Papers by Dietrich Neumann
Raymond Hood and the American Skyscraper, 2020
"Why Art Museums? The Unfinished Work of Alexander Dorner", 2018
This essay deals with the exhibition on Rhode Island Architecture that Henry-Russell Hitchcock a... more This essay deals with the exhibition on Rhode Island Architecture that Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Alexander Dorner collaborated on. It was held in 1939 at the Museum of the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence.
Mies van der Rohe's visionary 1923 design for a concrete office building is being re-evaluated i... more Mies van der Rohe's visionary 1923 design for a concrete office building is being re-evaluated in the light of Mies' occasional collaboration with graphic designer and architect Wilhelm Deffke. The essay raises questions about authorship and modes of production in Mies' office and sheds new light on his failed bid to become head of the municipal planning office in Magdeburg in 1924/25.
This essay presents a previously unknown building by Mies van der Rohe in Wiesbaden and Mies' col... more This essay presents a previously unknown building by Mies van der Rohe in Wiesbaden and Mies' collaboration with Gerhard Severain. In German (with English summary).
A critical history of Mies van der Rohe's Tugendhat House in Brno, Czech Republic.
The 19th Century Building Type of the Panorama and its context.
The story of Mario Palanti's skyscraper design for Benito Mussolini of 1924-26 and subsequent pro... more The story of Mario Palanti's skyscraper design for Benito Mussolini of 1924-26 and subsequent projects.
The story of architectural history education at German speaking universities.
The genesis and reception history of Philip Johnson's List Art Center at Brown University
'['he house be comes ntore ancl ntorc saLisJacl.ory ewry duy. The carpenters h.øve leJi und Llte ... more '['he house be comes ntore ancl ntorc saLisJacl.ory ewry duy. The carpenters h.øve leJi und Llte pumLers ure puLling on Llte Jiníshíng touches. So øll is well-in ur¡olhet ten clays it oll ought to be really Jintshed. I cun nevt.r tcll you how n,tut)t I ar).mire Lhc tlestgn or how n'ruch I ctppreciute ølL you have clone. lt is a greøt creøLiott.t Thjs letlcr in August r938 ltrorn Johl Nìcholas Brown Lo his arclriLecL, Richar-d Nentr-a, rnarì<ecl the climax of thcir inlense two-yeal'collaboration, bnt was by no mcans the final wot-cl in the dlamatic story ol'one of Arnet-ica's rnost renrarl<able rnodcrn houscs, "Windshield" on Fisirers lsland, Ncw York. A mcr-c four weeks later, the housc would be severely clamaged by a powerlr-rl hur.icane, thcn rcbuìll and r-rìtirnately destloycd by fir-c in r973.
This is a review of Phyllis Lambert's book on Mies van der Rohe's Seagram Building in New York.
The MIT Press and Yale University, School of Architecture are collaborating with JSTOR to digitiz... more The MIT Press and Yale University, School of Architecture are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Perspecta.
Papers by Dietrich Neumann