PENGGUNAAN CITRA SATELIT UNTUK KAJIAN PERKEMBANGAN KAWASAN PERMUKIMAN DI KOTA SEMARANG Bitta Piga... more PENGGUNAAN CITRA SATELIT UNTUK KAJIAN PERKEMBANGAN KAWASAN PERMUKIMAN DI KOTA SEMARANG Bitta Pigawati dan Iwan Rudiarto 140-151 APLIKASI PJ DAN SIG DALAM PENILAIAN POTENSI EROSI KUALITATIF DI DAERAH TANGKAPAN WADUK KEDUNG OMBO Arina Miardini dan Beny Harjadi 152-163 KEBUTUHAN LUASAN HUTAN KOTA SEBAGAI ROSOT (SINK) GAS CO 2 UNTUK MENGANTISIPASI PENURUNAN LUASAN RUANG TERBUKA HIJAU KOTA BOGOR Endes N Dachlan 164-177 APLIKASI ESDA UNTUK STUDI VARIABILITAS SPATIAL HUJAN BULANAN DI JAWA TIMUR Indarto 178-193 IDENTIFIKASI MEDAN UNTUK KETERLINTASAN REL KERETA API ANTARA GUNDIH-KARANGSONO KABUPATEN GROBOGAN Imam Hardjono 194-200 Biodata Penulis 201-202 Indeks Penulis 203 Indeks Subjek 204 i Daftar Isi ABSTRACT The variation of soil color that developed on carbonate rocks which are generally white, very interesting to be studied. The aim of the study is to examine the formation of two pedons of black soil and red soil by hue 10 YR and hue 5 to 2.5 YR which successively developed on marly lim...
Faktor pemicu terjadinya tanah longsor di daerah penelitian ada dua, yaitu pemotongan lahan untuk... more Faktor pemicu terjadinya tanah longsor di daerah penelitian ada dua, yaitu pemotongan lahan untuk pembuatan jalan (non-alami) dan hujan (alami). Kerusakan yang ditimbulkan berdampak pada permukiman, lahan perkebunan, akses jalan, dan keresahan secara psikologis masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkat kerawanan longsor pada daerah penelitian, menganalisa faktor keamanan lereng pada tiga lokasi tanah longsor, serta merekomendasikan arahan pengelolaan yang sesuai. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dan pemetaan lapangan, pengharkatan, analisis laboratorium, dan analisis data (Janbu). Survei dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi eksisting setelah terjadi tanah longsor yang didukung dengan wawancara penduduk setempat sehingga dapat mengetahui tipe tanah longsor. Teknik pengambilan sampel tanah secara purposive berdasarkan pada pengharkatan beberapa parameter pengontrol dan pemicu tanah longsor. Hasil laboratorium digunakan untuk menghitung kestabilan lereng menggunakan Metode Janbu dan diolah menggunakan SLOPE/W. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tipe tanah longsor di daerah penelitian adalah debris translational slide. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daerah penelitian berada pada zona tipologi tipe B menurut PERMEN PU NO.22 Tahun 2007 dengan klasifikasi rawan dan sangat rawan. Nilai faktor keamanan lereng pada titik ke-1 sebesar 2,320 (Stabil), pada titik ke-2 sebesar 2,992 (Stabil), dan pada titik ke-3 sebesar 0,696 (Labil).
JURNAL TANAH DAN AIR (Soil and Water Journal), 2020
Kajian ini dilakukan di lereng Gunung Ijen yang terletak di Jambu, Desa Tamansari, Kecamatan Lici... more Kajian ini dilakukan di lereng Gunung Ijen yang terletak di Jambu, Desa Tamansari, Kecamatan Licin, Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Penggunaan lahan di Jambu sebagian telah berubah fungsinya, dari kawasan hutan menjadi perkebunan, ladang jagung dan bawang putih. Perubahan penggunaan lahan ini telah memicu degradasi lahan oleh erosi yang meningkat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai Tingkat Bahaya Erosi dan perencanaan konservasi tanah di Jambu. Studi ini dilakukan dengan Metode Survei. Metode USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) digunakan untuk menilai kehilangan tanah akibat erosi. Peta satuan lahan diperoleh dengan cara tumpang susun (overly) peta jenis tanah, tata guna lahan dan peta kemiringan lereng. Sedangkan teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan purposif sampling untuk menentukan titik sampel berdasarkan satuan peta lahan. Ada 15 titik sampel dari 12 satuan lahan. Parameter yang dianalisis terdiri dari faktor erosivitas limpasan (R), erodibilitas tanah (K), topografi (panjang...
RSF Conference Series: Engineering and Technology, 2021
Zeolite is one of important non-metallic mineral deposites in Indonesia. It has been used for var... more Zeolite is one of important non-metallic mineral deposites in Indonesia. It has been used for various purposes, including as an adsobent in environmental protection, industry, and agriculture. The most important characteristics of zeolit to be an adsorbent is its surface area and crystal structure. To optimally use zeolite as an adsorbent, it is necessary to understand its physical characteristics. This preliminary study was aimed to characterize physical properties of a natural zeolite obtained from Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia. The zeolite material was crushed into <0.5 mm diameter and divided into two sets of samples. One set of samples was heated in a muffle furnace at 250 oC for two hours and the other set was left untreated. All samples were then observed using a Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The SEM micrographs showed rough and porous structure and defined crystallinity of the zeolite. Thermal treatment at 250 oC increased zeolite crystallinity. These results co...
JURNAL TANAH DAN AIR (Soil and Water Journal), 2020
Kehilangan tanah yang dipicu oleh erosi air merupakan masalah utama yang menyebabkan beberapa mas... more Kehilangan tanah yang dipicu oleh erosi air merupakan masalah utama yang menyebabkan beberapa masalah lingkungan. Erosi tanah berkontribusi pada hilangnya kesuburan dan penurunan kualitas sumber daya tanah. Salah satu komponen yang berperan penting dalam proses erosi tanah adalah erodibilitas tanah, yakni kepekaan tanah terhadap erosi. Wilayah Kecamatan Semin memiliki 4 sub group tanah yaitu Typic Hapluderts, Typic Eutropepts, Typic Troporthents dan Lithic Haplustols. Keempat sub group tanah tersebut memiliki sifat-sifat yang berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui nilai erodibilitas pada setiap sub group tanah yang terdapat di Kecamatan Semin. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Survey, pengambilan sampel tanah secara Purposive berdasarkan Peta Satuan Lahan Kecamatan Semin. Pengamatan struktur tanah dan pengambilan sampel tanah yang akan dianalisis dilakukan dengan cara membuat mini pit dan menggunakan ring sampler. Analisis data erodibilitas tanah dilakukan dengan mengg...
JURNAL TANAH DAN AIR (Soil and Water Journal), 2020
Bagian selatan Gunungkidul didominasi oleh pegunungan batugamping, solum tanah yang tipis, kekura... more Bagian selatan Gunungkidul didominasi oleh pegunungan batugamping, solum tanah yang tipis, kekurangan unsur hara, dan sumber air permukaan yang terbatas, sehingga tanahnya memiliki sifat-sifat fisik buruk. Kemiringan lahan merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang harus diprioritaskan, karena dapat menimbulkan limpasan yang dapat membawa partikel tanah dan unsur hara. Beberapa permasalahan tanah Mediteran antara lain ketersediaan air, pH tanah sering diatas 7 dan fiksasi unsur hara terutama N, P, dan K. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemiringan lereng terhadap kandungan N, P dan K. di dalam tanah dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemiringan terhadap produksi tanaman kayu putih. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Bagian Daerah Hutan Karangmojo Ruas Resort Pengelolaan Hutan (RPH) Nglipar plot 26 dengan kemiringan 0-8% dan RPH Kenet plot 47 dengan kemiringan 8-15% dan RPH Gelaran plot 32 dengan kemiringan 15-25%, Kabupaten Gunugkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Pe...
The effect of bio-organo mineral fertilizers on availability of soil NPK and growth of corn plant... more The effect of bio-organo mineral fertilizers on availability of soil NPK and growth of corn plants ( R. Agus Widodo, Didi Saidi, and Djoko Mulyanto): The demand of chemical fertilizers increase continuously, but the availability and high prices are obstacles to achieving optimal agricultural production. On the other hand, the dose of fertilizer that must be given per unit area continues to increase due to land degradation due to excessive use of chemicals without organic fertilizer. Organic giving is felt to be unable to meet the nutrient requirements needed by plants. Bio organo mineral fertilizer is an organic fertilizer enriched with agricultural mineral materials. This study aims to determine the effect of various formulas of bio-organo mineral fertilizer on the growth of corn plants. The study was conducted with experiments arranged in a randomized design complete with the treatment of 7 kinds of bio organo mineral fertilizers of various formulas and controls. Research paramete...
Soils developed on carbonate rock of Baron – Wonosari transect have both chemical character and s... more Soils developed on carbonate rock of Baron – Wonosari transect have both chemical character and soil color difference. Red soils developed on karst topography and bioclastic limestone, whereas black soils on bioclastic limestone and marl. Most of red soils have pH, exchangeable Ca, sum of cations, cation exchange capacity, base saturation, totally Ca and Mn which much lower in comparison with black soils. Totally Al and crystalline Fe concentration of red soils are higher than on black soils, but totally Fe concentration of both soils are similar. Soils on karst topography have a unique character that is concentration of Mn on table top and slope much higher than on doline and also of cation exchange capacity and pH, but concentration of totally Fe and Al lower than on doline. Crystallinity of iron oxides on karst topography area restricted by organic carbon, but organic carbon have a role on increasing cation exchange capacity.
Gejala kewarnaan tanah yang berkembang pada batuan karbonat yang secara umum berwarna putih sanga... more Gejala kewarnaan tanah yang berkembang pada batuan karbonat yang secara umum berwarna putih sangat menarik untuk dikaji mineralnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menelaah komposisi mineral tanah. Analisis sifat mineral meliput: mineral fraksi pasir halus (bubuk) dan fraksi lempung tanah, serta batugamping yang membawahi tanah tersebut. Identifikasi mineral mengunnakan XRD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mineral haloisit 7 o A sangat mendominasi fraksi lempung tanah, disamping oksida-oksida besi khususnya gutit. Fraksi pasir halus menunjukkan mineral feldspar, biotit, kristobalit dan kuarsa pada lapisan pertama sedangkan lapisan bawah terdiri atas gutit, maghemit-magnetit, kuarsa, dan rhodokrosit. Analisis mineral batugamping ( powder ) menunjukkan mineral kalsit sangat dominan, sedangkan mineral yang lain adalah kuarsa dan maghemit-magnetit. Berdasarkan komposisi mineral baik fraksi pasir maupun lempung, serta nisbah Fe tanah/ batuan, diduga bahwa bahan induk tanah banyak dipen...
South beach of Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta is a boundary on the south side bordered by the In... more South beach of Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta is a boundary on the south side bordered by the Indian Ocean. The sand material of this beach is containing a high value of metal minerals, so that it has a potential to be exploited. Local communities had been managing the land with continuous effort to convert the sandy soil that was extremely low nutrient availability to be the productive farming land. The aimed of the study was to examine the characteristics of minerals and chemistry of the residue produced as a fine-sized material, light metal and also the mineral which may degrades the land and air quality. Analysis of fertility from the residue consist of pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and the bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) were extracted using NH4OAc. Elements analysis of materials was done by neutron activation analysis (NAA). The results of the present study showed that: 1) An increasing of concentration of heavy metal elements namely Ce and Cr on the residue. 2) There were iron m...
The diversity of lithology and land conditions such as rainfall, slope /and shape the face of the... more The diversity of lithology and land conditions such as rainfall, slope /and shape the face of the land has given rise to the diversity of soil properties. Gunungkidul until recently held the record for the highest suicide cases in Indonesia, and the handling of local governments focused on the social problem, cultural and economic pressure that was not the reducing of the problem. In medicine the role of lithium is very strategic to handle patients with multiple personality disorder (bipolar disorder) are likely to commit suicide. Therefore, the authors are very interested in examining the soil lithium concentration in this region. The purpose of this study was to know the concentration of lithium of soil at various lithologies in the region of Gunungkidul. Research using the survey method and purposive sampling using land units map which the results of overlay of geological and slope maps. Lithium is obtained by extracting soil by using strong acids, reading the results by the AAS,...
JURNAL TANAH DAN AIR (Soil and Water Journal), 2018
Pertambangan tambang terbuka dapat berakibat menurunkan produktivitas tanah karena perubahan sifa... more Pertambangan tambang terbuka dapat berakibat menurunkan produktivitas tanah karena perubahan sifat fisik, sifat kimiawi, dan sifat biologi tanah. Perubahan tersebut meliputi: pemampatan, penurunan daya tahan tanah terhadap erosi, penurunan produktivitas tanah, laju infiltrasi yang mempengaruhi air tanah, penurunan pH tanah, dan penurunan populasi mikroba tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penentu pertumbuhan tanaman sengon berhubungan dengan sifat fisika dan kimia tanah sehingga dapat menyebabkan terjadinya perbedaan pertumbuhan pada tanaman sengon berumur 5 tahun. Penelitian dilakukan di areal waste dump tambang batubara di Kalimantan Selatan, dengan menggunakan metode survei. Pengambilan sampel tanah dilakukan dengan metode purposif dengan membagi areal menjadi 4 lokasi yaitu datar 1, miring 1, datar 2 dan miring 2 dan sampel yang diambil berjumlah 12 buah. Data hasil setiap blok dihitung rata-rata dan deviasi standarnya. Unuk mengetahui hubungan antar parame...
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 2017
Silica is becoming more attractive as plant nutrient for non-graminae crops particularly in relat... more Silica is becoming more attractive as plant nutrient for non-graminae crops particularly in relation with drought-stress tolerant. Many efforts have been conducted to obtain an efficient technique to produce silica fertilizer worldwide, but the results are varying considerably due to various factors including raw material and extraction technique. This study was carried out to develop an efficient extraction technique for ortho-silicic acid (OSA-H 4 SiO 4) from a Bangka-Belitung quartz sand by employing acid-base dissolution method. A 325-mesh size quartz sand was boiled in HCl solution at various concentrations. The optimum concentration was then used in the following experiment at several different volumes of solution. The sand obtained from optimum concentration and volume of HCl solution was then reacted with different amounts of NaOH (s), and heated until a wet mixture was obtained. As a reference the best extraction conditions were applied to a natural zeolite sample. All OSA analyses were done in triplicates with spectrophotometric method. Supporting evidences were collected from x-ray diffraction and scanning-electron-microscopy analyses of the treated samples. The yield of quartz sand-originated OSA was 183 g•kg −1 and significantly increased linearly with increasing weight of NaOH (R 2 = 0.99**), whereas that from zeolite was only 104.2 g•kg −1 at 80 g NaOH. XRD and SEM data confirmed the evidences that the acid-base extraction disrupted the quartz mineral structure and as a consequence releasing more water soluble OSA.
Landform of Gunungsewu karst topography dominated by positive forms consists of hills and negativ... more Landform of Gunungsewu karst topography dominated by positive forms consists of hills and negative forms of dolines. On the micro toposequen of karst, most of dolines dominated by red soils which hue 2.5 YR – 5 YR, whereas on hills by soils which hue 5 YR – 7.5 YR. The aim of research was to study of soil minerals status on karst micro toposequent. Results showed that soil minerals of sand fraction on dolines dominated by quartz, opaque, and iron concretion, whereas on hills dominated by labradorite, and mafic minerals. Clay minerals on doline dominated by kaolinite whereas on hills by halloysite. The high concentration of kaolinite, quartz, opaque and iron concretions of soils on dolines appropriate with degree of soil weathering which in a line with decreasing of soil pH, silt/ clay ratio, and hue of soils on dolines redder than hue of soils on hills. The origin of soil parent material suggested come from volcanic materials.
Tujuan penelitian adalah mengaji ketidakselarasan antara tanah dan batuan karbonat yang membawahi... more Tujuan penelitian adalah mengaji ketidakselarasan antara tanah dan batuan karbonat yang membawahinya. Analisis baik tanah maupun batuan karbonat meliputi komposisi mineral dan kimia. Komposisi mineral fraksi pasir tanah di atas batugamping dirajai oleh labradorit sedangkan fraksi lempungnya oleh haloisit dan kaolinit. Kristobalit juga dijumpai terutama pada tanah-tanah di lingkungan karst. Berdasarkan macam mineral tersebut diduga bahan induk tanah banyak dipengaruhi oleh bahan volkanik. Komposisi batugamping dirajai kalsit dan kuarsa. Terdapat perbedaan yang tegas antara komposisis mineral tanah dan batugamping, nisbah Fe tanah dan batugamping sangat rendah, adanya lithic contact yang sangat tegas. Terdapat mintakat pelapukan napal yang membawahi tanah, nisbah Fe tanah/ napal jauh lebih tinggi dibanding terhadap batugamping, kadar CaCO3 napal rendah, dan baik tanah mapun napal mengandung smektit sehingga dikatakan bahwa napal bersifat mewariskan pada tanah yang terbentuk. Labradori...
Cinangka Village, Bogor, has been the center of the battery smelting industry since 1980. Thus, h... more Cinangka Village, Bogor, has been the center of the battery smelting industry since 1980. Thus, has resulted the soil contamination. The purpose of this study are 1) Calculate the percentage of reduction of lead (Pb) in soil after treated by Codyline fruticosa and Ipomea reptans Poir for 24 and 36 days; 2) Determine the Pb uptake by plants based on Pb concentration of plants and dry weight of plants; 3) Analize the efficiency of Pb absorpsion by plants to Pb polluted soil. The method used for this study are experimental method and laboratory analysis. The parameters tested were Pb in soil, Pb in Plant, dry weight of plant, and pH in soil. The efficieny of the plants was known by laboratory analysis using the Cordyline fruticosa and Ipomea reptans Poir within 24 and 36 days to remediate the soil with 10,032.84 ppm Pb as many as 12 samples. Percentage of reduction of Pb in the soil by the treatment of Cordyline fruticosa for 24 days was 36.58% and 97.99% after 36 days treatment. Reduction of Pb in the soil by treatment of Ipomea reptans Poir for 24 days was 39.98% and 97.80% after 36 days treatment. Pb uptake by Cordyline fruticosa was only 2,314.75x10-6 mg for 24 days treatment and 2,120.12x10−6 mg in 36 days treatment. Pb uptake by Ipomea reptans Poir is 22.26x10−6mg for 24 days treatment and 34.40x10− for 36 days treatment. The analysis showed that the efficiency of Pb absorption from soil contaminated by Cordyline fruticosa was only 3.72% and 2.08% by Ipomea reptans Poir after 24 days of treatment. The analysis showed that the efficiency of Pb absorption from soil contaminated by Cordyline fruticosa was only 4.31% and 3.79% by Ipomea reptans Poir after 36 days of treatment. Ipomea reptans Poir is not suitable as a phytoremediation agent of heavy metals because it is a food crop. Cordyline fruticosa as an ornamental plant is more recommended for planting around of battery smelting area.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
Drought is considered the single most devastating environmental stress, which decreases crop prod... more Drought is considered the single most devastating environmental stress, which decreases crop productivity more than any other environmental stresses. The main consequences of drought in crops are reduced rate of cell division, leaf size, stem elongation, root proliferation, disturbed stomatal oscillations, plant water and nutrient relations with diminished crop productivity. Many studies demonstrated that the deposition of silica in plant tissues can reduce drought stress. Silicon (Si) has beneficial effects on many crops, mainly under biotic and abiotic stress. Despite its abundance, silicon is never found in plants in an available form and is always combined with other elements, usually forming oxides or silicates. Monosilicic acid (H 4 SiO 4) is the form of silicon used by plants, which is found both in liquid and adsorbed phases of silicon in soils. The concentration of the H 4 SiO 4 in soil solution is influenced by the soil pH, clay, minerals, organic matter and Fe/Al oxides/hydroxides, which are collectively related to the geological age of the soil. Furthermore, to improve plant-available Si in the soil, silicate solubilizing microorganisms (SSM) are potentially useful in solubilizing insoluble forms of silicate. This paper aimed to review an important issue of bio-silica effects on plants under drought stress and water deficiency.
Western part of the East Jawa Southern Mountains, which is distributed from Parangtritis, Yogyaka... more Western part of the East Jawa Southern Mountains, which is distributed from Parangtritis, Yogyakarta to Pacitan Bay is the Gunung-Sewu Hills. The carbonate rocks on the Baron-Wonosari transect has some litofacies, and the soils overlying the rocks show some color varieties. Topography of Baron-Wonosari transect can be divided into two areas: southern part (Baron-Mulo) and northern part (Mulo-Wonosari). The southern part is a hilly land, whereas the northern part is a lowland plain. Soils on the southern part are dominated by red soils group, whereas on the northern part dominated by black soils group. The phenomenon is very interesting to be studied. The aim of research was to study relationship of soil colour with topography and pores of underlying carbonate rocks. Methods consist of landform especially topography observation, and soil colour by Munsell Soil Colour Chart, whereas laboratory analysis namely micro porosity and geochemical of carbonate rock. The results showed that mi...
Agrivita Journal of Agricultural Science, Oct 10, 2009
Pelapukan dan perkembangan tanah melibatkan proses alih rupa dan alih tempat bahan-bahan hasil pe... more Pelapukan dan perkembangan tanah melibatkan proses alih rupa dan alih tempat bahan-bahan hasil pelapukan untuk membentuk tubuh tanah. Akibat dari proses tersebut terjadi penghilangan unsurunsur yang mempunyai indek keterlarutan tinggi dan peningkatan secara relatif unsur-unsur yang indeks keterlarutannya rendah seperti besi yang membentuk persenyawaan oksida dan hidroksida sesuai dengan tahapan perkembangan tanah. Pembentukan oksida besi dengan berbagai tataran tingkat oksidasinya akan memunculkan keragaman warna merah. Tujuan penelitian ialah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pemerahan tanah dengan sifat-sifat kimia tanah. Penafsiran tingkat pemerahan tanah memakai persamaan tingkat pemerahan tanah dari Mulyanto et al. (2006) yang merupakan hasil modifikasi Persamaan Torrent et al. (1983). Analisis laboratorium meliputi kadar CaCO3 setara, redok potensial, (Ca, Mg, K, dan Na) tertukar, KPK, C-organik, Ca dan Fe total. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pemerahan tanah berkorelasi secara negatif dengan sifat-sifat kimia tanah yakni : Ca tertukar, jumlah kationkation basa, KPK, kejenuhan basa, dan C-organik, namun tidak berkorelasi dengan Ca total, Fe-total, CaCO3 setara, dan redoks potensial. Kata kunci : tingkat pemerahan tanah, oksida-oksida besi, sifat-sifat kimia
PENGGUNAAN CITRA SATELIT UNTUK KAJIAN PERKEMBANGAN KAWASAN PERMUKIMAN DI KOTA SEMARANG Bitta Piga... more PENGGUNAAN CITRA SATELIT UNTUK KAJIAN PERKEMBANGAN KAWASAN PERMUKIMAN DI KOTA SEMARANG Bitta Pigawati dan Iwan Rudiarto 140-151 APLIKASI PJ DAN SIG DALAM PENILAIAN POTENSI EROSI KUALITATIF DI DAERAH TANGKAPAN WADUK KEDUNG OMBO Arina Miardini dan Beny Harjadi 152-163 KEBUTUHAN LUASAN HUTAN KOTA SEBAGAI ROSOT (SINK) GAS CO 2 UNTUK MENGANTISIPASI PENURUNAN LUASAN RUANG TERBUKA HIJAU KOTA BOGOR Endes N Dachlan 164-177 APLIKASI ESDA UNTUK STUDI VARIABILITAS SPATIAL HUJAN BULANAN DI JAWA TIMUR Indarto 178-193 IDENTIFIKASI MEDAN UNTUK KETERLINTASAN REL KERETA API ANTARA GUNDIH-KARANGSONO KABUPATEN GROBOGAN Imam Hardjono 194-200 Biodata Penulis 201-202 Indeks Penulis 203 Indeks Subjek 204 i Daftar Isi ABSTRACT The variation of soil color that developed on carbonate rocks which are generally white, very interesting to be studied. The aim of the study is to examine the formation of two pedons of black soil and red soil by hue 10 YR and hue 5 to 2.5 YR which successively developed on marly lim...
Faktor pemicu terjadinya tanah longsor di daerah penelitian ada dua, yaitu pemotongan lahan untuk... more Faktor pemicu terjadinya tanah longsor di daerah penelitian ada dua, yaitu pemotongan lahan untuk pembuatan jalan (non-alami) dan hujan (alami). Kerusakan yang ditimbulkan berdampak pada permukiman, lahan perkebunan, akses jalan, dan keresahan secara psikologis masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkat kerawanan longsor pada daerah penelitian, menganalisa faktor keamanan lereng pada tiga lokasi tanah longsor, serta merekomendasikan arahan pengelolaan yang sesuai. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dan pemetaan lapangan, pengharkatan, analisis laboratorium, dan analisis data (Janbu). Survei dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi eksisting setelah terjadi tanah longsor yang didukung dengan wawancara penduduk setempat sehingga dapat mengetahui tipe tanah longsor. Teknik pengambilan sampel tanah secara purposive berdasarkan pada pengharkatan beberapa parameter pengontrol dan pemicu tanah longsor. Hasil laboratorium digunakan untuk menghitung kestabilan lereng menggunakan Metode Janbu dan diolah menggunakan SLOPE/W. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tipe tanah longsor di daerah penelitian adalah debris translational slide. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daerah penelitian berada pada zona tipologi tipe B menurut PERMEN PU NO.22 Tahun 2007 dengan klasifikasi rawan dan sangat rawan. Nilai faktor keamanan lereng pada titik ke-1 sebesar 2,320 (Stabil), pada titik ke-2 sebesar 2,992 (Stabil), dan pada titik ke-3 sebesar 0,696 (Labil).
JURNAL TANAH DAN AIR (Soil and Water Journal), 2020
Kajian ini dilakukan di lereng Gunung Ijen yang terletak di Jambu, Desa Tamansari, Kecamatan Lici... more Kajian ini dilakukan di lereng Gunung Ijen yang terletak di Jambu, Desa Tamansari, Kecamatan Licin, Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Penggunaan lahan di Jambu sebagian telah berubah fungsinya, dari kawasan hutan menjadi perkebunan, ladang jagung dan bawang putih. Perubahan penggunaan lahan ini telah memicu degradasi lahan oleh erosi yang meningkat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai Tingkat Bahaya Erosi dan perencanaan konservasi tanah di Jambu. Studi ini dilakukan dengan Metode Survei. Metode USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) digunakan untuk menilai kehilangan tanah akibat erosi. Peta satuan lahan diperoleh dengan cara tumpang susun (overly) peta jenis tanah, tata guna lahan dan peta kemiringan lereng. Sedangkan teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan purposif sampling untuk menentukan titik sampel berdasarkan satuan peta lahan. Ada 15 titik sampel dari 12 satuan lahan. Parameter yang dianalisis terdiri dari faktor erosivitas limpasan (R), erodibilitas tanah (K), topografi (panjang...
RSF Conference Series: Engineering and Technology, 2021
Zeolite is one of important non-metallic mineral deposites in Indonesia. It has been used for var... more Zeolite is one of important non-metallic mineral deposites in Indonesia. It has been used for various purposes, including as an adsobent in environmental protection, industry, and agriculture. The most important characteristics of zeolit to be an adsorbent is its surface area and crystal structure. To optimally use zeolite as an adsorbent, it is necessary to understand its physical characteristics. This preliminary study was aimed to characterize physical properties of a natural zeolite obtained from Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia. The zeolite material was crushed into <0.5 mm diameter and divided into two sets of samples. One set of samples was heated in a muffle furnace at 250 oC for two hours and the other set was left untreated. All samples were then observed using a Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The SEM micrographs showed rough and porous structure and defined crystallinity of the zeolite. Thermal treatment at 250 oC increased zeolite crystallinity. These results co...
JURNAL TANAH DAN AIR (Soil and Water Journal), 2020
Kehilangan tanah yang dipicu oleh erosi air merupakan masalah utama yang menyebabkan beberapa mas... more Kehilangan tanah yang dipicu oleh erosi air merupakan masalah utama yang menyebabkan beberapa masalah lingkungan. Erosi tanah berkontribusi pada hilangnya kesuburan dan penurunan kualitas sumber daya tanah. Salah satu komponen yang berperan penting dalam proses erosi tanah adalah erodibilitas tanah, yakni kepekaan tanah terhadap erosi. Wilayah Kecamatan Semin memiliki 4 sub group tanah yaitu Typic Hapluderts, Typic Eutropepts, Typic Troporthents dan Lithic Haplustols. Keempat sub group tanah tersebut memiliki sifat-sifat yang berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui nilai erodibilitas pada setiap sub group tanah yang terdapat di Kecamatan Semin. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Survey, pengambilan sampel tanah secara Purposive berdasarkan Peta Satuan Lahan Kecamatan Semin. Pengamatan struktur tanah dan pengambilan sampel tanah yang akan dianalisis dilakukan dengan cara membuat mini pit dan menggunakan ring sampler. Analisis data erodibilitas tanah dilakukan dengan mengg...
JURNAL TANAH DAN AIR (Soil and Water Journal), 2020
Bagian selatan Gunungkidul didominasi oleh pegunungan batugamping, solum tanah yang tipis, kekura... more Bagian selatan Gunungkidul didominasi oleh pegunungan batugamping, solum tanah yang tipis, kekurangan unsur hara, dan sumber air permukaan yang terbatas, sehingga tanahnya memiliki sifat-sifat fisik buruk. Kemiringan lahan merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang harus diprioritaskan, karena dapat menimbulkan limpasan yang dapat membawa partikel tanah dan unsur hara. Beberapa permasalahan tanah Mediteran antara lain ketersediaan air, pH tanah sering diatas 7 dan fiksasi unsur hara terutama N, P, dan K. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemiringan lereng terhadap kandungan N, P dan K. di dalam tanah dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemiringan terhadap produksi tanaman kayu putih. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Bagian Daerah Hutan Karangmojo Ruas Resort Pengelolaan Hutan (RPH) Nglipar plot 26 dengan kemiringan 0-8% dan RPH Kenet plot 47 dengan kemiringan 8-15% dan RPH Gelaran plot 32 dengan kemiringan 15-25%, Kabupaten Gunugkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Pe...
The effect of bio-organo mineral fertilizers on availability of soil NPK and growth of corn plant... more The effect of bio-organo mineral fertilizers on availability of soil NPK and growth of corn plants ( R. Agus Widodo, Didi Saidi, and Djoko Mulyanto): The demand of chemical fertilizers increase continuously, but the availability and high prices are obstacles to achieving optimal agricultural production. On the other hand, the dose of fertilizer that must be given per unit area continues to increase due to land degradation due to excessive use of chemicals without organic fertilizer. Organic giving is felt to be unable to meet the nutrient requirements needed by plants. Bio organo mineral fertilizer is an organic fertilizer enriched with agricultural mineral materials. This study aims to determine the effect of various formulas of bio-organo mineral fertilizer on the growth of corn plants. The study was conducted with experiments arranged in a randomized design complete with the treatment of 7 kinds of bio organo mineral fertilizers of various formulas and controls. Research paramete...
Soils developed on carbonate rock of Baron – Wonosari transect have both chemical character and s... more Soils developed on carbonate rock of Baron – Wonosari transect have both chemical character and soil color difference. Red soils developed on karst topography and bioclastic limestone, whereas black soils on bioclastic limestone and marl. Most of red soils have pH, exchangeable Ca, sum of cations, cation exchange capacity, base saturation, totally Ca and Mn which much lower in comparison with black soils. Totally Al and crystalline Fe concentration of red soils are higher than on black soils, but totally Fe concentration of both soils are similar. Soils on karst topography have a unique character that is concentration of Mn on table top and slope much higher than on doline and also of cation exchange capacity and pH, but concentration of totally Fe and Al lower than on doline. Crystallinity of iron oxides on karst topography area restricted by organic carbon, but organic carbon have a role on increasing cation exchange capacity.
Gejala kewarnaan tanah yang berkembang pada batuan karbonat yang secara umum berwarna putih sanga... more Gejala kewarnaan tanah yang berkembang pada batuan karbonat yang secara umum berwarna putih sangat menarik untuk dikaji mineralnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menelaah komposisi mineral tanah. Analisis sifat mineral meliput: mineral fraksi pasir halus (bubuk) dan fraksi lempung tanah, serta batugamping yang membawahi tanah tersebut. Identifikasi mineral mengunnakan XRD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mineral haloisit 7 o A sangat mendominasi fraksi lempung tanah, disamping oksida-oksida besi khususnya gutit. Fraksi pasir halus menunjukkan mineral feldspar, biotit, kristobalit dan kuarsa pada lapisan pertama sedangkan lapisan bawah terdiri atas gutit, maghemit-magnetit, kuarsa, dan rhodokrosit. Analisis mineral batugamping ( powder ) menunjukkan mineral kalsit sangat dominan, sedangkan mineral yang lain adalah kuarsa dan maghemit-magnetit. Berdasarkan komposisi mineral baik fraksi pasir maupun lempung, serta nisbah Fe tanah/ batuan, diduga bahwa bahan induk tanah banyak dipen...
South beach of Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta is a boundary on the south side bordered by the In... more South beach of Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta is a boundary on the south side bordered by the Indian Ocean. The sand material of this beach is containing a high value of metal minerals, so that it has a potential to be exploited. Local communities had been managing the land with continuous effort to convert the sandy soil that was extremely low nutrient availability to be the productive farming land. The aimed of the study was to examine the characteristics of minerals and chemistry of the residue produced as a fine-sized material, light metal and also the mineral which may degrades the land and air quality. Analysis of fertility from the residue consist of pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and the bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) were extracted using NH4OAc. Elements analysis of materials was done by neutron activation analysis (NAA). The results of the present study showed that: 1) An increasing of concentration of heavy metal elements namely Ce and Cr on the residue. 2) There were iron m...
The diversity of lithology and land conditions such as rainfall, slope /and shape the face of the... more The diversity of lithology and land conditions such as rainfall, slope /and shape the face of the land has given rise to the diversity of soil properties. Gunungkidul until recently held the record for the highest suicide cases in Indonesia, and the handling of local governments focused on the social problem, cultural and economic pressure that was not the reducing of the problem. In medicine the role of lithium is very strategic to handle patients with multiple personality disorder (bipolar disorder) are likely to commit suicide. Therefore, the authors are very interested in examining the soil lithium concentration in this region. The purpose of this study was to know the concentration of lithium of soil at various lithologies in the region of Gunungkidul. Research using the survey method and purposive sampling using land units map which the results of overlay of geological and slope maps. Lithium is obtained by extracting soil by using strong acids, reading the results by the AAS,...
JURNAL TANAH DAN AIR (Soil and Water Journal), 2018
Pertambangan tambang terbuka dapat berakibat menurunkan produktivitas tanah karena perubahan sifa... more Pertambangan tambang terbuka dapat berakibat menurunkan produktivitas tanah karena perubahan sifat fisik, sifat kimiawi, dan sifat biologi tanah. Perubahan tersebut meliputi: pemampatan, penurunan daya tahan tanah terhadap erosi, penurunan produktivitas tanah, laju infiltrasi yang mempengaruhi air tanah, penurunan pH tanah, dan penurunan populasi mikroba tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penentu pertumbuhan tanaman sengon berhubungan dengan sifat fisika dan kimia tanah sehingga dapat menyebabkan terjadinya perbedaan pertumbuhan pada tanaman sengon berumur 5 tahun. Penelitian dilakukan di areal waste dump tambang batubara di Kalimantan Selatan, dengan menggunakan metode survei. Pengambilan sampel tanah dilakukan dengan metode purposif dengan membagi areal menjadi 4 lokasi yaitu datar 1, miring 1, datar 2 dan miring 2 dan sampel yang diambil berjumlah 12 buah. Data hasil setiap blok dihitung rata-rata dan deviasi standarnya. Unuk mengetahui hubungan antar parame...
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 2017
Silica is becoming more attractive as plant nutrient for non-graminae crops particularly in relat... more Silica is becoming more attractive as plant nutrient for non-graminae crops particularly in relation with drought-stress tolerant. Many efforts have been conducted to obtain an efficient technique to produce silica fertilizer worldwide, but the results are varying considerably due to various factors including raw material and extraction technique. This study was carried out to develop an efficient extraction technique for ortho-silicic acid (OSA-H 4 SiO 4) from a Bangka-Belitung quartz sand by employing acid-base dissolution method. A 325-mesh size quartz sand was boiled in HCl solution at various concentrations. The optimum concentration was then used in the following experiment at several different volumes of solution. The sand obtained from optimum concentration and volume of HCl solution was then reacted with different amounts of NaOH (s), and heated until a wet mixture was obtained. As a reference the best extraction conditions were applied to a natural zeolite sample. All OSA analyses were done in triplicates with spectrophotometric method. Supporting evidences were collected from x-ray diffraction and scanning-electron-microscopy analyses of the treated samples. The yield of quartz sand-originated OSA was 183 g•kg −1 and significantly increased linearly with increasing weight of NaOH (R 2 = 0.99**), whereas that from zeolite was only 104.2 g•kg −1 at 80 g NaOH. XRD and SEM data confirmed the evidences that the acid-base extraction disrupted the quartz mineral structure and as a consequence releasing more water soluble OSA.
Landform of Gunungsewu karst topography dominated by positive forms consists of hills and negativ... more Landform of Gunungsewu karst topography dominated by positive forms consists of hills and negative forms of dolines. On the micro toposequen of karst, most of dolines dominated by red soils which hue 2.5 YR – 5 YR, whereas on hills by soils which hue 5 YR – 7.5 YR. The aim of research was to study of soil minerals status on karst micro toposequent. Results showed that soil minerals of sand fraction on dolines dominated by quartz, opaque, and iron concretion, whereas on hills dominated by labradorite, and mafic minerals. Clay minerals on doline dominated by kaolinite whereas on hills by halloysite. The high concentration of kaolinite, quartz, opaque and iron concretions of soils on dolines appropriate with degree of soil weathering which in a line with decreasing of soil pH, silt/ clay ratio, and hue of soils on dolines redder than hue of soils on hills. The origin of soil parent material suggested come from volcanic materials.
Tujuan penelitian adalah mengaji ketidakselarasan antara tanah dan batuan karbonat yang membawahi... more Tujuan penelitian adalah mengaji ketidakselarasan antara tanah dan batuan karbonat yang membawahinya. Analisis baik tanah maupun batuan karbonat meliputi komposisi mineral dan kimia. Komposisi mineral fraksi pasir tanah di atas batugamping dirajai oleh labradorit sedangkan fraksi lempungnya oleh haloisit dan kaolinit. Kristobalit juga dijumpai terutama pada tanah-tanah di lingkungan karst. Berdasarkan macam mineral tersebut diduga bahan induk tanah banyak dipengaruhi oleh bahan volkanik. Komposisi batugamping dirajai kalsit dan kuarsa. Terdapat perbedaan yang tegas antara komposisis mineral tanah dan batugamping, nisbah Fe tanah dan batugamping sangat rendah, adanya lithic contact yang sangat tegas. Terdapat mintakat pelapukan napal yang membawahi tanah, nisbah Fe tanah/ napal jauh lebih tinggi dibanding terhadap batugamping, kadar CaCO3 napal rendah, dan baik tanah mapun napal mengandung smektit sehingga dikatakan bahwa napal bersifat mewariskan pada tanah yang terbentuk. Labradori...
Cinangka Village, Bogor, has been the center of the battery smelting industry since 1980. Thus, h... more Cinangka Village, Bogor, has been the center of the battery smelting industry since 1980. Thus, has resulted the soil contamination. The purpose of this study are 1) Calculate the percentage of reduction of lead (Pb) in soil after treated by Codyline fruticosa and Ipomea reptans Poir for 24 and 36 days; 2) Determine the Pb uptake by plants based on Pb concentration of plants and dry weight of plants; 3) Analize the efficiency of Pb absorpsion by plants to Pb polluted soil. The method used for this study are experimental method and laboratory analysis. The parameters tested were Pb in soil, Pb in Plant, dry weight of plant, and pH in soil. The efficieny of the plants was known by laboratory analysis using the Cordyline fruticosa and Ipomea reptans Poir within 24 and 36 days to remediate the soil with 10,032.84 ppm Pb as many as 12 samples. Percentage of reduction of Pb in the soil by the treatment of Cordyline fruticosa for 24 days was 36.58% and 97.99% after 36 days treatment. Reduction of Pb in the soil by treatment of Ipomea reptans Poir for 24 days was 39.98% and 97.80% after 36 days treatment. Pb uptake by Cordyline fruticosa was only 2,314.75x10-6 mg for 24 days treatment and 2,120.12x10−6 mg in 36 days treatment. Pb uptake by Ipomea reptans Poir is 22.26x10−6mg for 24 days treatment and 34.40x10− for 36 days treatment. The analysis showed that the efficiency of Pb absorption from soil contaminated by Cordyline fruticosa was only 3.72% and 2.08% by Ipomea reptans Poir after 24 days of treatment. The analysis showed that the efficiency of Pb absorption from soil contaminated by Cordyline fruticosa was only 4.31% and 3.79% by Ipomea reptans Poir after 36 days of treatment. Ipomea reptans Poir is not suitable as a phytoremediation agent of heavy metals because it is a food crop. Cordyline fruticosa as an ornamental plant is more recommended for planting around of battery smelting area.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
Drought is considered the single most devastating environmental stress, which decreases crop prod... more Drought is considered the single most devastating environmental stress, which decreases crop productivity more than any other environmental stresses. The main consequences of drought in crops are reduced rate of cell division, leaf size, stem elongation, root proliferation, disturbed stomatal oscillations, plant water and nutrient relations with diminished crop productivity. Many studies demonstrated that the deposition of silica in plant tissues can reduce drought stress. Silicon (Si) has beneficial effects on many crops, mainly under biotic and abiotic stress. Despite its abundance, silicon is never found in plants in an available form and is always combined with other elements, usually forming oxides or silicates. Monosilicic acid (H 4 SiO 4) is the form of silicon used by plants, which is found both in liquid and adsorbed phases of silicon in soils. The concentration of the H 4 SiO 4 in soil solution is influenced by the soil pH, clay, minerals, organic matter and Fe/Al oxides/hydroxides, which are collectively related to the geological age of the soil. Furthermore, to improve plant-available Si in the soil, silicate solubilizing microorganisms (SSM) are potentially useful in solubilizing insoluble forms of silicate. This paper aimed to review an important issue of bio-silica effects on plants under drought stress and water deficiency.
Western part of the East Jawa Southern Mountains, which is distributed from Parangtritis, Yogyaka... more Western part of the East Jawa Southern Mountains, which is distributed from Parangtritis, Yogyakarta to Pacitan Bay is the Gunung-Sewu Hills. The carbonate rocks on the Baron-Wonosari transect has some litofacies, and the soils overlying the rocks show some color varieties. Topography of Baron-Wonosari transect can be divided into two areas: southern part (Baron-Mulo) and northern part (Mulo-Wonosari). The southern part is a hilly land, whereas the northern part is a lowland plain. Soils on the southern part are dominated by red soils group, whereas on the northern part dominated by black soils group. The phenomenon is very interesting to be studied. The aim of research was to study relationship of soil colour with topography and pores of underlying carbonate rocks. Methods consist of landform especially topography observation, and soil colour by Munsell Soil Colour Chart, whereas laboratory analysis namely micro porosity and geochemical of carbonate rock. The results showed that mi...
Agrivita Journal of Agricultural Science, Oct 10, 2009
Pelapukan dan perkembangan tanah melibatkan proses alih rupa dan alih tempat bahan-bahan hasil pe... more Pelapukan dan perkembangan tanah melibatkan proses alih rupa dan alih tempat bahan-bahan hasil pelapukan untuk membentuk tubuh tanah. Akibat dari proses tersebut terjadi penghilangan unsurunsur yang mempunyai indek keterlarutan tinggi dan peningkatan secara relatif unsur-unsur yang indeks keterlarutannya rendah seperti besi yang membentuk persenyawaan oksida dan hidroksida sesuai dengan tahapan perkembangan tanah. Pembentukan oksida besi dengan berbagai tataran tingkat oksidasinya akan memunculkan keragaman warna merah. Tujuan penelitian ialah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pemerahan tanah dengan sifat-sifat kimia tanah. Penafsiran tingkat pemerahan tanah memakai persamaan tingkat pemerahan tanah dari Mulyanto et al. (2006) yang merupakan hasil modifikasi Persamaan Torrent et al. (1983). Analisis laboratorium meliputi kadar CaCO3 setara, redok potensial, (Ca, Mg, K, dan Na) tertukar, KPK, C-organik, Ca dan Fe total. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pemerahan tanah berkorelasi secara negatif dengan sifat-sifat kimia tanah yakni : Ca tertukar, jumlah kationkation basa, KPK, kejenuhan basa, dan C-organik, namun tidak berkorelasi dengan Ca total, Fe-total, CaCO3 setara, dan redoks potensial. Kata kunci : tingkat pemerahan tanah, oksida-oksida besi, sifat-sifat kimia
Papers by Djoko Mulyanto