Human trafficking is still a serious problem that requires more attention from law
enforcement ... more Human trafficking is still a serious problem that requires more attention from law
enforcement officials, because there are still rampant cases of human trafficking with
various modus operandi given. The crime of human trafficking is included in the gross
violation of human rights because it can injure human dignity. The impacts felt by the
victims of human trafficking are very diverse, usually entering the world of prostitution
(PSK), labor exploitation and others. Meanwhile, from the perspective of the perpetrators,
it is carried out by employment agencies with the mode of giving promises of jobs with
high salaries to victims, both passively and actively. The methodology used is a literature
study, which in the method of collecting written material is based on books, scientific
journals and some literature that is worthy of being used as a basic source. The focus of
this discussion is to discuss several factors that influence the high number of human
trafficking practices in Indonesia, including economic, socio-cultural, lack of education and
high levels of illiteracy, as well as the role of law enforcement officers. The existence of
acts of protection and rescue from law enforcement for the victims.
Etika didefinisikan sebagai "A set of rules that define right and wrong conducts" Seperangkat atu... more Etika didefinisikan sebagai "A set of rules that define right and wrong conducts" Seperangkat aturan/undang-undang yang menentukan pada perilaku benar dan salah. (William C. Frederick, 1998:52). W.J.S Poerwadarminta dalam KBBI mengemukakan bahwa etika adalah ilmu pengetahuan tentang asas asas akhlak (moral). (W.J.S. poerwadarminta,1986 : 278). Dr. James J. Spillane SJ. Mengungkapkan bahwa etika atau ethics mempertimbangkan tingkahlaku manusia dalam pengambilan keputusan moral. Etika menghubungkan penggunaan akal budi individu dengan objektivitas untuk menentukan kebenaran atau kesalahan dan tingkah laku seseorang terhadap orang lain. (Budi Susanto (ed) dkk, 1992 : 42). DR. Hamzah Ya'kub dalam bukunya etika Islam, mengungkapkan etika adalah ilmu yang menyelidiki mana yang baik dan mana yang buruk dan memperlihatkan amal perbuatan manusia sejauh yang dapat diketahui oleh akal dan pikiran. (Hamzah Ya'kub, 1983 : 13).
provisions. By using the systematic interpretation method used by the judge in deciding this case... more provisions. By using the systematic interpretation method used by the judge in deciding this case the judge saw based on Law no. 3 of 2009 concerning narcotics. Whereas in writing this analysis using descriptive research methods, the researcher will look for whether there is harmony between the judge's decision and the applicable laws and regulations. In the analysis carried out, it was indicated that the panel of judges categorized that the defendant committed the act for himself because of 2 things, namely because the one who served methamphetamine so that he could be enjoyed using the bong was not the defendant and the one who handed it over to the witnesses was also not the defendant. This is what the judge considers is the chronology of events so that the judge determines that the defendant has fulfilled the element of "narcotics abuser class 1 for himself" which resulted in the defendant being charged with
A company that operates across national borders is said to carry out international trade. The wor... more A company that operates across national borders is said to carry out international trade. The world today offers considerable opportunities and opportunities for the international community to be able to make contacts between them, making the current international business transaction operations not difficult. Finding out how to carry out direct or electronic international trade in Indonesia and identifying which international organizations are tasked with monitoring trade liberalization efforts are the two main objectives of this research. A normative juridical strategy is used in the research process, which involves examining library resources such as special laws, papers, research findings, and so on. The discussion in the findings of this study shows that cross-border buying and selling, in which two parties exchange goods and services across borders, is international trade. These parties often have different ethnicities or origins from one another. International organizations entrusted with overseeing trade liberalization activities and international business can be carried out in person or online.
Tidak semua permasalahan hukum terperinci didalam nash nash baik Alquran maupun Assunnah, Sehingg... more Tidak semua permasalahan hukum terperinci didalam nash nash baik Alquran maupun Assunnah, Sehingga dalam memecahkan masalah akan sulit jika hanya mengandalkan atau berpedoman dari Alquran maupun Assunnah saja. Maka dari itu para ulama mencari suatu alternatif lain dalam dengan
Human trafficking is still a serious problem that requires more attention from law
enforcement ... more Human trafficking is still a serious problem that requires more attention from law
enforcement officials, because there are still rampant cases of human trafficking with
various modus operandi given. The crime of human trafficking is included in the gross
violation of human rights because it can injure human dignity. The impacts felt by the
victims of human trafficking are very diverse, usually entering the world of prostitution
(PSK), labor exploitation and others. Meanwhile, from the perspective of the perpetrators,
it is carried out by employment agencies with the mode of giving promises of jobs with
high salaries to victims, both passively and actively. The methodology used is a literature
study, which in the method of collecting written material is based on books, scientific
journals and some literature that is worthy of being used as a basic source. The focus of
this discussion is to discuss several factors that influence the high number of human
trafficking practices in Indonesia, including economic, socio-cultural, lack of education and
high levels of illiteracy, as well as the role of law enforcement officers. The existence of
acts of protection and rescue from law enforcement for the victims.
Etika didefinisikan sebagai "A set of rules that define right and wrong conducts" Seperangkat atu... more Etika didefinisikan sebagai "A set of rules that define right and wrong conducts" Seperangkat aturan/undang-undang yang menentukan pada perilaku benar dan salah. (William C. Frederick, 1998:52). W.J.S Poerwadarminta dalam KBBI mengemukakan bahwa etika adalah ilmu pengetahuan tentang asas asas akhlak (moral). (W.J.S. poerwadarminta,1986 : 278). Dr. James J. Spillane SJ. Mengungkapkan bahwa etika atau ethics mempertimbangkan tingkahlaku manusia dalam pengambilan keputusan moral. Etika menghubungkan penggunaan akal budi individu dengan objektivitas untuk menentukan kebenaran atau kesalahan dan tingkah laku seseorang terhadap orang lain. (Budi Susanto (ed) dkk, 1992 : 42). DR. Hamzah Ya'kub dalam bukunya etika Islam, mengungkapkan etika adalah ilmu yang menyelidiki mana yang baik dan mana yang buruk dan memperlihatkan amal perbuatan manusia sejauh yang dapat diketahui oleh akal dan pikiran. (Hamzah Ya'kub, 1983 : 13).
provisions. By using the systematic interpretation method used by the judge in deciding this case... more provisions. By using the systematic interpretation method used by the judge in deciding this case the judge saw based on Law no. 3 of 2009 concerning narcotics. Whereas in writing this analysis using descriptive research methods, the researcher will look for whether there is harmony between the judge's decision and the applicable laws and regulations. In the analysis carried out, it was indicated that the panel of judges categorized that the defendant committed the act for himself because of 2 things, namely because the one who served methamphetamine so that he could be enjoyed using the bong was not the defendant and the one who handed it over to the witnesses was also not the defendant. This is what the judge considers is the chronology of events so that the judge determines that the defendant has fulfilled the element of "narcotics abuser class 1 for himself" which resulted in the defendant being charged with
A company that operates across national borders is said to carry out international trade. The wor... more A company that operates across national borders is said to carry out international trade. The world today offers considerable opportunities and opportunities for the international community to be able to make contacts between them, making the current international business transaction operations not difficult. Finding out how to carry out direct or electronic international trade in Indonesia and identifying which international organizations are tasked with monitoring trade liberalization efforts are the two main objectives of this research. A normative juridical strategy is used in the research process, which involves examining library resources such as special laws, papers, research findings, and so on. The discussion in the findings of this study shows that cross-border buying and selling, in which two parties exchange goods and services across borders, is international trade. These parties often have different ethnicities or origins from one another. International organizations entrusted with overseeing trade liberalization activities and international business can be carried out in person or online.
Tidak semua permasalahan hukum terperinci didalam nash nash baik Alquran maupun Assunnah, Sehingg... more Tidak semua permasalahan hukum terperinci didalam nash nash baik Alquran maupun Assunnah, Sehingga dalam memecahkan masalah akan sulit jika hanya mengandalkan atau berpedoman dari Alquran maupun Assunnah saja. Maka dari itu para ulama mencari suatu alternatif lain dalam dengan
Papers by Deva Fatmawati
enforcement officials, because there are still rampant cases of human trafficking with various modus operandi given. The crime of human trafficking is included in the gross violation of human rights because it can injure human dignity. The impacts felt by the victims of human trafficking are very diverse, usually entering the world of prostitution (PSK), labor exploitation and others. Meanwhile, from the perspective of the perpetrators, it is carried out by employment agencies with the mode of giving promises of jobs with high salaries to victims, both passively and actively. The methodology used is a literature study, which in the method of collecting written material is based on books, scientific journals and some literature that is worthy of being used as a basic source. The focus of this discussion is to discuss several factors that influence the high number of human trafficking practices in Indonesia, including economic, socio-cultural, lack of education and high levels of illiteracy, as well as the role of law enforcement officers. The existence of acts of protection and rescue from law enforcement for the victims.
enforcement officials, because there are still rampant cases of human trafficking with various modus operandi given. The crime of human trafficking is included in the gross violation of human rights because it can injure human dignity. The impacts felt by the victims of human trafficking are very diverse, usually entering the world of prostitution (PSK), labor exploitation and others. Meanwhile, from the perspective of the perpetrators, it is carried out by employment agencies with the mode of giving promises of jobs with high salaries to victims, both passively and actively. The methodology used is a literature study, which in the method of collecting written material is based on books, scientific journals and some literature that is worthy of being used as a basic source. The focus of this discussion is to discuss several factors that influence the high number of human trafficking practices in Indonesia, including economic, socio-cultural, lack of education and high levels of illiteracy, as well as the role of law enforcement officers. The existence of acts of protection and rescue from law enforcement for the victims.