Papers by Dotun Ogunniyan

International Journal of Agricultural Technology, 2024
Significant variation of Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus L.) was found to be genotypes, environments ... more Significant variation of Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus L.) was found to be genotypes, environments and genotype × environment existed in flowering, plant height, stem diameters and fibre yields. Accessions SAU75-414, GS14-52 and AEHC-3 had bast fibre yields higher than the mean value while SAU75-414 and GS14-52 had the highest core fibre yields. Accessions GS14-52, SAU75-414, AU75-452, IFEKEN DI-400, AEHC-3 and IFEKEN 400 had high quality ratios greater than 60%. Thus high fibre yielding SAU75-414, GS14-52 and AEHC-3 are promised both in agronomic performance and fibre quality. Plant height had positive significantly correlated with both types of fibre yields and e-modulus (0.721**). Tensile
strength also had positive significant correlations with bast (0.534*) and core (0.606*) fibres, thus the tensile strength can be determined during the plant growth using plant height. Emodulus positively correlated with plant height, base diameter, fibres yields and tensile strength. Based on this, the tensile strength and e-modulus corroborate as versatile selection tools. Accessions SAU75-414, GS14-52 and AEHC-3 combined high fibre yield with high bast fibre and yarn quality. In view of the properties, they are recommended for further experimentation for improvement on fibre yield and quality for use of the farmers and industrialists.
Journal of experimental agriculture international, Jan 3, 2019

Maydica, 2016
Genetic variability of agronomic traits of crops broadens the gene pool of crops. Repeatability a... more Genetic variability of agronomic traits of crops broadens the gene pool of crops. Repeatability and genetic ad- vance determine the effectiveness of selection in breeding programme. Hence, phenotypic and genotypic vari- ances, genotypic coefficient of variation, repeatability and expected genetic advance were estimated for three flowering and six morphological traits of white kernel low nitrogen donor maize inbred lines. Significant difference existed in the nine traits. Genotypic and phenotypic variances were equal for floral traits. Thus, gene actions for the traits was additive. Repeatability was high for the nine traits. In addition to high repeatability, anthesis-silking interval showed high genetic advance with high coefficient of variation suggesting its efficiency for selection. Phenotypic and genotypic correlations of grain yield with each of days to anthesis, plant height, ear height, leaf area and number of ear per plant were positive and significant. Genetic effect for g...

Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Belgrade
Breeding for yield and quality requires the assessment of the seed metrics and vigour traits. Thi... more Breeding for yield and quality requires the assessment of the seed metrics and vigour traits. This study, therefore, assessed the variability and inter-dependence of grain yield (GY), seed morphometric and vigour traits in hybrid maize. Seeds of 75 early maturing hybrid maize varieties were evaluated for morphometric traits and quality in four replicates. A field trial laid out in a randomised complete block design with three replicates was also conducted in Ibadan, Nigeria, to determine the grain yield of the hybrids. Data collected on the GY, seed dimension and quality were subjected to analysis of variance. The least significant difference was used to separate means. Relationships among the GY, seed morphometric and vigour traits were determined using correlation coefficients, while principal component (PC) analysis was performed for variability among the hybrids. Significant differences (P<0.001) were found in the GY, seed dimension and vigour traits. Four of the nine highest...

Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Belgrade, 2022
The low seed yield of kenaf in different agro-ecologies in southwestern Nigeria has been partly a... more The low seed yield of kenaf in different agro-ecologies in southwestern Nigeria has been partly attributed to the effect of climate change. An experiment was, therefore, conducted to determine the response of kenaf to prevailing weather conditions and the most appropriate planting time to produce optimum seed yield of acceptable quality that will be profitable in humid agroecologies of Nigeria. The study was conducted at five research stations (Ibadan, Ilora, Ikenne, Orin Ekiti and Kishi) of the Institute of Agricultural Research and Training (I.A.R.&T) in Ibadan, Nigeria, in the 2018 and 2019 planting seasons (June to August). Seeds of five varieties of kenaf (Cuba108, Ifeken DI 400, Ifeken100, Ifeken 400 and Tianung-2) were planted at monthly interval between June and August of each year in a randomised complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates. Harvesting, threshing and cleaning were manually done, and samples of clean seeds were analysed for seed quality. Data were obtained on plant height at harvest, seed yield-related traits and seed quality parameters. Profitability analysis was also conducted to estimate the cost and returns to production in the different locations. Kenaf seed yield and quality were highly influenced by the production environment. It is concluded that planting of kenaf in mid-June in southwestern Nigeria will give optimum seed yield of high quality with profitable gross return on investment.

Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability, 2018
Testing for cane and sucrose production potentials in more than one crop under less suitable cond... more Testing for cane and sucrose production potentials in more than one crop under less suitable condition is important to improve sugarcane's productivity. Thus, 12 sugarcane breeding lines were evaluated for agronomic performances and ratoon-ability in Forest-Savannah-Transition agro-ecology for two years. The trial was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replicates. Plant stands were counted at 3, 8 and 12 weeks after planting (WAP). Millable stalks (MLS) were sampled for brix percentage (BP) at 36, 40, 44 and 52 WAP. Cane stalks were harvested at 52 WAP when internodes and yield data were taken. The data collected were subjected to analysis of variance separately and combined for plant and ratoon crops. Means were separated using Least Significant Difference between crops and Duncan Multiple Ranged Test within crops. Significant differences exited in genotypes, crops and genotypes A— crops for germination counts (GC), tiller counts (TC), stem diameter (STD), ...

Germplasm collections and selection for agronomic traits are essential for genetic enhancement. C... more Germplasm collections and selection for agronomic traits are essential for genetic enhancement. Capsicum has great genetic diversity; greater than 200 landraces are grown in Nigeria, but there are no recommended cultivars. An experiment was conducted at the National Horticultural Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan to evaluate and select long cayenne pepper accessions, collected from 31 locations in Southwest Nigeria, for agronomic performance in rainy and dry seasons of 2008. Six-week-old seedlings of the pepper accessions were transplanted using 0.6 × 0.6 m spacing (28 plants/plot) into 3.6 × 2.4 m beds, separated by 1 m. Data were collected on eight middle plants on growth, flowering and fruit traits in both seasons. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance; least significant difference was used to separate means, and least means square used to explain results of interactions. Different accessions were adapted to each season. Season had no effect on seedling vigour...

Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-napoca, 2021
Reduction in germination of crop seeds due to depletion of food reserves and decline in synthetic... more Reduction in germination of crop seeds due to depletion of food reserves and decline in synthetic activity due to ageing has become a serious concern to groundnut growers who need adequate, high quality seeds to sustain groundnut production. Therefore, to stimulate farmers’ interest in groundnut production, an experiment was conducted to evaluate some groundnut varieties for their tolerance to seed ageing stress, with a view to recommending varieties that can be considered for production in tropical countries. Seeds of nine elite groundnut genotypes, sourced from The International Crops Research Institute of Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Kano and three other genotypes sourced from local seed dealer in Ibadan, Nigeria were subjected to seed quality assessments in the seed testing laboratory of Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Ibadan. The seed lots were subjected to accelerated ageing procedures of 42 °C temperature and 100% relative humidity for 24 hours. Twenty-five s...

A field experiment was conducted at National Horticultural Research Institute of Nigeria (NIHORT)... more A field experiment was conducted at National Horticultural Research Institute of Nigeria (NIHORT), Ibadan during wet and dry seasons of 2009 and 2010 respectively to investigate the relationships among agronomic traits of 10 tomato hybrids. Each experiment was laid out in a 2 factorial experiment fitted into 12 Randomized Complete Block Design experiment with three replicates. Seeds were sown at 5 kg ha in trays 1 filled with top soil and water adequately everyday for 14 days and every two days for the next 14 days. Four weeks old seedlings were transplanted at 0.5 m × 0.5 m into 3 m × 3 m seed-beds made 1 m apart. Irrigation was applied to field capacity three times a week during dry season. The plots were kept weeds and pests free and fruits were harvested when fruits were 50% red. The data obtained on vegetative and fruit parameters were analyzed combined by analysis of variance and Least Significant Difference at 5% probability was used to test significance. Both the vegetative ...

Germplasms collection and screening for desirable traits are essential for crop genetic enhanceme... more Germplasms collection and screening for desirable traits are essential for crop genetic enhancement. Thirty-one pepper accessions collected from SouthWest Nigeria were screened for seedling emergence and vigour in a nursery-field experiment at National Horticultural Research Institute, Ibadan, Nigeria in 2008. A total of 64 seeds accession were sown, at 1 hole and 1.5 cm deep, in compartmentalized nursery trays arranged in four replicates. Each hole measuring 5 cm × 5 cm × 10 cm was filled with sterilized soil. Water was applied daily for 14 days, then once every two days till 42 days after sowing (DAS). Seedlings were exposed to direct weather at 28 DAS. Observations were on daily emergence from 6-15 DAS. Plant height, number of leaves plant, and stem girth were taken, seedling vigour was scored, on eight middle plants at 42 DAS on 1-9 based on the plant height, colour and size of leaves. The data were subjected to ANOVA and means compared with LSD. Variance due to accession, seaso...

Cercetari Agronomice in Moldova, 2018
Multiple models have been used to examine stability in many crops, but little of such exits for k... more Multiple models have been used to examine stability in many crops, but little of such exits for kenaf. Relationship of stability estimates of various models reveals the importance of one or more estimates for reliable predictions of cultivar behaviour and stability. This study evaluated 33 kenaf genotypes across six location for core and bast fibre yield stability using four models. Kenaf were grown in a four row plot, 5 m each, at 0.2 m within row and 0.5 m between rows in the trial laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. Twenty plants were randomly harvested per plot at 12 weeks after planting and processed to fibres. Dry core fibre weight (CFW) and bast fibre weight (BFW) were taken. Data collected were pooled across locations and subjected to analysis of variance. Genotypes stability were estimated using Finlay-Wilkinson, Wricke's ecovalence (Wi), Kang's rank sum and superiority index models. Correlations among the weights and stability models were performed. Significant differences existed in the genotypes (G) (p< 0.01), environments (E) and G×E for CFW and BFW. Partitioning the G×E showed that genotypes linear response and deviation from the mean were significant for CFW and BFW. Significant and positive correlation existed between Finlay-Wilkinson and Kang's rank sum (0.570 ***), Wi (0.615 ***) and superiority index (0.582 ***) for CFW. Significant correlations also existed between the efficacy of Kang's rank sum and Wi (0.569 ***), and with superiority index (0.779 ***). Kang's rank sum correlated with Finlay-Wilkinson (0.345 **), while Wi model had correlation with Finlay-Wilkinson (0.538 **) and Kang's rank sum (0.318 **) for the BFW. All the models correlated with one another. Any of the models is sufficient to select stable genotypes in kenaf fibre yield breeding programmes.

Varietal improvement in sugarcane is often targeted at high yield and sucrose quality. Effective ... more Varietal improvement in sugarcane is often targeted at high yield and sucrose quality. Effective genetic improvement of the crop requires understanding of the various attributes contributing to the existing diversity through genetic analysis. Hence, the objectives of this study were to evaluate sugarcane cultivars in the plant and ratoon crop cycles with a view to estimate the variance components, heritability and genetic gain of the characters and also to determine the association between them, both at phenotypic and genotypic levels. In the present investigation, twelve cultivars of sugarcane were evaluated in the two crop cycles in 2013 and 2014. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications at Ibadan, Nigeria. Data were recorded on formative, vegetative and yield characters. Brix per cent (BP) was recorded at 9, 10, 11 and 12 months after planting (MAP) and denoted as BP9, BP10, BP11 and BP12. Data were subjected to analysis of varianc...

Breeding for yield and quality requires the assessment of the seed metrics and vigour traits. Thi... more Breeding for yield and quality requires the assessment of the seed metrics and vigour traits. This study, therefore, assessed the variability and inter-dependence of grain yield (GY), seed morphometric and vigour traits in hybrid maize. Seeds of 75 early maturing hybrid maize varieties were evaluated for morphometric traits and quality in four replicates. A field trial laid out in a randomised complete block design with three replicates was also conducted in Ibadan, Nigeria, to determine the grain yield of the hybrids. Data collected on the GY, seed dimension and quality were subjected to analysis of variance. The least significant difference was used to separate means. Relationships among the GY, seed morphometric and vigour traits were determined using correlation coefficients, while principal component (PC) analysis was performed for variability among the hybrids. Significant differences (P<0.001) were found in the GY, seed dimension and vigour traits. Four of the nine highest...

Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science
Increasing demand, soil cultivation pressure and adverse climate change effects necessitated maiz... more Increasing demand, soil cultivation pressure and adverse climate change effects necessitated maize production in nitrogen stress soils. This study examined the general combining ability (GCA) of 12 maize inbreds and specific combining ability of their crosses for agronomic traits under varied nitrogen conditions. GCA accounted for 53% of the variation for grain yield (GY) under stress and 40% under optimal condition. GCA contributed over 59% for days to anthesis (DTA) and days to silking (DTS), anthesis-silking-interval (ASI) and ear aspect (EASP) under both conditions. BD74-165 and BD74-161 had positive significant GCA for GY under stress with TZEI12 under optimal and BD74-222 under both conditions. TZEI13 and TZEI16 had positive significant GCA for DTA and ASI under stress, and TZEI12, TZEI11 and BD74-161 under optimal. Additive genes control DTA, DTS and PH; non-additive genes were responsible for ASI, PASP and EASP while both additive and non-additive genes governed inheritance ...

Tropical Agriculture, 2016
Progress in crop productivity can be achieved through varietal selection for adaptation to specif... more Progress in crop productivity can be achieved through varietal selection for adaptation to specific production areas. Common okra genotypes comprising two exotic and two local breeding varieties and nine landraces were tested in a randomized complete block design and replicated three times for their adaptability to a super humid agro-ecology of Nigeria. Data were collected on vegetative characteristics flowering, fruiting and fresh fruit yields at 6 and 8 weeks after planting. Visual observations and scoring were made on the fruit colour and orientation. Fruits pubescence was determined by touch. The data were subjected to analysis of variance. Genotype × Season were used to explain results when the interactions were significant, whereas main effects means were separated by Least Significant Difference when the interactions were not significant. Effects of change in weather condition were more pronounced at the flowering and fruiting stages. Genotypic effect was pronounced in all th...

Nigerian Journal of Genetics, 2015
Fifteen elite yellow maize inbred lines were evaluated in a randomized complete block design expe... more Fifteen elite yellow maize inbred lines were evaluated in a randomized complete block design experiment with three replicates in 2014. Data were collected on days to anthesis and silking, anthesis-silking interval, plant and ear heights, number of ears per plant, leaf area, ear weight and grain yield. Mean values were used to determine characters' phenotypic and genotypic variances, phenotypic, genotypic and environmental coefficients of variation. Broad sense heritability and genetic advance percentage of mean were estimated for each trait. Significant variation existed in all the characters. The coefficients of variation were low except for ear weight and grain yield that were relatively higher. The anthesissilking interval was highest in lines TZEI 124 and TZEI 16, but least in lines BD74-222, TZEI 11 and TZEI 13. Line BD74-222 had the height plant height and BD74-165 had the least. Line TZEI 124 produced highest maize grain yield whereas line TZEI 146 had the least. Coefficients of variation of phenotype and genotype were low for all the traits except number of ear per plant, ear and grain yield. The characters were less influenced by the environment thus the traits can be used for selection. Heritability was greater than 80% for all characters studied whereas expected genetic advance ranged from low (8.91) in days to silking to high (72.03) in number of ear per plant. Days to anthesis and silking, plant height and number of leaf per plant were positively correlated. Grain yield was positively correlated with ASI, plant and ear heights, number of leaf per plant and leaf area. High heritability and high genetic advance for ASI indicated the presence of additive genes in the trait and suggested reliable maize improvement through selection of the traits. In this study moderate genetic advance was associated with high heritability.

Acta agriculturae Slovenica
Information on the genetic and agronomic relationship among the crop characters is important for ... more Information on the genetic and agronomic relationship among the crop characters is important for the breeding programs. This study aimed at determining the relationship among grain yield, popping expansion and other agronomic characters in 19 popcorn lines evaluated in replicated trials at two locations. Correlation analysis was carried out to determine the relationship between agronomic traits while multiple stepwise regression analyses was used to determine the contribution of other agronomic traits to grain yield. Results showed that plant and ear heights as well as cob length exhibited positive and significant association with grain yield. Popping volume showed negative and significant association (-0.45**) with grain yield while 100-grain mass had a negative and significant correlation (-0.37**) with popping volume. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that ear height, cob length, plant aspect and 100-grain mass contributed a total of 53.66 % to variation in grain yield...

International Journal of Plant & Soil Science
Background: Lowering the nitrogen demand is the most cost effective and sustainable option to inc... more Background: Lowering the nitrogen demand is the most cost effective and sustainable option to increase grain yield of maize in poor fertility soil. Aim: This study was conducted to estimate the variability and inter-traits’ association of white and yellow hybrid maize in soil nitrogen-nutritional stress and optimal conditions. Materials and Methods: 150 white and 66 yellow single cross hybrid maize were evaluated in contrasting soil (stress and optimal) N conditions in Ibadan in 2014 and 2015. The trial for the white maize was laid out in 19 × 8 lattice design while the yellow maize was experimented in randomized complete block design. Each trial was replicated three times. Data were collected on days to anthesis (DTA), days to silking (DTS), plant height (PH), ear height (EH), anthesis-silking-interval (ASI) and grain yield (GY) were estimated while leaf senescence (LS), plant aspect (PASP) and ear aspect (EASP) were scored. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance whi...
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International

Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Belgrade, 2018
The objective of this study was to improve the growth and yield of long cayenne pepper using 10 o... more The objective of this study was to improve the growth and yield of long cayenne pepper using 10 organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers including tithonia compost (TC), poultry manure from a battery cage (PMB), poultry manure from dip-litter (PMD), pacesetter organic fertilizer (POF), sunshine organic fertilizer (SOF), ayeye organic fertilizer (AOF), brewery waste (BW), cow dung (CD), oil palm bunch ash (OPBA), cocoa pod husk (CPH) were collected at some specific locations in Oyo, Osun and Ondo States of Nigeria. The experiment was a 2×11 factorial experiment fitted into a randomized complete block design consisting of 10 organic fertilizers and the control at two locations (Ibadan and Ogbomoso) in 2008. The dosage of 130 kg N ha-1 of each of organic fertilizer was applied one week before transplanting. Six-week-old pepper seedlings were transplanted into a plot of 3m×2m (6m 2) with one seedling per hill. Growth and yield data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the least significant difference (LSD) at p<0.05 was used to compare the means. The results of the experiment reveal that the overall macronutrient content of the ten evaluated organic fertilizer sources was presented in the following order: SOF>OPBA=CPH>AOF>TC>POF>PMB=CD>BW>PMD. All the organic fertilizers more significantly enhanced the growth and yield of pepper than the control. The best three organic fertilizers at both locations in terms of fruit length were TC=SOF=PM. Fruit size at Ogbomoso was relatively bigger than that of Ibadan. The total fruit yield was highest under TC, SOF, PM and PMD at both locations. In conclusion, variations existed in the nutrient composition of the organic fertilizer. Meanwhile, TC, PMB, PMD and SOF were significantly similar in their ability to improve pepper yield. Moreover, PMB, TC and SOF significantly enhanced the vegetative growth of pepper.
Papers by Dotun Ogunniyan
strength also had positive significant correlations with bast (0.534*) and core (0.606*) fibres, thus the tensile strength can be determined during the plant growth using plant height. Emodulus positively correlated with plant height, base diameter, fibres yields and tensile strength. Based on this, the tensile strength and e-modulus corroborate as versatile selection tools. Accessions SAU75-414, GS14-52 and AEHC-3 combined high fibre yield with high bast fibre and yarn quality. In view of the properties, they are recommended for further experimentation for improvement on fibre yield and quality for use of the farmers and industrialists.
strength also had positive significant correlations with bast (0.534*) and core (0.606*) fibres, thus the tensile strength can be determined during the plant growth using plant height. Emodulus positively correlated with plant height, base diameter, fibres yields and tensile strength. Based on this, the tensile strength and e-modulus corroborate as versatile selection tools. Accessions SAU75-414, GS14-52 and AEHC-3 combined high fibre yield with high bast fibre and yarn quality. In view of the properties, they are recommended for further experimentation for improvement on fibre yield and quality for use of the farmers and industrialists.