Volume 2 Issue July & Aug 2018 by Ijoabs An Open Access Journal

Study was carried out to assess the effects of compost doses on tomato yield in dry season under ... more Study was carried out to assess the effects of compost doses on tomato yield in dry season under three irrigation regimes. The experiments were conducted in randomized complete block design with three replications where control plots, plots treated with compost at doses of 20 t ha -1 , 30 t ha -1 and 40 t ha -1 and plots treated with mineral fertilizers NPK 15-15-15 and Urea (46% N) constituted the treatments. Water was supplied according to three irrigation regimes of 1, 2 and 4 days interval. At the end of tomato harvest, soil samples were randomly collected from all plots for organic matter measurement. Only tomato total yield data were statistically analyzed. The results showed that compost and irrigation regimes aff ected tomato yield parameters. The highest values of early ripening yield (1.25 t ha -1 -1.68 t ha -1 ), marketable yield (5.73 t ha -1 -30.34 t ha -1 ) and total yield (7.40 t ha -1 -30.59 t ha -1 ) were recorded on plots treated with compost and with mineral fertilizers, while the lowest values of early ripening yield (0.45 -0.95 t ha -1 ), marketable yield (0.84 -1.90 t ha -1 ) and total yield (3.58 -4.19 t ha -1 ) were recorded on control plots The interaction of compost doses and irrigation regimes occurred indicating the ability of compost to improve tomato yield was closely related with level soil moisture.

Cowpea production is constrained by several viral diseases all over the world. In Burkina Faso, e... more Cowpea production is constrained by several viral diseases all over the world. In Burkina Faso, eight cowpea-infecting viruses were identified using metagenomics-based approaches, including cowpea mottle virus (CPMoV). While this virus, as yet restricted to the Sudan zone, could emerge at the country scale, we aimed in this study to determine the impact of CPMoV on the cowpea yield and to identify resistant cowpea cultivars. Nine cultivars provided by the INERA-CREAF (Institut de l'Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles) breeding program were screened by mechanical inoculation in the field during two years of the trial using split-splot design. Disease incidence, symptom severity, pods and grain yield losses were assessed. Disease incidence was extremely variable and ranged from 4.17 to 100 %. In addition, three groups of cowpea resistance against CPMoV were defined based on symptom severity, including resistant cultivars (Tiligre and Yiis-yande), susceptible cultivars (Gorom local and Moussa local) and fairly susceptible cultivars constituted by the rest of the cowpea cultivars. Aside from the resistant cultivars, the virus reduced pods and grain yields considerably. Gorom local and Moussa local were the most affected with a reduction of 42. 04-76.92 % in pods number and 47.31-79.67 % in grain weight. We also report that CPMoV was not seed-transmitted by the nine cultivars. This is the first report of cowpea yield losses caused by CPMoV in Burkina Faso and the first identification of cowpea resistant cultivars against this virus. The identified resistant genotypes should be popularized and used in breeding programs to develop cowpea resistant varieties in Burkina Faso

Olive baboons (Papio anubis) are ecologically flexible and generalist feeders yet selective in ch... more Olive baboons (Papio anubis) are ecologically flexible and generalist feeders yet selective in choice of diet. Insufficient information on the plants consumed by olive baboons and their dietary preference hinders appropriate and deliberate conservation measures. This study therefore identified the plant species, dominant plant part consumed by olive baboons in Kainji Lake National Park (KLNP), Nigeria and unravelled the basis for their predominant diet choice. Direct observation method was used to record food plant species and plant parts consumed by olive baboons in KLNP for a period of 24 months. Twenty two plant species belonging to 16 families were identified. Plant parts consumed by olive baboons included fruits (92.0%), tuber (4%) and roots (4%). Fruit was the dominant plant part consumed by olive baboons. All year round availability, avoidance of conspecific competition and predation, energy cost, nutritional consideration, immune system stability and reduced risk of parasitic infection were the determining factors of olive baboon fruit propensity. Olive baboonsf rugivorous tendency has far reaching ecological implications with attendant effect on seed dispersal, seed treatment, seed predation, food provisioning, food competition and food scarcity among other sympatric animals. There is need for research into these ecological interactions and other implications of olive baboons`frugivorous propensity.

Astragalus is a medicinal herb which has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for many years... more Astragalus is a medicinal herb which has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for many years. Specifically, the root of the plant is made into many different forms of supplements, including liquid extracts, capsules, powders and teas. Its root contain many active plant compounds, which are believed to be responsible for its potential benefits. Saponins, polysaccharides, amino acids, flavonoids, organic acid, glycosides, alkaloid, and trace elements.In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Astragalus considers to used in the treatment of diabetes, mellitus, nephritis, leukemia, uterine cancer, besides its tonic agent and diuretic effects. Astragalus polysaccharide, the active component extracted from Astragali Radix which is the root of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge. Some uses of Astragalus are in kidney and urinary problems, digestion, liver problems, female reproductive system problems, muscular, skin problems, cardiovascular and blood, immune and lymphatic system, nervous system, respiratory system, and for some specific disease. It helps protect the body against various types of stress such as physical and emotional stress. Astragalus root including anti-aging properties, and also helping to prevent bone loss.It contains Astragalosides (antioxidants), which support the integrity of the respiratory tract. In addition, the polysaccharides found in Astragalus are known for their immune supporting properties. Astragalus herb also supports deep immune function by promoting normal levels of specific immune cells and aids in their function. Astragalus appears especially effective when immune function is stressed by environmental or endogenous challenges.In TCM, huang qi is never administered as a mono drug, but forms part of mixtures depending on the indications. Astragali Radix, the root of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge, has been reported to exert hepatoprotective effects, anti-oxidative effects, antiviral activity, anti-oxidative effects, anti-hypertensive effects, and immunostimulant properties; it has also been reported to strengthen superficial resistance, drainage action and new tissue growth. Although, TCM in China is partly integrating with western medicine science, researchers should learn more from TCM and carry out more studies.

Unsafe exposure to pesticides has become an issue of concern globally for the last two decades du... more Unsafe exposure to pesticides has become an issue of concern globally for the last two decades due to their ecological effect. Data available from Public Health office in Migori County, Kenya over a period of five years from 2011 to 2016 showed increasing disease burden in the population suspected to be as a result of unsafe use of pesticides as well as weak policy interventions. The study was necessitated by human health concern and ecological risks due to handling of pesticides. The objective was to evaluate pesticide handling practices in relation to symptoms of ill-health. Preliminary information was obtained on common ill-health symptoms associated with pesticides (such as eye, skin, stomach, respiratory irritation and mental problems) from literature review and public health officers. Questionnaires and observation schedules were administered to farmers relating to current practices on application and disposal of pesticides in 2016. A sample of 384 farming household heads within a population of 7,500 farming households was identified by stratified purposive sampling based on sub-counties and wards. Triangulation by use of Focus Group Discussions were used and content analysed. The research design was descriptive survey and data analysed by descriptive statistics. Hypothesis testing was done using χ 2 at 0.05 level of confidence. From the sample, 97% of the farmers used pesticides in 2016 and those affected by eye irritation were 33%, skin irritation 29% and 24% by respiratory irritation, stomach irritation 12.5% and mental problems 7.5% (p (χ 2 ≥ 530.593, df 126) = 0.000 at α 0.05). The farmers (79.5%) showed unsafe handling practices before application of pesticides. The study recommended introduction of affordable and more comfortable protective clothing for farmers and up scaling of extension services on choice, use, storage and disposal of pesticides as vital for ecological sustainability.

Unsafe exposure to pesticides has become an issue of concern globally for the last two decades du... more Unsafe exposure to pesticides has become an issue of concern globally for the last two decades due to their ecological effect. Data available from Public Health office in Migori County, Kenya over a period of five years from 2011 to 2016 showed increasing disease burden in the population suspected to be as a result of unsafe use of pesticides as well as weak policy interventions. The study was necessitated by human health concern and ecological risks due to handling of pesticides. The objective was to evaluate pesticide handling practices in relation to symptoms of ill-health. Preliminary information was obtained on common ill-health symptoms associated with pesticides (such as eye, skin, stomach, respiratory irritation and mental problems) from literature review and public health officers. Questionnaires and observation schedules were administered to farmers relating to current practices on application and disposal of pesticides in 2016. A sample of 384 farming household heads within a population of 7,500 farming households was identified by stratified purposive sampling based on sub-counties and wards. Triangulation by use of Focus Group Discussions were used and content analysed. The research design was descriptive survey and data analysed by descriptive statistics. Hypothesis testing was done using χ 2 at 0.05 level of confidence. From the sample, 97% of the farmers used pesticides in 2016 and those affected by eye irritation were 33%, skin irritation 29% and 24% by respiratory irritation, stomach irritation 12.5% and mental problems 7.5% (p (χ 2 ≥ 530.593, df 126) = 0.000 at α 0.05). The farmers (79.5%) showed unsafe handling practices before application of pesticides. The study recommended introduction of affordable and more comfortable protective clothing for farmers and up scaling of extension services on choice, use, storage and disposal of pesticides as vital for ecological sustainability.

A field study was carried out during the year of 2017-18 at the experimental station of Entomolog... more A field study was carried out during the year of 2017-18 at the experimental station of Entomology Section, Agriculture Research Institute, (ARI) Tandojam Sinnd Pakistan so as to examine the efficacy of different bio-pesticides against cauliflower thrips. Seven treatments with three replications were applied. The treatments were: T1=chemical control (Confidor), T2=Neem (Azadirachta indica), T3=Akk (Calotropis procera Alton. F.), T4=Tooh (Citrullus colocynthus Schrad. L.), T5=Datura (Datura stramonium) T6=Tabacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and T7=Control (untreated). One insect was found in the infesting cauliflower, for instance, thrips. Pre and post-treatment observations were also recorded. The results revealed that against thrips the first spray of chemical control (Confidor) showed highest efficacy (82.82%), followed by Neem extract (78.42%), Tobacco extract (72.33%), Tooh extract (69.51%), Akk extract (65.55%) and lowest for Dhatura extract (58.97%); while in the second spray also, chemical control (Confidor) showed the highest efficacy against thrips (88.35%); followed by Neem extract (85.39%), Tobacco extract (82.68%), Tooh extract (80.64%) and least by Dhatura extract (78.97%). According to the efficacy the treatments ranked as a synthetic pesticide (chemical control) Neem extract, Tobacco extract, Tooh extract, Akk extract, and Dhatura extract respectively. Although, the chemical control was effective against the cauliflower thrips, on the basis of efficacy, Neem extract, shows nearly effect followed by Tobacco extract and Tooh extract should be suggested for safe control of cauliflower thrips and having a less residual effect.

Water calamity results in the screening of drought tolerant genotypes which were suitable for bot... more Water calamity results in the screening of drought tolerant genotypes which were suitable for both non-irrigated as well as in irrigated condition. Keeping consideration over this experiment was designed to study genetic variability and heritability under non-irrigated and irrigated condition on some morphological and quality traits an experiment on Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.Czern & Coss), was conducted by accommodating 20 genotypes, from various Rapeseed & Mustard centres located across country, randomly in three replications during Rabi 2016-17 in Randomized Complete Block Design (RBCD), one subjected to a drought regime inside the Rainout shelter under non-irrigated condition which was also devoid of rainfall and another one provided with normal irrigated field condition in Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University , Pusa, Samastipur. Analysis of variance for the studied traits revealed considerably exploitable variability. Out of 20 genotypes under both non-irrigated as well as irrigated condition, Rajendra Suphalam showed tolerance towards water stressed condition and performed well in terms of productivity in an irrigated situation for all the traits. PKRS-28 identified as tolerant genotype under non-irrigated, and Pusa Mahak as well suited under an irrigated condition in terms of flowering-maturity, siliqua characteristics and yield contributing traits. Under both conditions, high heritability coupled with high GAM for traits namely, HFPB and SBP-1 which were indicative of preponderance of additive gene action for expression of these traits hence are acquiescent for simple selection. The height of first primary branch and secondary branches per plant due to wide variability, meagre environmental influence along with high heritability and genetic advance suggested the exploitation of these traits for the further breeding programme as these traits are fixable in nature can be utilized in further segregating generations.The initiation of primary branches from the lowest position of the plant can accommodate number of branches and also provides a way to utilize the non-usable portion of the mustard plant from the base up to 55-60 cm.

Twenty different okra genotypes were screened out at seedling stage under different temperature r... more Twenty different okra genotypes were screened out at seedling stage under different temperature regimes (25 °C (control), 40 °C and 45 °C) to categorize them as thermo-tolerant and thermo-sensitive. On the basis of morphological, physiological, gasses exchange, enzymatic and ionic characteristics thermo-tolerant and as thermo-sensitive okra genotypes were identified. The results revealed that heat stress caused a significant reduction in morphological (root/shoot length, plant fresh/dry weight, leaf area) and physiological attributes (photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate) in both thermo-tolerant and thermo-sensitive okra genotypes. Whereas, thermo-tolerant genotypes showed less reduction in morphological and physiological attributes as compared to thermo-sensitive and vice versa. Antioxidant osmolytes (proline, glycine betaine) and enzyme enzymes (superoxide dismutase, peroxidase) activities in root/shoot indicated that thermo-tolerant genotypes had the highest heat tolerance potential as they showed the greater increase in antioxidant enzyme and osmolytes activities as compared to the thermo-sensitive genotypes. Ionic attributes (calcium and magnesium) were least affected in thermo-tolerant genotypes whereas this trend was opposite for thermo-sensitive okra genotypes. Overall, it was concluded that heat/ high-temperature stress is very drastic for growth and development of okra genotypes at seedling stage and based upon cluster analysis membership

This study examined empirically cost efficiency production in Ovia North East Local Government Ar... more This study examined empirically cost efficiency production in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State using farm-level data with a view to analyse the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents, estimate the efficiency of resource allocation of yam farmers in the study area. A two-stage sampling technique was used to collect data from 100 maize farmers with the use of a well-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution and percentages were used to analysed objective 1) while Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Frontier Cost Function as used to analyse objectives 2). The study revealed that majority (76%) of the maize farmers were within the age brackets of 31-60 years and were males whose primary occupation was farming, (67%) and most of them are small-scale farmers. The average cost efficiency estimates were found to be 1.09 implying that the farmers were cost inefficient as they were spending 9% above the minimum cost of production. All the cost items included in the cost function affected the cost efficiency positively and were significant at 5% level of probability except the quantity of maize which was not significant at any rate, sex, level of education and household size were captured as factors determining cost efficiency in the study area. The cost efficiency can be improved by providing input subsidies and enhancing production technology to enable them to enjoy the benefits of economies of scale.

A study with the objective of identifying the fertility status of soils under crop production far... more A study with the objective of identifying the fertility status of soils under crop production farming system was conducted. For this study, two farms were selected purposively from South Eastern Ethiopia: Bulala farm from Gololcha district and Harawa farm from Ginir district of Bale Zone of Oromia. The two farms were found under the same management conditions and were categorized in blocks prior to the start of the study. Based on this soil samples were collected randomly from blocks of the two farms. Then the collected samples were submitted to Ziway Soil laboratory and were analyzed based on the standard procedure and they fertility status were categorized. The result revealed that the texture of the farms ranged from clay to sandy loam. Soil pH ranged from moderately acidic to moderately alkaline while EC in the very low rate in both farms. Total N was categorized under low to medium range. Organic carbon ranged from low to high while available P ranged from very low to high range. Available K ranged is in the high category. The CEC was grouped under the moderate to the very high category. Regarding the Exchangeable bases, exchangeable Na is categorized as a very low rate while the rates for the K, Ca and Mg were under the high category. Hence, the addition of organic and inorganic fertilizers based on the soil test based results, improving cultural practice to improve CEC and the activity of soil organisms to have the optimum and sustainable productivity of farmlands is advisable

The essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from the aerial parts of two endemic species of ... more The essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from the aerial parts of two endemic species of Artemisia (Asteraceae) collected from the Center of Tunisia (Maknessi), was analysed by GC-MS. Twelve to fourteen components were identified representing more than 80% of the total oil. The essential oil composition and yield showed a variation related to the harvest period. The yield of the essential oils of A. campestris harvested on December was 0.44 % and the one of May was 0.30 %. For A. herba-alba it was 0.5 % for air dried leaves harvested on December and 0.8 % for the one of May. It is observed that the major component in the essential oils for both species is α-thujone followed by cis-sabinol and β-thujone for the extract of December. However, the major compound is β-pinene followed by p-cymen for Artemisia campestris extract of May. The major component of A. campestris α-thujone was absent in the essential oil of the seed stage. This variability could be explained by the phenological stage of the plant. The essential oils of two Artemisia species showed significant antifungal activity against a weak antimicrobial activity.
Volume 2 Issue March & April 2018 by Ijoabs An Open Access Journal

The study investigated into the spatial and socio economic consequences of grazing in the riparia... more The study investigated into the spatial and socio economic consequences of grazing in the riparian on the livelihood of the community along river Benue in Adamawa state Nigeria. Survey design was used and involved 232 respondents selected randomly from the communities along the riparian areas. Data were collected using the researcher made questionnaire, descriptive statistics and Pearson's correlation were used to analyze data. The findings revealed a strong negative relationship at (r = 0.852, p < 0.05), conclusively indicate negative implication on the sustainability of socioeconomic activities among communities along river Benue. The study revealed economic effects of grazing as; decrease in habitat and fish productivity, decrease in wild foods and medicinal plants, cultural and recreational potentials among others. Social effects include deteriorating quality of sanitation, poor quality of life and increase in communicable diseases among others. Study further revealed variation in the socioeconomic effects of grazing on the livelihoods amidst community in the upper and lower section of the riparian Findings revealed that communities along the lower section of the riparian has more severe weight of both social and economic effects compare to the upper section of the riparian. Study recommends Federal, State government agencies in alliance with traditional authorities and community base organizations; should use research institutions, and universities to push for research projects to educate the society towards having a healthy riparian. Enhance strategies and application of national ranch grazing system which will help in the rehabilitation of the upland vegetation, safeguarding the riparian for a better ecological services.

The study investigated into the effect of grazing on the riparian vegetation along river Benue in... more The study investigated into the effect of grazing on the riparian vegetation along river Benue in Adamawa state Nigeria. Survey and observation design method were used to compare vegetation cover, distribution and composition. Study area was categorized into upper and lower section of riparian and was stratified into grazed and nongrazed. The study sites were delineated into fifty-nine (59) quadrats, observation technique was used to collect data on grazing effects on vegetation composition. Descriptive statistics, components analysis and paired T-test were used to analyze data. Study revealed, decrease in plant species productivity, plant vigor/resilience, diversity in native palatable species and increase in plant species extinction, diversity of on non-palatable native species as effects of grazing on vegetation. There is a variation in the distribution, composition diversity of plan species amidst grazed and nongrazed sites at p = 0.05 of the paired T-test result. Decline in plant growth 0.759 and decrease in plant species diversity 0.748 are some of the loaded variable for the enormous change in vegetation structure due to grazing. Themeda triandra and Cynodon dactylon are the most affected plants sensitive to grazing effects, while Aristida mutabilis and imperata cylindra are the friendliest to grazing due to their unpalatable nature. Grazing effects amidst the upper and lower riparian sections is almost some with the effect severe on plant growth in all the sections with 22 percent. Study recommends that; as a matter of policy, governments at and federal level, traditional and community leaders should adopt modern grazing strategies or measure. Should empower and encourage the community base organizations, traditional authorities to participate at the grass root development and implementation of environmental law or policies. Community leaders and government should support a culture of understanding, that will promote ranching science curriculum to educate the adult learners skills of constructing a grazing management disposition.
Volume 2 Issue Jan & Feb 2018 by Ijoabs An Open Access Journal

An anaerobic sludge blanket wastewater treatment system uses an anaerobic process by forming a bl... more An anaerobic sludge blanket wastewater treatment system uses an anaerobic process by forming a blanket of granular sludge which suspends in the tank whereas wastewater flows upwards through the blanket and is degraded by the anaerobic microorganisms. The upward flow combined with the settling action of gravity suspends the blanket with the aid of flocculants while the blanket begins to reach maturity at around three months. Small sludge granules begin to form whose surface area is covered in aggregations of bacteria.The performance of Up flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) treating real wastewater generated from manufacturing of Solvent Black 46 (SB46) was investigated. Specifically, it was determined whether UASB could be used as treatment system at an existing dyestuffs production plant. Accordingly, UASB was developed with a reactor volume 25 L was being operated in different phases. Consistent chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency of around 90% was achieved at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 2 kg COD/ m 3 d at inlet COD of 20000 mg/L. Effect of varying OLR on COD removal efficiency and methane production was evaluated by feeding wastewater at COD of 10000 mg/L. The COD removal efficiency of >90% at OLR of 2 gradually decreased to ~80% at OLR of 5 kg COD/ m 3 d. Methane production was 320-343 L/kg COD removed at OLR 2 kg COD/ m 3 d decreased to 147-200 L/kg COD removed at OLR of 5 kg COD/ m 3 d.. Decolonization of wastewater led to generation of aromatic amines indicated by formation of a new peak at 286 nm in UV-Vis spectrum. Inlet pH of feed was in the range 6-6.3 which increased to 8.5-8.6 indicating degradation of acetate in the wastewater. Results of this study suggest that anaerobic treatment can be employed advantageously for SB46 wastewater, resulting in excellent COD removal without any energy input and producing useful methane.

The study was conducted on the chemical composition and organoleptic attributes of cakes and buns... more The study was conducted on the chemical composition and organoleptic attributes of cakes and buns fortified with moringa oleifera leaf and rough lemon peels flour blends. 20 panelists filled the questionnaire on the sensory evaluation. The data collected was analyzed using the ANOVA of SPSS to determine the mean and the standard deviation.The study examined the chemical composition and organoleptic attributes of cakes and buns fortified with Drum stick leaf (Moringa oleifera) and rough lemon peels (Citrus limon) flour blends. Cake and buns had its macro and micro nutrients but when fortified with moringa leaf and rough lemon peels could add more value and nutrient to these products. The study was an experimental research design of one way ANOVA. The population of the study were 14 lectures and 43 final year students of Home Science department. 20 panelist form the sample size of the study, these was chosen through a random sampling techniques. 9-point hedonic likert scale questionnaire was used to determine the organoletic attributes of the samples. This work revealed that cake and buns were produced from wheat flour and quantities of moringa leaf and rough lemon peels (1%, 2% and 3%) respectively with cake from 100% wheat flour used as control. Chemical analysis carried out on the cake sample include calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron and phosphorus. All parameters determined showed a significant difference (P<0.05) in cake and buns sample. Cake and buns with more moringa leaf and rough lemon peels had 160.50+0.71/Ca 64.35+0.21Mg, 20.05+0.07P, 82.45+0.07Na and 10.40+0.14Fe (cake). 290.00+1.41Ca, 71.00+056Mg, 145.90+0.14Na, 4.97+0.01Fe and 18.85+0.91P (buns). Control sample that was not fortified with moringa leaf and rough lemon peels had least mineral content. Sensory evaluation showed significant difference (P>0.05) between control (100% wheat) and other samples. In taste, colour, flavor, texture and general acceptability. The cake and buns sample with 1% moringa and 1% rough lemon peels addition was the most preferred in terms of colour, taste and flavor and general acceptability. Moringa leaf and rough lemon peels could be used in fortification of bakery products
Volume 1 Issue Nov & Dec 2017 by Ijoabs An Open Access Journal

The use of rice, sorghum and corn flour blends in the formulation of low cost nutritive weaning f... more The use of rice, sorghum and corn flour blends in the formulation of low cost nutritive weaning foods diet were studied. The weaning food samples were analyzed for their nutritional, functional and sensory properties. The nutritional composition of the samples showed that the carbohydrate content increased with increasing inclusion of rice flour. The functional properties of the samples showed an increase in the swelling index and water absorption capacity from diet I to diet III while bulk densities were relatively constant. The sensory evaluation carried out on weaning food samples after reconstituting into gruel with warm water, milk, glucose showed that all the samples were well accepted by the judges. The results of the proximate composition showed that there was no significance difference in the protein contents of the weaning food samples. The result indicates that sample C has the lowest moisture content and therefore will have high storage stability. The fat composition of the weaning food showed that the samples have low fat contents. The carbohydrate contents of the weaning food showed that there is high level of carbohydrate contents amongst the samples. It is therefore recommended that substituting up to 10% protein to the weaning food will enhances its nutritional composition
Volume 2 Issue July & Aug 2018 by Ijoabs An Open Access Journal
Volume 2 Issue March & April 2018 by Ijoabs An Open Access Journal
Volume 2 Issue Jan & Feb 2018 by Ijoabs An Open Access Journal
Volume 1 Issue Nov & Dec 2017 by Ijoabs An Open Access Journal
erosive processes. The objective of the present study was to compare the effect of different systems of soil
cover on the losses of soil and water. For this, an experiment was carried out on soil models containing soil
classified as Cambisol, at a slope of 7%. The treatments were maize cultivation more canola straw; canola
straw; and uncovered soil. In the treatments that received canola straw, there was used 40 g of straw.pot-1,
equivalent to approximately 7 t.ha-1. For the measurement of the soil and water loss, the infiltrated water
and the surface water were collected, and the lost water and soil were quantified. It was possible to verify
differences between the treatments in terms of soil losses due to surface erosion, being the treatment without
soil cover with the highest soil loss, equivalent to approximately 60 kg soil.ha-1, while in the treatment of
canola straw with maize crop there were no soil losses. There was a superficial loss of water in all
treatments, and there was no difference between them.
40 household heads and 200 customers were sampled and interviewed, the main Objectives of study was to
analyse the response of the in Potato Value Addition: A Success story of Shikarpur Sindh. A structural
questionnaire was developed for the reliability and validity of data. Farmers were given training at WADO
office Khanpur for how to make Potato Powder, Potato Kheer, and Potato chips. It was revealed that Potato
value added products training was given to the 50 farmers female/male at Shikarpur.
It is common knowledge that between 1956 and 1967, groundnut was one of Nigeria’s most valuable single export crop, evident by the historic Kano groundnut pyramids. The Federal government of Nigeria, through the Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) is currently working towards restoring these pyramids.
Groundnut is an economic crop in high demand for its wide range of domestic and industrial products. However the kernel has to be separated from its hull before it can be processed; hence decortication is an essential post-harvest operation. Effective decortication is meant to separate the kernel from the hull with no damage to the kernel, which when done manually is time consuming and involves much drudgery.
The most common method of groundnut decorticating in Nigeria is manually by beating the pods in sacks. However several efforts have been made towards motorizing the process, but there is still the challenge of affordability, seed damage and effective seed cleaning. As part of efforts towards producing an effectively suitable motorized groundnut decorticating machine for Nigerian farmers, a model was developed in NCAM. The objective of this work is to test the performance of a model groundnut decorticator developed in NCAM for easy adaptation and possible improvement.
Tinospora cordifolia and Emblica officinalis on lambs growth and ruminal fermentation. Thirty crossbred
lambs (initial body weight 21.461 ± 2.989) were randomly assigned in three treatments that consisted of
rations with the polyherbal mixture at: 0.0, 0.5 or 1.0% of dry matter in a finishing ration with 85%
concentrate during 60 days period with lambs fed individually. Digestibility, total VFA concentration,
acetate proportion and ruminal pH were increased linearly (P<0.10) as the polyherbal mixture was
increased in the diet. The proportion of butyrate was reduced linearly (P<0.01) and feed conversion was
improved (quadratic effect P<0.07). The results indicate that the polyherbal mixture improved feed
conversion and digestibility, increasing the fermentation activity in the rumen.
measures identified G11, G12, G1, G22 would be stable yield. Corrected yield measures CSi
selected G12,
G17, G19,G21, G22 genotypes as possessing for stable yield. NPi
(s) identified G4, G12, G19, G22 as desirable
genotypes for this zone. Kendall ’ s coefficient of concordance expressed dependence among measures for
ranking of wheat genotypes. Association analysis observed positive correlations of Si
, CSi
s & NPi
(s) with other
measures. Biplot analysis observed largest cluster comprised of CSD, CCV, Si
, SD, Si
, Si
7 CSi
, CSi
, CSi
, CSi
, CSi
, CSi
7 Z1, Z2 measures. Fixed effects of genotypes, measures Si
found G2, G11, G21, G22 as
suitable genotypes. Values of CSi
identified G3, G9, G21, G22 as compared to G3, G11, G19, G22 by NPi
measures. Positive correlations exhibited by Si
, CSi
, NPi
(s) with values of other measures. Values of Kendall
coefficient observed dependence among ranking of genotypes . Biplot graphical analysis seen affinity of CV
with NPi
(2), NPi
, NPi
(4) Si
3, Si
6 & CSi
i n graphical analysis. Measures settled for G1, G2, G5, G7 genotypes as
per random effects for second year of study (2017-18). G1, G5, G7 by CSi
values whereas NPi(s) settled G1,
G2,G5, G7 genotypes of stable performance. Measures Si
, CSi
, NPi
(s) exhibited direct relationships with other
rank based measures. Larger consisted of Si
, Si
, Si
, Si
, Si
(1), Si
7 , CSi
, CSi
, CSi
, CSi
, CSi
6 measures in biplot graphical analysis. Wheat genotypes G1, G4, G5, G7 identified by Si
s measures
considering BLUE estimates whereas G1, G5 ,G7 favoured by CSi
. Least values of NPi
(s) settled for G1,
G5,G4. Direct relations expressed by Si
, CSi
s & NPi
(s) measures. Larger cluster among four groups comprised
of large cluster of Si
, Si
, Si
, Si
, Si
(1), CSi
, CSi
, CSi
, CSi
, CSi
, CSi
6 CSi
7 measures as last