Papers by Namık Kemal Demir.

Lifelong learning is the constant updating of a person’s knowledge, skills and competencies throu... more Lifelong learning is the constant updating of a person’s knowledge, skills and competencies throughout his life. Undoubtedly, life-longlearning and adulteducation are not only vocational-technical but also socially andculturally necessary, since life change and renewal are not one-dimensional. In the global world, where knowledge and skills are rapidly deteriorating and insufficient, everyone has the right and the need to renew and develop themselves by continuously benefiting from lifelong learning and adult education services. It is seen that the LLL cannot achieve its goals and the target scannot be achieved. According to the results of the International Evaluation of Adult Competencies Program; A large majority of adults lack the skills required by the era, levels of education in Turkey can not it be effective in skills training, skills biggest difference between men andwomen in Turkey. These results are valid between the ages of thirty-sixty-five. In addition to this, starting ...

Egitim sistemi bilgi aktarir. Egitim ortamlari yoluyla, gecmiste ve simdi elde edilen bilgi ve be... more Egitim sistemi bilgi aktarir. Egitim ortamlari yoluyla, gecmiste ve simdi elde edilen bilgi ve beceriler kusaklara aktarilir. Bu yolla insanlik, ogrenme ve arastirma sureciyle kendine ve icinde yasadigi evrene iliskin simdiki bilgi birikimini olusturur. Bu urunden yararlanmamiz ve bu sorunlarimizi cozmek icin kullanmamiz, yeterligimize baglidir. Bu yeterligimizi gosteren yontem, ogrenmeyi ogrenmek baska bir deyisle bilginin kaynagina ulasarak bilimsel yontemleri kullanabilmektir. Bilgi edinmeden dusunmek olanaksizdir. Arastirmanin amaci, Ankara ili merkez ilcelerindeki ozel lise yoneticilerinin (Ilk-Orta-Lise) karar verme- sorun cozme- surecinde nelerden yararlandiklarini belirlemektir. Arastirma verileri 2014-2015 ogretim yilinda Ankara ili merkez ilcesindeki ozel liselerde mudur ve mudur yardimcisi olarak calisan yoneticilerden arastirmaci tarafindan gelistirilen anketle toplanmistir. Anketin icerik ve kapsam gecerligi icin uzman gorusune basvurulmustur Arastirma verilerinin anali...
Papers by Namık Kemal Demir.