Papers by Domingas Vasconcelos
Apresentam-se os resultadosda analise de estatisticas demograficas esociais referentes aos 13 con... more Apresentam-se os resultadosda analise de estatisticas demograficas esociais referentes aos 13 concelhos queintegram a area do Alto Douro Vinhateiro- Patrimonio Mundial (ADV-PM). Osindicadores analisados apenas dizemrespeito a populacao residente nessesconcelhos e tem por base informacao obtidaa partir dos Censos 1991, 2001 e 2011,disponibilizada pelo Instituto Nacional deEstatistica (INE).

A frente maritima do Porto, que foi construida ao longo dos seculos entre dois fortes, prolonga-s... more A frente maritima do Porto, que foi construida ao longo dos seculos entre dois fortes, prolonga-se hoje pela praia onde o Parque da Cidade encontra o mar. Desde finais do seculo XIX, quando a Foz do Douro se transforma numa estância balnear, assiste-se a um grande desenvolvimento urbano desta area: criam-se jardin publicos, abrem-se estradas e constroem-se inumeras moradias, algumas apalacadas. Na viragem para o seculo XXI, a autoridade municipal investiu na requalificacao desta frente maritima, nao apenas nos espacos verdes ja existentes ao longo da Avenida de Montevideu, mas tambem na abertura do Parque da Cidade ao mar. Numa altura de globalizacao em que o poder de atraccao turistica da cidade cresce de ano para ano e tendo em atencao que esta depende em larga medida da aptidao dos agentes urbanos para manter a sua identidade, importa saber aproveitar este fluxo e as suas inerentes vantagens financeiras. Se por um lado, a epoca de escassa liquidez economica que atravessamos pode ...
Patorreb 2012 4o Congreso De Patologia Y Rehabilitacion De Edificios 12 14 De Abril De 2012 Santiago De Compostela 2012 Isbn 978 84 96712 49 2 Pag 120, 2012
Book chapter by Domingas Vasconcelos

Conservation / Sustainable Design. Heritage Challenges in Historic Urban Landscapes, 2024
The present-day context demands sustainable design practices by preserving and enhancing pre-exis... more The present-day context demands sustainable design practices by preserving and enhancing pre-existing features. This contextual approach is pursued by Álvaro Siza’s designs for the Historic Centre of Porto, from 1968 to 2000, recognising Fernando Távora’s lessons on the intervention in the historic city drawn from the “Study of the Urban Renewal of Barredo” (CMP 1969).
During this period, Siza presented two unbuilt proposals for Ponte Avenue, aimed at solving the urban void created by demolitions in the 1940s. These demolitions were carried out as part of a sanitisation policy influenced by earlier proposals by architects such as Marcello Piacentini in 1938 and Giovanni Muzzio in 1940, along with a political-ideological strategy promoted by the dictatorial regime to monumentalise the Cathedral. This vision is partially sustained in Siza’s 1968 proposal, commissioned for the eastern side of the avenue. In contrast, Siza’s design in the 2000s, which aimed for a contemporary morpho-typological reconstruction of the old fabric, focused on healing urban scars. The three decade-long span between Siza’s designs reflects the evolving perspectives in spatial planning and preservation in pre-existing built contexts.
Moreover, in the 1970s, Álvaro Siza was actively engaged in several projects within the Historic Centre of Porto, including a collaboration with the Commission for Urban Renewal of the Ribeira/Barredo Area (CRUARB), for the intervention of two buildings in Reboleira Street (1977). Additionally, in the Lada neighbourhood, situated in the Ribeira district, Siza aimed to revitalise a deteriorated area through a combination of renovation and new construction (1976). These designs demonstrate Álvaro Siza’s respect for authenticity and cultural values while providing valuable insights into sustainable intervention, balancing preservation and contemporary creation.
Papers by Domingas Vasconcelos
Book chapter by Domingas Vasconcelos
During this period, Siza presented two unbuilt proposals for Ponte Avenue, aimed at solving the urban void created by demolitions in the 1940s. These demolitions were carried out as part of a sanitisation policy influenced by earlier proposals by architects such as Marcello Piacentini in 1938 and Giovanni Muzzio in 1940, along with a political-ideological strategy promoted by the dictatorial regime to monumentalise the Cathedral. This vision is partially sustained in Siza’s 1968 proposal, commissioned for the eastern side of the avenue. In contrast, Siza’s design in the 2000s, which aimed for a contemporary morpho-typological reconstruction of the old fabric, focused on healing urban scars. The three decade-long span between Siza’s designs reflects the evolving perspectives in spatial planning and preservation in pre-existing built contexts.
Moreover, in the 1970s, Álvaro Siza was actively engaged in several projects within the Historic Centre of Porto, including a collaboration with the Commission for Urban Renewal of the Ribeira/Barredo Area (CRUARB), for the intervention of two buildings in Reboleira Street (1977). Additionally, in the Lada neighbourhood, situated in the Ribeira district, Siza aimed to revitalise a deteriorated area through a combination of renovation and new construction (1976). These designs demonstrate Álvaro Siza’s respect for authenticity and cultural values while providing valuable insights into sustainable intervention, balancing preservation and contemporary creation.
During this period, Siza presented two unbuilt proposals for Ponte Avenue, aimed at solving the urban void created by demolitions in the 1940s. These demolitions were carried out as part of a sanitisation policy influenced by earlier proposals by architects such as Marcello Piacentini in 1938 and Giovanni Muzzio in 1940, along with a political-ideological strategy promoted by the dictatorial regime to monumentalise the Cathedral. This vision is partially sustained in Siza’s 1968 proposal, commissioned for the eastern side of the avenue. In contrast, Siza’s design in the 2000s, which aimed for a contemporary morpho-typological reconstruction of the old fabric, focused on healing urban scars. The three decade-long span between Siza’s designs reflects the evolving perspectives in spatial planning and preservation in pre-existing built contexts.
Moreover, in the 1970s, Álvaro Siza was actively engaged in several projects within the Historic Centre of Porto, including a collaboration with the Commission for Urban Renewal of the Ribeira/Barredo Area (CRUARB), for the intervention of two buildings in Reboleira Street (1977). Additionally, in the Lada neighbourhood, situated in the Ribeira district, Siza aimed to revitalise a deteriorated area through a combination of renovation and new construction (1976). These designs demonstrate Álvaro Siza’s respect for authenticity and cultural values while providing valuable insights into sustainable intervention, balancing preservation and contemporary creation.