Papers by Ria Dewi Andriani
Jurnal Pangan dan Agroindustri, Dec 17, 2013
Mikroalga laut Tetraselmis chuii memiliki potensi yang besar untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pan... more Mikroalga laut Tetraselmis chuii memiliki potensi yang besar untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pangan fungsional karena mengandung zat gizi dan senyawa fitokimia. Tetraselmis chuii memiliki kandungan gizi yang cukup tinggi yaitu protein sebesar 48.42%, karbohidrat sebesar 12.10%, lemak 9.70%, aktivitas antioksidan berkisar antara 2.55-31.29 mg/mL dan total klorofil berkisar antara 3.65-19.20 mg/g. Penelitian senyawa fitokimia Tetraselmis chuii belum pernah dilakukan, maka dalam usaha pengembangan bahan pangan fungsional berbasis Tetraselmis chuii, penting dilakukan skrining fitokimia terhadap ekstrak etanol Tetrasemis chuii untuk mengidentifikasi jenis senyawa fitokimia yang terdapat dalam Tetraselmis chuii dan mengetahui manfaatnya bagi kesehatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan analisis data secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen ekstrak sebesar 30.97% dan ekstrak etanol Tetraselmis chuii mengandung senyawa fitokimia golongan alkaloid, flavonoid, dan glikosida flavonoid.

Penelitian tentang Yoghurt sinbiotik yang diperkaya ekstrak limbah buah naga merah (Hylocereus po... more Penelitian tentang Yoghurt sinbiotik yang diperkaya ekstrak limbah buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhyzus) evaporasi, untuk menambah serat pangan (fiber), pewarna alami dan kandungan antioksidan telah dilakukan. Produk inovatif pangan fungsional ini sering memberikan after taste yang menurunkan penerimaan sensori bagi konsumen oleh karena itu dilakukan penambahan bahan pemanis alami yakni sirup fruktosa. Tujuan penelitian adalah pengembangan pangan fungsional yoghurt sinbiotik yang diperkaya dengan ekstrak limbah buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhyzus) evaporasi dan penambahan pemanis alami ditinjau dari kualitas fisikokimiawinya. Metode penelitian adalah percobaan dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan perlakuan P0= yoghurt sinbiotik yang diperkaya ekstrak limbah buah naga merah 20% dan P1 = P0 + 25% sirup fruktosa, dengan 3 ulangan (v/v). Ekstrak limbah buah naga merah evaporasi dan bahan pemanis alami memberikan perbedaan yang sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap rerata pH, kadar protein dan kadar lemak dan memberikan perbedaan yang nyata (P<0,05) terhadap rerata total asam yoghurt sinbiotik. Disimpulkan bahwa yoghurt sinbiotik yang diperkaya dengan ekstrak limbah buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhyzus) evaporasi dan bahan pemanis alami (sirup fruktosa) memberikan kualitas fisikokimiawi sesuai dengan SNI yoghurt sinbiotik sebagai inovasi bagi pengembangan pangan fungsional. Kata kunci : ekstrak kulit buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhyzus)evaporasi, yoghurt sinbiotik, pemanis alami, kualitas fisikokimawi.

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak: Media Komunikasi Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak, Mar 1, 2020
Hypercholesterolemia is a disease that is indicated by the increasing level of cholesterol in the... more Hypercholesterolemia is a disease that is indicated by the increasing level of cholesterol in the body and also as one of the factors causing cardiovascular disease. An alternative that can be done to prevent hypercholesterolemia is by consuming fermented milk. Skim milk is fermented using probiotic of Lactobacillus acidophillus, Lactobacillus plantarum and Streptococcus thermophilus. The skimmed milk that has been fermented is then tested for total lactic acid bacteria, total acid, pH, and in vivo analysis for antihypercholesterolemia activity using animal model. In this study, the animal models used were male white rats which were grouped into three treatment groups, namely negative control, positive control, and fermented milk group. The result of the study shows that the total lactic acid bacteria, total acid and pH of fermented skim milk were 5.25 x10 9 CFU/mL; 2.190% and pH 4.06, respectively. From the results, fermented milk with probiotics has the ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood of male white rats effectively in vivo.
Asian Food Science Journal, Feb 23, 2023
The purpose of this research was to study the quality of yogurt symbiotic fortified with Bawang D... more The purpose of this research was to study the quality of yogurt symbiotic fortified with Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia) extract. Study Design: This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) experimental method and consist of 4 treatments.

Advances in economics, business and management research, 2023
Chicken nugget is contained of beneficial nutrition and is also reachable but lacks of fibres. Th... more Chicken nugget is contained of beneficial nutrition and is also reachable but lacks of fibres. Therefore, it required more ingredients to improve the quality of chicken nuggets. In this research, the chicken nugget was added with carrot (Daucus carota L.) and suweg (Amorphophallus campanulatus) flours which aim to increase the fibres also the beneficial nutrition of the chicken nugget. The objective of this research was to determine the physicochemical properties of chicken nugget with the addition of carrot and suweg flours. The method used in this research is experimental using completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and four repetitions. The results showed that added carrot and suweg flours didn't gave significant effect on the water content, crude fibre and organoleptic of chicken nuggets. Moreover, in the conclusion of this research, adding of 6% of carrot flour and 14% of suweg flour (T3) produced a first rate of chicken nugget considered to the water content, crude fibre and texture.

Advances in economics, business and management research, 2023
The study aimed to determine the Effect of the addition phytobiotic and acidifiers as feed additi... more The study aimed to determine the Effect of the addition phytobiotic and acidifiers as feed additives on the carcass quality of hybrid ducks. The research material was 180 hybrid ducks aged 21 days. The research method was an experiment with a completely randomized design, with 6 treatments and 5 replications. The treatment consist of P0 = Basal diet, P1 = Basal diet + 0.5% Antibiotics, P2 = Basal diet + combination phytobiotics and acidifier 0.25%, P3 = Basal diet + combination of phytobiotics and acidifier 0.5%, P4 = Basal diet + combination of phytobiotics and acidifier 0.75%, P5 = Basal diet + combination of phytobiotics and acidifier 1%. The variables observed were percentage carcass, percentage breast meat disposition, percentage part of the carcass, and cholesterol content of hybrid duck meat. Data analysis with analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) from Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results showed that the treatment had no significant effect (P > 0.05) on the percentage of the carcass, part of carcass cut, and meat disposition of hybrid duck, however, had a significant effect (P < 0.01) on the cholesterol content of hybrid duck meat. It was concluded that the addition of a mixture of phytobiotics and acidifier in the feed did not increase the carcass, carcass pieces, and the percentage of disposition of hybrid duck meat, but it was able to reduce the cholesterol content of hybrid duck meat. The addition of a mixture of phytobiotic and acidifier of 0.75% as a feed additive gave the best results.

Advances in biological sciences research, 2023
After mastitis therapy, using the right technology, it was necessary to break down the antibiotic... more After mastitis therapy, using the right technology, it was necessary to break down the antibiotics in waste milk. Due to microbial activity, the microbiology approach as an anaerobic treatment presumably successfully removes antibiotic residues in milk. This study attempted to Eliminate Antibiotic Residue from Mastitis Treatment in Cow's Milk by Using Kefir Grain in an Anaerobic Method. Twelve samples of Holstein cows milk with 3% kefir grain were randomly assigned to one of four treatments: cows milk with 3% kefir grain and no antibiotics (control), cow milk with 3% kefir grain and six, eight, and ten micrograms per milliliter of Amoxycillin trihydrate, respectively. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications was used to evaluate the collected data, followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). This study demonstrates that adding 3% kefir grains eliminates antibiotics in milk, as indicated by a negative antibiotic residue test. On cow's milk containing 3% kefir grain and 6 μg/ml, a significantly different effect of pH (3.98 ± 0.2), syneresis (24.93 ± 0.7), and lactic acid bacteria viability (8.88 CFU/ml) were observed, except for dissolved protein (8.16 ± 1.7).

Advances in biological sciences research, 2023
This study aimed to determine the optimal pH for Moringa oleifera seeds extract as a milk casein ... more This study aimed to determine the optimal pH for Moringa oleifera seeds extract as a milk casein coagulant in terms of milk-clotting activity (MCA), caseinolytic activity (CA), ratio MCA/CA, and coagulation time. Moringa oleifera seeds extraction was obtained using the Focused Microwave-Assisted Soxhlet Extraction (FMASE) method. Milk-clotting activity was analyzed using skim milk. Caseinolytic activity was assessed using sodium caseinate as substrates. The effects of pH (5-8) on Moringa oleifera seeds enzyme activities were determined using experimental design of Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method with 5 treatments, maceration extract (P0), FMASE extract at pH 5 (T 1 ), 6 (T 2 ), 7 (T 3 ) and 8 (T 4 ) with 3 times replications. The significant influence will be tested using Duncan test. The results showed that the difference in pH atmosphere had a very significant effect (P < 0.01) on MCA, CA, MCI, and coagulation time. The pH 5 setting on the addition of Moringa oleifera seeds extract as a milk coagulant showed the optimum results at MCA 69.68 U/ml and MCI 3209.09, low yields at CA 0.02. U/ml, and gives a short time in the milk coagulation process of 14.35 s. The conclusion of this study is that adjusting the pH atmosphere in an increasingly acidic atmosphere will increase the work of the protease enzyme in Moringa oleifera seeds extract. pH 5 and 6 Moringa oleifera seeds extract can work optimally and will decrease at pH 7.
Asian Food Science Journal, Mar 28, 2023
This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Authors RAS, FN and NPA wrote the d... more This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Authors RAS, FN and NPA wrote the draft of manuscript and performed the statistical analysis. Authors AM, MES, RDA and PPR designed the study, managed the analysis study and added the literature searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Advances in biological sciences research, 2023
Sustainable development goal no. 12, to "ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns",... more Sustainable development goal no. 12, to "ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns", include a goal to reduce food waste at consumer level and food losses along the production and supply chains. For dairy, commonly referenced reasons are related to misunderstanding of spoilage before consuming products and improper storage. As a wasted food, milk can have negative environmental impacts when disposed of down the drain. This study will discuss the food waste problem, causes, and potential solution at consumer level with particular focus on goat's milk kefir (GMK) as one of dairy functional food product. GMK used in this study was 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% of milk volume to make probiotic ice cream (PIC). The uses of GMK turn out to make PIC with significant difference (P < 0, 05) in physicochemical properties and sensory attributes for each treatment. Physicochemical properties and sensory attributes influenced product acceptability. Hence, this study aims (1) to formulate a PIC added with GMK, (2) to determine the impact of GMK on PIC's physicochemical properties and sensory attributes, and (3) to assess the acceptance of PIC. The utilization of GMK in PIC is a potentially novel strategy for producing nutritious dessert to solve food waste problem.

Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Tropis dan Biosistem
The effect of biochar supplementation with different particle size on biogas production in two-st... more The effect of biochar supplementation with different particle size on biogas production in two-stage anaerobic digestion of white bread waste was carried out on a laboratory scale using a 100 mL bioreactor. The supplementation of biochar variations with particle sizes <63 µm, <125 µm, <149 µm, <250 µm, and <500 µm and the addition of different biochar concentration of 5 g/L, 15 g/L, and 25 g/L were investigated to obtain optimal concentrations. Mixed cultures were incubated at 35 °C for 40 days. Daily gas production, pH and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) were measured using the daily water displacement method. The results showed that the particle size of biochar < 500 µm with a biochar concentration of 5 g/L increased biogas production by 60% and resulted in gas accumulation of 4,240.03 mL/L. CH4, It has proven that biochar increased pH in the mixture. COD concentration decreased from 9,670 mg/L to 1,640 mg/L.

Advances in biological sciences research, 2023
The high level of pathogenic microbial contamination in milk can reduce milk quality. Milk as a s... more The high level of pathogenic microbial contamination in milk can reduce milk quality. Milk as a source of animal protein is produced by dairy cattle with complete nutritional content. The complete nutritional content causes milk to be an ideal medium for bacterial growth. The bacteria that are found in milk are generally the result of cross-contamination. The contamination can occur due to the wrong handling of milk, both from the milking process to the processing process. Method to minimize the number of microbes due to contamination in milk have been carried out, one of which is heat treatment, but in practice, the wrong application of heat treatment can cause protein damage in milk. Another method that can be done is to use ozone technology. Ozone is one of the sterilization methods using ozone (O 3) to oxidize bacterial cell walls. Sterilization can injure or kill bacteria that found in milk. This research carried out through several stages, one of which is done by adding 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% fat and protein, each sample injected with Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes bacteria. This study aims to test the resistance of pathogenic bacteria that are commonly found in milk. The results showed an increase in the resistance of bacteria to ozone.

Mikroalga laut Tetraselmis chuii memiliki potensi yang besar untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pan... more Mikroalga laut Tetraselmis chuii memiliki potensi yang besar untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pangan fungsional karena mengandung zat gizi dan senyawa fitokimia. Tetraselmis chuii memiliki kandungan gizi yang cukup tinggi yaitu protein sebesar 48.42%, karbohidrat sebesar 12.10%, lemak 9.70%, aktivitas antioksidan berkisar antara 2.55-31.29 mg/mL dan total klorofil berkisar antara 3.65-19.20 mg/g. Penelitian senyawa fitokimia Tetraselmis chuii belum pernah dilakukan, maka dalam usaha pengembangan bahan pangan fungsional berbasis Tetraselmis chuii, penting dilakukan skrining fitokimia terhadap ekstrak etanol Tetrasemis chuii untuk mengidentifikasi jenis senyawa fitokimia yang terdapat dalam Tetraselmis chuii dan mengetahui manfaatnya bagi kesehatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan analisis data secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen ekstrak sebesar 30.97% dan ekstrak etanol Tetraselmis chuii mengandung senyawa fitokimia golongan alkaloid, flavonoid, dan glikosida flavonoid.

E3S Web of Conferences, 2022
The purpose of this study is to determine the appropriate concentration of gelatin bone goat to t... more The purpose of this study is to determine the appropriate concentration of gelatin bone goat to the physical quality of the ice cream. The good of ice cream making can be examined from their physical properties including overrun, viscosity, melting point, and emulsion stability. This study employs a complete random design (CRD) with the treatment that is given including, P0 (controlled), P1 (the use of goat bone gelatin by 0.5%), P2 (the use of goat bone gelatin by 1%), P3 (the use of goat bone gelatin by 1.5%). The observed variable is overrun, viscosity, melting point, and emulsion stability. The results show that ice cream with the addition of a goat bone gelatin stabilizer as much as 1.5% produces ice cream with the best quality with an average value of 65.11% overrun, the viscosity to 84.57 cP, 35.31 minutes/50 g melting point and 84.03% of emulsion stability.

E3S Web of Conferences, 2022
Meniran is an Indonesian herbal plant which has health benefits due to its bioactive compounds. I... more Meniran is an Indonesian herbal plant which has health benefits due to its bioactive compounds. It can be applied to food product, whey protein isolate, were easily absorbed for body. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of meniran extract addition to nano whey protein isolate on viscosity, foam overrun, foam stability and foam’s microscopic. Data collection method was laboratory experiment with 4 treatments of different meniran extract addition levels which consisted of P0 (without meniran extract), P1 (30 ug/mL), P2 (60 ug/mL) and P3 (90 ug/mL) which repeated 3 replications respectively. Experiment was designed by Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The data was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), if there were significantly differences, it would be continued by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that meniran extract addition to nano whey protein isolate gave significant effect (P<0.05) on viscosity. However, there was no effect o...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Gembili is one variety of local tubers originating in Indonesia, where its utilization is not in ... more Gembili is one variety of local tubers originating in Indonesia, where its utilization is not in its most use. This tuber has bioactive compounds such as dioscorin, diosgenin, inulin and water-soluble polysaccharides that function as immunomodulators, including those which prevents metabolic diseases such as hyperglycaemia. The addition of gembili tubers in fermented milk has more value and is an alternative nutraceutical food for people who need a healthy diet because it contains probiotics and bioactive components. This study aims to determine the antihyperglycemic activity of fermented milk enriched with gembili flour in animal models. Probiotics contained in fermented milk are Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum and Streptococcus thermophilus. The experimental animals used in this study are healthy male white rats, not deformed, and had never been used in previous experiments. The animals in experiment were grouped into five treatment groups namely P1=negative con...

Asian Food Science Journal, 2022
The purpose of this research was to investigate the characteristic of physicochemical properties ... more The purpose of this research was to investigate the characteristic of physicochemical properties of interaction of whey protein with different concentration phylantin sources of the Phyllantus niruri L. Study Design: Phylantin was added to whey protein with various concentration treatments (0 (control), 150, 180, 210 and 240 (μg/ml)). Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted between June until November 2021 at the Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya. Methodology: Phylantin was added to whey protein with various concentration treatments (0 (control), 150, 180, 210 and 240 (μg/ml)). An analysis is carried out to determine characteristic physicochemical and functional properties such as emulsion stability, emulsion activity, foaming ability, sedimentation, turbidity, particle size and antioxidant activity. Results: The characteristic physicochemical of whey protein and phylantin was investigated such as emulsion stability, emulsion activity, foaming ability, s...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease characterized by the increase of blood sugar levels, due to t... more Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease characterized by the increase of blood sugar levels, due to the damage of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. DM management includes taking glucose-lowering bioactive compounds from natural products such as xanthone and its derivatives from mangosteen peel. Bioactive compounds are susceptible to degradation; therefore, it needs to be protected by whey protein. Whey protein is believed to be a delivery system or carrier in the food system by means of nanocapsules. In addition, fortification of whey protein and xanthone combined into liquid skim milk is a way to diversify dairy products for diabetics. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of fortification of skim milk with whey protein xanthone on blood glucose levels of hyperglycaemic rats. The results of in vivo study prove that xanthone from mangosteen peel extract and its combination with whey protein nor liquid skim milk significantly affects (α=0.05) the decreased level of ...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The prevalence of obesity which tends to increase is also known to be one of the triggers for var... more The prevalence of obesity which tends to increase is also known to be one of the triggers for various degenerative diseases. The main reason for obesity is unbalanced lifestyle. One solution that can be applied in overcoming the problem of degenerative diseases is by consuming functional food such as probiotics. Probiotics are mostly familiar in fermented products, especially milk-based products as well as yoghurt. This study uses yoghurt added with sweet potatoes containing Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris and Streptococcus salivarius subsp thermophilus as a starter culture. This study aims to determine the effect of giving synbiotic yoghurt towards body weight's decrease in wistar rats feed under a high-fat diet. In this study, 24 wistar rats were grouped into 4 treatment groups particularly P1 (control); P2 (by giving yoghurt with a dose of 1 ml per day); P3 (1.5 ml per day); and P4 (2.5 ml per day). The treatment is carried out for 3 weeks and weighing is done every week. The results showed that the treatment group had the ability to reduce body weight significantly (p<0.05) compared to the control group.

Marine microalgae (Tetraselmis chuii) has great potential to be used as functional ingredients be... more Marine microalgae (Tetraselmis chuii) has great potential to be used as functional ingredients because it contain nutrients and phytochemical compounds. Tetraselmis chuii has high nutrient content which amounted to 48.42% protein, 12.10% carbohydrate, 9.70% fat, antioxidant activity ranged from 2.55 to 31.29 mg/mL and total chlorophyll ranged from 3.65 to 19.20 mg/g. Phytochemical research of Tetraselmis chuii has not been done, in case for developing of functional foods based on Tetraselmis chuii, it is important to do phytochemical screening of the ethanol extract of Tetrasemis chuii to identify the type of phytochemical compounds contained in Tetraselmis chuii and knowing the health benefits. This research conducted in descriptive data analysis. The results showed that the ethanol extract of Tetraselmis chuii has 30.97% yield extract and containing phytochemical compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides.
Papers by Ria Dewi Andriani