Papers by Dilsad Turkdogan

Journal of child neurology, Jan 20, 2015
The authors investigated the parameters for predicting epileptiform abnormalities in a group of c... more The authors investigated the parameters for predicting epileptiform abnormalities in a group of children diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The sample consisted of 148 subjects aged between 6 and 13 (8.76 ± 1.26; 25.7% female) years. Subtypes of ADHD and comorbid psychiatric disorders were defined according to DSM-IV criteria. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised was applied to all patients. Most of the subjects (89.2%) had wakefulness and sleep electroencephalography examinations lasting about one hour. The authors found out that the coexistence of speech sound disorder (odds ratio [OR] 3.90, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.61-9.48) and higher Digit Span test performance (OR 1.24, 95% CI: 1.06-1.44) predicted the presence of accompanying epileptiform abnormalities. The prevalence of epileptiform abnormalities was 26.4%, and they were frequently localized in the frontal (41%) and centrotemporal (28.2%) regions. Higher percentage of speech...

Sleep Medicine, 2011
To determine the prevalence of restless legs syndrome (RLS) in Turkish school children and adoles... more To determine the prevalence of restless legs syndrome (RLS) in Turkish school children and adolescents during the past 12 months. A cross-sectional population study conducted in three primary and four high schools was randomly selected in the Umraniye district of Istanbul. In the first step, a 7-item questionnaire including pediatric diagnostic criteria of RLS proposed by the International Restless Legs Study Group was given to 4346 students aged from 10 to 19 years in the classroom. Candidates for "definite RLS" or "probable RLS" were selected by a face-to-face interview done by an expert. In the second step, a 58-item questionnaire was administered to the families of the selected subjects. The questionnaire aimed to survey family history, parent's awareness, and their behaviors for seeking treatment, as well as the differential diagnosis and comorbid disorders of RLS. Definite RLS was diagnosed in 119 (2.74%) of the subjects and was more prevalent in females (3.42%) compared to males (2.04%) (p=0.007). A family history of RLS was positive in 15.8% of the first-degree relatives of those 119 subjects. Less than half of the parents (45%) were aware of their children's symptoms and only 10.9% of these parents consulted medical centers. The most prevalent symptoms of sleep disturbances were restless sleep (28.6%) and daytime sleepiness (21%). Growing pains were reported in 54.5% of the 119 subjects with definite RLS. Symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder were found in 15.3% of the 119 subjects. RLS is prevalent in Turkish children and adolescents although family awareness of RLS is relatively low.

Journal of Child Neurology, 2002
This study aimed to investigate the relationship among lipid peroxidation, subsequent activation ... more This study aimed to investigate the relationship among lipid peroxidation, subsequent activation of scavenger enzymes (superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase), and the presence of structural abnormality in 52 epileptic children receiving monotherapy (medically responsive) or polytherapy (medically intractable). Plasma lipid peroxidation in epileptic patients with abnormal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings significantly increased as compared with that of 16 healthy children (P < .05), whereas antioxidant enzymes were not significantly affected. Both medically controlled and intractable children with normal MRI had higher activities of superoxide dismutase than those of controls (P < .05). The activity of superoxide dismutase in epileptic patients with structural abnormality did not significantly change as compared with controls. Activity of glutathione peroxidase in all of the epileptic children was not significantly different from controls. The activity of antioxidant enzymes or plasma malonyldialdehyde levels did not correlate with duration of epilepsy, frequency of seizures (> one seizure per month or not), and the presence or localization (focal, multifocal, or generalized) of electroencephalographic or MRI abnormalities. Increased plasma lipid peroxidation may be causally related to the presence of structural abnormality rather than ongoing epileptic activity or therapy status.

Journal of Child Neurology, 2014
Anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate (anti-NMDA) receptor encephalitis is an autoimmune/paraneoplastic encep... more Anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate (anti-NMDA) receptor encephalitis is an autoimmune/paraneoplastic encephalitis, with neurologic and psychiatric symptoms. Early and aggressive therapy has been shown to improve prognosis although problems with executive functions and memory have continued for several years. A 15-year-old girl had a history of initial symptoms including behavioral difficulties, poor attention, and frequent seizures progressing to a catatonia-like state, 2.5 months after onset of initial symptoms. Anti-NMDA receptor antibodies were detected in serum and cerebrospinal fluid. Subsequent to treatment with methylprednisolone starting 3 months after onset, motor skills, responsiveness, self-care, and speech improved rapidly. Her neuropsychologica profile assessed after 2 months showed global difficulties predominantly in attention, executive functions, memory, and visual perception, which moderately recovered in the 7th and 24th months, respectively. Contrary to current literature supporting the positive impact of early immunomodulatory therapy, a dramatic resolution of major neurologic and psychiatric symptoms was detected with steroid treatment given in the late phase.
Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, 2006
Methods.-The stratified cohort of this study was composed of 2504 schoolchildren aged 10 to 17 ye... more Methods.-The stratified cohort of this study was composed of 2504 schoolchildren aged 10 to 17 years. A 38item questionnaire inquiring all characteristic features of primary headache syndromes mandatory for classification was applied to selected 483 children with recurrent headache in the last 6 months.
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 2011
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 2009

Brain and Development, 2003
Visual and auditory event related potentials (VERPs and AERPs) in 32 epileptic children with magn... more Visual and auditory event related potentials (VERPs and AERPs) in 32 epileptic children with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) abnormalities and 18 with normal MRI were recorded and compared to the data of 21 healthy children. Of all 50 epileptic children (34 male, 16 female) aged 14.42^4.27 (7 -20) years, 21 were medically intractable and receiving polytherapy. The mean latencies of N2 and P3 components of VERPs and AERPs in all epileptic children were significantly higher than those of the controls (P , 0:05). Epileptic children with structural abnormalities had more prolonged latencies of N2 and P3 components of AERPs and VERPs than those of the healthy children (P , 0:05). The epileptic children with normal MRI had significantly more prolonged latency of N2 and P3 of VERPs and P3 of AERPs than those of the controls (P , 0:05). The difference of the mean latency of N2 and P3 components or the mean amplitude of P3 components of ERPs between the two epileptic groups was insignificant. The type of medication (mono-versus polytherapy) did not affect the wave components of ERPs. We suggest that epileptic activity, itself, leads to prolonged N2 and P3 components of AERPs and VERPs. The presence of structural abnormality indicated by imaging is not a predictor of ERPs abnormalities. q

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2004
To investigate sympathetic nervous system functions in patients with acute and chronic phase of s... more To investigate sympathetic nervous system functions in patients with acute and chronic phase of stroke by measuring sympathetic skin reflex (SSR) and the relationship between sympathetic dysfunction and motor function capacity. Cross-sectional, case-control study. A physical medicine and rehabilitation department in a research hospital of a university referral center in Turkey. Fifty-six patients with stroke-13 in the acute phase and 43 in the chronic phase-and 42 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers were included. SSR was recorded with electric stimulation of the bilateral median nerves. SSR was recorded to assess sympathetic reflex activity in patients in the acute and chronic phase of stroke and in controls. Motor functions was classified using the Brunnstrom stages. The mean SSR latency in the acute phase was significantly prolonged and the amplitudes were decreased compared with controls. In the chronic phase, the mean amplitudes were significantly attenuated compared with controls, whereas the mean latency did not change. The mean latency of SSR in patients in Brunnstrom groups 1 and 2 was longer, and the mean amplitude was smaller than in controls (P<.05). The mean amplitude was significantly reduced in patients classified as Brunnstrom groups 3 and 4 compared with controls (P<.05), but the mean latency was not affected. Depression of sympathetic reflex activity was more prominent in the acute phase of stroke and was associated with moderate or highly limited motor function capacity. Improvement of motor dysfunction may parallel recovery of sympathetic reflex activity.

Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2003
Aim: To examine vestibular system functions in children with episodic vertigo attacks. Methods: T... more Aim: To examine vestibular system functions in children with episodic vertigo attacks. Methods: Thirty four children (20 males) aged 4-18 years with paroxysmal dizziness and/or vertigo attacks were evaluated. A medical history for vestibular symptoms and migraine was taken. Vestibular and auditory functions were assessed. Results: Chronic headache attacks consistent with migraine were reported in 12 children and motion sickness was reported in 30. Family history in first degree relatives was positive for migraine in 29 children and for episodic vertigo in 22. Electronystagmography and videonystagmography showed two types of nystagmus: spontaneous vestibular nystagmus (41%) and benign paroxysmal positional nystagmus (BPPN) (59%). The first type of nystagmus was assessed as a sign of vestibulopathy and the patients with BPPN were diagnosed as having benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Audiometric examination in four cases revealed bilateral sensory neural hearing loss in low frequencies. Pure tone averages in 30 cases were within normal ranges; however low frequencies in 28 of them were approximately 10 dB lower than high frequencies. Unilateral caloric responses diminished in eight children.

Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2005
The authors compared interictal and ictal abnormalities from chronic intracranial recordings in c... more The authors compared interictal and ictal abnormalities from chronic intracranial recordings in children with Taylor-type cortical dysplasia (TTCD) and nondysplastic lesions. Interictal epileptiform discharges and ictal patterns were retrospectively analyzed in 13 children with TTCD and 12 children with nondysplastic lesions (tumor, 4; gliosis, 8). Features analyzed and compared between groups included the morphologic and temporal characteristics and field distribution of ictal and interictal patterns and rapidity of ictal propagation. The frequency of runs of interictal continuous epileptiform discharges (CEDs) or bursts of fast activity did not differ significantly between dysplastic and nondysplastic tissue. Fast frequencies characterized the majority of seizure onsets (49/67) in dysplastic patients and repetitive spikes were more frequent at seizure onset (31/56) in nondysplastic patients (P < 0.002). Field of ictal onset was limited to adjacent cortex and independent of histology. The interval between seizure onset and spread to adjacent or nonadjacent cortex was significantly shorter in dysplastic than nondysplastic patients. Interictal EEG patterns are not specific markers of dysplastic cortex but the morphology of ictal onset differs significantly with dysplastic cortex showing significantly more rapid propagation than nondysplastic cortex. These findings suggest that markers other than CEDs physiologically characterize dysplastic cortex and that children with TTCD exhibit more widespread excitability of neural pathways.
Papers by Dilsad Turkdogan