Dominika Skiba
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Papers by Dominika Skiba
macroelements in Helianthus tuberosus tubers can high to low sort: potassium (26.29 g.kg-1 DM) > phosphorus (2.92 g.kg-1 DM) > calcium (1.45 g.kg-1 DM) > magnesium (0.81 g.kg-1 DM). Field of Jerusalem artichoke cultivation gives chance to go back the plant, which is
a species interesting for tourist farms, and at the same time makes it possible to multidirectional usage, which can provide the basis of raw materials for the processing industry. It seems reasonable distribution of crops Helianthus tuberosus in Poland, because it will allow: provide a source of raw materials for production: probiotic foods, forage, inulin,
fructo-oligosaccharides, vitamins, as well as providing the raw material for the production of biofuels.
„OZE –
Energia przyszłoci”
Wystąpienia Ustne
Comparison of method of obtaining hydrogen "fuel of the future"
Hydrogen is an important raw material at chemical industry. As a Biohydrogen seems to be feasible renewable energy carrier that could replace fossil fuels, also. The main problem of the hydrogen is that, the element seldom exists in pure compound form H2. Therefore to obtain hydrogen in volumes suitable to be use as a raw material or biofuel, there is necessity of
decomposition compound “rich” in hydrogen. źvery compound, containing
hydrogen atoms bounded in its molecule, is a potential source of hydrogen. Potential paths of hydrogen production are being selected due to widespread of raw materials, costs of production of hydrogen, efficiency. The most commonly used or being regarded to be possible way to use in industrial scale are: steam pyrolysis of methane (95% of hydrogen on the market is produced in this way), water splitting, ammonia decomposition, decomposition of organic wastes (biomass). Ways of decomposition of biomass to obtain hydrogen are: dark fermentation, photofermentation biomass pyrolysis, and biomass gasification. This review focuses attention on the way of obtaining hydrogen from biomass by dark fermentation mostly and less in other methods. Dark fermentation is considered to be most stable form biomass decomposition method- spontaneous and feasible also due to possiblity of twenty-four-hour waste management.
macroelements in Helianthus tuberosus tubers can high to low sort: potassium (26.29 g.kg-1 DM) > phosphorus (2.92 g.kg-1 DM) > calcium (1.45 g.kg-1 DM) > magnesium (0.81 g.kg-1 DM). Field of Jerusalem artichoke cultivation gives chance to go back the plant, which is
a species interesting for tourist farms, and at the same time makes it possible to multidirectional usage, which can provide the basis of raw materials for the processing industry. It seems reasonable distribution of crops Helianthus tuberosus in Poland, because it will allow: provide a source of raw materials for production: probiotic foods, forage, inulin,
fructo-oligosaccharides, vitamins, as well as providing the raw material for the production of biofuels.
„OZE –
Energia przyszłoci”
Wystąpienia Ustne
Comparison of method of obtaining hydrogen "fuel of the future"
Hydrogen is an important raw material at chemical industry. As a Biohydrogen seems to be feasible renewable energy carrier that could replace fossil fuels, also. The main problem of the hydrogen is that, the element seldom exists in pure compound form H2. Therefore to obtain hydrogen in volumes suitable to be use as a raw material or biofuel, there is necessity of
decomposition compound “rich” in hydrogen. źvery compound, containing
hydrogen atoms bounded in its molecule, is a potential source of hydrogen. Potential paths of hydrogen production are being selected due to widespread of raw materials, costs of production of hydrogen, efficiency. The most commonly used or being regarded to be possible way to use in industrial scale are: steam pyrolysis of methane (95% of hydrogen on the market is produced in this way), water splitting, ammonia decomposition, decomposition of organic wastes (biomass). Ways of decomposition of biomass to obtain hydrogen are: dark fermentation, photofermentation biomass pyrolysis, and biomass gasification. This review focuses attention on the way of obtaining hydrogen from biomass by dark fermentation mostly and less in other methods. Dark fermentation is considered to be most stable form biomass decomposition method- spontaneous and feasible also due to possiblity of twenty-four-hour waste management.