Papers by Diana Widiastuti
Mindanao journal of Science and Technology/Mindanao journal of science and technology, Jun 29, 2024

Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, Jun 10, 2024
Diabetes mellitus patients are typically in need of drugs with minimal long-term side effects, le... more Diabetes mellitus patients are typically in need of drugs with minimal long-term side effects, leading to an increasing interest in herbal medicine sourced from medicinal plants. Among the available medicinal plants, the fruit of Averrhoa bilimbi L., commonly known as belimbing wuluh, has been recognized for its therapeutic potential and is often used as an alternative medicine for diabetes mellitus. Therefore, this study aims to determine antidiabetic activity of the active fraction of A. bilimbi L. fruit using in vitro and in silico methods and to determine the active compounds contained in the fruit fraction (A. bilimbi L.) based on Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS). LC-MS analysis results showed the presence of 16 organic compounds in the n-hexane fraction, which had the highest IC50 (7.03 μg/mL) antidiabetic activity compared to the ethyl acetate (102.77 μg/mL) and nbutanol (181.65 μg/mL) fractions. In silico molecular docking, analysis was performed for all identified compounds to further support antidiabetic characteristics. Computational predictions showed that 2 A. bilimbi fruit compounds with the greatest RT value, namely 2,3,4,5,6pentaphenylbenzazocine (-16.0 kcal/mol) and Thraustochytroside A (-6.2 kcal/mol), exhibited higher binding affinity values compared to miglitol (-5.4 kcal /mol). This showed that both compounds had the potential to be developed as α-glucosidase inhibitor alternatives for treating diabetic disorders.

Nova biotechnologica et chimica, Apr 12, 2024
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus continues to rise on a global basis, making this entity one o... more The prevalence of diabetes mellitus continues to rise on a global basis, making this entity one of the most pressing issues facing public health nowadays. Generally, diabetes mellitus is characterized by increased blood sugar levels caused by insulin secretion or action abnormalities. Natural products have become more popular in treating various types of diseases, including diabetes mellitus, due to their minimal adverse effects. Promoting the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARG) activation is an anti-diabetic strategy due to its biological function for adipocyte storage, mobilization, differentiation, and insulin sensitivity. This study aims to evaluate diosgenin and multiflorenol in silico as anti-diabetic drug candidates by targeting PPARG. Several analyses, such as molecular docking, protein target prediction, biological function prediction, protein-protein interaction, and pharmacokinetics analyses were carried out in this study. Computational prediction showed PPARG have involved in several activities, such as fat cell differentiation, fatty acid oxidation, fatty acid transport, and cellular response to fatty acid. The binding affinity score revealed that diosgenin and multiflorenol have a higher value than the control drug. Other characteristics, such as chemical interaction, amino acid residues, and physicochemical properties, demonstrated supportive drug development outcomes. Therefore, based on our findings, we suggested that diosgenin and multiflorenol, both of which target PPARG, would hold promise as potential candidates for an anti-diabetic drug.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Aug 31, 2023

Yumary, Dec 6, 2023
This study aimed to (1) empower the community in the Cita Tani Mandiri women's group by diversify... more This study aimed to (1) empower the community in the Cita Tani Mandiri women's group by diversifying processed nutmeg products into nutmeg skin crackers. (2) Developing digital-based marketing for processed nutmeg products. Methodology: The implementation of community empowerment activities is carried out through two activities: training and mentoring, which is complemented by learning-by-doing techniques. Training activities were divided into (1) Survey of Partners' knowledge, (2) delivery of the theory of making crackers, and (3) demonstration and direct practice of making nutmeg leather crackers. Assistance activities include (1) assistance in making logos, brands, and product packaging; (2) assistance in marketing products using marketplaces; and (3) Monitoring and Evaluation. The results obtained from this activity are: (1) increasing the skills of the members of the Cita Mandiri Farmers Group regarding the diversification of processed nutmeg products into nutmeg crackers; and (2) increasing the knowledge of the members of the Cita Mandiri Farmers Group regarding digital marketing strategies. Limitations: This activity was limited to processing and marketing nutmeg crackers. Contribution: This activity contributes to marketing management of processed nutmeg products.

Helium: Journal of Science and Applied Chemistry
Acne is a skin disease that causes humans to lack confidence in carrying out activities. Besides ... more Acne is a skin disease that causes humans to lack confidence in carrying out activities. Besides being sick, acne worsens the beauty of human skin. The cause of acne is gram-positive bacteria, namely Staphylococcus aureus and Propionibacterium acnes. Many studies reported that Coffea canephora L can inhibit the growth of bacteria. The objective of this study is to establish the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the ethanol extract of robusta coffee seeds in inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The ethanol extract of C. canephora L seed was obtained by maceration method using 96% ethanol. The extract obtained was evaluated for its antibacterial activity using the agar diffusion method with perforation techniques. The extract was divided into five various concentrations (50%, 25%, 12.5%, 6.25%, and 3.125%). The results of this study indicated that the ethanol extract of coffee seeds with a concentration of 50% resulted in a wider diameter of the...

Mulyaharja Village is an area with an area of 477,005 Ha with a population that is quite dense as... more Mulyaharja Village is an area with an area of 477,005 Ha with a population that is quite dense as many as 16,475 people with a very rapid population development. It is known that around 40% of the people in the Mulyaharja neighborhood are categorized as uncertain income. Uncertain people are non-productive people, the majority of them are housewives who are members of the Family welfare improvement group. In an effort to improve the welfare of the Mulyaharja community the Chemistry Study Program of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences provides an alternative program of making products such as chips and nuggets from oyster mushrooms. This program can provide added value when viewed from 2 different sides. First, through the processing of oyster mushrooms, it can overcome the welfare problems of farmers because their crops can be processed into products that have a higher selling value. Second, it can overcome the problem of people with uncertain income to become entrepreneurs of products from oyster mushrooms. The outputs will be generated from this program is a community empowerment model, including the opening of insights from non-productive people regarding oyster mushroom business opportunities, producing skilled workers in making chips and oyster mushroom nuggets, producing high quality products and ready to be marketed and open the opportunity to be recommended to become a small independent business that has more potential so that it can increase the income of the people who have an impact on improving welfare. In addition, the expected outcomes are in the form of scientific works in the form of journal publications.
The Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, May 16, 2023
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2021

Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias, 2023
The Human papillomaviruses type 16 E7 oncoprotein is a 98-amino-acid, 11-kilodalton acidic oncopr... more The Human papillomaviruses type 16 E7 oncoprotein is a 98-amino-acid, 11-kilodalton acidic oncoprotein with three conserved portions. Due to its interaction with the pRb-E2F complex, CKII, CKI (mostly p21), and even HDAC1, it possesses strong transformative and carcinogenic qualities that inhibit normal differentiation and cell cycle regulation. Here, we target the E7 oncoprotein using two prior research active compounds: asarinin and thiazolo[3,2-a]benzimidazole-3(2H)-one,2-(2fluorobenzylideno)-7,8-dimethyl (thiazolo), and valproic acid as a control. We are performing molecular docking followed by molecular dynamic analysis. By acting as competitive inhibitors in the binding site, it was hypothesized that both drugs would inhibit E7-mediated pRb degradation and E7-mediated p21 degradation, resulting in decreased cell cycle progression, immortalization, and proliferation. In addition, we expect that the direct inhibitory action of valproic acid in E7 will target the CKII-mediated phosphorylation pathway necessary for destabilizing p130 and pRb. According to the results of the dynamic simulation, stable interactions exist between every compound. Despite the instability of E7 protein, stability results indicate that both natural chemicals are preferable, with thiazolo outperforming valproic acid.

Karbala international journal of modern science, Aug 18, 2022
The envelope protein (E) is a fusion class II protein that is essential for DENV fusion. We use t... more The envelope protein (E) is a fusion class II protein that is essential for DENV fusion. We use two active compounds derived from commonly used plants in Indonesia: galangin and kaempferide. We ran a docking and 1000 ps molecular dynamic analysis with normal physiological parameters. During the simulation, galangin and kaempferide binding sites fluctuated. But chloroquine has lesser ligand mobility, hence keeping contact with fusion loops, whereas both drugs lose contact with hydrophobic pockets. However, the two active compounds have a more stable ligand configuration. Less than 2 Å alterations were seen in the RMSF simulation of the protein E residues. In a 1000 ps simulation, all tested compounds form stable complex with protein E, demonstrating that the two active compounds may be predicted as DENV-2 E protein fusion inhibitors, despite chloroquine inhibiting in a unique manner linked to its interaction domains.
kuwait journal of science, May 10, 2022

Trends in Sciences, Jan 22, 2023
The E5 protein is the smallest known oncoprotein linked to HPV 16 cancer development. In this stu... more The E5 protein is the smallest known oncoprotein linked to HPV 16 cancer development. In this study, we determined the potential of asarinin and thiazolo as an inhibitor of the E5 protein through molecular dynamics. The results showed that the binding site is unstable because of its hydrophobic nature and small size, causing considerable changes in the binding site for each of the 3 drugs examined. Except for asarinin, which still interacts with the first hydrophobic domain, they preserved their capacity to prevent endosomal acidification, hyper amplification of the EGFR pathway and contact with BAP31. It may inhibit E5-MHC I interaction. Thiazolo[3,2-a]benzymidazole-3(2H)-one,2-(2-fluorobenzylideno)-7,8-dimethyl (thiazolo) is expected to form more stable protein-ligand complexes than the other 2. However, the SASA, hydrogen bond and DCCM plots show that both compounds are equivalent to HPV 16 E5 protein.

Jurnal Kartika Kimia, Nov 30, 2020
Produksi jagung yang melimpah di Indonesia membuat munculnya permasalahan limbah berupa kulit dan... more Produksi jagung yang melimpah di Indonesia membuat munculnya permasalahan limbah berupa kulit dan tongkol jagung. Kulit jagung telah banyak dimanfaatkan untuk makanan ternak sedangkan tongkol jagung belum banyak dimanfaatkan. Tongkol jagung merupakan bahan yang mempunyai kandungan silika cukup tinggi yaitu sebesar 67,41%. Silika dalam limbah tongkol jagung ini dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan silika gel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat dan mengkarakterisasi silika gel yang berasal dari abu tongkol jagung serta menguji daya adsorpsinya terhadap ion logam tembaga (II). Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan silika gel adalah metode sol-gel. Karakterisasi silika gel dilakukan dengan menggunakan FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red) dan XRD (X-ray Diffraction). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar air dalam silika gel hasil sintesis dengan asam sulfat dan asam asetat berturut-turut adalah 13,314% dan 11,472%. Hasil karakterisasi gugus fungsi dengan FTIR dan kristalinitas menggunakan XRD bahwa silika gel hasil sintesis mempunyai kemiripan dengan Kiesel Gel 60G. Silika gel hasil sintesis dengan asam sulfat mempunyai daya adsorpsi dan efisiensi adsorpsi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan Kiesel Gel 60G serta silika gel hasil sintesis menggunakan asam asetat.

Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, Mar 24, 2021
Nowadays, resistant starch (RS) has been widely produced using the physical modification methods ... more Nowadays, resistant starch (RS) has been widely produced using the physical modification methods and applied for producing low-carb foods. In this study, quality and digestibility of cookies supplemented with 20% of native, heat–moisture treated, and citric acid and heat-moisture combined treated starches (NS, HS, and AHS, respectively) were investigated. Composite flours had lowered swelling index and increased water absorption values than did the wheat flour. Both maximum and final viscosities of the paste with 20% AHS substitution were significantly lower than those with 20% NS or 20% HS substitution. Resistant starch contents increased from 8.0% of the control cookie to 10.6%, 18.4% or 25.4% of the cookies substituted with 20% NS, 20% HS or 20% AHS, respectively. The cookie substituted with 20% AHS was a medium Glycemic Index (GI) food, whereas the cookie substituted with 20% NS or HS was the high GI food, similar to the control cookie. Although the cookie substituted with 20% AHS had lower volume than the control cookie, their sensory quality values were not significantly different. Thus, the combined acid and heat–moisture treated sweet potato starch could be substituted for 20% of wheat flour to increase the RS content and reduce the GI values of cookies as compared to those of the native or heat–moisture treated starch.
The Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Jan 17, 2023

Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, Apr 29, 2016
ABSTRAK Ubi jalar (Ipomea batatas (L.) Lam.) merupakan salah satu pangan fungsional yang dapat me... more ABSTRAK Ubi jalar (Ipomea batatas (L.) Lam.) merupakan salah satu pangan fungsional yang dapat mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kesehatan tubuh manusia. Tekstur ubi jalar merah yang keras menyebabkannya tidak dapat langsung dikonsumsi sehingga memerlukan berbagai macam proses pemasakan, agar ubi jalar merah tersebut menjadi lebih layak untuk dikonsumsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek berbagai metode pemasakan terhadap karakteristik proksimat dan organolpetik ubi jalar merah. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi pemasakan ubi jalar merah melalui perebusan, penggorengan, pemanggangan, pengukusan, dan satu perlakuan tanpa proses pemasakan (segar) digunakan sebagai kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemasakan berpengaruh nyata terhadap hampir semua parameter pengujian, kecuali kadar abu. Ubi jalar hasil pemanggangan memiliki nilai kadar air yang paling rendah (38,75) dan nilai kadar gula total sebagai gula pereduksi yang paling tinggi (17,17). Hasil pengujian organoleptik menunjukkan bahwa ubi jalar yang paling disukai adalah ubi jalar hasil penggorengan.

Tropical Life Sciences Research
Malaria continues to be a major public health issue in a number of countries, particularly in tro... more Malaria continues to be a major public health issue in a number of countries, particularly in tropical regions—the emergence of drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum encourages new drug discovery research. The key to Plasmodium falciparum survival is energy production up to 100 times greater than other parasites, primarily via the PfLDH. This study targets PfLDH with natural bioactive compounds from the Zingiberaceae family through molecular docking and molecular dynamic studies. Sulcanal, quercetin, shogosulfonic acid C, galanal A and naringenin are the Top 5 compounds with a lower binding energy value than chloroquine, which was used as a control in this study. By binding to NADH and substrate binding site residues, the majority of them are expected to inhibit pyruvate conversion to lactate and NAD+ regeneration. When compared to sulcanal and control drugs, the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation study indicated that quercetin may be the most stable molecule when interacting with Pf...

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
The Human papillomaviruses type 16 E7 oncoprotein is a 98-amino-acid, 11-kilodalton acidic oncopr... more The Human papillomaviruses type 16 E7 oncoprotein is a 98-amino-acid, 11-kilodalton acidic oncoprotein with three conserved portions. Due to its interaction with the pRb-E2F complex, CKII, CKI (mostly p21), and even HDAC1, it possesses strong transformative and carcinogenic qualities that inhibit normal differentiation and cell cycle regulation. Here, we target the E7 oncoprotein using two prior research active compounds: asarinin and thiazolo[3,2-a]benzimidazole-3(2H)-one,2-(2fluorobenzylideno)-7,8-dimethyl (thiazolo), and valproic acid as a control. We are performing molecular docking followed by molecular dynamic analysis. By acting as competitive inhibitors in the binding site, it was hypothesized that both drugs would inhibit E7-mediated pRb degradation and E7-mediated p21 degradation, resulting in decreased cell cycle progression, immortalization, and proliferation. In addition, we expect that the direct inhibitory action of valproic acid in E7 will target the CKII-mediated phosphorylation pathway necessary for destabilizing p130 and pRb. According to the results of the dynamic simulation, stable interactions exist between every compound. Despite the instability of E7 protein, stability results indicate that both natural chemicals are preferable, with thiazolo outperforming valproic acid.
Papers by Diana Widiastuti