Papers by Dr. Achmad Muhibin Zuhri, M.Ag

This article aims to discuss Chinese Muslim social movements which are packed with da'wah activit... more This article aims to discuss Chinese Muslim social movements which are packed with da'wah activities. In Indonesia, in the last decades, this community has become a separate social phenomenon. This study used a qualitative-phenomenological method and will answer important questions. Do Chinese Muslims use social movements as a strategy to overcome their existential problems? And why does this community intensively carry out social roles as their da'wah packaging? In the end, this study found a positive relationship between da'wah and social movements as one of the efforts of Chinese Muslims to disseminate Islamic teachings in accordance with their socio-cultural character on the one hand. And through the social role, the Chinese Muslims intend to socialize to the public that there are also ethnic Chinese who embrace Islam on the other hand. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas gerakan sosial Muslim Tionghoa yang dikemas dengan kegiatan dakwah. Di Indonesia, dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, komunitas ini telah menjadi fenomena sosial tersendiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatiffenomenologis dan akan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan penting. Apakah Muslim Tionghoa menggunakan gerakan sosial sebagai strategi untuk mengatasi masalah eksistensial mereka? Dan mengapa komunitas ini secara intensif menjalankan peran sosial sebagai kemasan dakwahnya? Pada akhirnya, penelitian ini menemukan hubungan positif antara dakwah dan gerakan sosial sebagai salah satu upaya Muslim Tionghoa untuk menyebarluaskan ajaran Islam sesuai dengan karakter sosial budaya mereka di satu sisi. Dan melalui peran sosial tersebut, Muslim Tionghoa bermaksud untuk mensosialisasikan kepada masyarakat bahwa di sisi lain ada juga etnis Tionghoa yang memeluk Islam.

Jurnal Intelektual: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Keislaman
This study explores moderate Islamic theology with a focus on applying the concept of intellectua... more This study explores moderate Islamic theology with a focus on applying the concept of intellectual humility by Kiai Haji Sholeh Bahruddin. Intellectual humility is a humble attitude that acknowledges human knowledge's limitations. The purpose of this study is to explore how the principle of intellectual humility can influence Kiai Haji Sholeh Bahruddin's view of religion and society, as well as its positive impact from a positive psychology perspective. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a phenomenological approach. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews with Kiai Haji Sholeh Bahruddin, as well as analysis of documents related to his views on moderate Islamic theology. Data analysis was carried out in the following steps: first, identifying the beliefs and values of moderate Islamic theology as applied by Kiai Haji Sholeh Bahruddin; second, describing how intellectual humility is reflected in the approach and views of Kiai Haji Sholeh Bahruddin; ...

Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman
This study aims to unravel the phenomenon of digital society in understanding and learning Islam ... more This study aims to unravel the phenomenon of digital society in understanding and learning Islam through the internet. The current human tendency to rely on information available through smartphones has given birth to the reality of shifting learning patterns that do not have to meet directly with the teacher. Even the presence of a virtual teacher is considered sufficient to justify an excellent religious way. This study uses a qualitative method with a netnographic approach that intends to reveal social phenomena in cyberspace. This method uses a particular analytical technique offered, AMS (Siber Media Analysis), which goes through 4 levels: Media room level, media document level, media object level, and experience level. This study found that online internet users can access information about religious rituals and procedures for doing them. So, internet users are part of the world's religious adherents who carry out the same religious creed. On the other hand, religious auth...

The Islamic educational system in Indonesia has been described as "among the most open and i... more The Islamic educational system in Indonesia has been described as "among the most open and innovative in the world" for the willingness of Indonesian Muslim educators to go beyond religious studies to offer marketable skills and general education. Tan argue that most Islamic schools in Indonesia reflect an educative tradition: the inclusion of modern 'secular' (non-religious) subjects, the adoption of student-centred pedagogies, and the provision of a variety of student activities. In case of curriculum's reformation in Indonesia, the contemporary of madrasas can not be separated from the major reform in Madrasas in 1975. It was the first preliminary step towards integrating the two systems of education in Indonesia. The all students in Muslim schools should receive a general elementary education of at least six years in addition to their religious studies. It was known as the "Three Ministers' Joint Agreement" (SKB Tiga Menteri In India, the issu...

MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, 2018
Abstrak: Artikel ini mengkaji persepsi mahasiswa Adam Mickiewicz of University tentang Islam di I... more Abstrak: Artikel ini mengkaji persepsi mahasiswa Adam Mickiewicz of University tentang Islam di Indonesia. Pengetahuan menjadi variabel yang berperan dalam mempersepsikan Islam di Indonesia melalui proses perkuliahan BIPA. Melalui keterampilan berbahasa Indonesia, mahasiswa ini memiliki kemampuan memperoleh informasi yang pada akhirnya membentuk pengetahuan tentang Islam Indonesia. Kombinasi antara pengetahuan dan bahasa inilah yang menjadikan ide dan gagasan mereka tentang Islam di Indonesia, baik lisan maupun tulisan, dapat terbaca dan dianalisis oleh penulis. Secara implisit ancangan analisis wacana kritis digunakan sebagai kerangka untuk mengembangkan tulisan ini. Pendekatan ini menempatkan teks berbahasa tidak dalam kerangka interpretif namun lebih bersifat kontekstual.: Islamophobia Discourse and Perceptions of Indonesian Islam Through Language Studies among Polish Students. This article analyzes the perception of Adam Mickiewicz of University students about Islam in Indonesia...

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Social Transformation, Community and Sustainable Development (ICSTCSD 2019), 2020
Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the mandate of the law to improve the qualit... more Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the mandate of the law to improve the quality of education in Indonesia coupled with the provision of professional allowances. The CPD has not been running ideal. The teacher still positions himself to wait for the professional development program from the government. The teacher has not positioned himself as an active subject in improving his professional competence. Finland is a model that can be used as an example in developing CPD. From the essence of CPD, Finland can be a leading country in education. They make CPD as an instrument designed since the period of education of prospective teachers and integrating CPD work with institutional functions of higher education. Madrasah teachers are an important subject to be considered in implementing CPD policies. They became one of the groups of teachers who helped bridge the development of education and at the same time were obliged to maintain the moral and moral character of the students religion. Several studies show that this group of teachers is at the lower level of the teacher strata in Indonesia. Starting from the education qualification mismatch with the subject matter to the low competencies they have..

KACA (Karunia Cahaya Allah): Jurnal Dialogis Ilmu Ushuluddin
Semenjak abad pertama sejarah Islam hingga saat ini, seringkali terjadi konflik dan pertikaian an... more Semenjak abad pertama sejarah Islam hingga saat ini, seringkali terjadi konflik dan pertikaian antar pemeluknya. Akar konflik tersebut tak hanya berasal dari perbedaan cara pandang keagamaan, namun juga berakar dari ketidakadilan sosial dan perbedaan pandangan politik. Di antara kelompok Islam era awal yang sering diklaim sebagai tunas radikalisme Islam adalah kelompok khawarij. Kelompok ini yang berhasil mendesain perbedaan politik menjadi perbedaan yang bernuansa konflik keagamaan. Artikel ini mendiskusikan tentang ketersambungan ideologi Khawarij dengan Gerakan Islam kontemporer yang jamak menjadikan aksi intoleransi, radikalisme dan terorisme sebagai “cara berislam yang benar”. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan sejarah kritis yang berupaya mengulik ideologi kelompok radikal yang eksis hari ini, riset ini menyimpulkan bahwa kelompok teroris dan gerakan radikal di Indonesia memiliki kesamaan ideologi dengan kelompok khawarij. Doktrin kelompok khawarij yang diwarisi oleh jaringan kelom...

Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura
The question of what constitutes true happiness has been a core philosophical issue that has warr... more The question of what constitutes true happiness has been a core philosophical issue that has warranted multiple attempts in the attempt to provide a final answer, either from a purely religious or philosophical perspective. The issue of happiness is closely connected to the meaning of life and its ultimate outcome and purpose. The modern Muslim philosopher Muhammad Hossein Tabatabai discussed the nature of happiness at length. In his view, human beings instinctively strive to attain happiness or the ultimate good which can only be achieved through nearness to God. Therefore, true happiness requires the believer to commit righteous deeds and avoid sinful acts. This study follows a philosophical-Sufi approach and uses a descriptive-analytical method to examine the nature of happiness, the relationship between happiness, goodness and pleasure according to Tabatabai. In line with Islamic thought, true and lasting happiness can only be attained in the Hereafter, and happiness in this lif...

The development of extreme religious perspectives, attitudes of subjective truth claims that impo... more The development of extreme religious perspectives, attitudes of subjective truth claims that impose their religious interpretations are the main basis for the need for a moderate religious perspective. This article aims to analyse the situation of harmony, the experience of discrimination based on religion and to examine the religious moderation attitudes in the community. This research was conducted in a multicultural urban area in the Province of DI Yogyakarta, Baleharjo and Sinduadi Villages. This study found that respondents who experienced discrimination due to their religion were very low. However, 10.2% of respondents reported that there had been friction in their community. This study also found that level of people's attitudes regarding religious moderation measured by national commitment, tolerance, non-violence and accommodativeness to local culture can be categorized as high or good. However, there are several aspects of religious moderation that need to be strengthe...

Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars
The article aims to emphasize conceptually and operationally that moderate Muslims are those who ... more The article aims to emphasize conceptually and operationally that moderate Muslims are those who reject extreme religious models and declare violence and terrorism as views and behaviours that are not justified by religion. In addition, moderate Muslim groups reject the idea of a single truth from groups or individuals who monopolize the definition of Islam and prefer to seek common ground with other faith groups rather than the spirit of difference. Amid a wave of contemporary Islamic movements in Indonesia, both political and puritanical, Islamic moderatism in Indonesia anatomically displays its actualization in various segments of life. According to this study's findings, Islam wasathiyah shows a willing, tolerant and open religious attitude and respects various views on religious, social, political and state systems aspects.

Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat
This study examined the role and actions of the Chinese Muslim community in Surabaya, East Java, ... more This study examined the role and actions of the Chinese Muslim community in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, embodied through an organization called the Indonesian Chinese Islamic Association and the Haji Muhammad Cheng Hoo Indonesia Foundation. Through these two organizations, Chinese Muslims demonstrated anti-mainstream Islamic expressions. They did not so reveal Islamic style, which entirely dominated in rituals and ceremonials. Still, they articulated Islam through social movements to adapt and gain legitimacy from the local Muslims and attract non-Muslim Chinese sympathies on Islam. Based on a qualitative approach, this study found out that by maintaining cultural identity as Chinese, this community ensured that being a good Muslim was not in binary opposition by being authentic Chinese. The experience of the Chinese Muslim community in Surabaya determined that theology was not only a religious issue but also a social problem. Chinese Muslim social theology in Surabaya is an exp...

Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Media, and Social Science, 2019
This paper describes the problem of intolerance rooted in education. One source that is suspected... more This paper describes the problem of intolerance rooted in education. One source that is suspected of causing this behavior is the content of Islamic teachings that are biased with interests in new media. Other factors that play a role are curriculum, books, and teachers. This element of education becomes parties who intentionally or not do the indoctrination process which then leads to understanding and actions of students' intolerance at school. The emergence of new media as an instrument of indoctrination is inseparable from the use of the Internet by Laskar Jihad in the late 1990s, which succeeded in making the internet as a medium to carry out the process of indoctrination of religious understandings that lead to identity hardening that manifests in intolerance. With framing techniques, the choice of language and narrative construction are arranged to eliminate negative values. On the other hand, students make new media references as learning resources.
Buku ini merupakan penyempurnaan dari penerbitan buku sebelumnya dengan perubahan pada format pen... more Buku ini merupakan penyempurnaan dari penerbitan buku sebelumnya dengan perubahan pada format penyajian dan penambahan materi. Perubahan format dimaksud merupakan integrasi dari materi ajar, lakah-langkah pembelajaran, sampai pada latihan-latihan untuk mengassassement kompetense yang diharapkan. Melalui format seperti ini, diharapkan buku ini dapat memandu keseluruhan kegiatan belajar-mengajar ada mata kuliah Akidah Ilmu Kalam. Sedangkan penambahan materi diperoleh dari hasil diskusi-disksi kelas pada pelaksanaan perkuliahan sebelumnya, juga perkembangan informasi dari berbagai rujukan ilmiah yang lebih baru.

This research explains: (1) How problem of teachingIslamic education for affective domain in SMAN... more This research explains: (1) How problem of teachingIslamic education for affective domain in SMAN 1 Bae Kudus; (2) How theteachers’effort of islamic education for affective domain in SMAN 1 Bae Kudus 2017 Academic Year. This research uses qualitative approach. The study was conducted at SMAN 1 Bae Kudus. Data collection was done by interview, observation, and documentation. The data obtained is analyzed by data reduction measures, data presentation, and conclusions. The researcher collected the data while doing the analysis activity until the concluding. The results obtained in this research indicate that (1) Problematic in learning PAI affective domain at SMAN 1 Bae Kudus include: Students not aware of phenomenon, lack of attention, students less active in responding to the response, students have no confidence in value, The value becomes stable and active in itself, not able to internalize the value, the difficulty of controlling student development, teacher learning evaluation, a...
Journal of Islamic Civilization
Indonesia is the largest Muslim population in the world. As a country with diverse traditions and... more Indonesia is the largest Muslim population in the world. As a country with diverse traditions and ethnicities, Islam in this equatorial state has also managed to co-exist in harmony with the local culture. This reality is allegedly the result of the Islamic understanding embraced by most Muslims in Indonesia. It is ahlu sunnah wal jamaah, or in the western tradition known as the Sunni. Throughout history, the Sunni sect was supported by a majority of Muslims. He is recognized as the ideology of various groups - both large and small - in multiple parts of the Islamic world.

This study aims to explore how the framing of Islamic radicalism through the reporting of the gro... more This study aims to explore how the framing of Islamic radicalism through the reporting of the group "ISIS" in two online media, namely in and with an impartiality perspective. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by using a discourse strategy that sees the text and its context as information that contributes to communicating the contents of the message. Primary and secondary data are obtained from news curators, online portals, and library studies. While the unit of analysis is ISIS radicalism news in and in the period of August to December 2014 that falls within the three criteria of radicalism news, namely acts of violence, beliefs championed, old-fashioned views or rigid thoughts that underlie acts of violence using techniques framing analysis of Gamson and Modigliani models. The results showed that news about radical "ISIS" included in the category of news construction that was emotional, sadistic...

Chinese Muslims have a cultural identity as a double minority. In Islam, they are a minority with... more Chinese Muslims have a cultural identity as a double minority. In Islam, they are a minority within their ethnic religion and remain a minority among other ethnic groups in Indonesia. This ethnic group embraces Islam mostly because of religious conversion. The aspect of religious conversion makes ethnic Chinese come to Islam. This study aims to find the expression of Muslim in Surabaya, who are using social action tools as a manifestation of their faith to gain trust from the mainstream while maintaining their cultural identity as Chinese so as not to experience alienation in their communities. This study found that Chinese Muslim’s social theology in Surabaya serves as an articulation of cosmopolitan Islam that is successfully integrated into an inclusive Chinese identity. This also confirms that being a good Muslim is not in a binary position with being a pure Chinese. Besides, the theological vision of Chinese Muslims is expressed not only by maintaining its cultural background, ...

: This paper aims to discuss the faith learning strategies that mainstream the national spirit as... more : This paper aims to discuss the faith learning strategies that mainstream the national spirit as one of the human values for students. This study found its relevance because today universities are in the spotlight because their existence is actually fostering the seeds of radicalism, which certainly plays diametrically with human reason. Not only carried out by students, lecturers and professors even justified movements that could potentially create subversion movements in the Republic of Indonesia. Recognizing this phenomenon, then unraveling the tangled thread of the learning process of faith in the field of higher education becomes a necessary effort. For this reason, a learning strategy of faith is needed that can become a tool to strengthen nationalism. The learning strategies in question include: One, internalizing the spirit of nationalism and sensitivity to local culture as the buffer zone of the NKRI pillar. Two, strengthen the tradition of digital literacy in the context ...

To achieve learning objectives, the enthusiasm of students has an existence that cannot be negoti... more To achieve learning objectives, the enthusiasm of students has an existence that cannot be negotiated, its nature is inherent. This is because the learning process requires awareness and mental readiness that requires a desire or encouragement to learn. In practice, factually, in Islamic religious education, learners from non-Muslim families and converts have its challenges. This reality can be found as is the case in SMAN 16 and SMAN 17 Surabaya city. This study aims to identify the characteristics of learning motivation through the approach of learning psychology. Researchers conduct interviews and indepth observations in natural setting situations through qualitative research methods with a case study approach. This method aims to describe, analyze phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes, perceptions, and thoughts of individual people. The study found that: First, the problem in the motivation of learning Islamic Education, both mualaf and non-Muslim family students concerning psychic aspects, methods of spending and materials that are too "overdosed" for the size of beginners. Problems like this, can be minimized if the teacher correctly understands the learners' characteristics, plans a mature learning, and uses fun media. Second, the problem of learning motivation in Islamic Education, which includes extrinsic and intrinsic aspects, can be overcome if the teacher acts not only as a conveyor of knowledge but also as a source of inspiration and motivation. Thus, teachers can become trendsetters of science, morality, and inspiration for their students. Increased learning motivation is therefore, not only packaged for "how to know" but also "how to do and feel."

QIJIS (Qudus International Journal of Islamic Studies)
One of the ideas that should also be formalized in the reform movement in Indonesia is addressing... more One of the ideas that should also be formalized in the reform movement in Indonesia is addressing the issue related to minority groups. Chinese group in Indonesia is one of civil groups that may experience discrimination to date. As a minority ethnic and Muslim community in Indonesia, Chinese Muslims are inevitably in a vulnerable position. They should prove their patriotism toward the nation, Indonesia. This research finds out that the Chinese have been a community that exists way before Indonesia gained its independence: some even play a significant role in Islamization. Chinese Muslims in Indonesia also contribute to establishing the concept of nationalism in Indonesia. Additionally, Chinese Muslims seem to be successful in contextualizing a more substantial concept of nationalism by positioning Chinese ethnic as a cultural entity, not as a representative of “other nation,” and by assimilating local Muslims to play various societal roles. Besides, Chinese Muslims also practice mo...
Papers by Dr. Achmad Muhibin Zuhri, M.Ag