Papers by Dr Arabinda Maity

Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science
This present study has been conducted to analyze the ICT application in library automation of fiv... more This present study has been conducted to analyze the ICT application in library automation of five private Universities situated in the New Town area in West Bengal. To finish the investigation, a well-structured questionnaire was created. The study's conclusions provide important information on the library's ICT infrastructure and information services of five private Universities situated in the New Town area. It has been tried to find out different sections where automation has been completed and the sections where automation is under progress. The article tried to reveal the budget allocation, staff pattern, library use, software, hardware system, etc. Based on content analysis square measure provided at the end of the paper for the development and implementation of the automation and e-awareness program. Based on the findings, it was noted that the library does not have enough internet nodes or bandwidth, hardware, or software resources. The university's campus LAN has not yet fully expanded to take use of the advantages of the digital information environment. Finally, it highlighted the problems associated with ICT applications and suggests some probable solutions at the end.
Purpose: India is one of the countries which has maximum number of livestock with rules the rural... more Purpose: India is one of the countries which has maximum number of livestock with rules the rural economy, which are eventually dealt by veterinarians to overcome different crisis. Veterinarians are entrusted with combating various disastrous situations whichever come in the way of this natural resource. This article deals with information needs and seeking behaviour of veterinary users who are aspiring to be future experts in the field and faculty personnel of two Veterinary Council of India accredited colleges situated in North East India,

The present analytical study explores the pattern of the receipt of books by the National Library... more The present analytical study explores the pattern of the receipt of books by the National Library, Kolkata under the Legal provisions of DB Act, 1954 (as amended in 1956) in the discipline of Library and Information Science (LIS) during 2010-2017. For this purpose, the volumes of Indian National Bibliography (INB) have been considered and a total of 437 unique book titles have been shortlisted for the study. Then the bibliographical details of book publications have been categorized and narrated on the basis of different parameters like   year, backlog contribution, DDC number, type of books, state, publisher and language wise. It is found that an overall fluctuating trend has been seen in the appearance of books in the INB volumes. Due to backlog contributions, the average delay in the date of publication of books and its inclusion in the INB have been estimated as three and half years. Eventually, some recommendations have also been highlighted to strengthen the Legal deposit Acts...
Library and Information Science (LIS) is a growing subject where various kinds of research work c... more Library and Information Science (LIS) is a growing subject where various kinds of research work carried out on varied subjects. This paper tries to give a brief overview of the research work done in library and information science in India. For the purpose of gathering various information sources like Online Union Catalogue of Indian Universities (Indcat), Vidyanidhi and Sodhganga, are consulted. The results are shown in different tables considering different points of view. Suggestions are given at the end to improve the quality of LIS research in India.

DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, Sep 3, 2014
The presence of web 2.0 technologies virtually changes the dimension of the society in terms of a... more The presence of web 2.0 technologies virtually changes the dimension of the society in terms of accessing and using the information. The present paper attempts to identify the communication patterns in the context of Facebook adopted in the different universities and institutions in Asia. The paper showed a survey of 100 higher learning institutions based on the QS University Rankings: Asia 2013, regarding their presence in Facebook. The study reveals that most of the universities and institutions prefer to use social networking as one of the most effective way of communication. But there is less presence of library Facebook page of the respective universities. Thus, the universities may have official facebook page both for institute and its library and can embed with website and maintain with adequate information of the institute to reach broader groups of users.
Challenges of Academic Library Management in Developing Countries
This paper showcases three education initiatives from the Niharakana Rehabilitation Centre, the N... more This paper showcases three education initiatives from the Niharakana Rehabilitation Centre, the Nabadisha Project by the Women’s Interlink Foundation and education-related projects by the Hope Foundation. These initiatives were coordinated by a school teacher, government bodies (Kolkata Municipal Corporation and Kolkata Police) and a Non Government Organisation (NGO). All three aim at facilitating learning and information among the street children as well as distressed children in Kolkata City in the state of West Bengal in India.
Library Progress (International), 2017
The present paper assesses the contribution of West Bengal authors in Indian LIS journals during ... more The present paper assesses the contribution of West Bengal authors in Indian LIS journals during 2006–2015 based on Indian Citation Index (ICI). The bibliometric study examined the publication productivity and trend according to year, authorship pattern, collaborative coefficient, prolific authors, prolific institutions, preferred journals, reference wise etc. During the study period, a total number of 193 articles have been contributed in 13 Indian LIS journals by the West Bengal authors. Jadavpur University has been found as the leading productive institutions and IASLIC Bulletin has been considered as the most preferred journals for scholarly communication. Further, ‘Bibliometrics/Scientometrics Study ’has emerged as the most preferred research area of publication.

The present analytical study demonstrates the present status and trend of doctoral research in Li... more The present analytical study demonstrates the present status and trend of doctoral research in Library and Information science (LIS) discipline in the Universities of West Bengal. For this purpose, the primary data have been collected from the Central Library and LIS Schools of the respective Universities. Total 230 Ph.D. theses have been awarded in LIS discipline from West Bengal for 40 years period from 1979 to 2018. The bibliographical details of the theses have been interpreted using different parameters like university, year, researcher's gender, supervisor's gender, supervision pattern, active supervisor, language and subject. A steady development has been observed till 2000 and since then the growth of LIS research is increasing significantly. The result shows that Jadavpur University produces maximum theses and the topics like 'Users' study', 'Information seeking behaviour' and 'Information Sources & Services' are the apparent focus area among the scholars.
This study examines the select libraries of R& D institutions in Kolkata to reveal the practices ... more This study examines the select libraries of R& D institutions in Kolkata to reveal the practices of organization, management and promotion of e-resources. While the advantages of the electronic information services are great, there are some significant technological issues and strategies that must be addressed for effective information service to the users. In the present electronic era, the LIS professionals have to play significant roles to successfully manage the competitive virtual environment. The study highlights the management, repository, authentication, access, networking and promotional methods of e-resources. Suggestions for effective access of e-resources and different promotional activities to create awareness among users have been made for increasing usage of e-resources.

DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, Jan 14, 2019
Foreign authorship pattern to three leading Indian library and information science (LIS) journals... more Foreign authorship pattern to three leading Indian library and information science (LIS) journals during 2008 to 2017 has been examined to identify the acceptability and popularity of Indian LIS journals among foreign authors. The present study investigates the authorship pattern in terms of different aspects like journals, years, collaborations, prolific authors, countries, research areas, cited papers and citations. It is found that in last 10 year the three LIS journals publish total 186 foreign authored article having total 1267 citation and two-authored papers are predominant. Besides, the authors from Nigeria share maximum articles followed by USA. It is recommended that the Indian LIS authors need to emphasis more on international collaboration to output more foreign authored contributions in national level journals to enrich journals literature.
Security management in the university libraries has emerged as a new area of management. Theft,Va... more Security management in the university libraries has emerged as a new area of management. Theft,Vandalism,User privacy, security protection and other related areas carefully dealt in this book. The survey on the security profile of the university libraries clearly showed the lack of awareness on security management issues in the university libraries of West Bengal. Further the study indicated the poor conditions of university libraries and the kinds of measures needed to improve the condition of such university libraries. Several new and alarming issues associated with the security management in libraries is the most crucial features of this book. Security Management Policy for Library and Information Centre (SMPLIC) have been drawn to create a policy framework in this area.

DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology
The present scientometric study assesses the publication output of the scientists of Indian Assoc... more The present scientometric study assesses the publication output of the scientists of Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) during 2008 to 2017 as reflected in the Web of Science database to figure out the research performance, scholarly communication behaviour and its citation impact. The scientists of IACS contribute total 4,304 research articles including 22.58 percent international collaborated articles. Further, the publications have been evaluated in terms of year, types of collaboration, authorship pattern, source journals, impact factor, collaborating institutions, collaborating countries and citations. It is found that majority of the published articles are produced by three authored and the international collaborated articles which receive wider citation impact. The developed countries like USA, Japan, Germany and England are found as the most favoured countries by the scientists of IACS for research collaboration and the Journal of Physical Chemistry C s...
International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology
Papers by Dr Arabinda Maity