Papers by Doris Hissako Sumida

Archives of Health Investigation, 2019
A Organizacao Mundial da Saude define como transtorno alimentar qualquer alteracao do comportamen... more A Organizacao Mundial da Saude define como transtorno alimentar qualquer alteracao do comportamento alimentar que prejudique a saude do individuo. A anorexia e a bulimia nervosa representam um serio problema de saude publica devido ao aumento de sua prevalencia, atingindo inclusive paises desenvolvidos. O tratamento envolve acoes multiprofissionais alem de uma variedade de farmacos de uso controlado, representando um grande desafio a administracao de recursos financeiros, materiais e humanos do Sistema Unico de Saude (SUS). O objetivo neste estudo foi verificar o perfil do acesso ao servico e da farmacoterapia utilizada por mulheres diagnosticadas com anorexia e bulimia nervosa, em atendimento no Ambulatorio Especializado de Saude Mental de uma Faculdade publica de medicina, em 2018. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de consulta aos prontuarios medicos. O acesso ao servico foi definido como nao-espontâneo quando a paciente foi encaminhada pela unidade de urgencia/emergencia ou foi aco...

Archives of oral biology, Jan 20, 2017
To investigate the influence of temperature and storage time on salivary acid phosphatase (ACP), ... more To investigate the influence of temperature and storage time on salivary acid phosphatase (ACP), tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). Unstimulated whole expectorated saliva was collected from healthy men and women subjects (n=26) between 8 and 10a.m. The saliva samples were centrifuged, and the supernatants were measured for ACP, TRAP, ALP, AST, ALT and LDH activities immediately (without freezing) [baseline values] and after time intervals of 3, 7, 14 and 28days (d) of storage at -20°C and -80°C using spectrophotometric methods The influence of storage time was analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by the Dunnett post-test, while the paired Student's-t-test was used to compare the differences between the temperature (p<0.05). There was significant decline in the activities of all enzymes at -20°C with increasing storage time. This decrease was ...

International Journal of Diabetology & Vascular Disease Research, 2013
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between pulpal and/or periodontal dis... more Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between pulpal and/or periodontal disease and serum creatinine levels in a rat model of diabetes mellitus. Methods: Eighty male rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar) were divided into the following 8 groups comprising 10 animals each: normal (G1), with pulpal disease (G2), with periodontal disease (G3), with both pulpal and periodontal disease (G4), diabetic (G5), diabetic with pulpal disease (G6), diabetic with periodontal disease (G7), and diabetic with both pulpal and periodontal disease (G8). Diabetes was induced by injecting streptozotocin, pul-pal disease were induced by exposing pulpal tissue to the oral environment, and periodontal disease was induced by periodontal ligature. After 30 days, blood was collected by cardiac puncture and the animals were killed. The maxillae were processed for histopathology. Serum creatinine levels were measured by the enzymatic method. The total assessed values were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance and Tukey's test (p < 0.05). Results: Serum creatinine levels were significantly higher in diabetic rats than that in all normoglycemic rats (p < 0.05). The presence of pulpal and periodontal disease increased the serum creatinine levels in normoglycemic and diabetic rats, but there was no statistical difference between the groups (p > 0.05). Conclusions: We found that the serum creatinine level was higher in diabetic rats and may be related to the presence of oral infections. Clinical significance: Changes in serum creatinine level may be related to the presence of oral infections and diabetes.

Endocrine Journal, 1994
To examine whether physical exercise is beneficial in preventing postmenopausal osteoporosis, we ... more To examine whether physical exercise is beneficial in preventing postmenopausal osteoporosis, we measured bone mineral density (BMD) in three distinct groups of healthy postmenopausal Japanese women aged 49-61 yrs:11 volleyball players (V) and 5 joggers (J), and 9 controls (C) who had not been participating in regular physical activity. BMD was measured at the lumbar spine (L2 L4) and proximal femur using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, and at the radius using single Xray photon absorptiometry. Serum levels of estradiol (E2), parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin were also measured by radioimmunoassay. Osteocalcin was determined by enzyme immunoassay. BMD in the lumbar spine was greater in the V and J groups than in the C group (P<0.01). The J group had a significantly lower PTH level than the C group. In contrast to weight-bearing bones, we found no significant differences in BMD at the radius among the three groups. BMD at the distal radius was negatively correlated with years after menopause in both the V group and the J group significantly. These results indicate that regular physical exercise has a positive effect on the maintenance of bone mineral in postmenopausal women and that the protective action is localized in skeletal sites used predominantly for the sport without opposing the negative regulation caused by estrogen deficiency in systemic bones.
Archives of Oral Biology, 2013
Livro de programas e de resumos, 2000
Revista Saú, 2010
The dentist should be prepared to offer high quality treatment for various types of patients. To ... more The dentist should be prepared to offer high quality treatment for various types of patients. To perform the treatment of patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM), some precautions are necessary. DM is a chronic disease characterized by hyperglycemia, and classified into two main types, type I and type II. This paper aims to review the literature in search of updating the knowledge about diagnosis and dental treatment of patients with Diabetes.

The FASEB Journal, 2013
ABSTRACT The effect of fluoride exposure is dose dependent and can cause decrease in insulin secr... more ABSTRACT The effect of fluoride exposure is dose dependent and can cause decrease in insulin secretion, hyperglycemia, and insulin resistance, similarly that observed in diabetes mellitus. Cardiovascular disease promotes high morbidity and mortality in people with diabetes, and dyslipidemia is considered one of the most important risk factors for development of cardiovascular disease. Objective: To evaluate the chronic effect of NaF on: 1) inhibitory pathway of insulin signal transduction in liver and muscle; 2) plasma concentration of triglycerides; 3) total cholesterol; 3) high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C); 4) low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C); 5) very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C). Method: Seven-week-old castrated male Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups: 1) control group (CN); 2) fluoride (F) group, which was treated with NaF in the drinking water and F in the food pellets (estimated total F intake: 4.0 mg/kg bw/day). After 42 days, plasma concentration of triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C and VLDL-C quantification analysis, and insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) serine phosphorylation status tests in liver and muscle were performed. Result: The group treated with sodium fluoride showed a significant increase (p&lt;0.05) in plasma concentration of triglycerides (CN group: 30.65 + 3.6 vs F group: 46.93 + 2.7), total cholesterol (CN group: 76.15 + 2.11 vs F group: 87.02 + 4.164), and VLDL-C (CN group: 6.13 + 0.72 vs F group: 9.39 + 0.54), in comparison with the control group. However, the treatment with NaF didn’t promoted alteration in plasma concentration of HDL-C and LDL-C; and in IRS-1 serine phosphorylation status in liver and in muscle. Conclusion: The chronic treatment with F promoted: 1) increase in plasma concentration of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and VLDL-C; 2) no alteration in plasma concentration of HDL-C and LDL-C; 3) no alteration in inhibitory pathway of insulin signal in liver and muscle.

Archives of Health Investigation, 2015
Objetivos ou Proposicao: A obesidade e considerada como um fator de risco para doencas cardiovasc... more Objetivos ou Proposicao: A obesidade e considerada como um fator de risco para doencas cardiovasculares. A literatura mostra que o aumento da atividade simpatica parece ser um dos principais mecanismos envolvidos na hipertensao arterial em obesos, uma vez que aumenta o debito cardiaco e a resistencia vascular periferica. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar possiveis alteracoes na pressao arterial associada ao desenvolvimento de obesidade em ratos. Metodos: Foram utilizados 10 ratos Wistar machos, de 8 semanas, divididos em grupo controle (GC, n=5) e grupo experimental (GE, n=5). O GC foi alimentado com dieta normal e o GE, para o desenvolvimento da obesidade, com dieta hipercalorica composta por racao hiperlipidica M 42% kcal, peletizada (RHOSTER, Aracoiaba da Serra-SP, Brasil), complementada por dieta de cafeteria, por periodo de 120 dias. A pressao arterial sistolica foi aferida por Plestimografia de Cauda com amplificador de pressao (AD Instruments/ Powerlab Chart 8/35), aos 0,...

Oral health & preventive dentistry, 2009
PURPOSE The aim of this study was (1) to determine the fluoride content in the meals served to ch... more PURPOSE The aim of this study was (1) to determine the fluoride content in the meals served to children aged up to 36 months in daycare centres of two municipalities with different levels of fluoride in the water supply, (2) to calculate the mean fluoride ingested daily by the children when consuming those meals and (3) to analyse the contribution of this consumption to the development of dental fluorosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS Samples of the meals served to the children were collected during a whole week. The fluoride content of the samples of solid foods and milk was analysed using an ion-specific electrode combined with reference electrode after diffusion facilitated by hexamethyldisiloxane. Samples of beverages were buffered with an equal volume of total ionic strength adjustment buffer and analysed using a combined electrode. The results were compared using the Mann-Whitney test. RESULTS Mean fluoride contents of the meals were of 0.204 +/- 0.179 and 0.322 +/- 0.242 microg F/mL...

Archives of Health Investigation, 2017
A doenca periodontal (DP) envolve uma serie de alteracoes patologicas no periodonto levando a um ... more A doenca periodontal (DP) envolve uma serie de alteracoes patologicas no periodonto levando a um aumento na producao de citocinas inflamatorias, como por exemplo, o TNF-α. Estudos recentes tem demostrando uma relacao entre esta citocina e o hormonio melatonina (ME). A ME esta relacionada com o controle do sono/vigilia, funcao imunologica, regulacao do ritmo circadiano, a captacao de radicais livres e o controle do crescimento tumoral. Sendo assim, o presente estudo avaliou os efeitos da suplementacao com ME sobre as concentracoes plasmaticas de TNF-α em ratos pinealectomizados e com DP. Foram utilizados 64 ratos Wistar machos divididos em 8 grupos: controle (CN), pinealectomizados (PNX), doenca periodontal (DP) PNX com DP (PNXDP), CN tratados com ME (CNM); 6) PNX tratados com ME (PNXM), DP tratados com ME (DPM), PNX com DP tratados com ME (PNXDPM). Os grupos PNX foram submetidos a PNX e, apos 15 dias, foi induzida a DP por meio de ligadura com fio de seda ao redor do 1o molar inferi...
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP, 2011

Archives of Health Investigation, 2016
A epidemia do virus HIV ainda e considerada um grande problema para a saude publica. O objetivo d... more A epidemia do virus HIV ainda e considerada um grande problema para a saude publica. O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o perfil de pacientes HIV soropositivos, no que diz respeito as caracteristicas epidemiologicas, sintomas de depressao, nivel de auto estima e a condicao de saude bucal. Trata-se de um estudo piloto de corte tranversal e abordagem quantitativa. O estudo foi conduzido no Servico de Atendimento Especializado – SAE de Infectologia ‘Domingos Alves Meira’ pertencente a Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu- UNESP. Para verificar a condicao bucal e qualidade da higiene oral, foram utilizados os indices CPOD (dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados) e IHOS (indice de higiene oral simplificado). Para a analise dos fatores psicossociais, depressao e autoestima, foram utilizados os intrumentos validados: Inventario de Depressao de Beck e Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg. A amostra foi constituida por 25 pacientes, dentre eles, a maioria pertencia ao sexo masculino (64%),...

Archives of Health Investigation, 2015
Objetivos ou Proposicao : A insulina contribui indiretamente na supressao da degradacao de prote... more Objetivos ou Proposicao : A insulina contribui indiretamente na supressao da degradacao de proteinas, no reparo de fibras danificadas, no crescimento e manutencao da musculatura esqueletica apos pratica de exercicios fisicos. Varios fatores alteram a acao da insulina, como por exemplo, a melatonina, hormonio secretado pela glândula pineal. Individuos expostos a luz no periodo noturno inibem totalmente a sintese e secrecao deste hormonio, podendo apresentar diminuicao da sensibilidade a insulina. O presente estudo avaliou o efeito da pinealectomia e do exercicio resistido sobre a forca maxima e sensibilidade a insulina em ratos machos Wistar adultos. Metodos: Os animais foram divididos em 4 grupos (sedentario, exercitado, sedentario pinealectomizado e exercitado pinealectomizado) e submetidos a cirurgia de pinealectomia e/ou ao exercicio resistido em escada durante 8 semanas. O teste de forca maxima foi realizado a cada 15 dias e os animais foram submetidos a 3 sessoes semanais de 9...
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP, 2008

Archives of Health Investigation, 2015
Objetivos ou Proposicao: Evidencias tem mostrado que a obesidade ou sobrepeso pode ser prejudicia... more Objetivos ou Proposicao: Evidencias tem mostrado que a obesidade ou sobrepeso pode ser prejudicial ao reparo osseo uma vez que afeta o metabolismo osseo atraves de varios mecanismos que resultam no aumento da circulacao de citocinas pro-inflamatorias que promovem a atividade de osteoclastos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a remodelacao ossea no processo de reparo alveolar de ratos obesos por meio de reacoes imuno-histoquimicas para OPG e RANKL Metodos : Para isso, foram utilizados 36 ratos Wistar machos, de 20 semanas, sendo 18 nao obesos (grupo controle-GC) e 18 obesos (grupo experimental-GE). Para o desenvolvimento da obesidade, os ratos foram pre-tratados com racao hiperlipidica complementada por dieta de cafeteria. Todos os animais tiveram o incisivo superior direito extraido, sendo eutanasiados 6 animais de cada grupo no 7o, 14o e 28o dias pos-operatorios. As hemi-maxilas foram dissecadas, fixadas, descalcificadas e processadas para analise imuno-histoquimica. Os resul...

Archives of Health Investigation, 2015
Objetivos ou Proposicao : Estudos tem demonstrado que ratos adultos com lesao periapical (LP) ap... more Objetivos ou Proposicao : Estudos tem demonstrado que ratos adultos com lesao periapical (LP) apresentam alteracoes na etapa inicial da via do sinal insulinico e menor sensibilidade a insulina. Sabendo-se disto, estudos sao necessarios para verificar se estas alteracoes tambem estao presentes na continuidade da cascata insulinica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sensibilidade a insulina medida pelo HOMA-IR, o grau de fosforilacao da Akt em serina, o conteudo de GLUT4 e seu indice de translocacao para membrana plasmatica no musculo esqueletico gastrocnemio de ratos com lesao periapical (LP). Metodos: A LP foi induzida em molares superiores direito empregando-se broca em aco carbono. O grau de fosforilacao da Akt em serina e o conteudo de GLUT4 (microssoma (M) e membrana plasmatica (PM)) no musculo esqueletico gastrocnemio foram avaliados pelo metodo de western blotting. O indice de translocacao de GLUT4 foi calculado a partir da formula: Indice de translocacao de GLUT4 (%) =...
Arquivos Brasileiros De Endocrinologia E Metabologia, 2002
Papers by Doris Hissako Sumida