A n m enriironiiicntnl perforirinnce niodcl is developed, explained and sribseq~iently npplied to... more A n m enriironiiicntnl perforirinnce niodcl is developed, explained and sribseq~iently npplied to a strrdy of the Cnnadinn recycled pnper indristry. The strntegic position of the industry is explored ns it takes the progressioe steps needed to iiiiprove its enz~ironriicntal perforiiiance and coiiipetitive ndvantage in response to this rising regirlntory ngcnda. Three polinj options fncing the Cnnndinn p i i l p and pnper indiistry nre examined: the stntiis quo, process teclinology innovntion and product dmelopmcnt. The strategic position of the industry is also cxaiiiined rising iiiensiircriient of stance, attitude, gowrnriienf response, values, planning horizon and environiiientd intcgrntion. The sir~p~ier-consrri?ler relationship, cnpita/-tcchno/ogy and locational factors arc also rised to frirtlzer discuss the links betuieen coiiipetitive advantnge and environniental perfbrinance. From this discussion, conclrrsions nre drarun on coiiipefilioe environiiientalisiii: ethics and profit ore coinpatibk; nmusprint mills iirirst iniprove their locntional, technology and ninrkef actions; the indirstry iiirist pronctirdy scck out environiircntnl iiinrket and stnkelioldcr opportirnities and; further rtinnagciiient rescorch is needed to dciironstrnte the links betrc~cen cnz~ironiiientnl perfbriiiance, innozJation and coriipetit ivencss.
A n m enriironiiicntnl perforirinnce niodcl is developed, explained and sribseq~iently npplied to... more A n m enriironiiicntnl perforirinnce niodcl is developed, explained and sribseq~iently npplied to a strrdy of the Cnnadinn recycled pnper indristry. The strntegic position of the industry is explored ns it takes the progressioe steps needed to iiiiprove its enz~ironriicntal perforiiiance and coiiipetitive ndvantage in response to this rising regirlntory ngcnda. Three polinj options fncing the Cnnndinn p i i l p and pnper indiistry nre examined: the stntiis quo, process teclinology innovntion and product dmelopmcnt. The strategic position of the industry is also cxaiiiined rising iiiensiircriient of stance, attitude, gowrnriienf response, values, planning horizon and environiiientd intcgrntion. The sir~p~ier-consrri?ler relationship, cnpita/-tcchno/ogy and locational factors arc also rised to frirtlzer discuss the links betuieen coiiipetitive advantnge and environniental perfbrinance. From this discussion, conclrrsions nre drarun on coiiipefilioe environiiientalisiii: ethics and profit ore coinpatibk; nmusprint mills iirirst iniprove their locntional, technology and ninrkef actions; the indirstry iiirist pronctirdy scck out environiircntnl iiinrket and stnkelioldcr opportirnities and; further rtinnagciiient rescorch is needed to dciironstrnte the links betrc~cen cnz~ironiiientnl perfbriiiance, innozJation and coriipetit ivencss.
Papers by John Dodge