Süt endüstrisi atıksularındaki en önemli kirliliklerden biri yağ ve grestir. Flotasyon, yağ-gres ... more Süt endüstrisi atıksularındaki en önemli kirliliklerden biri yağ ve grestir. Flotasyon, yağ-gres gideriminde kullanılan bilinen ve güvenilir bir yöntem olup, yağ-gres ile birlikte askıda katı madde ve organik maddeleri de uzaklaştırabilmektedir. Flotasyon yöntemlerinden biri olan Çözünmüş Hava Flotasyonu (Dissolved Air Flotation, DAF), hava kabarcığı oluşturma yöntemine göre klasik DAF(KP-DAF) ve yeni nesil mikrokabarcık pompalı DAF (MK-DAF) olmak üzere 2 gruba ayrılırlar. İki sistem arasındaki en büyük farklılık mikrokabarcık boyutudur. Genellikle, KP-DAF sistemlerinde 50-120 mikron çapında oluşan kabarcık boyutu, MK-DAF sistemlerinde 20-50 mikron boyutuna inmektedir. Ayrıca, KP DAF sistemi, yeni nesil DAF sistemlerine göre daha karmaşık bir yapıya sahip olup, daha fazla ekipmandan oluştuğu için bakım-onarım ihtiyacı fazladır ve daha sık arıza yapmaktadır. Bu durum işletme açısından sürekli bir efor ve dikkat gerektirmektedir. Bu çalışmada, pilot bir DAF sistemi düzeneği kullanılarak yağ-gres ve askıda katı madde giderimi incelenmiş, giriş debisi, pompa çeşidi, basınç değişimi parametrelerinin verime etkisi araştırılmıştır. Pilot DAF ünitesi, süt ve süt ürünleri üretimi yapan bir işletmede kurulmuş ve gerçek atıksu ile çalışılmıştır. KP-DAF Sisteminin, MK-DAF sistemlerine göre daha düşük yağ-gres ve askıda katı madde (AKM) giderim verimine sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Her iki sistem için optimum çalışma basıncı 4 bar, en iyi verim de 1 m 3 /h giriş debisinde elde edilmiştir. KP-DAF sistemi ile yağ-gres ve AKM giderimi sırasıyla %61 ve %54, MK-DAF sistemi ile %70 ve %63 mertebesinde gerçekleşmiştir. Bu verilere göre 1 m 3 /h ve 4 bar işletme koşulunda MK-DAF Sistemi, KP-DAF Sistemine göre, yağ-gres ve AKM gideriminde %10 ve üzeri performans göstermiştir. Oil and grease are one of the most important pollutants in dairy industry wastewater. Flotation is a well-known and reliable method used in dairy industry wastewater to remove oil-grease, and it can remove oil & grease as well as suspended solids and organic materials. Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF), is a flotation technique and is classified as (traditional) Classical DAF (CP-DAF) and new generationmicrobubble pump DAF (MB-DAF) systems considering the air bubble generation method. The major difference between the two systems is the microbubble size. Generally, the bubble size of 50-120 microns in KP-DAF systems decreases to 20-50 microns in MB-DAF systems. Besides that, the classical DAF system has a more complex structure than the new generation DAF systems. It consists of more equipment, thus maintenance requirement is high and causes troubles more often. This situation requires constant effort and attention during the operation. In this study, oil & grease and suspended solid (SS) removal efficiency was evaluated by using pilot scale experimental DAF system. The impact of inflow rate, pump type, and the pressure was investigated. Pilot-plant was employed in the dairy factory and operated by real wastewater. The results shown that CP-DAF System has yielded lower oil & grease and suspended solid removal efficiency than MB-DAF systems. It has been determined that the optimum working pressure is 4 bar in both systems, and the highest performance was obtained at 1 m 3 /h. For CP-DAF system, oil & grease and SS removals were obtained as 61% and 54%, respectively. However, 70% and 63% removals for oil & grease and SS were performed for MB-DAF system. Accordingly, it has been obtained that the MB-DAF System operating at 1 m 3 /h and 4 bar, has approximately 10% higher performance in oil-grease and SS removal than the CP-DAF System.
Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology
Table olive is very important agricultural product for Turkey. It has a great market share in the... more Table olive is very important agricultural product for Turkey. It has a great market share in the country and also have high export potential. Management of table olive wastewater (TOWW) is an emerging and important issue, since large volumes of TOWW are discharged with high concentrations of organic matter, phenolic compounds, suspended solids, alkalinity, and conductivity. Current practices in many countries are the storing the wastewater in evaporation ponds or discharging to municipal wastewater treatment plants, if the ratios are relatively acceptable. Application of evaporation ponds in Turkey is not suitable, because of high population densities in olive production areas and high prices of land. Plus, generally the locations of the production plants are far away from the sewerage systems. Those facts impose the planners and engineers to develop technological treatment based technological in-site solutions for the management of TOWW. In order to perform proper treatment method...
Gürültü çevre kirliliğinin görülmeyen bir boyutudur ve insan sağlığını hem psikolojik hem fizyolo... more Gürültü çevre kirliliğinin görülmeyen bir boyutudur ve insan sağlığını hem psikolojik hem fizyolojik olarak etkilemektedir. En yaygın gürültü kaynağını ulaşım aktivitelerinden kaynaklanan gürültü olarak ifade edebiliriz. Ulaşım yöntemleri içerisinde bir değerlendirme yapıldığında ise karayolu ulaşımından kaynaklanan çevresel gürültü ilk sırada yer almaktadır. Bu durumun en önemli sebebi her geçen gün ulaşımda kullanılan araç sayılarındaki artış gösterilebilir. Çevresel gürültünün kontrolüne yönelik önlem alınabilmesi için önce gürültü seviyelerinin belirlenmesine ihtiyaç vardır. Eğitim yapılan alanlar, gürültüde olumsuz etkilenen bölgelerin başında yer almasına karşın çoğu kez gürültü kaynaklarına yakın konumlandırılmaktadır. Bu alanlarda ortaya çıkan aşırı gürültü, öğretim görevlilerinin, öğrencilerin ve personelin performansının düşmesine yol açabilir. Bu anlayışla, sunulan çalışmada gürültüye karşı hassas alanlar olarak değerlendirilen üniversite yerleşkesinde karayolu ulaşımında...
Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research, 2005
This paper primarily addresses underlying laws and regulations related to protection of the coast... more This paper primarily addresses underlying laws and regulations related to protection of the coastal environment and examines their implementation. In this context, Directive 76/160/EEC which is the leading directive on the quality of bathing water and its revision, i.e. Commission Proposal COM (2000) 860 Final, is investigated particularly and criticized on technical and scientific manner; and similar and dissimilar issues between the Community Directives and Turkish Laws are evaluated. The conducted study reveals that although the Turkish legislation in the field of water quality is largely in line with the acquis, further efforts are also needed with respect to implementation in order to achieve full harmonization.
Planning of solid waste management (SWM) facilities in terrestrial as well as coastal areas addre... more Planning of solid waste management (SWM) facilities in terrestrial as well as coastal areas addresses several situations, and requires considering numerous factors. This leads to large amounts of data and information that must be organized and analyzed. However, in many SWM systems, all of the relevant information cannot be managed properly due to insufficiencies in methods/tools and/or resources. To assist the solid waste decision making process, GIS-based decision support systems can be applied to deal with the multi-attribute and spatial nature of SWM systems. In this study, the application potential of GIS based decision support systems to functional elements of the SWM system are reviewed first. Then particular emphasis is given to landfill site selection. In this context, landfill siting process and key siting criteria were developed to incorporate the environmental, socio-political, engineering, and economic factors for an appropriate solution. To aid decision makers to deter...
The aim of presented study is the investigation of clay minerals utilization in the wastewater tr... more The aim of presented study is the investigation of clay minerals utilization in the wastewater treatment. The chemical treatability studies were carried out by the refined packing type kaolinite (hydrate aluminum silicate). By testing kaolinite as coagulant and flocculant separately within the experimental studies, optimum doses were determined, and on the basis of treatment efficiencies, results were compared with the chemicals such as alum, lime and ferric chloride which are widely used. The removal of organic matter was determined according to Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) parameter. Higher treatment efficiencies were obtained when kaolinite was used as flocculant. For the domestic wastewater, 82% organic matter, 70% suspended solids matter, and 23% oil- grease removals were achieved when alum was used as coagulant and kaolinite was used as flocculant. The turbidity of wastewater was removed completely, and insignificant differences were observed in pH parameter. For industrial wastewater samples, the highest efficiency was obtained when ferric chloride was used as coagulant and kaolinite was used as flocculant. In this case, 99% organic matter, 83% suspended solids matter, and 85% oil-grease removals were obtained. For the industrial wastewater treatment, the usage of kaolinite as coagulant yielded also efficient results, 96% COD removal was obtained.
The present study evaluated the possibility of using the sludge produced by a vegetable-processin... more The present study evaluated the possibility of using the sludge produced by a vegetable-processing factory in agriculture. The sludge was amended with a soil mixture (i.e., a mixture of sand, soil, and manure) and was applied at 0, 165, 330, 495 and 660 t/ha to promote the growth of cucumbers. The effects of various sludge loadings on plant growth were assessed by counting plants and leaves, measuring stem lengths, and weighing the green parts and roots of the plants. We also compared heavy metal uptake by the plants for sludge loadings of 330, 495, and 660 t/ha with various recommended standards for vegetables. Our results showed that plant growth patterns were influenced to some extent by the sludge loadings. In general, the number of leaves, stem length, and dry weight of green parts exhibited a pronounced positive growth response compared with an unfertilized control, and root growth showed a lesser but still significant response at sludge loadings of 165 and 330 t/ha. The sludge application caused no significant increase in heavy metal concentrations in the leaves, though zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) were found at elevated concentrations. However, despite the Zn and Fe accumulation, we observed no toxicity symptoms in the plants. This may be a result of cucumber's tolerance of high metal levels.
Marinas are usually located in coastal waters, but can also be found in lakes and rivers. Due to ... more Marinas are usually located in coastal waters, but can also be found in lakes and rivers. Due to the activities that take place in marinas various contaminants are discharged. Specific measures have to be taken in order to keep the marina environment clean and healthy. Experiences from developed countries have shown that the most effective way to reduce pollution in marinas is the implementation of waste management programs. To this end, 'Best Waste Management Programs' (BWMPs) have been employed in the USA and other countries. However, in developing countries lack of available financial resources and unawareness of the concept of clean marinas may hinder the activities towards the application of BWMPs. The aim of this study is to address BWMPs in general and explain waste sources and disposal methods for marinas and yachting activities. The Kusadasi Setur marina in Turkey is investigated particularly as an example of a marina in a developing country and management measures taken in this marina are evaluated. The various kinds of waste generated in the marina are described and preventive measures against pollution taken in the marina are reviewed. Finally the importance of management programs towards the mitigation of pollution problems is emphasized.
... 267 *Corresponding author: Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Envi... more ... 267 *Corresponding author: Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Kaynaklar Campus, Buca, 35160 Izmir, Turkey. Phone: 90-232-412-7139; Fax: 90-232-453-1143; E-mail:[email protected] Page 2. ...
ABSTRACT In this article, energy recovery from municipal solid wastes is examined. The fuel chara... more ABSTRACT In this article, energy recovery from municipal solid wastes is examined. The fuel characteristics of solid waste components as well as the landfill gas (LFG) yield are reviewed. The energy potential of solid wastes of Izmir (third biggest city of Turkey) is then estimated. The heating value is calculated at about 3,500–5,500 kJ/kg, particularly in urban places, whereas it is 6,000–7,000 kJ/kg for industrial and commercial establishments. LFG generation is predicted from the data taken from the Harmandali landfill area. As a result, energy generation from LFG is shown to be environmentally beneficial and an economic alternative.
In the presented study, potential use of treatment plant sludge in agriculture is investigated. S... more In the presented study, potential use of treatment plant sludge in agriculture is investigated. Sludge generated from an agroindustry (vegetable processing) is applied to pots at different loadings (0-100% sludge mixtures) for iceberg lettuce cultivation and the impacts of the sludge on plant growth are assessed by counting growing plants and leaves and weighing roots green and main parts of the plants. The least significant difference (LSD) method is used to test the significance of sludge loadings on plant growth. The conducted experimental data have shown that plant growth patterns have been influenced from the sludge loadings to a certain extent. In general, 25 and 50% of the sludge treatments have yielded lower plant growth due to nitrogen deficiency in raw sludge. On the other hand, high phosphorus content of sludge is replaced with nitrogen at high sludge loadings, thus maximum plant growth (both in green part and root weights) is obtained for the 75% sludge treatment (corresponding to 496 t/h sludge application). In addition, heavy metal concentrations have been measured in both leaves and roots and compared with the acceptable limits given for lettuce plant. Application of sludge did not significantly increase nickel, lead, cadmium, and manganese contents of lettuce plants. Consequently, results from pot experiments demonstrate that sludge taken from an agro-industry (vegetable processing factory) can be used as a partial substitute of chemical fertilizer and as a soil conditioner.
In this paper, the performances of Fixed Bed (FXB), Fluidized Bed (FLB), and Hybrid (HYB, i.e. fl... more In this paper, the performances of Fixed Bed (FXB), Fluidized Bed (FLB), and Hybrid (HYB, i.e. fluidized bed followed by fixed) operational conditions of biofilm reactors were investigated. The COD (chemical oxygen demand), TN (total nitrogen) and TP (total phosphorus) were taken as performance-indicator parameters. For that purpose, a pilot experimental setup allowing FXB, FLB and HYB operations in a single reactor was run under varying COD (between 500 to 2000 mg COD l(-1)), TN (between 25 to 100 mg l(-1)) and TP (between 5 to 20 mg l(-1)) influent concentrations. The system was operated as sequentially batch (SBR) and a filtering process was added at the end of each operational phase in order to achieve liquid-solid separation. Results indicated that FXB and FLB are two upper and lower cases, and HYB plays a role between them and respond as a best alternative. For example, for the lower influent concentrations (around 500 mg l(-1)), 84% of COD was removed to final averages of 78 +/- 15.4 mg l(-1); simultaneously, TN reduced to 18.55 +/- 3.48 mg l(-1) (corresponding to 31% TN removal) and 60% of TP was treated to final averages of 1.92 +/- 0.2 mg l(-1) in the HYB operation. When the influent concentrations were increased to 1000 mg l(-1) , COD removal efficiency of the HYB reactor was reduced to 73% (COD reduced from 1005.3 +/- 6.13 mg l(-1) to 270.57 +/- 13.18 mg l(-1)) and, due to incomplete organic matter degradation and oxygen deficiency, 40% of TN was removed to final averages of 34.03 +/- 5.04 mg l(-1) and 56% of TP treated to final averages of 3.98 +/- 0.28 mg l(-1). Performance of the HYB reactor was decreased when influent concentration increased to 2000 mg COD l(-1).
Süt endüstrisi atıksularındaki en önemli kirliliklerden biri yağ ve grestir. Flotasyon, yağ-gres ... more Süt endüstrisi atıksularındaki en önemli kirliliklerden biri yağ ve grestir. Flotasyon, yağ-gres gideriminde kullanılan bilinen ve güvenilir bir yöntem olup, yağ-gres ile birlikte askıda katı madde ve organik maddeleri de uzaklaştırabilmektedir. Flotasyon yöntemlerinden biri olan Çözünmüş Hava Flotasyonu (Dissolved Air Flotation, DAF), hava kabarcığı oluşturma yöntemine göre klasik DAF(KP-DAF) ve yeni nesil mikrokabarcık pompalı DAF (MK-DAF) olmak üzere 2 gruba ayrılırlar. İki sistem arasındaki en büyük farklılık mikrokabarcık boyutudur. Genellikle, KP-DAF sistemlerinde 50-120 mikron çapında oluşan kabarcık boyutu, MK-DAF sistemlerinde 20-50 mikron boyutuna inmektedir. Ayrıca, KP DAF sistemi, yeni nesil DAF sistemlerine göre daha karmaşık bir yapıya sahip olup, daha fazla ekipmandan oluştuğu için bakım-onarım ihtiyacı fazladır ve daha sık arıza yapmaktadır. Bu durum işletme açısından sürekli bir efor ve dikkat gerektirmektedir. Bu çalışmada, pilot bir DAF sistemi düzeneği kullanılarak yağ-gres ve askıda katı madde giderimi incelenmiş, giriş debisi, pompa çeşidi, basınç değişimi parametrelerinin verime etkisi araştırılmıştır. Pilot DAF ünitesi, süt ve süt ürünleri üretimi yapan bir işletmede kurulmuş ve gerçek atıksu ile çalışılmıştır. KP-DAF Sisteminin, MK-DAF sistemlerine göre daha düşük yağ-gres ve askıda katı madde (AKM) giderim verimine sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Her iki sistem için optimum çalışma basıncı 4 bar, en iyi verim de 1 m 3 /h giriş debisinde elde edilmiştir. KP-DAF sistemi ile yağ-gres ve AKM giderimi sırasıyla %61 ve %54, MK-DAF sistemi ile %70 ve %63 mertebesinde gerçekleşmiştir. Bu verilere göre 1 m 3 /h ve 4 bar işletme koşulunda MK-DAF Sistemi, KP-DAF Sistemine göre, yağ-gres ve AKM gideriminde %10 ve üzeri performans göstermiştir. Oil and grease are one of the most important pollutants in dairy industry wastewater. Flotation is a well-known and reliable method used in dairy industry wastewater to remove oil-grease, and it can remove oil & grease as well as suspended solids and organic materials. Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF), is a flotation technique and is classified as (traditional) Classical DAF (CP-DAF) and new generationmicrobubble pump DAF (MB-DAF) systems considering the air bubble generation method. The major difference between the two systems is the microbubble size. Generally, the bubble size of 50-120 microns in KP-DAF systems decreases to 20-50 microns in MB-DAF systems. Besides that, the classical DAF system has a more complex structure than the new generation DAF systems. It consists of more equipment, thus maintenance requirement is high and causes troubles more often. This situation requires constant effort and attention during the operation. In this study, oil & grease and suspended solid (SS) removal efficiency was evaluated by using pilot scale experimental DAF system. The impact of inflow rate, pump type, and the pressure was investigated. Pilot-plant was employed in the dairy factory and operated by real wastewater. The results shown that CP-DAF System has yielded lower oil & grease and suspended solid removal efficiency than MB-DAF systems. It has been determined that the optimum working pressure is 4 bar in both systems, and the highest performance was obtained at 1 m 3 /h. For CP-DAF system, oil & grease and SS removals were obtained as 61% and 54%, respectively. However, 70% and 63% removals for oil & grease and SS were performed for MB-DAF system. Accordingly, it has been obtained that the MB-DAF System operating at 1 m 3 /h and 4 bar, has approximately 10% higher performance in oil-grease and SS removal than the CP-DAF System.
Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology
Table olive is very important agricultural product for Turkey. It has a great market share in the... more Table olive is very important agricultural product for Turkey. It has a great market share in the country and also have high export potential. Management of table olive wastewater (TOWW) is an emerging and important issue, since large volumes of TOWW are discharged with high concentrations of organic matter, phenolic compounds, suspended solids, alkalinity, and conductivity. Current practices in many countries are the storing the wastewater in evaporation ponds or discharging to municipal wastewater treatment plants, if the ratios are relatively acceptable. Application of evaporation ponds in Turkey is not suitable, because of high population densities in olive production areas and high prices of land. Plus, generally the locations of the production plants are far away from the sewerage systems. Those facts impose the planners and engineers to develop technological treatment based technological in-site solutions for the management of TOWW. In order to perform proper treatment method...
Gürültü çevre kirliliğinin görülmeyen bir boyutudur ve insan sağlığını hem psikolojik hem fizyolo... more Gürültü çevre kirliliğinin görülmeyen bir boyutudur ve insan sağlığını hem psikolojik hem fizyolojik olarak etkilemektedir. En yaygın gürültü kaynağını ulaşım aktivitelerinden kaynaklanan gürültü olarak ifade edebiliriz. Ulaşım yöntemleri içerisinde bir değerlendirme yapıldığında ise karayolu ulaşımından kaynaklanan çevresel gürültü ilk sırada yer almaktadır. Bu durumun en önemli sebebi her geçen gün ulaşımda kullanılan araç sayılarındaki artış gösterilebilir. Çevresel gürültünün kontrolüne yönelik önlem alınabilmesi için önce gürültü seviyelerinin belirlenmesine ihtiyaç vardır. Eğitim yapılan alanlar, gürültüde olumsuz etkilenen bölgelerin başında yer almasına karşın çoğu kez gürültü kaynaklarına yakın konumlandırılmaktadır. Bu alanlarda ortaya çıkan aşırı gürültü, öğretim görevlilerinin, öğrencilerin ve personelin performansının düşmesine yol açabilir. Bu anlayışla, sunulan çalışmada gürültüye karşı hassas alanlar olarak değerlendirilen üniversite yerleşkesinde karayolu ulaşımında...
Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research, 2005
This paper primarily addresses underlying laws and regulations related to protection of the coast... more This paper primarily addresses underlying laws and regulations related to protection of the coastal environment and examines their implementation. In this context, Directive 76/160/EEC which is the leading directive on the quality of bathing water and its revision, i.e. Commission Proposal COM (2000) 860 Final, is investigated particularly and criticized on technical and scientific manner; and similar and dissimilar issues between the Community Directives and Turkish Laws are evaluated. The conducted study reveals that although the Turkish legislation in the field of water quality is largely in line with the acquis, further efforts are also needed with respect to implementation in order to achieve full harmonization.
Planning of solid waste management (SWM) facilities in terrestrial as well as coastal areas addre... more Planning of solid waste management (SWM) facilities in terrestrial as well as coastal areas addresses several situations, and requires considering numerous factors. This leads to large amounts of data and information that must be organized and analyzed. However, in many SWM systems, all of the relevant information cannot be managed properly due to insufficiencies in methods/tools and/or resources. To assist the solid waste decision making process, GIS-based decision support systems can be applied to deal with the multi-attribute and spatial nature of SWM systems. In this study, the application potential of GIS based decision support systems to functional elements of the SWM system are reviewed first. Then particular emphasis is given to landfill site selection. In this context, landfill siting process and key siting criteria were developed to incorporate the environmental, socio-political, engineering, and economic factors for an appropriate solution. To aid decision makers to deter...
The aim of presented study is the investigation of clay minerals utilization in the wastewater tr... more The aim of presented study is the investigation of clay minerals utilization in the wastewater treatment. The chemical treatability studies were carried out by the refined packing type kaolinite (hydrate aluminum silicate). By testing kaolinite as coagulant and flocculant separately within the experimental studies, optimum doses were determined, and on the basis of treatment efficiencies, results were compared with the chemicals such as alum, lime and ferric chloride which are widely used. The removal of organic matter was determined according to Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) parameter. Higher treatment efficiencies were obtained when kaolinite was used as flocculant. For the domestic wastewater, 82% organic matter, 70% suspended solids matter, and 23% oil- grease removals were achieved when alum was used as coagulant and kaolinite was used as flocculant. The turbidity of wastewater was removed completely, and insignificant differences were observed in pH parameter. For industrial wastewater samples, the highest efficiency was obtained when ferric chloride was used as coagulant and kaolinite was used as flocculant. In this case, 99% organic matter, 83% suspended solids matter, and 85% oil-grease removals were obtained. For the industrial wastewater treatment, the usage of kaolinite as coagulant yielded also efficient results, 96% COD removal was obtained.
The present study evaluated the possibility of using the sludge produced by a vegetable-processin... more The present study evaluated the possibility of using the sludge produced by a vegetable-processing factory in agriculture. The sludge was amended with a soil mixture (i.e., a mixture of sand, soil, and manure) and was applied at 0, 165, 330, 495 and 660 t/ha to promote the growth of cucumbers. The effects of various sludge loadings on plant growth were assessed by counting plants and leaves, measuring stem lengths, and weighing the green parts and roots of the plants. We also compared heavy metal uptake by the plants for sludge loadings of 330, 495, and 660 t/ha with various recommended standards for vegetables. Our results showed that plant growth patterns were influenced to some extent by the sludge loadings. In general, the number of leaves, stem length, and dry weight of green parts exhibited a pronounced positive growth response compared with an unfertilized control, and root growth showed a lesser but still significant response at sludge loadings of 165 and 330 t/ha. The sludge application caused no significant increase in heavy metal concentrations in the leaves, though zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) were found at elevated concentrations. However, despite the Zn and Fe accumulation, we observed no toxicity symptoms in the plants. This may be a result of cucumber's tolerance of high metal levels.
Marinas are usually located in coastal waters, but can also be found in lakes and rivers. Due to ... more Marinas are usually located in coastal waters, but can also be found in lakes and rivers. Due to the activities that take place in marinas various contaminants are discharged. Specific measures have to be taken in order to keep the marina environment clean and healthy. Experiences from developed countries have shown that the most effective way to reduce pollution in marinas is the implementation of waste management programs. To this end, 'Best Waste Management Programs' (BWMPs) have been employed in the USA and other countries. However, in developing countries lack of available financial resources and unawareness of the concept of clean marinas may hinder the activities towards the application of BWMPs. The aim of this study is to address BWMPs in general and explain waste sources and disposal methods for marinas and yachting activities. The Kusadasi Setur marina in Turkey is investigated particularly as an example of a marina in a developing country and management measures taken in this marina are evaluated. The various kinds of waste generated in the marina are described and preventive measures against pollution taken in the marina are reviewed. Finally the importance of management programs towards the mitigation of pollution problems is emphasized.
... 267 *Corresponding author: Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Envi... more ... 267 *Corresponding author: Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Kaynaklar Campus, Buca, 35160 Izmir, Turkey. Phone: 90-232-412-7139; Fax: 90-232-453-1143; E-mail:[email protected] Page 2. ...
ABSTRACT In this article, energy recovery from municipal solid wastes is examined. The fuel chara... more ABSTRACT In this article, energy recovery from municipal solid wastes is examined. The fuel characteristics of solid waste components as well as the landfill gas (LFG) yield are reviewed. The energy potential of solid wastes of Izmir (third biggest city of Turkey) is then estimated. The heating value is calculated at about 3,500–5,500 kJ/kg, particularly in urban places, whereas it is 6,000–7,000 kJ/kg for industrial and commercial establishments. LFG generation is predicted from the data taken from the Harmandali landfill area. As a result, energy generation from LFG is shown to be environmentally beneficial and an economic alternative.
In the presented study, potential use of treatment plant sludge in agriculture is investigated. S... more In the presented study, potential use of treatment plant sludge in agriculture is investigated. Sludge generated from an agroindustry (vegetable processing) is applied to pots at different loadings (0-100% sludge mixtures) for iceberg lettuce cultivation and the impacts of the sludge on plant growth are assessed by counting growing plants and leaves and weighing roots green and main parts of the plants. The least significant difference (LSD) method is used to test the significance of sludge loadings on plant growth. The conducted experimental data have shown that plant growth patterns have been influenced from the sludge loadings to a certain extent. In general, 25 and 50% of the sludge treatments have yielded lower plant growth due to nitrogen deficiency in raw sludge. On the other hand, high phosphorus content of sludge is replaced with nitrogen at high sludge loadings, thus maximum plant growth (both in green part and root weights) is obtained for the 75% sludge treatment (corresponding to 496 t/h sludge application). In addition, heavy metal concentrations have been measured in both leaves and roots and compared with the acceptable limits given for lettuce plant. Application of sludge did not significantly increase nickel, lead, cadmium, and manganese contents of lettuce plants. Consequently, results from pot experiments demonstrate that sludge taken from an agro-industry (vegetable processing factory) can be used as a partial substitute of chemical fertilizer and as a soil conditioner.
In this paper, the performances of Fixed Bed (FXB), Fluidized Bed (FLB), and Hybrid (HYB, i.e. fl... more In this paper, the performances of Fixed Bed (FXB), Fluidized Bed (FLB), and Hybrid (HYB, i.e. fluidized bed followed by fixed) operational conditions of biofilm reactors were investigated. The COD (chemical oxygen demand), TN (total nitrogen) and TP (total phosphorus) were taken as performance-indicator parameters. For that purpose, a pilot experimental setup allowing FXB, FLB and HYB operations in a single reactor was run under varying COD (between 500 to 2000 mg COD l(-1)), TN (between 25 to 100 mg l(-1)) and TP (between 5 to 20 mg l(-1)) influent concentrations. The system was operated as sequentially batch (SBR) and a filtering process was added at the end of each operational phase in order to achieve liquid-solid separation. Results indicated that FXB and FLB are two upper and lower cases, and HYB plays a role between them and respond as a best alternative. For example, for the lower influent concentrations (around 500 mg l(-1)), 84% of COD was removed to final averages of 78 +/- 15.4 mg l(-1); simultaneously, TN reduced to 18.55 +/- 3.48 mg l(-1) (corresponding to 31% TN removal) and 60% of TP was treated to final averages of 1.92 +/- 0.2 mg l(-1) in the HYB operation. When the influent concentrations were increased to 1000 mg l(-1) , COD removal efficiency of the HYB reactor was reduced to 73% (COD reduced from 1005.3 +/- 6.13 mg l(-1) to 270.57 +/- 13.18 mg l(-1)) and, due to incomplete organic matter degradation and oxygen deficiency, 40% of TN was removed to final averages of 34.03 +/- 5.04 mg l(-1) and 56% of TP treated to final averages of 3.98 +/- 0.28 mg l(-1). Performance of the HYB reactor was decreased when influent concentration increased to 2000 mg COD l(-1).
Papers by Deniz Dölgen