits (without deposits) are allowed using wadiah contracts. The method used in this research is qualitative, with in-depth interview data collection techniques and content analysis. The findings in this study are the practice of wadiah contracts at Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) Tangerang Balaraja, fulfilling the provisions of the DSN MUI fatwa and also complying with applicable legal rules. However, the wadiah concept that exists in BSM is still not fully unde...
Papers by Dr. Atmo Prawiro, SH.I., M.E.Sy