Papers by Rignolda Djamaluddin

Restoration Ecology, 2021
Mangroves are uniquely important ecosystems, for preserving biodiversity, sustaining livelihoods,... more Mangroves are uniquely important ecosystems, for preserving biodiversity, sustaining livelihoods, and mitigating against climate change. However, they are degraded globally and are therefore a priority for ecosystem restoration. To date, the assessment of mangrove restoration outcomes is generally poor, and the limited studies that do exist are focused largely on forest area. Thus, more holistic ways of assessing the outcomes of mangrove restoration projects on biodiversity and associated ecological processes are urgently needed. Ecological networks are a useful tool for simultaneously examining both. Here, we assessed the utility of using species‐interaction networks for evaluating mangrove restoration outcomes for the first time. We compared the structure and complexity of mangrove ecological networks in replicated “monoculture reforestation,” “mixed species regeneration” and “reference forest” plots in two study areas in Sulawesi, Indonesia, an estuarine, and a coastal fringe man...

Euler : Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika, Sains dan Teknologi
Amurang Bay is a coastal area of South Minahasa Regency which is densely populated but faces the ... more Amurang Bay is a coastal area of South Minahasa Regency which is densely populated but faces the subduction zone of North Sulawesi which has the potential to generate earthquakes that trigger a tsunami. The process of the tsunami disaster occurred quickly, but the impact was very destructive and caused many casualties. This study aims to determine the propagation of tsunami waves with the worst scenario Mw 8.5 in Amurang Bay. Numerical methods in COMCOT software are used to model the propagation of tsunami waves in order to obtain an estimate of arrival time and maximum height of tsunami waves. Based on this modeling, the estimated arrival time of tsunami waves at the virtual tide gauge point in Amurang Bay is in the range of 8–11 minutes. The maximum height of tsunami waves is included in the alert category, which is 9.55 meters to 11.44 meters. The fastest estimated arrival time was recorded in Amurang Barat District and maximum height of tsunami waves was found in Tumpaan Distric...

Restoration Ecology
Mangrove forests, benefitting millions of people, experience significant degradation. Global reco... more Mangrove forests, benefitting millions of people, experience significant degradation. Global recognition of the urgency of halting and reversing this trend have initiated numerous restoration activities. Restoration success is typically evaluated by estimating mangrove survival and area restored, while diversity and structure of vegetation, as proxies for functional forests, are rarely considered. Here we assess mangrove species richness along sea‐landward transects and evaluate restoration outcomes by comparing number of mangrove species, relative species abundance, biomass, diameter, and canopy cover in “Monoculture Reforestation”, “Mixed Species Regeneration” and adjacent “Reference” forest stands, 14 (Tiwoho site) and 16 years (Likupang site) after restoration activities took place. In the “Monoculture Reforestation” plots, mangrove diversity and structure still closely reflected the original restoration actions, with only one and two “new” species having established among the o...

BioScience, Nov 1, 2022
Wallacea—the meeting point between the Asian and Australian fauna—is one of the world's l... more Wallacea—the meeting point between the Asian and Australian fauna—is one of the world's largest centers of endemism. Twenty-three million years of complex geological history have given rise to a living laboratory for the study of evolution and biodiversity, highly vulnerable to anthropogenic pressures. In the present article, we review the historic and contemporary processes shaping Wallacea's biodiversity and explore ways to conserve its unique ecosystems. Although remoteness has spared many Wallacean islands from the severe overexploitation that characterizes many tropical regions, industrial-scale expansion of agriculture, mining, aquaculture and fisheries is damaging terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, denuding endemics from communities, and threatening a long-term legacy of impoverished human populations. An impending biodiversity catastrophe demands collaborative actions to improve community-based management, minimize environmental impacts, monitor threatened species, and reduce wildlife trade. Securing a positive future for Wallacea's imperiled ecosystems requires a fundamental shift away from managing marine and terrestrial realms independently.

Coastal tourism industry grows very fast, so it is very potential to be used as an alternative bu... more Coastal tourism industry grows very fast, so it is very potential to be used as an alternative business to increase the income and welfare of coastal communities. The development of an optimal tourism area requires good planning and management. This study assesses the suitability of land for coastal recreational tourism activities in Deaga Village, Southern Bolaang Mongondow Regency, by measuring the biophysical and supporting parameters at 8 observation stations on Deaga Beach, as well as the ecological carrying capacity of the environment calculated by considering the ecological potential of visitors. The results of the analysis of the suitability of tourism in Deaga Village are categorized as ‘very suitable’ for beach recreation activities with ecological carrying capacity that can accommodate 113 visitors per day. Thus, the coastal recreation tourism business in Deaga Village is very potential to be developed; and by paying attention to the ecological carrying capacity, this can...

Coastal areas have been subjected to tourism activities, settlement and various forms of industri... more Coastal areas have been subjected to tourism activities, settlement and various forms of industries. To support any development projects, coastal environment were reclaimed to be land, seaport and coastal protective constructions. Physically, coast consists of several landscapes and one of them is in form of 'beach'. In order to use coastal environment properly and sustainably, there is a need for user to understand any processes that work on the coast. Erosion is of importance problem in the coast, and this can be the reason for settlements and facilities destruction. The existence of jetty and new land around the Manado Port has changed the hidrodynamic condition nearby. This change has facilitated the change in the sediment distribution near the mouth of Tondano River at certain level. Wilayah pantai banyak dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan parawisata, pemukiman dan bermacam industri. Untuk mendukung berbagai kegiatan pembangunan, lingkungan pantai direklamasi, dikembangkan seb...
Pemanfaatan pantai harus didukung oleh pemahaman yang baik tentang morfometri lereng ruang pantai... more Pemanfaatan pantai harus didukung oleh pemahaman yang baik tentang morfometri lereng ruang pantai tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan batimetri ruang dan pergerakan arus di kawasan sub-litoral Pantai Malalayang II, serta menganalisis kaitannya terhadap perubahan ruang pantai. Dengan menerapkan metode Lagrangian dan pengukuran kedalaman, diperoleh hasil bahwa ruang pantai bagian Barat memiliki perairan yang dangkal dibandingkan bagian Timur sehingga pergerakan arus relatif cepat di ruang tersebut. Analisis data batimetri menyimpulkan bahwa kawasan ini rentan terhadap erosi pantai, untuk itu disarankan adanya pembangunan pelindung pantai demi keamanan dan pengembangan pemukiman di kawasan Pantai Malalayang II

Arus merupakan proses pergerakan massa air menuju kesetimbangan yang menyebabkan perpindahan mass... more Arus merupakan proses pergerakan massa air menuju kesetimbangan yang menyebabkan perpindahan massa air secara horizontal dan vertikal. Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk mendeskripsikan arah dan kecepatan arus permukaan di perairan sekitar Pulau Bunaken serta menganalisis data kecepatan dan arah arus permukaan secara spasial dan temporal (saat pasang dan saat surut) di perairan sekitar Pulau Bunaken. Resultan kecepatan arus saat air bergerak pasang terukur berada pada kisaran 0,05 sampai 2,50 knot, sedangkan saat air bergerak surut berada pada kisaran 0,02 sampai 1,53 knot. Saat air bergerak pasang hampir 50% frekuensi kejadian resultan arusnya berkecepatan < 0,50 knot, saat air bergerak surut sekitar 50% frekuensi kejadiannya berada pada resultan kecepatan antara 0,50 sampai 1,00 knot. Frekuensi kejadian resultan arah arus saat air bergerak pasang terbanyak mengarah ke Timur, yaitu sebesar 27,27%. Saat air bergerak surut, resultan arah pergerakan arus terbanyak mengarah ke Tenggara...
Coastal areas have been subjected to tourism activities, settlement and variousforms of industrie... more Coastal areas have been subjected to tourism activities, settlement and variousforms of industries. To support any development projects, coastal environment werereclaimed to be land, seaport and coastal protective constructions. Physically, coastconsists of several landscapes and one of them is in form of ‘beach’. In order to usecoastal environment properly and sustainably, there is a need for user to understand anyprocesses that work on the coast. Erosion is of importance problem in the coast, and thiscan be the reason for settlements and facilities destruction. The existence of jetty andnew land around the Manado Port has changed the hidrodynamic condition nearby. Thischange has facilitated the change in the sediment distribution near the mouth of TondanoRiver at certain level.

Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX
The purpose of this study was (1) to describe macrozoobenthos and calculate and analyze bio-inde... more The purpose of this study was (1) to describe macrozoobenthos and calculate and analyze bio-indexes including density, diversity, domination, and proprietary macrozoobenthos genus found on the beach of Malalayang. (2) inform the condition of habitat sediment granulometry and related to various macrozoobenthos bio-indexes found on the Malalayang Beach. The results of the identification of macrozoobenthos types obtained from the entire research station have obtained macrozoobenthos taxa covering 3 classes, namely: Gastropoda classes include 5 genera, namely Melanella, Margarites, Frigidoalvania, Oenopot, and Cylichna, Crustacean class (2 genera: Pagurus and Hemigrapsus) and Polychaeta classes ( 1 genus: nais). Macrozoobenthos density at Station 1 and Station 3. Overall, station 1 has the highest average density of 29.33 ind./m2; Furthermore, Station 3 has an average density of 23 indv. /m2; And finally Station 2 with a density of 17.67 Ind. /m2. Based on the results of the test, it w...

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
A study on mangrove species in Mantehage Island, Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi, Indonesia... more A study on mangrove species in Mantehage Island, Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, is important due to the large extent of mangrove forest, geographical position, and geomorphological characteristics of the island. Many mangrove species are expected to occur on this island. This study was conducted to explore the biological diversity of mangrove species and to evaluate the biogeography and conservation status of certain species occurring on this island. Extensive surveys were conducted throughout the island on the areas covered with mangroves, with a total of 58 locations surveyed using spot check and quadrat-transect methods, and species identification was based on morphological characteristics. Results showed that in Mantehage Island there were 20 species of true mangrove belonging to 13 genera and 11 families, including Acanthus ilicifolius L., Acrostichum spesiosum Willd.,

Meras is one of the sub-districts with high potential for coastal areas, located in Bunaken Distr... more Meras is one of the sub-districts with high potential for coastal areas, located in Bunaken District, is the largest sub-district in Manado city, North Sulawesi, has a variety of complete coastal ecosystems such as mangrove forests. The potential of mangrove forests along the Meras coast in the northern part of Bunaken National Park has an important role in terms of ecology and economy as well as an important asset to be maintained and preserved. This study aims to determine the structure of the mangrove community and the current mangrove area. This research was conducted on May 29, 2021, carried out using the quadratic method. The results showed that the highest species density was Sonneratia alba with a value of 900 trees/ha with a relative density of 61.4%, while the lowest species density was Rhizophora mucronata (33 ind/ha) with a relative density of 2.3%. Furthermore, the highest frequency was found in the species Sonneratia alba and Avicennia marina with the same relative frequency value of 38%. Meanwhile, the species with the highest dominance value was Nypa fruticans, with a relative dominance value of 39.9% and the species with the lowest value, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, with a relative dominance value of 4.6%. The results of the calculation of the mangrove area on the Meras beach are 53.9 hectares.

Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX, 2021
Coastal areas have the potential to be developed and utilized for various purposes. However, the ... more Coastal areas have the potential to be developed and utilized for various purposes. However, the intensity of coastal use can result in the degradation of the coastal environment. Therefore, management of the coastal areas is often carried out by building shore protective structures, including groynes. The placement of a structure in the form of a groynes is primarily intended to block littoral flow in moving sediment out of certain places in the shore. Therefore, the placement of groynes on the shore needs to be followed by a study to find out the effectiveness of the groynes. The effectiveness of groynes can be determined, among others, by a study on the granulometry of sediments on the beach. This study was conducted to describe the composition of the sediment and to analyze granulometry distribution in several places at the beach around the groynes on the shore of Kalasey. The study of the physical sediments around the Kalasey groynes was carried out through a study of the sedim...

Beach formation has an important role in protecting land from the action of the sea and it is use... more Beach formation has an important role in protecting land from the action of the sea and it is useful for recreation, conservation and other uses. In “Wisata Bahari Sario” Kota Manado coastal area there is still a particular area of beach that is used for various purposes, so it is important to study its morphology. This research was conducted with the aim of describing morphology and analyzing oceanographic factors that affected the dynamic process of beach morphology. The results showed that the beach had an area of 422.69 m2, with the criteria for short slopes in the Northeast and long slopes in the Southwest. The shapes of the beach surface were in the form of gutters and shoots, their appearance was more visible towards the Southwest. In general, the deposition process took place more intensively in the Southwestern part of the beach. Keywords: Beach, Morphology, Slope, Deposition

The waters surrounding the Minahasa Peninsula are important areas of various activities by use of... more The waters surrounding the Minahasa Peninsula are important areas of various activities by use of coastal and marine space. This research aims, firstly to describe direction, period and height of waves at several water areas around the Minahasa Peninsula in various season. Secondly to analyze the characteristic of daily and seasonal waves. The wave parameter, which reanalysis by ECMWF for 5 years (September 2014 to august 2019) were used in this research. By the analysis spasial-temporal, the results are presented by the rose grapich waves direction and stock chart. The wave propagation in the north season and transition season I, is dominated by the northeasterly wave. While the wave propagation in the southern season and the transitional season II, is more diverse directions. The characteristics of the waves formed in the southeast Minahasa waters in the north season and transitional season I, show that the wave period is greater than in the waters of Manado Bay and Bitung waters...
Papers by Rignolda Djamaluddin