Desmond Allen
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Papers by Desmond Allen
A total of 559 birds was recorded as caught by local trappers, including 245 individuals of 32 species ringed and released by project personnel. Additionally 134 birds of 34 species of both residents and migrants were caught and ringed during the day.
No Streaked Reed Warblers were detected during the survey.
Among species caught by trappers that are Red Data Book-listed (of conservation concern) were one Japanese Night Heron Gorsachius goisagi (Endangered), ten Brown-banded Rails Lewinia mirifica (Data Deficient) and one Spotted Imperial Pigeon Ducula carola (Vulnerable).
An estimated 20 trappers caught birds in the immediate Dalton Pass area. Based on enquiries made during the project, the nocturnal trapping habit is believed to be widespread in many areas of northern Luzon and presents a continued threat to wild bird populations.
More detailed surveys are required to estimate the take of birds. Recommendations for future work and conservation action are made.
A total of 559 birds was recorded as caught by local trappers, including 245 individuals of 32 species ringed and released by project personnel. Additionally 134 birds of 34 species of both residents and migrants were caught and ringed during the day.
No Streaked Reed Warblers were detected during the survey.
Among species caught by trappers that are Red Data Book-listed (of conservation concern) were one Japanese Night Heron Gorsachius goisagi (Endangered), ten Brown-banded Rails Lewinia mirifica (Data Deficient) and one Spotted Imperial Pigeon Ducula carola (Vulnerable).
An estimated 20 trappers caught birds in the immediate Dalton Pass area. Based on enquiries made during the project, the nocturnal trapping habit is believed to be widespread in many areas of northern Luzon and presents a continued threat to wild bird populations.
More detailed surveys are required to estimate the take of birds. Recommendations for future work and conservation action are made.