Papers by Donatus Sabageh

Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR, 2015
The proper histopathological characterization of malignant lymphomas requires the use of immunohi... more The proper histopathological characterization of malignant lymphomas requires the use of immunohistochemistry along with other molecular pathology techniques. Malignant lymphomas histologically diagnosed in our hospital were reclassified according to the WHO scheme using immunohistochemistry while in-situ hybridization was performed for the detection of Epstein-Barr virus encoded RNA. There were 83 cases of lymphoma. The male to female ratio was 1.9:1 while the overall mean age was 41.7 years. Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) constituted about 79.5% of cases. The majority of cases (98.8%) were B-cell lymphomas. Nine subtypes of lymphomas were identified with diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (56.4% of which were of the germinal centre type) constituting the largest group (47.0%). Intermediate and high grade subtypes were more common. The majority of cases (72.3%) were nodal lymphomas with cervical lymph node being the commonest site (48.2%). Only classical Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) (20.5%) was ...

Helminthic infection, which has been reported to be highly prevalent in Nigeria, has also been re... more Helminthic infection, which has been reported to be highly prevalent in Nigeria, has also been reported to contribute to the high prevalence of malnutrition. This study therefore aimed to find the prevalence of helminthic infection and its association with the nutritional status of rural primary school children in Osun State, Nigeria. Respondents were selected from rural communities in Osun State using multi-stage sampling technique. The stool samples of the children were collected and analysed for the presence of ova of intestinal parasites. Information from respondents was obtained using pre-tested semi-structured questionnaires and their weights and heights were measured and used to calculate their Body Mass Index (BMI). Of the 245 respondents, 112 (45.7%) were 6 to 9 years of age, and others (133, 54.3%) were 10 to 12 years of age with a mean age of 9.31 ± 1.97 years. Using the World Health Organization growth reference for school-age children, 106 (43.3%) of the respondents were underweight, 139 (56.7%) were of normal weight and none were neither overweight nor obese. After the stool analysis, 75 (30.6%) had helminthic infection as evidenced by the presence of ova of intestinal parasites in their stool, while the others (170, 69.4%) had no evidence of helminthic infection. There was a statistically significant relationship between helminthic infection and the nutritional status of the respondents, their age groups, school types, fathers' occupation, mothers' occupation and their family settings. The prevalence of intestinal helminthic infection in this study (30.6%) was high and children with helminthic infections were more likely to be underweight.. There is the need for regular de-worming of school-age children, especially those living in the rural communities.

AIM: To report and analyze the results of a Pap Smear screening outreach programme organized in t... more AIM: To report and analyze the results of a Pap Smear screening outreach programme organized in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria and compare these with other parts of the world. METHODS: A one-day cervical cancer screening programme was organized in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Cervical smears were collected from voluntary participants after a short interview and sent to the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital for analysis. Statistical analysis was performed for differences in proportion using the Chi square by SPSS version 16. RESULTS: A total of 75 smears were collected and analyzed. The mean age of the participants was 35.99 years while the age range was 21-62 years. Three smears (4.0%) were unsatisfactory. Cervical smears were normal in 65 cases (86.7%) while 7 participants (9.4%) showed cervical squamous abnormalities with 2 cases (2.7%) diagnosed as ASCUS and 5 cases (6.7%) as LGSIL. Three (60.0%) participants with LGSIL were younger than 30 years old with the youn...

Although carcinoid tumours are relatively rare, they are the most common neoplasms of the vermifo... more Although carcinoid tumours are relatively rare, they are the most common neoplasms of the vermiform appendix where they are often discovered incidentally. In symptomatic patients, however, these tumours may produce signs and symptoms that closely mimic those of acute appendicitis and thus require adequate histopathological assessment to resolve the diagnostic challenges. We review the case of a 21-year-old Nigerian male university undergraduate who presented with right-sided lower abdominal pain and vomiting a few hours before coming to the hospital. Clinical evaluation suggested a diagnosis of acute appendicitis for which an emergency appendicectomy was performed. The patient recovered and was subsequently discharged home. Histopathological examination of the appendiceal specimen, however, revealed a carcinoid tumour at the tip of the specimen. It, therefore, becomes imperative that all appendicectomy specimens be subjected to appropriate histopathological assessment even if the sa...

African health sciences
The lymphoreticular system plays a major role in both the innate and adaptive immune responses. T... more The lymphoreticular system plays a major role in both the innate and adaptive immune responses. This study reviews retrospectively cases of lymphoreticular diseases seen at a tertiary institution in Nigeria. This is a retrospective study in which biopsies from the bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes and extranodal lymphoid tissues reported within a period of 16 years were reviewed with respect to age, sex and pathological diagnosis. Statistical analysis was performed for differences in proportion using Chi square by SPSS version 12. Nine hundred and forty four cases comprising 559 biopsies from lymph nodes and extranodal lymphoid tissues, 272 bone marrow biopsies and 113 spleen biopsies were studied. Non Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) and tuberculosis were the most common lesions in lymph nodes and extranodal lymphoid tissues. The axillary and cervical nodes accounted for most cases of metastasis. Breast cancer accounted for the majority of metastasis to lymph nodes. The most common path...

West African journal of medicine
the gastrointestinal tract is the most common site of extrapelvic endometriosis, affecting 5%-15%... more the gastrointestinal tract is the most common site of extrapelvic endometriosis, affecting 5%-15% of women with pelvic endometriosis. Among women with intestinal endometriosis, rectum and sigmoid colon are the most commonly involved areas. Terminal ileum is rarely involved in endometriosis. Similarly, bowel endometriosis is an uncommon cause of intestinal obstruction. to present a rare occurrence of ileal endometriosis presenting with acute small intestinal obstruction. a 34-year-old woman presented with a two-month history of intermittent, colicky abdominal pain which became more intense with associated vomiting of three days prior to presentation. Besides full clinical evaluation, she had other investigations including abdominal X-rays, ultrasonography, ECG, and echocardiography. The results of these informed the need for myomectomy. besides the abdominal pain, the patient also complained of a supra-pubic swelling and menorrhagia. Physical examination showed an incisional hernia, ...

Pan African Medical Journal, 2015
ABSTRACT Tuberculous mastitis is an uncommon disease even in countries where tuberculosis is high... more ABSTRACT Tuberculous mastitis is an uncommon disease even in countries where tuberculosis is highly endemic. It typically presents a diagnostic challenge masquerading as carcinoma or other primary disease of the breast. We report the case of a young multiparous Nigerian woman who presented with a tender left breast lump and enlargement of the left axillary lymph nodes for which a provisional diagnosis of carcinoma of the breast was made after clinical and radiological evaluation. The mass was pathologically diagnosed as tuberculous mastitis and anti-tuberculous therapy was instituted although she later absconded. This case shows that TM may present a diagnostic challenge on clinical, radiologic and microbiological investigation. Therefore, a high index of suspicion as well as FNAC and/or histological evaluation of tissue samples remain very important its diagnosis.

Nigerian journal of clinical practice
Cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract constitute a diverse heterogeneous group of malignant ne... more Cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract constitute a diverse heterogeneous group of malignant neoplasms with unique epidemiological, pathological, and treatment considerations. Only few studies have been conducted so far on these tumors in Nigeria. This study aims to study in greater detail, the pathological features of these cancers in Nigerian patients. The surgical specimens of patients diagnosed with malignant tumors of the upper aerodigestive tracts in the Department of Morbid Anatomy and Forensic Medicine, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex (OAUTHC) in Ile-Ife, Nigeria, over a 10-year period, formed the basis of this study. Analysis was done for differences in proportion using the Chi-square test (P is significant at < 0.05) by SPSS version 15. There were a total of 62 cases. The overall mean age was 50.7 years, while the age range was from 3 years to 90 years. The male to female ratio was 3.1:1. A majority of the patients (67.7%) were older than 40 years...

The Nigerian postgraduate medical journal, 2012
To report a case of testicular Schistosomiasis with a suspicion of testicular cancer. Hospital re... more To report a case of testicular Schistosomiasis with a suspicion of testicular cancer. Hospital record of a 16 year old patient with histopathology confirmation of testicular Schistosomiasis was reviewed and summarised. The patient who had painless testicular nodules and ultrasound features of heterogenous echotexture and hypoechoic focus was diagnosed as testicular cancer and treated with radical orchidectomy. Histopathology confirmed testicular Schistosomiasis and the patient had additional praziquantel therapy. Patient was followed up for over 26months post-operative. Testicular Schistosomiasis can mimick malignant testicular tumour. Hard nodular testicular mass in a patient with recent past history of schistosomiasis should arouse suspicion of testicular Schistosomiasis. Awareness and early presentation will prevent unwarranted orchidectomy.

West African journal of medicine, 2008
Eosinophilic colitis is an inflammatory condition characterized by infiltration of the colonic wa... more Eosinophilic colitis is an inflammatory condition characterized by infiltration of the colonic wall by eosinophils with submucosal oedema. Involvement of caecum, appendix, ascending colon and the omentum by the inflammatory process could mimic a right iliac fossa neoplasm. To highlight the diagnostic challenges posed by eosinophilic colitis and the import of histopathological diagnosis in the treatment of such a patient. A47-year old perimenopausal woman presented to hospital with a 6-month history of intermittent lower abdominal pain. Besides clinical evaluation, an abdominal ultrasonography and full blood count were carried out. She subsequently had exploratory laparatomy. The lower abdominal pain was intermittent but not associated with vomiting or diarrhea. There was a tender right iliac mass extending to the suprapubic region. The ultrasound revealed a right-sided tubo-ovarian mass. At surgery, the mass was found to be a complex of caecum, ascending colon, appendix and the omen...

Nigerian Medical Journal, 2014
Lymphatic filariasis is a global health problem endemic in Nigeria. Peripheral blood smears are f... more Lymphatic filariasis is a global health problem endemic in Nigeria. Peripheral blood smears are frequently negative for microfilariae in a significant number of infected patients in whom conventional diagnostic methods may also fail to identify the disease. In such cases, fine needle aspiration cytology may play an important role in disease identification. A 49-year-old South-western male Nigerian farmer, presented with a one-year history of a right groin swelling, which became painful 2 weeks before coming to the hospital. A clinical assessment of lymphogranuloma venereum was made to rule out a non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Initial laboratory investigations only showed mild eosinophilia and haematuria. However, fine needle aspiration cytology performed on the swelling showed microfilariae of Wuchereria bancrofti for which appropriate treatment was instituted with excellent outcome. This case demonstrates that lymphatic filariasis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of lymph node swellings in the groin and that aspiration cytology may play an important role in its diagnosis, especially in an endemic resource poor country.

Population Health Metrics, 2014
Background: The pattern of diseases causing sudden unexpected natural deaths is a function of the... more Background: The pattern of diseases causing sudden unexpected natural deaths is a function of the prevalent disease pattern in the general population. This pattern appears to be changing in Nigeria in response to changing demographics and lifestyle. Methods: This was a descriptive retrospective autopsy-based review of cases of sudden unexpected natural deaths seen at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex in Ile-Ife, Nigeria (OAUTHC) over a 10-year period. Analysis was done for differences in proportion using Chi square (p is significant at <0.05) by SPSS version 15. Results: Sudden unexpected natural deaths accounted for 13.4% of all medico-legal autopsies. The male to female ratio was 2.1:1, and the mean age was 43.1 years ± 19.5 SD. Cardiovascular (28.3%), respiratory (18.2%), and central nervous system (12.6%) disorders were the major groups of causes. About 64.4% of cardiovascular deaths were due to hypertensive heart disease. Bacterial pneumonia, intracerebral haemorrhage, and breast carcinoma accounted for 34.4%, 60.0%, and 52.6% of respiratory, central nervous system, and cancer-related deaths respectively. Infectious causes predominated in all age groups below 40 years and above 70 years while hypertensive disorders predominated between 40 and 70 years. Only 16.9% of cases occurred while the patient was admitted to the hospital.

International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 2014
The sexual and reproductive health of adolescents is of utmost importance in many nations (especi... more The sexual and reproductive health of adolescents is of utmost importance in many nations (especially in developing countries). Sexual behavior varies from location to location and the outcome (when negative) creates great concerns mainly due to the consequential impact on health and development. This study aimed at comparing sexual behavior of in-school adolescents in rural and urban areas of Osun state. Methods: A comparative cross sectional study was conducted. A total of 760 in-school adolescents were recruited using multistage sampling technique. Pre-tested questionnaires were administered after ethical considerations. Data were analysed and p-value was placed at 0.05. Results: A total of 380 rural and 380 urban adolescents participated in this study with a mean age of 14.90 ± 2.44 and 14.34 ± 2.31 years, respectively. About one-fifth (20.1%) had experienced their first sex (66% of rural and 34% of urban). The mean age at first sex was 14.05 years ± 2.3 years (13.89 ± 2.3 years for rural and 14.37 ± 2.3 years for urban). Only 76 (49.7%) sexually experienced respondents had used condom in the past (45.5% of rural, 57.7% of urban). Half of the urban respondents used condom during their first sex while only a quarter of their rural counterparts had done so (p = 0.003). Conclusion: Sexual behavior was commoner among the rural respondents than their urban counterpart. There is an urgent need for sexuality education especially among rural adolescents in the study area.

Nigerian Medical Journal, 2012
The accuracy of 2D ultrasound prenatal sex determination Blessing Ose-Emenim Igbinedion, Theophil... more The accuracy of 2D ultrasound prenatal sex determination Blessing Ose-Emenim Igbinedion, Theophilus Oriazo Akhigbe 71-75 Non-trauma related paediatric abdominal surgical emergencies in Lagos, Nigeria: Epidemiology and indicators of survival Adesoji O. Ademuyiwa, Chris. O. Bode, Opeoluwa A. Adesanya, Olumide A. Elebute 76-79 The relationship between the weight of the placenta and birth weight of the neonate in a Nigerian Hospital Abubakar A. Panti, Bissala A. Ekele, Emmanuel I. Nwobodo, Ahmed Yakubu 80-84 Management of intractable postpartum haemorrhage in a tertiary center: A 5-year experience Hüseyin Cengiz, Levent Yaşar, Murat Ekin, Cihan Kaya, Sema Karakaş 85-88 How are our medical students using the computer and internet? A study from a medical college of north India Khan Amir Maroof, Pawan Parashar, Rahul Bansal 89-93 Clinical evaluation of posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo T. S. Ibekwe, C. Rogers 94-101
International Journal of Women's Health, 2013
Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine
Papers by Donatus Sabageh