Papers by Domingos Santos

The concept of the smart city gained increasing expression and has become an intensely discussed ... more The concept of the smart city gained increasing expression and has become an intensely discussed field in the recent past among, either the research community, either the political stakeholders. In this paper, the importance of deepening the understanding about smart cities entrepreneurial ecosystems is explored. This involves working on existing knowledge about smart cities but extending its application to entrepreneurship and innovation. This paper aims, first, to contribute to shed light on the meaning of the word smart in the context of urban developmentthrough an approach based on an in-depth literature review of pertinent studies and then, to establish the links with the determinants of entrepreneurship that can help guide more effective urban development policies. Furthermore, the paper underlines the critical importance of being innovative and entrepreneurial in the approach for smart cities, aiming to deepen and improve policy-making on the subject of promoting entrepreneur...

Innovation has moved to the foreground in regional policy in the three last decades. Public polic... more Innovation has moved to the foreground in regional policy in the three last decades. Public policies have been shaped by “best practice models” derived from hightech urban-metropolitan areas and successful territories. Nevertheless, lessons learned from these examples are rarely transferable elsewhere. The regional innovation systems in peripheral regions, and the likelihood of their acting as instruments for territorial competitiveness, have seldom been the subjects of discussion. The main objective of the article is precisely to take Região Centro, in Portugal, as an example to enrich this analysis. The first part of this article examines the concept of regional innovation systems against the background of modern theories of innovation and regional policies, now that longterm regional competitiveness and sustainability has less to do with cost-efficiency and more to do with the ability of firms and institutions to innovate, or, in broader terms, to upgrade their knowledge base. Th...

La resiliencia ha surgido como un concepto valioso en el campo del desarrollo local y regional; s... more La resiliencia ha surgido como un concepto valioso en el campo del desarrollo local y regional; sin embargo, el debate rara vez se centra en pequeños territorios periféricos que enfrentan problemas estructurales de desarrollo. El estudio de caso de Vila Velha de Ródão, un pequeño municipio de la Región Centro, Portugal, tiene como objetivo traer a la discusión no solo la importancia de la resiliencia como un activo estratégico en territorios socioeconómicos frágiles, sino también el potencial que esto implica para investigar los bloqueos y oportunidades para hacer frente a los cambios estructurales y anticipar caminos de desarrollo más competitivos y sostenibles. Frente a un fenómeno de despoblación aguda, asociado a un proceso de envejecimiento, Vila Velha de Ródão ha logrado, en las últimas décadas, crear, mantener y, últimamente, expandir su tejido industrial, basado fundamentalmente en su micro clúster de la pulpa y el papel. Si solo se analiza por la capacidad de crear empleo, ...

Culture has become increasingly central to the rhetoric of territorial development, but it has no... more Culture has become increasingly central to the rhetoric of territorial development, but it has not always been translated into the renewal of intervention strategies and practices. In this article, it is argued that in Portugal local cultural policies should have a strong territorial or endogenous configuration, aiming at the valorization of local assets and qualification of communities. Given some of the most relevant challenges in the portuguese context of local development, some guiding principles to which a cultural policy needs to respond effectively, as well as the main dimensions that should give them form and content, will be analyzed.A cultura tem vindo a assumir crescente centralidade na retórica do desenvolvimento territorial, nem sempre se traduzindo, todavia, na renovação de estratégias e práticas de intervenção. Neste artigo, sugere-se que as políticas culturais de âmbito local devem revestir um claro figurino territorialista, ou endógeno, porque só assim poderão assum...

Several companies have been developing domotic Stds. for building automation, enabling users to l... more Several companies have been developing domotic Stds. for building automation, enabling users to locally and remotely control several home devices, like: lights, power sockets, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, among others. Besides contributing to improve the building comfort, these Stds. may also be adopted for other purposes, namely in weblabs used in sciences and engineering remote experiments. To increase the sense of immersion in weblabs, we identify domotic Stds. as a standard solution for turning on/off the power infrastructure and controlling the light and temperature conditions of the physical space where a specific experiment may run, thus approaching the sense of being in the lab facilities while accessing them through the corresponding weblab interface. After identifying the added value to weblabs in terms of power savings and in the control of the environmental conditions, we used our knowledge and the WWW to conduct an extensive search on domotic Stds...
Até há cerca de duas décadas um vocábulo praticamente inexistente no quotidiano português, o empr... more Até há cerca de duas décadas um vocábulo praticamente inexistente no quotidiano português, o empreendedorismo, penetrou as agendas políticas, empresariais, mediáticas e mesmo académicas aos mais diversos níveis. Tornou-se quase uma panaceia, uma cura para todos os males. Não existe debate onde não seja aventado quase como mezinha para resolver os problemas estruturais de desenvolvimento, os agentes empresariais usam-no profusamente e os políticos parecem adotá-lo como emblema dos seus discursos e dos seus programas eleitorais. O interesse pelo empreendedorismo conheceu uma verdadeira explosão nos últimos anos.

Resumo: Entendido, atualmente, como um quarto pilar da esfera de atuação da academia, a promoção ... more Resumo: Entendido, atualmente, como um quarto pilar da esfera de atuação da academia, a promoção do empreendedorismo tem sido prosseguida, em diferentes contextos institucionais, de modos também diversos, havendo já uma vasta literatura da especialidade sobre esta matéria. O artigo parte da abordagem que os desafios da moderna sociedade e economia do conhecimento colocam às instituições de ensino superior, apoiandoͲse no conceito de universidade empreendedora como quadro de referência analítico para o estudo de caso que é apresentado. A análise empírica centraͲse nas respostas que, a diversos níveis, o Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (IPCB), vem dando, desde há cerca de uma década, a este novo desafio que é colocado às instituições de ensino superior. Uma particular atenção é prestada ao Poliempreende, um concurso de projetos de vocação empresarial que teve génese, precisamente, no IPCB e que, atualmente, adquiriu uma expressão nacional. A esse propósito são analisadas algumas das principais questões que essa aposta originou no seio da academia, nomeadamente em termos organizacionais e de participação docente e discente. Face a esse trajeto e à experiência adquirida, o artigo conclui com uma série de sugestões relativas a possíveis linhas de intervenção de maior nível de eficácia na promoção do empreendedorismo de génese académica. PalavrasͲchave: empreendedorismo, universidade empreendedora, inovação, política de inovação, Poliempreende. Introdução O interesse pelo empreendedorismo tem conhecido uma verdadeira explosão nos últimos anos. A importância do empreendedorismo no campo da dinamização socioeconómica e da criação de novas fileiras de atividades tornouͲse inquestionável. Em praticamente todas as economias desenvolvidas se verifica que as novas empresas e as PME têm uma contribuição líquida positiva sobre o emprego, enquanto as grandes empresas o vêm destruindo (Gibb et al, 2007; Gibb et alii, 2009). De um modo geral, é a um pequeno grupo de novas empresas de forte crescimento que está associado o grosso da criação de emprego, o que sublinha o papel determinante que o empreendedorismo deve merecer por parte dos poderes públicos. Parece existir, efetivamente, uma correlação positiva entre o empreendedorismo e o crescimento económico. O crescimento sustentável baseado na inovação e na qualidade depende de um número cada vez maior de startͲups que apresentam um potencial de criação de mais e melhores empregos (Santos, 2009). O fomento do empreendedorismo penetrou as agendas políticas aos diversos níveis, desde o europeu, onde a Comissão Europeia, fez dele um dos principais vetores de reforço da competitividade, até ao nacional e local, onde se vêm afirmando, cada vez mais, políticas que visam premiar a iniciativa empresarial, a inovação e a criação de riqueza (EC, 2005). Não existe debate onde não seja aventado quase como solução oneͲsizeͲfitsͲall para resolver os problemas estruturais de desenvolvimento. Os agentes empresariais usamͲno profusamente e os políticos parecem adotáͲlo como emblema dos seus discursos e dos seus programas eleitorais. Não há dúvidas que, atualmente, o tema do empreendedorismo ganhou uma centralidade indiscutível como meio de promoção da competividade. Em certa medida, tornouͲse mesmo uma buzzword que ganhou contornos de panaceia, sendo aventada políticos brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Repositório do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco

No presente artigo descreve-se uma plataforma europeia de disseminacao de recursos sobre a preven... more No presente artigo descreve-se uma plataforma europeia de disseminacao de recursos sobre a prevencao do abandono escolar precoce: School Safety Net (SSN). Procede-se a uma resenha descritiva e informativa desta rede nacional e europeia, privilegiando alguns dos seus principios de organizacao: ser um espaco de partilha de experiencias de professores, academicos e educadores sociais e apresentar o potencial de ser simultaneamente usado como uma comunidade de aprendizagem de diversos atores em educacao: decisores politicos, diretores de escolas e agrupamentos, professores, alunos e pais ou encarregados de educacao. Concomitantemente apresenta-se sumariamente a tipologia de recursos disponibilizados em linha e salienta-se a logica de comunidade educativa aberta a outras entidades (parceiros associados). Neste âmbito apresentam-se os passos de envolvimento de professores e escolas como base da logica de partilha de um projeto europeu que e desenvolvido com financiamento ao longo de dois ...

Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, 2016
The concept of entrepreneurship is currently assumed to be a cross competence, fundamental for hu... more The concept of entrepreneurship is currently assumed to be a cross competence, fundamental for human, social and economic development. However, it has traditionally been associated with economic and business areas, although we have been witnessing a gradual change this design. In the last decade there has been a growing defense role of education in development of entrepreneurial skills, as these can and should be learned and developed very early. This appreciation of the role of education in development of entrepreneurial skills prints a new responsibility to educational institutions, particularly to higher education. It is precisely the entrepreneurial education in higher education that this article talks. The article gives the example of two centers (Learning and Development Center for Children - CeADIn; Science, Tradition & Culture Center - CT&C), from the same institution of higher education, albeit with different organizational structure, strategies, have some common points as ...

This paper presents the main results of an in-depth pioneer research project in the study of digi... more This paper presents the main results of an in-depth pioneer research project in the study of digital cities and regions in Portugal. Unlike many other researches that subscribe a technocentric approach, in this research a more sophisticated theoretical framework was adopted focusing on institutional and organizational, as well as on technological factors that, in their inter-relation, influence the outcomes of the different cities and regions. Strengths and weaknesses of the digital cities and regions projects in Portugal are identified, comprising their conception and accomplishment. We also present a set of recommendations which can contribute to the debate and to social learning processes regarding policy formulation, project design and implementation as well as the practices of regional actors in Portugal and other countries of EU. Another primordial objective of the authors is to extend the theoretical and conceptual reflection; we propose namely that the digital cities and reg...

Lucrările Seminarului Geografic "Dimitrie Cantemir", 2019
Regions are widely recognised as playing a fundamental role in the promotion of the knowledge eco... more Regions are widely recognised as playing a fundamental role in the promotion of the knowledge economy, but most research has been focusing on diagnosing territorial archetypes, their dynamics peculiarities, as well as their drivers of innovation and innovative performance. Less attention has been paid on establishing a linkage between these theoretical foundations and the design of a policy framework and guidelines to promote regional innovation in a systemic way. Based on a vast theoretical research and on the analysis of empirical evidence, the main objective of this article is precisely to discuss this issue in the light of the mainstream theoretical frameworks that enable a better understanding of the relationship innovation-territory, analysing, also, the main criticisms those approaches are arising among some scholars. This article will present a discussion of the main approaches that constitute the theoretical corpus of the so-called territorial innovation models, pointing out to some of their main ambiguities, misconceptions and conceptual gaps and, lastly, will integrate this reflexion into an alternative framework proposal for a new generation of regional innovation policy.

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, 2008
Several companies have been developing domotic Stds. for building automation, enabling users to l... more Several companies have been developing domotic Stds. for building automation, enabling users to locally and remotely control several home devices, like: lights, power sockets, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, among others. Besides contributing to improve the building comfort, these Stds. may also be adopted for other purposes, namely in weblabs used in sciences and engineering remote experiments. To increase the sense of immersion in weblabs, we identify domotic Stds. as a standard solution for turning on/off the power infrastructure and controlling the light and temperature conditions of the physical space where a specific experiment may run, thus approaching the sense of being in the lab facilities while accessing them through the corresponding weblab interface. After identifying the added value to weblabs in terms of power savings and in the control of the environmental conditions, it is presented a proof-of-concept (implemented with an adopted domotic system bus), which enables the control of an halogen lamp and a power socket, using a specific Web interface.

International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, 2019
The concept of the smart city acquired increasing expression and has become a strongly discussed ... more The concept of the smart city acquired increasing expression and has become a strongly discussed field in the recent past among, either the research community, either the political stakeholders. Studying and intervening on the urban dynamics requires a shift from focusing on forms of knowledge and innovation outputs towards focusing on learning and innovation dynamics, exploring the diverse dimensions of knowledge building and promoting social capital. This paper aims, first, to contribute to clarify the meaning of the word 'smart' in the context of urban development through an approach based on an in-depth literature review of pertinent studies and then, to establish the links with the dimensions of entrepreneurship that can help guide more effective urban development and planning policies, illustrating with the Smart Coimbra initiative. Besides the paper aims to inform and improve policy-making on the subject of promoting entrepreneurial mindsets and contexts, speculating on some principles and guidelines that may help fertilise urban dynamics and build smarter and more entrepreneurial cities.

Investigaciones Regionales, 2014
Innovation has moved to the foreground in regional policy in the three last decades. Public polic... more Innovation has moved to the foreground in regional policy in the three last decades. Public policies have been shaped by «best practice models» derived from high-tech urban-metropolitan areas and successful regions. However, lessons learned from these examples are rarely transferable elsewhere. The regional innovation systems in peripheral regions, and the likelihood of their acting as instruments for territorial competitiveness, have rarely been the subjects of discussion. The main objective of the article is precisely to take Portugal as an example to enrich this analysis. The first part of this article examines the concept of regional innovation systems against the background of modern theories of innovation and regional policies. It is argued that the role of localized learning is of strategic importance in the promotion of endogenous regional development. The authors then discuss the structural barriers and opportunities to promote regional innovation strategies in the Portuguese political, economic and social context, and, finally, they point out some specificities that need to be addressed in the redesign of public interventions in order to improve regional competitiveness and sustainability.
Mudança de paradigma económico: do modelo fordista baseado na escala e nos baixos custos da mdo p... more Mudança de paradigma económico: do modelo fordista baseado na escala e nos baixos custos da mdo para um modelo competitivo baseado no domínio do conhecimento codificado (C&T). A afirmação competitiva das empresas deslocou-se dos factores condicionados pelos custos para os factores imateriais. A conquista de quotas de mercado é baseada na inovação, na diferenciação face à concorrência. Na economia global contemporânea, o "conhecimento é o principal recurso e a aprendizagem é o principal processo"-Lundvall.

Entender os processos de desenvolvimento local implica identificar a diversidade de situações e p... more Entender os processos de desenvolvimento local implica identificar a diversidade de situações e potencialidades que se podem associar às iniciativas de raiz local. Nesse sentido, serão analisados os modelos territorialista e funcionalista de desenvolvimento local, tipificando as diferentes dimensões que caracterizam cada um desses paradigmas de desenvolvimento territorial e apontando as relações existentes com os modelos de intervenção cultural. Argumenta-se, seguidamente, que os projectos de animação cultural devem revestir um claro figurino territorialista, ou endógeno, porque só assim poderão constituir-se como verdadeiros instrumentos de valorização dos activos locais e de qualificação das comunidades. Nesse sentido, na perspectiva de animação cultural, o modelo de intervenção cultural de cidadania filia claramente, como se argumenta, na abordagem territorialista de desenvolvimento local e regional. Finalmente, serão apontados alguns desafios críticos a que um projecto de animação cultural precisa responder, bem como as principais características que lhe devem transmitir forma e conteúdo. Palavras-chave: animação cultural, cultura, património, projecto, desenvolvimento territorialista, desenvolvimento local.
Oceans '99. MTS/IEEE. Riding the Crest into the 21st Century. Conference and Exhibition. Conference Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No.99CH37008)
In this paper, we address the current developments of the "PISCIS" project. We focus on the exper... more In this paper, we address the current developments of the "PISCIS" project. We focus on the experimental results from recent operational missions with an AUV in a estuarine environment. Besides describing mission planning and logistic details, we also present tools for oceanographic data processing and visualization. This will be demonstrated with some examples of collected data.

Oryx, 2009
H u g o J. R a i n e y , F o r t u n É C. I y e n g u e t , G u y-A i m É F. M a l a n d a B o l ... more H u g o J. R a i n e y , F o r t u n É C. I y e n g u e t , G u y-A i m É F. M a l a n d a B o l a M a d z o k É , D o m i n g o s D o s S a n t o s , E m m a J. S t o k e s F i o n a M a i s e l s and S a m a n t h a S t r i n d b e r g Abstract The Critically Endangered western lowland gorilla Gorilla gorilla gorilla is found at high density in the swamp forests of Lac Télé Community Reserve, northern Republic of Congo. Preliminary surveys for apes on the Reserve periphery in the 1990s indicated that this area may also contain high densities of apes and we wished to verify this. Using distance sampling methodology we surveyed 1,029 km 2 of the southeastern Reserve periphery including Raphia swamp forests. We recorded 1,021 ape nests along 21 2-km transects. Results indicated that ape density estimated from nest group density, excluding old and very old Raphia nests (which may decay slowly), was very high: 6.81 weaned apes km-2 (95% confidence interval 3.93-11.84). Gorillas built most of the nests recorded: their density was estimated at 5.25 individuals km-2 (2.70-10.19). Most nests were constructed in Raphia swamp forest despite it covering only 25% of the study area. These are among the highest recorded densities of apes in Central Africa but, as nest decay rates in swamps are unstudied, we also estimated densities based on hypothetically slow nest decay rates and published data from other habitats. Gorilla densities may be linked to availability of monocotyledons as food and the natural protection from hunting offered by Raphia swamps. Gorilla density in swamp forest is spatially and temporally variable and surveys are required to estimate ape populations elsewhere in this habitat. Most Raphia swamps in Congo are unprotected, including the periphery of Lac Télé Community Reserve; protection and management are required to assure their continued availability for apes.
Papers by Domingos Santos