Papers by Dr. Abhisek Karmakar

Journal of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai, 2023
This paper is an attempt to examine the role of Derozians, the radical youths of Hindu college in... more This paper is an attempt to examine the role of Derozians, the radical youths of Hindu college in the making of modern India in the mid-nineteenth century. The post Rammohun era between the 1830s and 1860s had been the most interesting period of Bengal as it witnessed the historical consolidation of two major socio-political as well as intellectual forces, i.e. the print media and the remarkable rise of civil societal associations almost simultaneously. In this historical context perhaps the most stirring role in bringing about fundamental changes in thought process, stereotypical mind set and radical activities was taken by the radical youths of Bengal, better known as the 'Young Bengal'. At the same time they were the main source of controversies in the existing literature as well. The basic aim of this paper is to introspect and explore the role of this young Bengal in the making of modern India in the 19 th Century.

Rabindra Bharati Journal of Philosophy, 2023
The chief objective of this paper is to focus on the contribution of Raja Rammohun Roy to the mod... more The chief objective of this paper is to focus on the contribution of Raja Rammohun Roy to the modern Indian political thought from an indigeneity perspective. The paper also aimed at digging out the unique indigeneity in Raja Rammohun Roy in the early nineteenth century colonial India, precisely, colonial Bengal. The existing knowledge on the entire political thought, specifically on Rammohun Roy has been broadly confined to the occidental view or Western lens, which, it may be claimed has broadly been a process of reconfirmation of dominant narratives led by the Western political doctrines. Such occidental narratives have not only been imposed hyperbolically from above, but also neglects the conceptual uniqueness of an intellectual scholasticism. In other words, the indigeneity of thought has broadly been ignored in the deeply rooted occidental trap, thanks to which we often, consciously or unconsciously, dub Kautilya as 'Indian Machiavelli', whereas, given to the time-frame and conceptual affinity, Machiavelli should have been dubbed as 'Italian Kautilya'. Raja Rammohun Roy, the earliest promulgator of modern India has also been widely labelled as 'the father of liberalism in India', which again is an attempt to integrate or reconfirm the Western ideology from above. Moreover, from certain dispositions it has broadly been confined only to locate him only in the terrain of Western liberal tradition of thought. Even without delving deep into the socio-political context of colonial Bengal he has widely been compared to John Locke, Adam smith, James Mill and Jeremy Bentham. Here lies the basic problem which the present paper tends to focus by recovering Rammohun Roy from such West defined and West determined structure of knowledge. In short, this paper is an attempt to recover the indigeneity in Raja Rammohun Roy's political thought in the colonial context.

Indian Journal of Political Science, 2023
This paper examines the role of Dwarakanath Vidyabhusan (1819-1886) in the formation of a liberal... more This paper examines the role of Dwarakanath Vidyabhusan (1819-1886) in the formation of a liberal democratic intellectual tradition in the early second half of nineteenth century in Bengal. His rigorous political activities as an intellectual leader and as a fiery editor Somprakash made him one of the most prominent liberal thinker-activists of the nineteenth century renascent Bengal. He rendered tremendous service to the articulation of democratic elements through turbulent journalism, raising questions against arbitrary and authoritarian colonial rule, arguing for representative legislature and liberal economic ideas. But it is really a matter of misfortune that he had not been explored to the degree he deserved in the history of the origin of India’s democratic and liberal tradition. This paper is an attempt to explore his role in the articulation and diffusion of democratic elements to create the basic preconditions for the rise and growth of democracy in India.
Key words: Democracy, Representative Legislature, Nineteenth Century, Liberal Thought.

Sambodhi- UGC CARE, 2020
Democratic decentralization is one of the basic policies of empowering the grass-root people for ... more Democratic decentralization is one of the basic policies of empowering the grass-root people for the sake of overall development irrespective of race, sex, caste, colour and religion. Without a proper and rational implementation of the basic principles of decentralized governance the basic motto of democratic governance would never be materialized. India, as a multicultural traditional society has been bifurcated into so many caste groups, religious communities and race. The age-old socio-cultural practices, dogmas and other economic factors have made the mode of development unequal in terms of various social strata, which led to the social exclusion interms of sex, religious communities and caste groups. In order to fight the problem of social exclusion the government of India has initiated so many steps time to time to incorporate all those who have been excluded from the main stream of development. Historically speaking, women in India have been one of the victims of social exclusion and when it comes to the case of Muslim women it may be argued that they have been the most wretched sufferers of the process of social exclusion. Since last three decades empowerment of women through reservation of one-third seats in local government has remarkably changed the political scenario of local democracy in India to a great extant. But does this process of empowerment really successful in case of the inclusion and empowerment of Muslim women? Could they able to have the fruit of empowerment through decentralized governance? The basic objective of this article is to explore the reality of empowerment of Muslim women through case study of one of the Gram Panchayats in West Bengal.
Keywords: Empowerment, Muslim Women, Decentralization, Reservation, democracy
Kala:The Journal of Indian Art History Congress, 2020
Pratidhwani:The Echo, 2018
IRJIMS (Internal Research Journal of Interdisciplinary & Multidisciplinary Studies) UGC, 2017

IRJIMS (International Research Journal of Interdisciplinary & Multidisciplinary Studies) UGC, 2015
Raja Rammohun Roy, one of the makers of modern India was the earliest advocate of liberal economy... more Raja Rammohun Roy, one of the makers of modern India was the earliest advocate of liberal economy in India. Like so much about Rammohun his economic ideas were controversial. In his economic ideas, from a broader perspective, Rammohun should definitely be regarded as the earliest member of liberal school. But from a closer observation a huge ambiguity can be estimated in his economic thought. On issues like Colonial economy, Permanent Settlement, Zamindary System, colonization he was so ambivalent that even the contemporary Bengal press remained divided on the question of where to locate him. Did he support the economic policy followed by the East India Company? What was his stand towards contemporary Zamindary System? What was his argument about the free trade or laissez faire economy? These are the interesting questions which the present article is dealing with. So, the main object of this paper is to focus on the economic thought of Rammohun Roy in the early Nineteenth century.
Key Words: Colonial Economy, Colonization, Economic Ideas, Zamindary System

IRJIMS (International Research Journal of Interdisciplinary & Multidisciplinary Studies) UGC, 2015
Raja Rammohun Roy, one of the makers of modern India was the earliest advocate of liberal economy... more Raja Rammohun Roy, one of the makers of modern India was the earliest advocate of liberal economy in India. Like so much about Rammohun his economic ideas were controversial. In his economic ideas, from a broader perspective, Rammohun should definitely be regarded as the earliest member of liberal school. But from a closer observation a huge ambiguity can be estimated in his economic thought. On issues like Colonial economy, Permanent Settlement, Zamindary System, colonization he was so ambivalent that even the contemporary Bengal press remained divided on the question of where to locate him. Did he support the economic policy followed by the East India Company? What was his stand towards contemporary Zamindary System? What was his argument about the free trade or laissez faire economy? These are the interesting questions which the present article is dealing with. So, the main object of this paper is to focus on the economic thought of Rammohun Roy in the early Nineteenth century.
Key Words: Colonial Economy, Colonization, Economic Ideas, Zamindary System

Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Institute of Indology, 2020
Democratic decentralization is one of the basic policies of empowering the grass-root people for ... more Democratic decentralization is one of the basic policies of empowering the grass-root people for the sake of overall development irrespective of race, sex, caste, colour and religion. Without a proper and rational implementation of the basic principles of decentralized governance the basic motto of democratic governance would never be materialized. India, as a multicultural traditional society has been bifurcated into so many caste groups, religious communities and race. The age-old socio-cultural practices, dogmas and other economic factors have made the mode of development unequal in terms of various social strata, which led to the social exclusion interms of sex, religious communities and caste groups. In order to fight the problem of social exclusion the government of India has initiated so many steps time to time to incorporate all those who have been excluded from the main stream of development. Historically speaking, women in India have been one of the victims of social exclusion and when it comes to the case of Muslim women it may be argued that they have been the most wretched sufferers of the process of social exclusion. Since last three decades empowerment of women through reservation of one-third seats in local government has remarkably changed the political scenario of local democracy in India to a great extant. But does this process of empowerment really successful in case of the inclusion and empowerment of Muslim women? Could they able to have the fruit of empowerment through decentralized governance? The basic objective of this article is to explore the reality of empowerment of Muslim women through case study of one of the Gram Panchayats in West Bengal.

Seriban Publishers, 2021
Every democracy produces its own discourse which serves as an intellectual backdrop, and cultural... more Every democracy produces its own discourse which serves as an intellectual backdrop, and cultural resource to refer back to in acquiring and sustaining democratic legitimacy. There is no absolute and uniform discourse on democracy in the world. All existing democracies are the product of their own distinct discourses based on socio-cultural specificities, political contexts and intellectual tradition of thoughts and actions. Discourses on democracy in various parts of the world, therefore, are diverge and context-bound in terms of regional and historical specificities. For example, American discourse on democracy has been shaped through a strong sense of anti-colonial struggle, war of independence and a tradition of democratic intellectual thought; whereas, democratic discourse in Britain had evolved and been shaped in the historical context of seventeenth century unrest England in terms of Puritan revolution of 1640s and the Glorious revolution of late 1680s that introduced constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. It never went through bloody revolutionary political turmoil, whereas in France the emergence and consolidation of democracy was shaped out of French Enlightenment followed by the ups and downs of French revolution.
Democracy in India has its own discourse distinctly different from that of the so-called Western liberal democracies. Unlike the West, it is a case of democracy that lacks any prior tradition of liberal thought. Discourse on democracy in India evolved and was shaped in the language of reforms, the making of public opinion regarding the issues of collaboration, confrontation, peaceful agitation, and constitutional practices vis-a-vis the colonial administration. Indian discourse on democracy has been marked by complexities, regional disparities, diversities etc.
Ganotontro: Udvob O Bikaas, 2021
Democratic Theory-AIUA, .even the Greek term Demos' was ambiguous because it indicated at least f... more Democratic Theory-AIUA, .even the Greek term Demos' was ambiguous because it indicated at least five meanings of the term demos-a great many, everyboby, an organic whole, absolute majority and limited majority." (ISCOs, >ab¢3d)I T T R E T CETA TETTE HiFE A I T (governed) aTRTAI I T9t 799 taRI, a t t 3 , f (Basic Principles) (Government of the people, by the people and for the people)i 9 8 AITIÖA UTRI, "That shall be democratic which shall be of the people, by the people, for the people." a A SI0 u A. V. Dicey-4 ACG "Democracy is a form of government in which the governing body is a large fraction of the entire nation. o 71 TI,
Tulonamulok Rajniti Porichoy (In Bengali), 2019
This paper penned in Bengali language is an attempt to explore the various approaches to the stud... more This paper penned in Bengali language is an attempt to explore the various approaches to the study of Comparative Government and politics. It explores the major approaches like the Institutional Approach, Behavioural Approaches namely the System Approach envisaged by David Easton, the Structural Functional Approach popularized by Gabriel Abraham Almond, the Political Economy Approach and most of all the Neo-institutional approach to the study of comparative politics as one of the major disciplines of social sciences.

Role of International Organizations in World Politics, 2019
It is often assumed that regional cooperation or regional arrangements are something inimical to ... more It is often assumed that regional cooperation or regional arrangements are something inimical to the process of globalization. Simultaneously, globalization also accelerates the process of regional interactions which used to support the cause of the former to a great extent. Since globalization supports global economy and homogeneity of socio-cultural aspects, the relation between globalization and regional arrangements is generally viewed as paradoxical; but the historical emergence of some regional co-operations throughout the world, especially since the 1980s, has insisted the scholars think of the relations between these two from some opposite directions. The initiation of Mekong-Ganga Cooperation (MGC) in the very beginning of twenty first century is one of those regional initiatives which, in fact may be seen as a complementary path to strengthen the process of globalization through regional initiatives. As a part of India’s successful ‘Look East policy’ towards the original members of ASEAN and its continuous effort to strengthen the process of economic integration, specifically with South-East and East-Asian countries, India took remarkable role in facilitating its engagement with the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS). Apart from MGC, two other initiatives which have deepened the process of sub-regional cooperation are the ‘Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-sectoral Technical and Economic Co-operation (BIMSTEC) and East Asia Summit (EAS), and India, as a part of its well-known ‘Look East Policy’ took an active role in enhancing regional dialogue and cooperation in the sub-region.

Rabindranath Tagore Revisited, 2012
The remarkable resilience of India’s democracy and its relative success despite a number of histo... more The remarkable resilience of India’s democracy and its relative success despite a number of historical and cultural anomalies have been backed by its cultural root of rich thought which began through the wave of renaissance and modernity since the 19th century. Rabindranath Tagore is one of those thinkers, who, to a great extent took important role to build this cultural base in pre-independent India through which the deep urge for democracy still can be seen in long term regime changes. The cry for ‘true democracy’ can be seen in his ideas of freedom, education, civil society, equality, self- realization or atmashakti, religious harmony or secular thought, individualism etc. He firmly believed that the realization of the full potentialities of human being can only be led by the true democracy and freedom of mind. The odds and challenges with which modern democracy is running through, again remind us his relevance in social issues even after one and half century. This paper, therefore, is an attempt to focus on his understanding of individual, society and democracy.

One of the most controversial issues that the Indian society is facing over last few decades is t... more One of the most controversial issues that the Indian society is facing over last few decades is the question of "Sex Education". Huge controversies have been seen between those who advocate it and those who oppose it. Recently, the controversy regained a momentum when the Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said, "the so-called sex education should be banned in schools." After huge criticisms from parents, academicians and common citizens on social media forced the Health Minister to give a clarification of his comment and he clarified that he was only against the vulgarization of the sex education as a subject. It is needless to say that the contemporary world is circumscribed under "www", i.e. World Wide Web where free low of information and knowledge is most common. So, it is very important to have proper information about every thing that is related to an individual and society. Since sexuality is a fundamental or basic instinct of any animal it is important to have [proper knowledge on it. Like other biological activities, sexuality is nothing but inalienable activity of human civilization. Though many developed countries of the West have recognized the importance of sex education many developing countries like India is still suffering from social taboos and mental constraints to identify the enormous significance of sex education in society. Actually we are in the 21 st century where the wave of cultural globalization is taking place and courtesy to internet things like pornography have become easily accessible matter. Due to lack of sex education gigantic myths, superstitions and taboos are seen in Indian society about sexual activities which, it may be claimed, produces undesirable consequences in the form of gender discriminations. In other words, ignorance about sex often causes gender discriminations which in Indian society are seen in many forms; such as accusing women for being impotent, accusing and torturing women for giving birth to female child etc. Therefore, this paper emphatically advocates in favour of introducing sex education to eradicate the problem of gender discrimination in society.
Journal of critical reviews, 2020

Shodhganga, 2017
This thesis examines the specific formation of a liberal democratic intellectual tradition in Ben... more This thesis examines the specific formation of a liberal democratic intellectual tradition in Bengal in the nineteenth century. This tradition was worked in thought and reforms and protest action by a group of activist-thinkers who have not drawn the attention they deserved in the existing writings. This thesis explores a varied range of ideas, principles and arguments, activities of those Bengali intellectuals and public In carrying out of this research I have incurred debt to many institutions and personalities. At the beginning, I would like to express my deep respect for Swami Swarupananda Paramhansa Dev, who blessed me with courage, strength and opportunity in this endeavour. It is my privilege to acknowledge my deep indebtedness to my mentor and supervisor, Professor Harihar Bhattacharyya, Department of Political Science, The University of Burdwan for his invaluable advice, scholarly guidance, perceptive suggestions, incisive criticisms and enduring emotional support. He has sustained me throughout the rigorous process of writing the dissertation. To work under him was an experience in itself. I would like to convey my sincere thanks and gratitude to all the faculty members and staffs of Department of Political Science, The University of Burdwan for their help and cooperation I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to all my colleagues of Raja Rammohun Roy Mahavidyalaya and Galsi Mahavidyalaya for their constant support and encouragement. I earnestly appreciate the academic assistance and emotional support of Pradipta Shyam Chowdhury, Dr Kalyan Banerjee, Dr. Sandip Som, Goutam Kar, Dr. Prasanta Mallick and Dr. Najrul Islam __ my colleagues of Raja Rammohun Roy Mahavidyalaya. I am thankful to the entire staff of the Central Library of the Burdwan University. I wish to convey special thanks to the Deputy Librarian Dr. Kanchan Kamila for his precious assistance by providing me with relevant information, books, journals and newspapers. iii I am indebted to my parents, Sri Mantu Karmakar and Smt. Ranu Karmakar, for their unflinching belief in my ability. Apart from his blessings my father helped me in composing and typing the text of my thesis. My elder sister and brother-in-law, Ms Arpita Das and Sri Gopal Das helped me in every possible ways in every walk of my life. No words are enough to appreciate their support. The contribution of my wife, Ms Antara Karmakar, is hard to express in words. Her unstinted support, sacrifice and patience helped me to overcome the hurdles of my Ph.D project. My niece, Anwesha Das and my son Arkadipta Karmakar, are the constant source of my energy. I would also like to convey my gratitude to my parent-in-laws Sri Siddheswar Mandal and Smt Kaberi Mandal and my sister-in-law Ananya Mandal for their precious support. My friends Surojit Das,

Philosophical Thoughts, 2015
One of the recent remarkable movements, known as Civil Societal Movement led by Anna Hazaare and ... more One of the recent remarkable movements, known as Civil Societal Movement led by Anna Hazaare and his associates on the issue of ‘Lokpal Bill’ has thrown some fresh challenges to the democratic governance in India. It has posed some important questions, such as– what is the relation between democracy and civil society? Are such kinds of civil societal movements beneficial or harmful to democracy? The interesting impact of such movements may be discussed from two aspects. From one hand, it may be argued that these civil societal movements take an enormous role in promoting or enhancing the mode of mass participation in politics. Since mass participation is regarded as one of the most important ingredients of democracy, the significance of civil society should be acknowledged from this point of view. Contrary to this arguement, such movements often appear as a profound challenge against the existing political order including an order based on democratic system. For example, the basic demand of the movement formed by Hazaare and his associates was to appoint a Lokpal, a formal constitutional body even over a democratically elected government to ensure corruption-free good governance. Hence, it may be argued that the relation between democracy and civil society is complex as well as amorphous. The object of this article is to introspect to the complex interrelation between democracy, political participation and civil society.
Papers by Dr. Abhisek Karmakar
Key words: Democracy, Representative Legislature, Nineteenth Century, Liberal Thought.
Keywords: Empowerment, Muslim Women, Decentralization, Reservation, democracy
Key Words: Colonial Economy, Colonization, Economic Ideas, Zamindary System
Key Words: Colonial Economy, Colonization, Economic Ideas, Zamindary System
Democracy in India has its own discourse distinctly different from that of the so-called Western liberal democracies. Unlike the West, it is a case of democracy that lacks any prior tradition of liberal thought. Discourse on democracy in India evolved and was shaped in the language of reforms, the making of public opinion regarding the issues of collaboration, confrontation, peaceful agitation, and constitutional practices vis-a-vis the colonial administration. Indian discourse on democracy has been marked by complexities, regional disparities, diversities etc.
Key words: Democracy, Representative Legislature, Nineteenth Century, Liberal Thought.
Keywords: Empowerment, Muslim Women, Decentralization, Reservation, democracy
Key Words: Colonial Economy, Colonization, Economic Ideas, Zamindary System
Key Words: Colonial Economy, Colonization, Economic Ideas, Zamindary System
Democracy in India has its own discourse distinctly different from that of the so-called Western liberal democracies. Unlike the West, it is a case of democracy that lacks any prior tradition of liberal thought. Discourse on democracy in India evolved and was shaped in the language of reforms, the making of public opinion regarding the issues of collaboration, confrontation, peaceful agitation, and constitutional practices vis-a-vis the colonial administration. Indian discourse on democracy has been marked by complexities, regional disparities, diversities etc.