Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat representasi salingtemas pada buku ajar bi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat representasi salingtemas pada buku ajar biologi kelas XI serta kesesuaian buku ajar biologi kelas XI dengan instrumen penilaian buku teks pelajaran dari BSNP. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode content analysis. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling, diperoleh dua buah buku ajar yaitu buku biologi terbitan ESIS (buku ajar 1), dan buku biologi terbitan Erlangga (buku ajar 2). Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat representasi salingtemas dalam substansi materi dan latihan pada buku ajar 1 sebesar 48,33%; buku ajar 2 sebesar 48,135% dengan kriteria sedang. Kesesuaian isi, bahasa, penyajian dengan instrumen penilaian buku teks pelajaran dari BSNP dalam buku ajar 1 sebesar 86,21%; buku ajar 2 sebesar 89,09% dengan kriteria sangat sesuai. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukan tingkat representasi salingtemas dalam substansi materi dan latihan pada buku ajar biologi kelas XI adalah sedang, dan kesesuaian isi, bahasa, penyajian buku ajar biologi kelas XI dengan instrumen penilaian buku teks pelajaran dari BSNP adalah sangat sesuai Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ The purpose of this study was to identify the 'salingtemas representativeness (integration of science, enviroment, technology and community) of biology textbooks of grade XI and its compatibility through textbook assessment instrument by BSNP (national board for educational standard). The study used quantitave approaches for content analysis. The sample was selected with purposive sampling technique, which obtained two biology textbooks published by ESIS (textbook 1), and by Erlangga (textbook 2). Data were later analyzed with descriptive statistic methods. The results showed that 'salingtemas' representativeness level of the text book 1 and 2, both their core and practice materials were recorded on 48,33% and 48,135% under middle criteria. The compatibility of their content, language, and presentation of the biology textbooks grade XI with the textbook assessment instrument from BSNP was as follows, textbook 1 was 86,21% and textbook 2 was 89,09% under highly compatible criteria. On the other hand 'salingtemas' representativeness of the biology textbooks was under middle criteria (quitely represented) and their compatibility with the assessment instrument of the textbook from BSNP was high (highly compatible).
Kincir Angin Portable sebagai Alternatif Sumber Energi Listrik yang Ramah Lingkungan. DSpace/Mana... more Kincir Angin Portable sebagai Alternatif Sumber Energi Listrik yang Ramah Lingkungan. DSpace/Manakin Repository. ...
The examination of Osteoarthritis disease through X-ray by rheumatology can be classified into fo... more The examination of Osteoarthritis disease through X-ray by rheumatology can be classified into four grade of severity. This paper discusses about the application of artificial neural network backpropagation method for measuring the severity of the disease, where the observed X-ray range from wrist to fingers. The main procedures of system in this paper is divided into three, which are image processing, feature extraction, and artificial neural network process. First, an X-ray image digital (200x150 pixels and greyscale) will be thresholded, then extracted features based on probabilistic values of the color intensity of seven bit quantization result, and statistical textures. That feature values then will be normalizing to interval [0.1, 0.9], and then the result would be processing on backpropagation artificial neural network system as input to determine the severity of disease from an X-ray had input before it. From testing with learning rate 0.3, momentum 0.4, hidden units five pieces and about 132 feature vectors, this system had had a level of accuracy of 100% for learning data, 80% for learning and non-learning data, and 66.6% for non-learning data
The examination of Osteoarthritis disease through X-ray by rheumatology can be classified into fo... more The examination of Osteoarthritis disease through X-ray by rheumatology can be classified into four grade of severity. This paper discusses about the application of artificial neural network backpropagation method for measuring the severity of the disease, where the observed X-ray range from wrist to fingers.
Dengue Fever Disease is still regarded as an endemic disease in Banjar City. Information is still... more Dengue Fever Disease is still regarded as an endemic disease in Banjar City. Information is still required to map dengue fever case distribution, mean center of case distribution, and the direction of dengue fever case dispersion in order to support the surveillance program in the relation to the vast area of the dengue fever disease control program. The objective of the research is to obtain information regarding the area of dengue fever disease distribution in Banjar City by utilizing the Standard Deviational Ellipse (SDE) model. The research is an observational study with Explanatory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA). Data analysis uses SDE model with the scope of the entire sub district area in Banjar City. The data analyzed is dengue fever case from 2007-2013 periods, with the number of sample of 315 cases. Social demographic overview of dengue fever patients in Banjar City shows that most of the patients are within the productive age, with 39.7% within the school age and 45.7% are within the work age. Most of the dengue fever patients are men (58.1%). Distribution of dengue fever cases from the period of 2007 until 2012 mostly occur in 25-37.5 meters above sea level (MASL) (55.8%). The SDE models of dengue fever cases in Banjar City generally form dispersion patterns following the x-axis and clustered by physiographic boundaries. The SDE model can be used to discover dispersion patterns and directions of dengue fever cases, therefore, dengue fever disease control program can be conducted based on local-specific information, in order to support health decision.
International Journal of Computer Applications, Jun 18, 2014
There are various ways to detect the presence of compound drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, morphin... more There are various ways to detect the presence of compound drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, morphine in the human body. Either through a urine sample or blood sample. This study was undertaken with the aim to create a system that can detect the severity level of the effects of illegal drugs (narcotics) uses from the blood, with three different level ie minimal, moderate, and severe of the five compounds drugs and hemoglobin levels which contained from each blood sample. The fifth compound including diacetylemorphine, morphine, benzoylecgonine, amphetamine, and phencyclidine.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat representasi salingtemas pada buku ajar bi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat representasi salingtemas pada buku ajar biologi kelas XI serta kesesuaian buku ajar biologi kelas XI dengan instrumen penilaian buku teks pelajaran dari BSNP. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode content analysis. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling, diperoleh dua buah buku ajar yaitu buku biologi terbitan ESIS (buku ajar 1), dan buku biologi terbitan Erlangga (buku ajar 2). Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat representasi salingtemas dalam substansi materi dan latihan pada buku ajar 1 sebesar 48,33%; buku ajar 2 sebesar 48,135% dengan kriteria sedang. Kesesuaian isi, bahasa, penyajian dengan instrumen penilaian buku teks pelajaran dari BSNP dalam buku ajar 1 sebesar 86,21%; buku ajar 2 sebesar 89,09% dengan kriteria sangat sesuai. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukan tingkat representasi salingtemas dalam substansi materi dan latihan pada buku ajar biologi kelas XI adalah sedang, dan kesesuaian isi, bahasa, penyajian buku ajar biologi kelas XI dengan instrumen penilaian buku teks pelajaran dari BSNP adalah sangat sesuai Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ The purpose of this study was to identify the 'salingtemas representativeness (integration of science, enviroment, technology and community) of biology textbooks of grade XI and its compatibility through textbook assessment instrument by BSNP (national board for educational standard). The study used quantitave approaches for content analysis. The sample was selected with purposive sampling technique, which obtained two biology textbooks published by ESIS (textbook 1), and by Erlangga (textbook 2). Data were later analyzed with descriptive statistic methods. The results showed that 'salingtemas' representativeness level of the text book 1 and 2, both their core and practice materials were recorded on 48,33% and 48,135% under middle criteria. The compatibility of their content, language, and presentation of the biology textbooks grade XI with the textbook assessment instrument from BSNP was as follows, textbook 1 was 86,21% and textbook 2 was 89,09% under highly compatible criteria. On the other hand 'salingtemas' representativeness of the biology textbooks was under middle criteria (quitely represented) and their compatibility with the assessment instrument of the textbook from BSNP was high (highly compatible).
Kincir Angin Portable sebagai Alternatif Sumber Energi Listrik yang Ramah Lingkungan. DSpace/Mana... more Kincir Angin Portable sebagai Alternatif Sumber Energi Listrik yang Ramah Lingkungan. DSpace/Manakin Repository. ...
The examination of Osteoarthritis disease through X-ray by rheumatology can be classified into fo... more The examination of Osteoarthritis disease through X-ray by rheumatology can be classified into four grade of severity. This paper discusses about the application of artificial neural network backpropagation method for measuring the severity of the disease, where the observed X-ray range from wrist to fingers. The main procedures of system in this paper is divided into three, which are image processing, feature extraction, and artificial neural network process. First, an X-ray image digital (200x150 pixels and greyscale) will be thresholded, then extracted features based on probabilistic values of the color intensity of seven bit quantization result, and statistical textures. That feature values then will be normalizing to interval [0.1, 0.9], and then the result would be processing on backpropagation artificial neural network system as input to determine the severity of disease from an X-ray had input before it. From testing with learning rate 0.3, momentum 0.4, hidden units five pieces and about 132 feature vectors, this system had had a level of accuracy of 100% for learning data, 80% for learning and non-learning data, and 66.6% for non-learning data
The examination of Osteoarthritis disease through X-ray by rheumatology can be classified into fo... more The examination of Osteoarthritis disease through X-ray by rheumatology can be classified into four grade of severity. This paper discusses about the application of artificial neural network backpropagation method for measuring the severity of the disease, where the observed X-ray range from wrist to fingers.
Dengue Fever Disease is still regarded as an endemic disease in Banjar City. Information is still... more Dengue Fever Disease is still regarded as an endemic disease in Banjar City. Information is still required to map dengue fever case distribution, mean center of case distribution, and the direction of dengue fever case dispersion in order to support the surveillance program in the relation to the vast area of the dengue fever disease control program. The objective of the research is to obtain information regarding the area of dengue fever disease distribution in Banjar City by utilizing the Standard Deviational Ellipse (SDE) model. The research is an observational study with Explanatory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA). Data analysis uses SDE model with the scope of the entire sub district area in Banjar City. The data analyzed is dengue fever case from 2007-2013 periods, with the number of sample of 315 cases. Social demographic overview of dengue fever patients in Banjar City shows that most of the patients are within the productive age, with 39.7% within the school age and 45.7% are within the work age. Most of the dengue fever patients are men (58.1%). Distribution of dengue fever cases from the period of 2007 until 2012 mostly occur in 25-37.5 meters above sea level (MASL) (55.8%). The SDE models of dengue fever cases in Banjar City generally form dispersion patterns following the x-axis and clustered by physiographic boundaries. The SDE model can be used to discover dispersion patterns and directions of dengue fever cases, therefore, dengue fever disease control program can be conducted based on local-specific information, in order to support health decision.
International Journal of Computer Applications, Jun 18, 2014
There are various ways to detect the presence of compound drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, morphin... more There are various ways to detect the presence of compound drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, morphine in the human body. Either through a urine sample or blood sample. This study was undertaken with the aim to create a system that can detect the severity level of the effects of illegal drugs (narcotics) uses from the blood, with three different level ie minimal, moderate, and severe of the five compounds drugs and hemoglobin levels which contained from each blood sample. The fifth compound including diacetylemorphine, morphine, benzoylecgonine, amphetamine, and phencyclidine.
Interpretasi : Berdasarkan grafik summary diatas dapat diketahui : 1. Modus : Populasi penduduk d... more Interpretasi : Berdasarkan grafik summary diatas dapat diketahui : 1. Modus : Populasi penduduk di dunia antara 0 – 100 ribu jiwa Histogram digunakan untuk memeriksa bentuk dan penyebaran data sampel. Histogram membagi nilai-nilai sampel ke dalam banyak interval disebut batang. Bar merupakan jumlah observasi jatuh dalam setiap batang (frekuensi). Dalam histogram di bawah ini , misalnya, ada dua observasi dengan nilai antara 2,5 dan 7,5 tiga pengamatan dengan nilai antara 7,5 dan 12,5 dan sebagainya. BAR CHART digunakan untuk membandingkan secara visual bar ketinggian langkah-langkah kategori. Grafik batang dapat dibuat dari kategori penghitungan , dari statistik yang berbeda berdasarkan kategori, atau nilai-nilai ringkasan. Ketinggian bar menandakan besarnya nilai. 2. Berdasarkan histogram, populasi penduduk antara 0 – 50 ribu jiwa sebanyak >80 negara 3. Karena pvalue < alfa maka tolak H 0 sehingga data tdk berdistribusi normal. (AD Normality Test) 4. Normal iku nek skewness = 0 kutosis = 3. Tp kalau d Minitab dikatakan normal kalau kurtosis = 0. Karena rumusnya dikurangi 3. Skewness menggambarkan kemiringan data. Kalau > 0 maka data miring ke kanan (skewness kanan) kalau < 0 data skewness kiri. Kurtosis menggambarkan keruncingan data. Kalau > 0 maka grafik data runcing kalau < 0 grafik data landai.
Interpretasi : Berdasarkan grafik summary diatas dapat diketahui : 1. Modus : Populasi penduduk d... more Interpretasi : Berdasarkan grafik summary diatas dapat diketahui : 1. Modus : Populasi penduduk di dunia antara 0 – 100 ribu jiwa Histogram digunakan untuk memeriksa bentuk dan penyebaran data sampel. Histogram membagi nilai-nilai sampel ke dalam banyak interval disebut batang. Bar merupakan jumlah observasi jatuh dalam setiap batang (frekuensi). Dalam histogram di bawah ini , misalnya, ada dua observasi dengan nilai antara 2,5 dan 7,5 tiga pengamatan dengan nilai antara 7,5 dan 12,5 dan sebagainya. BAR CHART digunakan untuk membandingkan secara visual bar ketinggian langkah-langkah kategori. Grafik batang dapat dibuat dari kategori penghitungan , dari statistik yang berbeda berdasarkan kategori, atau nilai-nilai ringkasan. Ketinggian bar menandakan besarnya nilai. 2. Berdasarkan histogram, populasi penduduk antara 0 – 50 ribu jiwa sebanyak >80 negara 3. Karena pvalue < alfa maka tolak H 0 sehingga data tdk berdistribusi normal. (AD Normality Test) 4. Normal iku nek skewness = 0 kutosis = 3. Tp kalau d Minitab dikatakan normal kalau kurtosis = 0. Karena rumusnya dikurangi 3. Skewness menggambarkan kemiringan data. Kalau > 0 maka data miring ke kanan (skewness kanan) kalau < 0 data skewness kiri. Kurtosis menggambarkan keruncingan data. Kalau > 0 maka grafik data runcing kalau < 0 grafik data landai.
Papers by Dian Pratiwi