Papers by Dian Ardiansyah
Kementrian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, 2019

Paradigma - Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika, 2020
Marketing is a job that has a scope of work to market a product. Marketing is at the forefront of... more Marketing is a job that has a scope of work to market a product. Marketing is at the forefront of the company. The problem that often occurs in companies is not having a reliable marketing force. The problem arises because the process of accepting new marketing is still not done professionally. This happens because there is no systematic standard method to assess the feasibility of marketing candidates. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the marketing placement so that it can determine the feasibility of a new marketing placement problem. Through the results of the analysis of new marketing placements, it can be seen whether the marketing candidates passed or did not qualify. Of the problems that exist testing the data mining classification method to find out the algorithm to predict marketing feasibility is to use an algorithm that is C4.5. After testing with the C4.5 algorithm the results obtained are that the C4.5 algorithm produces an accuracy value of 91.10% and an AUC value of 0.921 with a diagnosis level of Excellent Classification. So that the conclusion C4.5 algorithm is a good algorithm to be applied to the feasibility of marketing placement.

Information technology is a very important means and support for a company both public and privat... more Information technology is a very important means and support for a company both public and private in small, medium or large scale, so that with information can be expected to facilitate the work and goals can be achieved to the maximum. Pizza Hut restaurant in general already using a wellcomputerized system, but there are some things in this restaurant, which is still done in a conventional way, such as the purchase of raw materials of fruits and vegetables. So the possibility of errors or mistakes in terms of data processing is very large. The author tries to make the design of information systems purchases of raw materials that still use the conventional system, and try to provide alternative proposals by changing it into a computerized system. The design of information systems is the best solution to solve the problems existing in this restaurant, as well as with the new system can be achieved an effective and efficient activities in supporting activities in this company. Intisa...

Paradigma - Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika, 2021
The development of information technology which is increasingly advanced and dynamic and the incr... more The development of information technology which is increasingly advanced and dynamic and the increasing competition in the global market has made all competition, both labor and business sectors, tighter. Of course this affects all types of businesses and business actors must start thinking about new breakthroughs so that their business can survive and be able to compete with other business competitors. The lack of breakthrough in marketing is experienced by the Judo Karawang Branch Management, where marketing is the spearhead of a business. So, if the marketing strategy is blunt, it will have an impact on the process of business activities. In order for these businesses to survive, the use of information technology is of course the main choice in business development, especially in terms of promotion and sales of services so that they can compete with other businesses. To increase competitiveness and to obtain other business opportunities, this can be done by taking advantage of developments in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The system development method used in this study is the Rapid Application Development model. This model is used because it is considered a development method that has a short and fast development time. Referring to previous research, the researcher chose this RAD model because it was considered appropriate for the e-commerce system that the researcher built. E-commerce will make it easier for producers in marketing activities and also cut operating costs for trading and marketing activities so that it will increase sales volume and increase revenue. This increase in income will eventually expand the business.

Paradigma - Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika, 2021
SMA Panca Moral Cikampek merupakan suatu perwujudan dalam membentuk, mendidik genarasi muda bangs... more SMA Panca Moral Cikampek merupakan suatu perwujudan dalam membentuk, mendidik genarasi muda bangsa Indonesia. Semakin bertambahnya jumlah siswa setiap tahunnya, dituntut ketepatan dan ketelitian dalam memberikan suatu informasi yang akurat dan tepat kepada siswa tanpa adanya perulangan data atau informasi yang sama. SMA Panca Moral Cikampek sangat membutuhkan adanya sebuah sistem yang dapat menunjang dalam proses penyajian informasi akademik. Untuk menangani masalah tersebut maka dibutuhkan suatu sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Web Pada SMA Panca Moral Cikampek sebagai salah satu solusi untuk memberikan sebuah informasi secara akurat, cepat dan tepat. Sistem informasi akademik yang ditawarkan dapat mengelola mengenai informasi akademik baik data absensi siswa, absen mengajar masuk dan absen mengajar guru, mengelola data nilai, jadwal pelajaran, jadwal mengajar guru, serta dapat menerbitkan informasiinformasi yang berhubungan dengan akademik. Pengembangan sistem informasi akademik berbasis web ini menggunakan metode rapid application development(RAD), model pengembangan ini digunakan karena model ini dianggap model dengan mengutamakan waktu, sehingga pengerjaannya relatif singkat sehingga dengan adanya pengembangan sistem informasi ini dapat berguna dalam memberikan kemudahan baik pelajar maupun kepada pengajar.

The development of web-based information technology is currently increasing. One of them is the w... more The development of web-based information technology is currently increasing. One of them is the website. The website has the advantage that all the information you want can be easily and cheaply obtained. Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Rengasdengklok or now known as MAN 4 Karawang currently processing academic data, especially in processing grades is still very simple, namely only with Microsoft Excel. The presence of this academic information system is expected to help teachers and students get academic information more quickly, easily and cheaply. In building this system the writer uses the waterfall methodology. The design and implementation were carried out with the Dreamweaver programming language and PHP and the database used by PhpMyAdmin. With this academic information system, hopefully it can help to support school performance, especially for processing academic data.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
The existence of various PHP frameworks may become one alternative choice in developing a web app... more The existence of various PHP frameworks may become one alternative choice in developing a web application that PT XYZ wants to evaluate its Wisanggeni internal PHP framework in order to measure how far the design quality of Wisanggeni framework is working. An evaluation on PHP framework using object-oriented metric parameter and design quality is then conducted in this research. The results of measurement conducted using object-oriented metric parameters for each framework are evaluated with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine the best framework model design quality used as a reference for the development of Wisanggeni. This study also uses a combination of PHPDepend and PHPMetrics devices to measure the values of object-oriented metrics in each PHP framework. The research final result is that each framework has one value representing each framework’s quality in which the quality of Wisanggeni framework is almost to the same with the Laravel and CodeIgniter fram...

Jurnal Teknik Komputer, 2020
Abstrak – Kontestasi politik dalam penentuan menjadi pemimpin tingkat provinsi dalam hal ini gube... more Abstrak – Kontestasi politik dalam penentuan menjadi pemimpin tingkat provinsi dalam hal ini gubernur jawa barat 2018-2023. Masyarakat yang memberikan opininya berupa tweet pada media sosial twitter menentukan bentuk dukungan atau tidaknya, sehingga perlu adanya analisis sentimen terhadap calon Gubernur agar mengetahui tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat serta terbentuk citra kepada calon Gubernur Jawa Barat 2018-2023. Akan tetapi membaca keseluruhan tweet yang tersebar dalam twitter yang berkaitan dengan masing-masing calon gubernur akan memakan waktu dan membingungkan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Klasifikasi sentimen akan mengurai masalah mengenai opini, pendapat, emosi dan prilaku dengan studi komputasi. Metode klasifikasi yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian yaitu dengan algoritma Naïve Bayes serta Support Vector Machine. Penentuan fitur menentuka hasil akurasi, dalam penentuan fitur seleksi digunakan Genetic Algorithm agar dapat meningkatan akurasi pengklasifikasian pada Support Vec...

Increasingly rapid technological development has given rise to a very broad impact for the variou... more Increasingly rapid technological development has given rise to a very broad impact for the various aspects of life both among schools, government agencies and individuals. Most of the school library is in need of a good data processing system, in order to facilitate the preparation of report and presentation of data. For example, to know the data of each book and determine whether there is a change in any part of the placement of the book, so when there is no hard data requests in search and does not inhibit the processing. Making this program using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, XAMPP and Crystal Report. The program is expected that the author can resolve any problems that may occur when manually borrowing. From then making of this final report can be deduced with this programming, charging and data storage will become easier and peaceful. Preparation documents and transaction process will be efficient and effevtive because of the computer all the data can be processed accurately and ...
Papers by Dian Ardiansyah