Denise Pereira
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Università degli Studi "La Sapienza" di Roma
Papers by Denise Pereira
Discutindo essencialmente a problemática em torno da imagem teatral como produto do mundo oitocentista analisa-se o potencial cognitivo da série cenográfica na sua capacidade de representação e apropriações ideológicas. Para esta dialéctica concorrem as repercussões epocais do espectáculo, designadamente na regulação da vida social, na mediação de processos económicos, no combate político, e sobretudo, em modelos de percepção artística fundados nos convencionalismos cenográficos como acontece, por exemplo, na produção decorativa e arquitectónica integradas num particular campo visual ou na teatralidade actuante dos edifícios, cuja essência, em todos os casos, é devedora de uma cultura paradoxalmente centrada nos limites da caixa cénica e na infinitude emotiva do espectacular.
This discussion focuses upon the history of theatrical design as produced in Portugal during the second half of the nineteenth-century. It proposes a broad theoretical basis that shifts emphasis from an analysis of the work of art as scenography, or as an ephemeral and global spectacle, to a consideration of visual culture or even visuality, (in the widest sense of these expressions).
Essentially discussing problems of theatrical imagery as visual culture and as a product of the nineteenth century, the cognitive power of set design is analysed, in its capacity to represent and adopt ideologies. The contemporary influences of set design and drama contribute to this argument. They can be sensed in the control of social mores and organization of economic processes, amongst political strife, and above all within models of artistic perception based upon conventions of set design; for example in architecture, when used to establish a particular outlook or theatrical presence for a building. In all these cases the essence depends upon a culture that is paradoxically set within the limits of the proscenium and yet possesses the emotive infinity of the spectacular.
In 1892 when Jorge O’Neill resolved to build his seashore house,
Cascais was already established as a fashionable resort. O’Neill, a financier intimately connected to prominent artists and other
intellectuals, sought to build a house that would reflect his ancient lineage as the Prince of Clanaboy and engaged a trio of architects to develop his ideological programme based upon the emotive scenario of a mediaeval castle. Manini’s drawings for this project, together with previously unnoticed contributions from Haupt, serve to enlarge upon the traditional attribution of the design of this house to Francisco Vilaça. Together with O’Neill these three developed a
programme that showed the way towards a modern concern for the development of a Portuguese national architecture by combining naturalist imagination, pictorial sensibility and Lusitanian spirit in a single house. In this way, the authors contend, the O’Neill house anticipates the work of Raul Lino.touristic and cultural heritage.
del Fondo Manini. La ricchezza e l’eterogeneità dei documenti ha rchiesto uno studio
di più anni, che, sulle orme di Luigi Manini, ci ha portato oltre che in Italia ed in
Portogallo, anche in Sud America.
È stata eseguita un’analisi approfondita anche delle tecniche e dei materiali utilizzati
dall’ecclettico maestro in tutte le attività cui si dedicò (decorazione, scenografia, pittura,
disegno, architettura, fotografia).
Discutindo essencialmente a problemática em torno da imagem teatral como produto do mundo oitocentista analisa-se o potencial cognitivo da série cenográfica na sua capacidade de representação e apropriações ideológicas. Para esta dialéctica concorrem as repercussões epocais do espectáculo, designadamente na regulação da vida social, na mediação de processos económicos, no combate político, e sobretudo, em modelos de percepção artística fundados nos convencionalismos cenográficos como acontece, por exemplo, na produção decorativa e arquitectónica integradas num particular campo visual ou na teatralidade actuante dos edifícios, cuja essência, em todos os casos, é devedora de uma cultura paradoxalmente centrada nos limites da caixa cénica e na infinitude emotiva do espectacular.
This discussion focuses upon the history of theatrical design as produced in Portugal during the second half of the nineteenth-century. It proposes a broad theoretical basis that shifts emphasis from an analysis of the work of art as scenography, or as an ephemeral and global spectacle, to a consideration of visual culture or even visuality, (in the widest sense of these expressions).
Essentially discussing problems of theatrical imagery as visual culture and as a product of the nineteenth century, the cognitive power of set design is analysed, in its capacity to represent and adopt ideologies. The contemporary influences of set design and drama contribute to this argument. They can be sensed in the control of social mores and organization of economic processes, amongst political strife, and above all within models of artistic perception based upon conventions of set design; for example in architecture, when used to establish a particular outlook or theatrical presence for a building. In all these cases the essence depends upon a culture that is paradoxically set within the limits of the proscenium and yet possesses the emotive infinity of the spectacular.
In 1892 when Jorge O’Neill resolved to build his seashore house,
Cascais was already established as a fashionable resort. O’Neill, a financier intimately connected to prominent artists and other
intellectuals, sought to build a house that would reflect his ancient lineage as the Prince of Clanaboy and engaged a trio of architects to develop his ideological programme based upon the emotive scenario of a mediaeval castle. Manini’s drawings for this project, together with previously unnoticed contributions from Haupt, serve to enlarge upon the traditional attribution of the design of this house to Francisco Vilaça. Together with O’Neill these three developed a
programme that showed the way towards a modern concern for the development of a Portuguese national architecture by combining naturalist imagination, pictorial sensibility and Lusitanian spirit in a single house. In this way, the authors contend, the O’Neill house anticipates the work of Raul Lino.touristic and cultural heritage.
del Fondo Manini. La ricchezza e l’eterogeneità dei documenti ha rchiesto uno studio
di più anni, che, sulle orme di Luigi Manini, ci ha portato oltre che in Italia ed in
Portogallo, anche in Sud America.
È stata eseguita un’analisi approfondita anche delle tecniche e dei materiali utilizzati
dall’ecclettico maestro in tutte le attività cui si dedicò (decorazione, scenografia, pittura,
disegno, architettura, fotografia).