Diego Sobrino
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Books by Diego Sobrino
Alumno. Madrid: Anaya. Aprender en Conexión (2015) ISBN-978-84-678-2724-8
Papers by Diego Sobrino
Developing digital competences in social sciences: 3rd-year secondary education experiences This paper presents three teaching experiences carried out by the author in the subject
of social sciences at 3rd-year secondary level. Cooperative methodologies and project-based work were used to help students acquire digital competences in processing
Palabras clave: competencia digital, blogs,
educación mediática, geografía, secundaria.
Keywords: digital competence, blogs, media
education, geography, secondary.
Alumno. Madrid: Anaya. Aprender en Conexión (2015) ISBN-978-84-678-2724-8
Developing digital competences in social sciences: 3rd-year secondary education experiences This paper presents three teaching experiences carried out by the author in the subject
of social sciences at 3rd-year secondary level. Cooperative methodologies and project-based work were used to help students acquire digital competences in processing
Palabras clave: competencia digital, blogs,
educación mediática, geografía, secundaria.
Keywords: digital competence, blogs, media
education, geography, secondary.