SIBATIK JOURNAL: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Sosial, Ekonomi, Budaya, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan, Dec 31, 2022
Protection and security for workers is very important for workers because it is in line with the ... more Protection and security for workers is very important for workers because it is in line with the implementation of the mandate of the 1945 Constitution, specifically Article 27 paragraph (2) concerning the rights of citizens to workers and the right to a decent living for humanity. Considering how important the role of employment is for agencies or bodies belonging to state-owned and private companies in helping workers to obtain their rights. The formulation of the problem that will be raised by the author in this writing is how urgent the Employment BPJS is for work protection and security and how is the protection of labor law in Indonesia. The results of this study are that Employment BPJS plays an important role for business owners and business recipients because the social security regulated in Law Number 24 of 2011 concerning BPJS provides job protection and security for workers. Therefore, reminding employers to implement social security that is fully or in accordance with the rules that apply to workers, that the importance of social security for workers is to create rights and create prosperity for the community.
Papers by Dodi J Wardana