Conference Presentations by Dinaldo Araujo

CONCILIUM, VOL. 24, Nº 11, 2024, 2024
This study investigates the contribution of reverse logistics to the circular economy and its imp... more This study investigates the contribution of reverse logistics to the circular economy and its impact on global sustainable development. Using a systematic literature mapping approach, 492 articles from the Scopus database focused on reverse logistics and the circular economy were analyzed. This review identifies the main countries and leading authors in the field, as well as highlighting research trends and the most frequent keywords, such as "reverse logistics" and "circular economy". The results confirm the persistent relevance of this topic and highlight how reverse logistics is indispensable for the transition to more sustainable business practices. This article broadens the theoretical understanding of reverse logistics within the circular economy, proposing an integrated model that can serve as a basis for future research and business practices. The study concludes that effective implementation of reverse logistics is crucial to achieving sustainable development goals, providing insights for policymakers, academics and practitioners.

Global journal, 2021
The purpose of this study is to identify what the perspectives of competitiveness by rural produc... more The purpose of this study is to identify what the perspectives of competitiveness by rural production of acai are, from terra firme and várzea in northeast Pará. Region considered the one that produces the most acai in Brazil. The main objective is to describe a certain sample of producers and to identify and evaluate the competitiveness perspectives of this sample in relation to the competitiveness factors defined in the research, starting from the null hypothesis that there are no significant differences in perspectives between terra firme and várzea producers. The theoretical basis considered for the research is composed of an approach on agrichain and factors of competitiveness. The method used for the execution of the research was the Rapid Appraisal, where a semi-structured questionnaire was prepared for the agents of the acai production chain. The main key agents taken into consideration and characterized were: Producers of acai; intermediaries and representatives of some organizations.
Recebimento dos originais:

The work has as theme the competitiveness prospects of the artisan processors who have the "Açaí ... more The work has as theme the competitiveness prospects of the artisan processors who have the "Açaí Bom" label in the capital of Pará. The main objective is to describe and evaluate the main competitive perspectives of the activity of açaí artisan processors in the capital of Pará. The theoretical basis considered for the research is composed of an approach of competitiveness, factors of competitiveness and the artisanal activity of processing the açaí fruit. The methodology was qualitative and quantitative descriptive allied with the survey technique supported by a research questionnaire that offered to characterize the sample. The competitiveness factors defined for this study were: market structure, storage and transport, and institutional environment. In the perception of the sample the subfactors that positively impact competitiveness are quality certification; transport; partnership with research centers; legislation and sanitary inspection; course of manipulation and use of plastic crates. And the subfactors that negatively impact the activity are the number of processors; the cost of transporting the fruit; conditions, capacity and the security of highways and ports; availability and access to credit; government actions and chagas disease.
Papers by Dinaldo Araujo

Concilium, May 30, 2024
This study investigates the contribution of reverse logistics to the circular economy and its imp... more This study investigates the contribution of reverse logistics to the circular economy and its impact on global sustainable development. Using a systematic literature mapping approach, 492 articles from the Scopus database focused on reverse logistics and the circular economy were analyzed. This review identifies the main countries and leading authors in the field, as well as highlighting research trends and the most frequent keywords, such as "reverse logistics" and "circular economy". The results confirm the persistent relevance of this topic and highlight how reverse logistics is indispensable for the transition to more sustainable business practices. This article broadens the theoretical understanding of reverse logistics within the circular economy, proposing an integrated model that can serve as a basis for future research and business practices. The study concludes that effective implementation of reverse logistics is crucial to achieving sustainable development goals, providing insights for policymakers, academics and practitioners.

International Journal of Scientific Management and Tourism
A área temática do estudo é sobre a qualidade de serviço no ambiente Business to Business, onde b... more A área temática do estudo é sobre a qualidade de serviço no ambiente Business to Business, onde buscou-se as percepções de qualidade do serviço dos clientes de uma determinada indústria processadora do fruto Açaí, localizada no Estado do Pará, na cidade de Castanhal. A abordagem da pesquisa é quantitativa, onde foi aplicado um Survey, considerando uma amostra de 100 clientes da empresa. O modelo de qualidade de serviço foi o INDSERV, que foi o mais apropriado para um ambiente Business to Business, e posteriormente aplicado a análise fatorial confirmatória, com o objetivo de testar a aderência dos constructos do modelo proposto com o modelo real encontrado dos clientes e empresa selecionados. Como principais resultados, têm-se uma alta percepção de qualidade dos serviços por parte dos clientes da empresa pesquisada, embora exista uma baixa aderência dos constructos quando feita a análise de validade e confiabilidade do modelo encontrado com o modelo proposto INDSERV.
Anais do Simpósio de Engenharia, Gestão e Inovação, 2020
International Journal of Scientific Management and Tourism, 2023
A área temática do estudo é sobre a qualidade de serviço no ambiente Business to Business, onde b... more A área temática do estudo é sobre a qualidade de serviço no ambiente Business to Business, onde buscou-se as percepções de qualidade do serviço dos clientes de uma determinada indústria processadora do fruto Açaí, localizada no Estado do Pará, na cidade de Castanhal. A abordagem da pesquisa é quantitativa, onde foi aplicado um Survey, considerando uma amostra de 100 clientes da empresa. O modelo de qualidade de serviço foi o INDSERV, que foi o mais apropriado para um ambiente Business to Business, e

Revista Paraense de Contabilidade.ISSN 2526-950X, 2022
Inventory management for a retail commercial company is undoubtedly one of the valuable points in... more Inventory management for a retail commercial company is undoubtedly one of the valuable points in terms of cost and waste control. This article consists of answering whether a stock turnover indicator can alleviate the stock management problems of a certain retail supermarket. The research was elaborated with theoretical basis in tools used for the administration of materials within the segment of supermarkets retailers and wholesalers, such as the ABC classification, PDCA cycle and the 5S methodology. The case study method was used in a supermarket in the metropolitan region of Belém, in the stock of heavy cleaning material, where the technique of interviews with the manager and stockists was used. Visits, analysis of reports and observation of the physicalspace of the company's stock were made. Finally, after two months of implementing the suggestions of the research results and based on the turnover indicator, it was possible to obtain a new ABC curve and improvement in stock management, in relation to the order schedule spreadsheet, organization and cleaning.

Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 2021
The purpose of this study is to identify what the perspectives of competitiveness by rural produc... more The purpose of this study is to identify what the perspectives of competitiveness by rural production of acai are, from terra firme and várzea in northeast Pará. Region considered the one that produces the most acai in Brazil. The main objective is to describe a certain sample of producers and to identify and evaluate the competitiveness perspectives of this sample in relation to the competitiveness factors defined in the research, starting from the null hypothesis that there are no significant differences in perspectives between terra firme and várzea producers. The theoretical basis considered for the research is composed of an approach on agrichain and factors of competitiveness. The method used for the execution of the research was the Rapid Appraisal, where a semi-structured questionnaire was prepared for the agents of the acai production chain. The main key agents taken into consideration and characterized were: Producers of acai; intermediaries and representatives of some org...
Gestão da produção em foco: uma abordagem holística

Custos e @gronegócios, 2018
Direcionadores de competitividade na cadeia produtiva da polpa do açaí no nordeste paraense Receb... more Direcionadores de competitividade na cadeia produtiva da polpa do açaí no nordeste paraense Recebimento dos originais: Resumo O objetivo principal foi descrever e avaliar os principais direcionadores da competitividade da cadeia produtiva da polpa do açaí, com foco nos elos de produção e de processamento do fruto no nordeste paraense. A fundamentação teórica considerada para a pesquisa é composta por uma abordagem sobre fatores determinantes da competitividade em sistemas agroindustriais. O método Rapid Appraisal foi utilizado para obter percepções de agentes-chave da cadeia a respeito de fatores de competitividade. Informações primárias foram coletadas por meio de entrevistas com produtores de açaí, intermediários, especialistas de organizações, diretores de empresas processadoras e batedores artesanais do açaí; usando questionários semiestruturados. Observou-se que a competitividade tem sido positivamente afetada pela tecnologia, estrutura de governança e coordenação da cadeia. Fatores críticos para a competitividade foram: os insumos, o armazenamento e transporte, e o ambiente institucional. As principais ameaças são: a capacitação e o custo da mão-de-obra; o custo do transporte (interno/externo); as condições, a capacidade e a segurança das estradas e portos; o acesso ao crédito; as taxas de juros; a legalização das áreas de produção; a legislação sanitária e a atuação dos serviços de inspeção. Palavras-chave: Cadeias agroindustriais. Competitividade. Açaí. 1. Introdução A produção brasileira oriunda da extração vegetal e da silvicultura foi de 622.025 toneladas em 2015, dos quais 54,5% corresponderam à produção de erva-mate e 34,7% são

Custos e Agronegócios online, 2018
The objective of this paper was to describe and evaluate the main drivers of competitiveness in t... more The objective of this paper was to describe and evaluate the main drivers of competitiveness in the production chain of the açaí pulp, with focus on the rural production and the processing links, in the Northwest of Pará. The theoretical basis considered for the research is composed of an approach on the drivers of competitiveness of agri-chains. The Rapid Appraisal method was used to obtain perceptions of the chain's key agents regarding competitiveness factors. Primary information was collected by means of interviews with açaí producers; middleman; experts of some organizations; directors of processing companies and artisan açaí processors; using semi-structured questionnaires. Competitiveness has been positively affected by technology, governance structure and chain coordination. The main threats are: training and the cost of labor; the cost of transportation (internal and external); conditions, capacity and safety of roads and ports; access to credit; interest rates; legalization of production areas; sanitary legislation and the performance of inspection services.
Books by Dinaldo Araujo

Global journal, 2021
The purpose of this study is to identify what the perspectives of competitiveness by rural produc... more The purpose of this study is to identify what the perspectives of competitiveness by rural production of acai are, from terra firme and várzea in northeast Pará. Region considered the one that produces the most acai in Brazil. The main objective is to describe a certain sample of producers and to identify and evaluate the competitiveness perspectives of this sample in relation to the competitiveness factors defined in the research, starting from the null hypothesis that there are no significant differences in perspectives between terra firme and várzea producers. The theoretical basis considered for the research is composed of an approach on agrichain and factors of competitiveness. The method used for the execution of the research was the Rapid Appraisal, where a semi-structured questionnaire was prepared for the agents of the acai production chain. The main key agents taken into consideration and characterized were: Producers of acai; intermediaries and representatives of some organizations.
Conference Presentations by Dinaldo Araujo
Papers by Dinaldo Araujo
Books by Dinaldo Araujo