Papers by Dominique Puthod
Gestion 2000 eBooks, 1997
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2015
International audienc

Si les alliances sont souvent presentees comme un outil de gestion des incertitudes, pour les PME... more Si les alliances sont souvent presentees comme un outil de gestion des incertitudes, pour les PME, elles s'interpretent plutot comme un moyen de demultiplier les ressources. En ce sens, on les qualifie de strategie a "effet de levier". Celle-ci presente un caractere) la fois volontariste et deterministe, puisque le choix d'une politique d'alliance est fonction certes du profil du dirigeant, mais depend egalement de l'ouverture internationale et de l'effort technologique de la PME. Neanmoins, si une politique d'alliance permet de contourner les dilemmes classiques de la PME lies a une insuffisance de ressources, elle ne va pas sans poser des difficultes de management. Ainsi, afin d'ameliorer la clairvoyance des entrepreneurs, on propose une typologie des accords -"la grille motricite dependance"- construite sur deux dimensions : l'analyse des ressources et des competences mises en jeu, d'une part, et le degre de dependance, d'autre part. Cette typologie enrichie par des variables externes permet de disposer d'une base de connaissances pertinente pour le management des alliances de PME. A partir de la, un certain nombre de prescriptions manageriales peuvent etre enoncees. Ce travail doctoral s'appuie sur une enquete d'opinion aupres de 180 dirigeants de PME et sur une observation de 73 accords.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2015
International audienc
Sciences de la société, 1994
No hay alianza sin confianza. Si, en un proceso de alianza surgen acontecimientos no previstos, c... more No hay alianza sin confianza. Si, en un proceso de alianza surgen acontecimientos no previstos, cada uno de los fumantes puede valerse de ellos para sus propios fines, hasta generar una desconfianza que obligue a una nue va negociación. Puede decirse, pues, que no hay confianza sin vigilancia, pero una vigilancia que vaya mas alla de la mera atención dedicada al entorno y al otro. Tendra en efecto una dimension activa, por ejemplo a traves de unas cuantas pruebas de reciprocidad en el momento de compartir la información. Asi podra iniciarse un lazo de aprendizaje basado en el intercambio de información compartida.

Strategic Organization, Feb 1, 2011
The contracting process is a crucial step in alliance development and its success. However, the e... more The contracting process is a crucial step in alliance development and its success. However, the existing literature reveals surprisingly little investigation into how organizational learning relates to the process of contract making. We therefore conducted an in-depth longitudinal study of the alliance contracting process in the animated film industry. First, our findings suggest that during the contracting process, firms can learn about the way to deal with the contracting process, about themselves and their partner, and about the transaction features. Second, the case analysis indicates a combination of experiential, vicarious, and inferential learning mechanisms. Combining these insights into the objects and the mechanisms of learning during the contracting process, we discuss how contracting and learning processes are related and analyze the role of the contracting process in supporting organizational learning. The findings show that the drafting of contractual clauses fosters learning and, in turn, this learning triggers new contractual negotiations. Hence we suggest that the alignment between transaction features and the choice of contractual governance results from learning during the contracting process. We then propose avenues for future research.

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2011
The contracting process is a crucial step in alliance development and its success. However, the e... more The contracting process is a crucial step in alliance development and its success. However, the existing literature reveals surprisingly little investigation into how organizational learning relates to the process of contract making. We therefore conducted an in-depth longitudinal study of the alliance contracting process in the animated film industry. First, our findings suggest that during the contracting process, firms can learn about the way to deal with the contracting process, about themselves and their partner, and about the transaction features. Second, the case analysis indicates a combination of experiential, vicarious, and inferential learning mechanisms. Combining these insights into the objects and the mechanisms of learning during the contracting process, we discuss how contracting and learning processes are related and analyze the role of the contracting process in supporting organizational learning. The findings show that the drafting of contractual clauses fosters learning and, in turn, this learning triggers new contractual negotiations. Hence we suggest that the alignment between transaction features and the choice of contractual governance results from learning during the contracting process. We then propose avenues for future research.
Revue française de gestion, May 1, 2006
Pour développer un projet d'innovation, les PME doivent constituer un réseau de partenaires aux r... more Pour développer un projet d'innovation, les PME doivent constituer un réseau de partenaires aux ressources et compétences complémentaires. Pourtant PME PAR DOMINIQUE PUTHOD, CATHERINE THÉVENARD-PUTHOD Coopération, tensions et conflit dans un réseau d'innovation construit autour d'une PME Cet article des Editions Lavoisier est disponible en acces libre et gratuit sur Coopération, tensions et conflit dans un réseau d'innovation 183 Cet article des Editions Lavoisier est disponible en acces libre et gratuit sur

In order to develop an innovation project, SMEs often need to create a network of alliances with ... more In order to develop an innovation project, SMEs often need to create a network of alliances with partners who possess complementary resources and competences (technology, customer-distributors, financial partner...). However, these cooperative structures carry a number of risks, in particular relational risks, as such networks are never static and controllable. Tensions between players can lead to conflicts, putting an end to the cooperation and therefore to the innovation project. This article focuses on the relational risks involved in an innovation network that is carried by a SME. It is based on a case study of a small company specialized in the multimedia industry. The originality of this research lies in the longitudinal approach adopted. The innovation process concerned was analysed dynamically, in the course of its development. This made it possible to observe a sudden modification in the environment which affected the evolution of key success factors for the industry, and led to a drastic selection of the players as well as to a change in the general atmosphere surrounding relational strategies.

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2011
The contracting process is a crucial step in alliance development and its success. However, the e... more The contracting process is a crucial step in alliance development and its success. However, the existing literature reveals surprisingly little investigation into how organizational learning relates to the process of contract making. We therefore conducted an in-depth longitudinal study of the alliance contracting process in the animated film industry. First, our findings suggest that during the contracting process, firms can learn about the way to deal with the contracting process, about themselves and their partner, and about the transaction features. Second, the case analysis indicates a combination of experiential, vicarious, and inferential learning mechanisms. Combining these insights into the objects and the mechanisms of learning during the contracting process, we discuss how contracting and learning processes are related and analyze the role of the contracting process in supporting organizational learning. The findings show that the drafting of contractual clauses fosters learning and, in turn, this learning triggers new contractual negotiations. Hence we suggest that the alignment between transaction features and the choice of contractual governance results from learning during the contracting process. We then propose avenues for future research.

In order to develop an innovation project, SMEs often need to create a network of alliances with ... more In order to develop an innovation project, SMEs often need to create a network of alliances with partners who possess complementary resources and competences (technology, customer-distributors, financial partner...). However, these co-operative structures carry a number of risks, in particular relational risks, as such networks are never static and controllable. Tensions between players can lead to conflicts, putting an end to the co-operation and therefore to the innovation project. This article focuses on the relational risks involved in an innovation network that is carried by a SME. It is based on a case study of a small company specialized in the multimedia industry. The originality of this research lies in the longitudinal approach adopted. The innovation process concerned was analysed dynamically, in the course of its development. This made it possible to observe a sudden modification in the environment which affected the evolution of key success factors for the industry, and...
Available from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : DO 5082 / INIST-CNRS - I... more Available from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : DO 5082 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueSIGLEFRFranc
Available at INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : DO 2394 / INIST-CNRS - Ins... more Available at INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : DO 2394 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueSIGLEFRFranc
SIGLEAvailable at INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : DO 2398 / INIST-CNRS ... more SIGLEAvailable at INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : DO 2398 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc
SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : DO 5080 / INIST-CNR... more SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : DO 5080 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc
Papers by Dominique Puthod