Letizia Rustichelli
Letizia Rustichelli Reggio Emilia Italy
[email protected]
Birth date: January 23rd 1965
Place of Birth: Reggio Emilia, Italy
Citizenship: ITALIAN
BA Foreign Languages
University of Bologna 1989 - 1995
Major: English, German, Spanish and Italian Literatures.
Teaching in Italy certification (D.D.G 1999): passed
Teaching abroad certification (4377/2011): passed
Teacher of English language and literature 1999 Public High Schools to the present: Liceo scientifico, classico e linguistico Corso, Correggio Reggio Emilia (High School), Liceo delle Scienze Applicate at Istituto Zanelli, Reggio Emilia
Deputy Headmistress 2013-14 of Liceo Corso/Correggio Reggio Emilia (High School)
University Guidance Counselor 2010-17 - inland and abroad
Co-Responsible for the department of Foreign Language, exchange students and various projects abroad (European Erasmus Plus)
Responsible for CLIL project
Responsible for PNRR/Stem Language improvements and certifications.
Lecturer University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 2011-2012
Introduction to Intercultural Methods and Translating Techniques - Dept. of Education.
Conference Participant at University Roma Tre: Deleuze Studies Conference, 2016
Lost in Translations, Tecnograf 2011
The Birth of Digital Populism: Crowd, Power and Post-democracy in the 21st century, Obsolete Capitalism Press 2014
Money, Revolution and Philosophy of the Future , Obsolete Capitalism Free Press, 2016
-Editor in chief and project leader of LA TRADUZIONE E GLI SPAZI DELLA RISCRITTURA (Translation Re-writing spaces) carried out by different high schools of the same area ( Liceo Classico Ariosto-Spallanzani RE, Liceo Corso, Correggio, Liceo San Carlo, Modena and Liceo Da Vinci, Crema.) and by the Dept.of Translation and Language Studies of the University of Modena. The project of translation involves workshops conferences and teaching sessions about translation studies and translation activities from English into Italian of the Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
-Editor of the volumes resulting from the translation projects: The Headstrong Historian , Lost in Translations.
-Translator and co-editor of the volumes: The Birth of Digital Populism: Crowd, Power and Postdemocracy in the 21st century, Obsolete Capitalism Press 2014 and Money, Revolution and Philosophy of the Future , Obsolete Capitalism Free Press, 2016
- Lecturer and coach for Laboratory Training on Translation and Functional Language - Ufficio Scolastico Regionale
-Teacher ’s Training and Refreshment: 2015 Language Development and Methodology Bloomsbury International( Long Life Learning, Comenius, European Projects - Scholarship)
Phone: 3402751261
Address: Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Letizia Rustichelli Reggio Emilia Italy
[email protected]
Birth date: January 23rd 1965
Place of Birth: Reggio Emilia, Italy
Citizenship: ITALIAN
BA Foreign Languages
University of Bologna 1989 - 1995
Major: English, German, Spanish and Italian Literatures.
Teaching in Italy certification (D.D.G 1999): passed
Teaching abroad certification (4377/2011): passed
Teacher of English language and literature 1999 Public High Schools to the present: Liceo scientifico, classico e linguistico Corso, Correggio Reggio Emilia (High School), Liceo delle Scienze Applicate at Istituto Zanelli, Reggio Emilia
Deputy Headmistress 2013-14 of Liceo Corso/Correggio Reggio Emilia (High School)
University Guidance Counselor 2010-17 - inland and abroad
Co-Responsible for the department of Foreign Language, exchange students and various projects abroad (European Erasmus Plus)
Responsible for CLIL project
Responsible for PNRR/Stem Language improvements and certifications.
Lecturer University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 2011-2012
Introduction to Intercultural Methods and Translating Techniques - Dept. of Education.
Conference Participant at University Roma Tre: Deleuze Studies Conference, 2016
Lost in Translations, Tecnograf 2011
The Birth of Digital Populism: Crowd, Power and Post-democracy in the 21st century, Obsolete Capitalism Press 2014
Money, Revolution and Philosophy of the Future , Obsolete Capitalism Free Press, 2016
-Editor in chief and project leader of LA TRADUZIONE E GLI SPAZI DELLA RISCRITTURA (Translation Re-writing spaces) carried out by different high schools of the same area ( Liceo Classico Ariosto-Spallanzani RE, Liceo Corso, Correggio, Liceo San Carlo, Modena and Liceo Da Vinci, Crema.) and by the Dept.of Translation and Language Studies of the University of Modena. The project of translation involves workshops conferences and teaching sessions about translation studies and translation activities from English into Italian of the Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
-Editor of the volumes resulting from the translation projects: The Headstrong Historian , Lost in Translations.
-Translator and co-editor of the volumes: The Birth of Digital Populism: Crowd, Power and Postdemocracy in the 21st century, Obsolete Capitalism Press 2014 and Money, Revolution and Philosophy of the Future , Obsolete Capitalism Free Press, 2016
- Lecturer and coach for Laboratory Training on Translation and Functional Language - Ufficio Scolastico Regionale
-Teacher ’s Training and Refreshment: 2015 Language Development and Methodology Bloomsbury International( Long Life Learning, Comenius, European Projects - Scholarship)
Phone: 3402751261
Address: Emilia-Romagna, Italy
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InterestsView All (12)
Books by Letizia Rustichelli
co-edited by Stefano Oliva and Obsolete Capitalism
CFP Ritmo, Caos E Uomo Non Pulsato. Per Una Filosofia Caosmotica
CFP Rythme, Chaos Et Homme Non Pulsé. Vers Une Philosophie Chaosmique
This e.book contains the following interviews:
1) The dark side of technology. An interview with Clock Dva
by Kom Fut Manifesto, published in Decoder n.7 (1992), in ‘Manuale di Cultura Industriale’ Shake 1998, and re-published in 2011.
2) Endless Shifting: A Feast of Images Swallowed by Sound. An interview with Adi Newton by Jack Sargeant – Abraxas. An International Journal of Esoteric Studies. No 2, Summer Solstice 2011.
3) Esoteric Resonances and Magic Machines. An Interview with Adi Newton
by Obsolete Capitalism - in Chaos Variation III (vinyl+booklet, Rizosfera, 2018).
Visit our bandcamp page bit.ly/2EEBPnu
According to Deleuze’s Pourparler the concept of “Control” can be ascribed to William Burroughs. Since the seventies, it is possible to trace a deep intellectual and political convergence between Deleuze and Bur- roughs. This has happened across three levels of analysis: control society, revolutionary communities and schizo-culture. This essay attempts an analysis of the relationship between these two giants of twentieth century counterculture by borrowing their ‘control’ perspective. With the critical figure of Foucault on the background, the crucial political and philosophical passage from “discipline” to “control” appears in all its monstrosity. The struggle against Control, according to Deleuze and Burroughs, must be perpetrated through the invention of literary and philosophical “war machines” which try to hide from established knowledge and dominant powers by gathering in communities made of unassimilable singularities. Burroughs’ untraceable and diagrammatic critique seems ever more precious as it is completely strange to the conformism of contemporary critical thought.
Obsolete Capitalism :: Controllo, modulazione e algebra del male in Burroughs e Deleuze :: e.book :: free download :: Rizosfera :: collana editoriale I forti dell’avvenire :: SF016 :: ita :: copertina e grafica Gabriele Fantuzzi :: settembre 2018
Il presente testo è stato pubblicato online, con leggere modifiche, nel numero 3/2016 «La vita e il numero» della rivista filosofica La Deleuziana, a cura di Sara Baranzoni ed Emilia Marra. L’obiettivo principale del saggio era interrogare in profondità il rapporto tra Deleuze e Burroughs secondo la prospettiva concettuale del Controllo, termine dai confini quanto mai ambigui e indeterminati. Deleuze scrive in “Pourparler” che il concetto di “Controllo” è attribuibile a William Burroughs. Fin dagli anni ‘70 del Novecento, tra i due pensatori si è sviluppata una profonda affinità intellettuale e politica, sotto il segno dell’insegnamento esoterico-acefalico d’impronta nietzscheana. Tale affinità si dispiega su tre livelli di analisi: società di controllo, comunità rivoluzionarie e cultura schizo. Mantenendo la discorsività foucaultiana in primo piano, Deleuze rivela la signicativa transizione politico-sociale dalla “disciplina” al “controllo” in tutta la sua fredda mostruosità. Secondo Deleuze e Burroughs la lotta contro il Controllo avviene attraverso la sperimentazione di «macchine da guerra» letterarie, artistiche, filosofiche – dunque esistenziali – che divengono vere e proprie singolarità micro-comuniste non assimilate, in grado di sfuggire alla conoscenza dei saperi istituzionali e al dominio dei poteri delle nuove formazioni di sovranità numerica e algoritmica. La guerriglia asimmetrica, elettronico-diagrammatica, non lineare e “non localizzata”, di Burroughs si rivela uno strumento del tutto prezioso per le future lotte, alla luce soprattutto di un pensiero critico – nostro contemporaneo – troppo pigro, prevedibile e conformista, dal quale essa mantiene una inesorabile distanza siderale.
Emilia Marra holds a Master in « Philosophies allemande et française dans l’espace européen » - Europhilosophie Erasmus Mundus (UTM, UCL, BUW), and she is now a PhD student at the University of Trieste with a project on the concept of system between Hegel and Spinoza and their contemporary French interpretations. Her researches mainly investigate the French contemporary philosophy, with a special focus on the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. She published in journals such as Esercizi Filosofici, Interpretationes, Philosophy Kitchen, S&F, Estetica. Studi e ricerche, La Deleuziana, of which she is member of the editorial board. She also translated Pierre Macherey’s Hegel ou Spinoza (Ombre Corte, 2016).
Erik Davis' Bio
Erik Davis was born during the Summer of Love within a stone’s throw of San Francisco. He grew up in North County, Southern California, and spent a decade on the East Coast, where he studied literature and philosophy at Yale and spent six years in the freelance trenches of Brooklyn and Manhattan before moving to San Francisco, where he currently resides. He is the author of four books: Nomad Codes: Adventures in Modern Esoterica(Yeti, 2010), The Visionary State: A Journey through California’s Spiritual Landscape (Chronicle, 2006), with photographs by Michael Rauner, and the 33 1/3 volume Led Zep- pelin IV (Continuum, 2005). His first and best-known book remains TechGnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information (Crown, 1998), a cult classic of visionary media studies that has been translated into five languages and recently republished by North Atlantic Press. He has contributed chapters on art, music, technoculture, and contemporary spirituality to over a dozen books, including Suzanne Treister’s HFT: The Gardener (Black Dog), Future Matters: the Persistence of Philip K. Dick (Palgrave), Sound Unbound: Writings on Contemporary Multimedia and Music Culture (MIT, 2008), AfterBurn: Re ections on Burning Man (University of New Mexico, 2005), Rave Ascension (Routledge, 2003), and Zig Zag Zen (Chronicle, 2002). In addition to his many forewords and introductions, Davis has contributed articles and essays to a variety of periodicals, including Bookforum, Arthur, Artforum, Slate, Salon, Gnosis, Rolling Stone, the LA Weekly, Spin, Wired and the Village Voice.
The features that financial bubbles have in common with electro bubbles are the data membranes which perpetually flow in the two directions of the interface. The data flow innervates both sides, the inside and the outside, leaving internal and external pressures free to peak and destroy the bubble itself. Bubbles emerge everywhere, from cryptocurrencies to the darker products of offshore financial markets. But how was the latter confronted by a different kind of (electro) bubble: the artificial one of electronic music, the realm of synthetic beats?"
Throughout summer 2017, the Demystification Committee set out to model and explore the systems and structures of offshore finance, and the murky world of the jurisdictions that enable its existence, with the aim to open up opportunities for subversive, wasteful fun. The Demystification Committee set up an international corporate structure across three jurisdictions, the Offshore Investigation Vehicle. This vehicle operates at once as a guide and a shield: not only does it provide access to a hidden world of knowledge and opportunities; it also guarantees the secrecy of the actions undertaken there.
Once set-up, the Offshore Investigation Vehicle was opened to others in an attempt to create a community of people interested in this effective and toxic parallel legal system. The community was formed through the norms of corporate law, playing with the company’s legal structure: shares were issued; meetings called; resolutions voted on. At the first general meeting of Empire Management, the UK limited company at the top of this structure, the Vehicle’s objectives were collectively set. A dozen new shareholders advanced and discussed a number of operations, with the aim to begin misusing the privileged
Vehicle’s structure set-up both onshore and offshore.
The idea of producing a seditious mirror version of the Economist,
to be known as the Offshore Economist, was advanced, discussed
and approved. The publication focuses on those ruptures and cracks inherent to the practice and world of offshore, which are the qualifying loopholes for those invested, and investing, in it. Through fictional stories, marginal poetry, fragmented legalese and a shifting form and layout, this publication pursues an aesthetic of offshore — a world that is dual and slippery, real and beyond real, and — at times — surreal." (Demystification Committee, Berlin, late January, 2018)
Obsolete Capitalism is a collective of pure independent research.
Underground Streams (2014) has been written a year before the classic Grunge Accelerationism (2015) and it represents the essay where Edmund Berger faces with the rst accelerationist thought (Land and CCRU) and the second one (Srnicek and Williams) that he de nes Neo-Accelerationism.
What we wish to underline in this foreword is the recon r- mation of Berger’s ability to deeply grasp the meaning of the «Underground Streams» that characterized XX century «hyperstitional» thought and to clearly de ne the perimeter of hy- perstitional area and the contiguous esoteric resistance. Here lies the trait d’union between Underground Streams and Grungy Accelerationism...
Obsolete Capitalism è una sub-unità sonica del collettivo Obsolete Capitalism. L'e.book «Chaos sive natura» presenta il testo che accompagnerà l'opera pubblicata in vinile e cd. Un viaggio affascinante tra Nietzsche e Deleuze, Spinoza e Monk, il Ritmo e la variazione. E' un omaggio sia alla musica afro-americana che al dub contemporaneo sulle ali dei suoni del jazz astratto di Electric Tree e la loro rielaborazione da parte di Obsolete Capitalism secondo l'ottica di un accelerazionismo non orientabile. Deleuze e Guattari scrivono in Mille Piani che la misura è dogmatica mentre il Ritmo è critico. E' sul crinale ritmico della diaspora nera afropea che Obsolete Capitalism Sound System vorrebbe concatenare nuove variazioni e ritornelli di un futuribile «sonic writing».
‘Selected Network Studies’ collects audio/visual experiments carried out by the Network Ensemble, a London-based electronic data-noise duo. Founded in 2015 by Oliver Smith and Francesco Tacchini, the Network Ensemble transforms wire- less communications into sound in real time using a set of custom-made tools. Originally conceived as a machine to amplify the activity of network landscapes, the Network Ensemble is a free-form and ever-changing set of tools and experiences for sonically uncovering and exploring the hidden operational layer at the very core of the network.
Selected Network Studies
Released through Rizosfera via limited edition SD cards, a digital download, a live performance and this eBook, ‘Selected Network Studies’ includes one hour of video material and 45 minutes of sound material. Accompanying this is visual and written documentation of both the hardware and software built for network exploration, as well as details of the data collection and performance sites.
co-edited by Stefano Oliva and Obsolete Capitalism
CFP Ritmo, Caos E Uomo Non Pulsato. Per Una Filosofia Caosmotica
CFP Rythme, Chaos Et Homme Non Pulsé. Vers Une Philosophie Chaosmique
This e.book contains the following interviews:
1) The dark side of technology. An interview with Clock Dva
by Kom Fut Manifesto, published in Decoder n.7 (1992), in ‘Manuale di Cultura Industriale’ Shake 1998, and re-published in 2011.
2) Endless Shifting: A Feast of Images Swallowed by Sound. An interview with Adi Newton by Jack Sargeant – Abraxas. An International Journal of Esoteric Studies. No 2, Summer Solstice 2011.
3) Esoteric Resonances and Magic Machines. An Interview with Adi Newton
by Obsolete Capitalism - in Chaos Variation III (vinyl+booklet, Rizosfera, 2018).
Visit our bandcamp page bit.ly/2EEBPnu
According to Deleuze’s Pourparler the concept of “Control” can be ascribed to William Burroughs. Since the seventies, it is possible to trace a deep intellectual and political convergence between Deleuze and Bur- roughs. This has happened across three levels of analysis: control society, revolutionary communities and schizo-culture. This essay attempts an analysis of the relationship between these two giants of twentieth century counterculture by borrowing their ‘control’ perspective. With the critical figure of Foucault on the background, the crucial political and philosophical passage from “discipline” to “control” appears in all its monstrosity. The struggle against Control, according to Deleuze and Burroughs, must be perpetrated through the invention of literary and philosophical “war machines” which try to hide from established knowledge and dominant powers by gathering in communities made of unassimilable singularities. Burroughs’ untraceable and diagrammatic critique seems ever more precious as it is completely strange to the conformism of contemporary critical thought.
Obsolete Capitalism :: Controllo, modulazione e algebra del male in Burroughs e Deleuze :: e.book :: free download :: Rizosfera :: collana editoriale I forti dell’avvenire :: SF016 :: ita :: copertina e grafica Gabriele Fantuzzi :: settembre 2018
Il presente testo è stato pubblicato online, con leggere modifiche, nel numero 3/2016 «La vita e il numero» della rivista filosofica La Deleuziana, a cura di Sara Baranzoni ed Emilia Marra. L’obiettivo principale del saggio era interrogare in profondità il rapporto tra Deleuze e Burroughs secondo la prospettiva concettuale del Controllo, termine dai confini quanto mai ambigui e indeterminati. Deleuze scrive in “Pourparler” che il concetto di “Controllo” è attribuibile a William Burroughs. Fin dagli anni ‘70 del Novecento, tra i due pensatori si è sviluppata una profonda affinità intellettuale e politica, sotto il segno dell’insegnamento esoterico-acefalico d’impronta nietzscheana. Tale affinità si dispiega su tre livelli di analisi: società di controllo, comunità rivoluzionarie e cultura schizo. Mantenendo la discorsività foucaultiana in primo piano, Deleuze rivela la signicativa transizione politico-sociale dalla “disciplina” al “controllo” in tutta la sua fredda mostruosità. Secondo Deleuze e Burroughs la lotta contro il Controllo avviene attraverso la sperimentazione di «macchine da guerra» letterarie, artistiche, filosofiche – dunque esistenziali – che divengono vere e proprie singolarità micro-comuniste non assimilate, in grado di sfuggire alla conoscenza dei saperi istituzionali e al dominio dei poteri delle nuove formazioni di sovranità numerica e algoritmica. La guerriglia asimmetrica, elettronico-diagrammatica, non lineare e “non localizzata”, di Burroughs si rivela uno strumento del tutto prezioso per le future lotte, alla luce soprattutto di un pensiero critico – nostro contemporaneo – troppo pigro, prevedibile e conformista, dal quale essa mantiene una inesorabile distanza siderale.
Emilia Marra holds a Master in « Philosophies allemande et française dans l’espace européen » - Europhilosophie Erasmus Mundus (UTM, UCL, BUW), and she is now a PhD student at the University of Trieste with a project on the concept of system between Hegel and Spinoza and their contemporary French interpretations. Her researches mainly investigate the French contemporary philosophy, with a special focus on the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. She published in journals such as Esercizi Filosofici, Interpretationes, Philosophy Kitchen, S&F, Estetica. Studi e ricerche, La Deleuziana, of which she is member of the editorial board. She also translated Pierre Macherey’s Hegel ou Spinoza (Ombre Corte, 2016).
Erik Davis' Bio
Erik Davis was born during the Summer of Love within a stone’s throw of San Francisco. He grew up in North County, Southern California, and spent a decade on the East Coast, where he studied literature and philosophy at Yale and spent six years in the freelance trenches of Brooklyn and Manhattan before moving to San Francisco, where he currently resides. He is the author of four books: Nomad Codes: Adventures in Modern Esoterica(Yeti, 2010), The Visionary State: A Journey through California’s Spiritual Landscape (Chronicle, 2006), with photographs by Michael Rauner, and the 33 1/3 volume Led Zep- pelin IV (Continuum, 2005). His first and best-known book remains TechGnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information (Crown, 1998), a cult classic of visionary media studies that has been translated into five languages and recently republished by North Atlantic Press. He has contributed chapters on art, music, technoculture, and contemporary spirituality to over a dozen books, including Suzanne Treister’s HFT: The Gardener (Black Dog), Future Matters: the Persistence of Philip K. Dick (Palgrave), Sound Unbound: Writings on Contemporary Multimedia and Music Culture (MIT, 2008), AfterBurn: Re ections on Burning Man (University of New Mexico, 2005), Rave Ascension (Routledge, 2003), and Zig Zag Zen (Chronicle, 2002). In addition to his many forewords and introductions, Davis has contributed articles and essays to a variety of periodicals, including Bookforum, Arthur, Artforum, Slate, Salon, Gnosis, Rolling Stone, the LA Weekly, Spin, Wired and the Village Voice.
The features that financial bubbles have in common with electro bubbles are the data membranes which perpetually flow in the two directions of the interface. The data flow innervates both sides, the inside and the outside, leaving internal and external pressures free to peak and destroy the bubble itself. Bubbles emerge everywhere, from cryptocurrencies to the darker products of offshore financial markets. But how was the latter confronted by a different kind of (electro) bubble: the artificial one of electronic music, the realm of synthetic beats?"
Throughout summer 2017, the Demystification Committee set out to model and explore the systems and structures of offshore finance, and the murky world of the jurisdictions that enable its existence, with the aim to open up opportunities for subversive, wasteful fun. The Demystification Committee set up an international corporate structure across three jurisdictions, the Offshore Investigation Vehicle. This vehicle operates at once as a guide and a shield: not only does it provide access to a hidden world of knowledge and opportunities; it also guarantees the secrecy of the actions undertaken there.
Once set-up, the Offshore Investigation Vehicle was opened to others in an attempt to create a community of people interested in this effective and toxic parallel legal system. The community was formed through the norms of corporate law, playing with the company’s legal structure: shares were issued; meetings called; resolutions voted on. At the first general meeting of Empire Management, the UK limited company at the top of this structure, the Vehicle’s objectives were collectively set. A dozen new shareholders advanced and discussed a number of operations, with the aim to begin misusing the privileged
Vehicle’s structure set-up both onshore and offshore.
The idea of producing a seditious mirror version of the Economist,
to be known as the Offshore Economist, was advanced, discussed
and approved. The publication focuses on those ruptures and cracks inherent to the practice and world of offshore, which are the qualifying loopholes for those invested, and investing, in it. Through fictional stories, marginal poetry, fragmented legalese and a shifting form and layout, this publication pursues an aesthetic of offshore — a world that is dual and slippery, real and beyond real, and — at times — surreal." (Demystification Committee, Berlin, late January, 2018)
Obsolete Capitalism is a collective of pure independent research.
Underground Streams (2014) has been written a year before the classic Grunge Accelerationism (2015) and it represents the essay where Edmund Berger faces with the rst accelerationist thought (Land and CCRU) and the second one (Srnicek and Williams) that he de nes Neo-Accelerationism.
What we wish to underline in this foreword is the recon r- mation of Berger’s ability to deeply grasp the meaning of the «Underground Streams» that characterized XX century «hyperstitional» thought and to clearly de ne the perimeter of hy- perstitional area and the contiguous esoteric resistance. Here lies the trait d’union between Underground Streams and Grungy Accelerationism...
Obsolete Capitalism è una sub-unità sonica del collettivo Obsolete Capitalism. L'e.book «Chaos sive natura» presenta il testo che accompagnerà l'opera pubblicata in vinile e cd. Un viaggio affascinante tra Nietzsche e Deleuze, Spinoza e Monk, il Ritmo e la variazione. E' un omaggio sia alla musica afro-americana che al dub contemporaneo sulle ali dei suoni del jazz astratto di Electric Tree e la loro rielaborazione da parte di Obsolete Capitalism secondo l'ottica di un accelerazionismo non orientabile. Deleuze e Guattari scrivono in Mille Piani che la misura è dogmatica mentre il Ritmo è critico. E' sul crinale ritmico della diaspora nera afropea che Obsolete Capitalism Sound System vorrebbe concatenare nuove variazioni e ritornelli di un futuribile «sonic writing».
‘Selected Network Studies’ collects audio/visual experiments carried out by the Network Ensemble, a London-based electronic data-noise duo. Founded in 2015 by Oliver Smith and Francesco Tacchini, the Network Ensemble transforms wire- less communications into sound in real time using a set of custom-made tools. Originally conceived as a machine to amplify the activity of network landscapes, the Network Ensemble is a free-form and ever-changing set of tools and experiences for sonically uncovering and exploring the hidden operational layer at the very core of the network.
Selected Network Studies
Released through Rizosfera via limited edition SD cards, a digital download, a live performance and this eBook, ‘Selected Network Studies’ includes one hour of video material and 45 minutes of sound material. Accompanying this is visual and written documentation of both the hardware and software built for network exploration, as well as details of the data collection and performance sites.
Simon Choat, English, is Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at Kingston University, London (UK) and is the author of the book 'Marx Through Post-Structuralism: Lyotard, Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze' (Continuum, UK, 2010)'. His current research covers a range of areas, including: Marx’s 'Grundrisse'; philosophies of ‘new materialism’; surplus population and unemployment; and the Marxism of Alfred Sohn-Rethel. He is a member of the Marxism Specialist Group - Political Studies Association. His latest essay 'From Marxism to Poststructuralism' is included in the collection 'The Edinburgh Companion to Poststructuralism.' (Edinburgh University Press, UK, 2013) edited by Dillet, Mackenzie and Porter. He is currently writing a Reader's Guide to Marx's Grundrisse for Bloomsbury Publishing.
Simon Choat's interview on digital populism and recent European political phenomena, held on 16th June 2013 with the author of the blog Obsolete Capitalism.
Saul Newman's interview on digital populism and recent European political phenomena, held on 5th June 2013 with Obsolete Capitalism and Rizomatika blog.
Saul Newman, Australian, lives and works in London. He is Professor of Political Theory at Goldsmiths College, University of London (UK). He specialises in - and has even coined the term - "post-anarchism". Post-anarchism generally indicates those philosophies that filter anarchist thought of the nineteenth century through the lens of continental post-structuralism of the twentieth century. In this context, the founding text of the post-anarchist thought is his 2001 book 'From Bakunin to Lacan. Anti-Authoritarianism and the Dislocation of Power' (Lanham MD: Lexington Books 2001). Among the books published are also 'Power and Politics in poststructuralist Thought: New Theories of the Political' (London: Routledge, 2005); 'Unstable Universalities: Postmodernity and Radical Politics' (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007); 'Politics Most Unusual: Violence, Sovereignty and Democracy in the 'War on Terror' - Co-authored with Michael Levine and Damian Cox-(New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2009). 'The Politics of Post Anarchism' (Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press: 2010); 'Max Stirner' (Palgrave 2011) and 'Agamben and the Politics of Human Rights' (co-authored with John Lechte) (Edinburgh University Press, 2013).
Intervista con Simon Choat su "Masse, potere e postdemocrazia nel XXI secolo" a cura dei blog Obsolete Capitalism e Rizomatika. Intervista raccolta il 16 giugno 2013.
Simon Choat, inglese, è Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations alla Kingston University, London (Uk) ed è l'autore del libro Marx Through Post-Structuralism: Lyotard, Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze (Continuum, Uk, 2010). L'area di ricerca che sta sviluppando include i Grundrisse di Marx, le filosofie neo-materialiste, le politiche demografiche e il fenomeno della disoccupazione, il marxismo di Alfred Sohn-Rethel. E' membro del Political Studies Association Marxism Specialist Group (PSA-MSG). E' in fase di stampa l'ultimo saggio 'From Marxism to poststructuralism' compreso nella raccolta di saggi curata da Dillet, Mackenzie e Porter (eds.) The Edinburgh companion to poststructuralism. (Edinburgh University Press, Uk, 2013). Attualmente sta scrivendo la Reader's Guide to Marx's Grundrisse per Bloomsbury Publishing di Londra.
Lapo Berti's interview on digital populism and recent European political phenomena, held on 19th November 2013 with the author of Obsolete Capitalism
Lapo Berti is an Italian economist. He worked at the Italian Antitrust Authority from March 1993 to July 2010. He was Professor of Economic and Financial Politics. His practice looked at problems of monetary theory and the history of economic thought, as well as economic politics. He is the author of the books L’Antieuropa delle monete (with A. Fumagalli, Il Manifesto 1993) and Saldi di fine secolo. Le privatizzazioni in Italia (Ediesse, 1998). Most recently, he published Il mercato oltre le ideologie (Università Bocconi Editore, 2006), Le stagioni dell'antitrust (with Andrea Pezzoli,Università Bocconi Editore 2010) and Trattatello sulla felicità (LUISS University Press, 2013). Between 1964 and 1966, he worked with the left workers group on the magazine Classe Operaia, which was founded by Mario Tronti, Massimo Cacciari and Alberto Asor Rosa. During the seventies, he was one of the editors of militant projects, such as Primo Maggio among others.
Paolo Godani is an Italian, philosopher. He was a research fellow at the Department of Philosophy, University of Pisa, and Professor of Aesthetics. Currently, he is working as a researcher at the University of Macerata. His studies look at the following areas: aesthetics, contemporary and theoretical philosophy. Some of the authors he analyses are Heidegger, Nietzsche, Schmitt, Bergson and Deleuze. He published the following books, among others : Il tramonto dell’essere. Heidegger e il pensiero della finitezza (ETS, Pisa, 1999), Estasi e divenire. Un’estetica delle vie di scampo ( Mimesis, Milano, 2001), L’informale. Arte e politica ( ETS, Pisa, 2005), Bergson e la filosofia ( ETS, Pisa, 2008) Deleuze (Carocci, Roma, 2009). In collaboration with Delfo Cecchi he published Falsi raccordi. Cinema e filosofia in Deleuze ( ETS, Pisa, 2007); together with Dario Ferrari, he published La sartoria di Proust. Estetica e costruzione nella Recherche ( ETS, Pisa, 2010). He translated and edited: Jacques Rancière, Il disagio dell’estetica
( ETS, Pisa, 2009); Pierre Macherey, Da Canguilhem a Foucault. La forza delle norme ( ETS, Pisa, 2011). His forthcoming book will be released in May 2014 by Derive e Approdi: Senza Padri. Economia del desiderio e condizioni di libertà nel capitalismo contemporaneo.
Paolo Godani's interview on digital populism and recent European political phenomena, held on 24th January 2014 with the author of Obsolete Capitalism.
Brett Scott is the author of The Heretic’s Guide to Global Finance: Hacking the Future of Money. He has worked with groups like Move Your Money UK, ActionAid and the World Development Movement, and is setting up the London School of Financial Activism. He has written for publications such as The Guardian, The Ecologist, Wired Magazine and Aeon, and has appeared on the BBC, Arte TV and other media outlets. He is also a fellow of the Finance Innovation Lab.
Paolo Godani, italiano, filosofo, è stato assegnista di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia dell’Università di Pisa, cattedra di Estetica. Ora è ricercatore presso l’Università di Macerata. Gli ambiti e le tematiche di ricerca sono: filosofia contemporanea, estetica e filosofia teoretica. Gli autori di cui si è occupato, in modo particolare, sono Heidegger, Nietzsche, Schmitt, Bergson e Deleuze. Tra i libri pubblicati, ricordiamo Il tramonto dell’essere. Heidegger e il pensiero della finitezza (ETS, Pisa 1999), Estasi e divenire. Un'estetica delle vie di scampo (Mimesis, Milano 2001), L’informale. Arte e politica (ETS, Pisa 2005), Bergson e la filosofia (ETS, Pisa 2008) Deleuze (Carocci, Roma 2009). Ha curato in collaborazione con Delfo Cecchi, Falsi raccordi. Cinema e filosofia in Deleuze, (ETS, Pisa 2007); con Dario Ferrari, La sartoria di Proust. Estetica e costruzione nella Recherche (ETS, Pisa 2010). Ha tradotto e curato: Jacques Rancière, Il disagio dell'estetica (ETS, Pisa 2009), Pierre Macherey, Da Canguilhem a Foucault. La forza delle norme (ETS, Pisa, 2011). Di prossima pubblicazione per i tipi di Derive e Approdi, Senza padri. Economia del desiderio e condizioni di libertà nel capitalismo contemporaneo (in uscita a maggio 2014).
Intervista con Paolo Godani su “Masse, potere e post-democrazia nel XXI secolo” raccolta il 24 gennaio 2014 a cura del blog Obsolete Capitalism.
Lapo Berti, italiano, economista, è stato dal marzo 1993 al luglio 2010 dirigente presso l’Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato. È stato docente di Politica economica e finanziaria. Si è occupato di problemi di teoria monetaria e di storia del pensiero economico nonché di politica economica. È autore di L’Antieuropa delle monete (con A. Fumagalli, Il Manifesto 1993) e di Saldi di fine secolo. Le privatizzazioni in Italia (Ediesse, 1998). Più di recente ha pubblicato Il mercato oltre le ideologie (Università Bocconi Editore, 2006), Le stagioni dell'antitrust (con Andrea Pezzoli,Università Bocconi Editore 2010) e Trattatello sulla felicità (LUISS University Press, 2013). Giovanissimo, ha iniziato a collaborare (1964-1966) con il gruppo della rivista della sinistra operaista Classe Operaia di cui Mario Tronti fu tra i fondatori (con Massimo Cacciari e Alberto Asor Rosa) e negli anni Settanta è stato redattore di alcuni progetti editoriali militanti tra i quali la rivista Primo Maggio. Presidente dell'associazione ACQ/Lab21 scrive regolarmente sul sito di www.lib21.org.
Intervista di Lapo Berti su "Masse, potere e post-democrazia nel XXI secolo" a cura del blog Obsolete Capitalism. Intervista raccolta il 19 Novembre 2013.
Intervista con Alberto Toscano su "Masse, potere e postdemocrazia nel XXI secolo" a cura dei blog Obsolete Capitalism e Rizomatika. Intervista raccolta il 17 novembre 2013.
Alberto Toscano, italiano, vive e lavora a Londra. E' Senior Lecturer nel Department of Sociology del Goldsmiths College, University of London (UK). E' critico culturale, sociologo, filosofo e traduttore, conosciuto nel mondo anglosassone per le sue traduzioni in lingua inglese di alcune opere di Alain Badiou tra cui Logics of Worlds (Continuum, 2009) e i Theoretical Writings (Continuum, 2004) di cui è stato anche curatore. E' stato traduttore, sempre in lingua inglese, di opere di Franco Fortini, Antonio Negri, Furio Jesi. E' editorialista per il The Guardian con interventi sulla politica italiana. L'area di ricerca di Alberto Toscano è basata sul pensiero politico e sociologico contemporaneo, sul marxismo, l'economia politica e la storia delle idee. E' autore di pubblicazioni tra le quali vanno annoverate The Theatre of Production. Philosophy and Individuation between Kant and Deleuze (Palgrave Macmillan, Uk, 2006), The Italian Difference: Between Nihilism and Biopolitics (Re:press, Uk, 2009) e Fanaticism: The Uses of an Idea (Verso, Uk, 2010). Toscano è membro del board editoriale della rivista Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory. Scrive regolarmente sulla rivista cult inglese di "Hybrid Media and Cultural Politics After the Net", Mute. Attualmente sta lavorando con Jeff Kinkle ad un nuovo libro, in uscita su Zero Books nel 2014, dal titolo Cartographies of the Absolute.
Alberto Toscano, Italian, lives and works in London. He is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology at Goldsmiths College, University of London (UK). He is a cultural critic, sociologist, philosopher and translator, known in the anglophone world for his translations into English of works by Alain Badiou including Logics of Worlds (Continuum, 2009) and Theoretical Writings (Continuum, 2004) of which he was also the curator. He has translated works of Franco Fortini, Antonio Negri and Furio Jesi. He's a columnist for The Guardian with interventions on Italian politics. Toscano's research focuses on the contemporary political and sociological thought, on Marxism, political economy and the history of ideas. He is author of publications including The Theatre of Production. Philosophy and Individuation between Kant and Deleuze (Palgrave Macmillan, UK, 2006), The Italian Difference: Between Nihilism and Biopolitics (Re:press, UK, 2009) and Fanaticism: The Uses of an Idea (Verso, UK, 2010). Toscano is a member of the editorial board of the journal Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory. He regularly writes on Mute, an English cult magazine of 'hybrid media and cultural politics after the Net'. He's currently completing a book on the aestethics of capital with Jeff Kinkle, Cartographies of the Absolute (forthcoming from Zero Books, blog @ http://cartographiesoftheabsolute.wordpress.com)
Alberto Toscano's interview on digital populism and recent European political phenomena, held on 17th November 2013 with the author of Obsolete Capitalism and Rizomatika.
Intervista con Jussi Parikka su “Masse, potere e post-democrazia nel XXI secolo” a cura dei blog Obsolete Capitalism e Rizomatika. Intervista raccolta il 17 maggio 2013.
Jussi Parikka, finlandese, è Reader in Media & Design at University of Southampton (UK) ed è un noto teorico dei New Media a livello internazionale. E' Adjunct Professor di Digital Culture Theory all'University of Turku in Finlandia. Tra le sue recenti pubblicazioni, da segnalare: What is Media Archaeology? (Polity: Cambridge, 2012); Insect Media: An Archaeology of Animals and Technology (University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2010) Posthumanities-series; Digital Contagions. A Media Archaeology of Computer Viruses (Peter Lang: New York, 2007); e, con Erkki Huhtamo, Media Archæology: Approaches, Applications, and Implications (University of California Press, Los Angeles, 2011). Ha un blog personale, Machinology.
Jussi Parikka's interview on digital populism and recent European political phenomena, held on 17th May 2013 with the author of Obsolete Capitalism.
Jussi Parikka, Finnish, is Reader in Media & Design at University of Southampton and is a well-known theorist of New Media at an international level. He is Adjunct Professor of Digital Culture Theory at University of Turku in Finland. Among his recent publications are: 'What is Media Archaeology?' (Polity: Cambridge, 2012); 'Insect Media: An Archaeology of Animals and Technology' (University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2010) Posthumanities-series, 'Digital Contagions. A Media Archaeology of Computer Viruses' (Peter Lang: New York, 2007); and (with Erkki Huhtamo) 'Media Archaeology: Approaches, Applications, and Implications' (University of California Press, Los Angeles, 2011). He blogs at jussiparikka.net
Biography : : Tony D. Sampson is currently reader in digital media cultures and communication at the University of East London. His publications include The Spam Book, co-edited with Jussi Parikka (Hampton Press, 2009), Virality: Contagion Theory in the Age of Networks (University of Minnesota Press, 2012), The Assemblage Brain: Sense Making in Neuroculture (University of Minnesota Press, Dec 2016) and Affect and Social Media, co-edited with Darren Ellis and Stephen Maddison (Rowman and Little eld, 2018). Tony is the organizer of the Affect and Social Media conferences, a co-founder of the public engagement initiative Club Critical Theory in Southend, Essex and Director of the Emotion UX Lab at UEL. Current research explores a wide range of digital media culture related interests, specializing in social media, virality (socio-digital contagion), marketing power, network models, pass- on-power, the convergence between experience (UX) design and marketing, assemblage and affect theory, critical human computer interaction (c-HCI), digital activism and neuroculture (e.g. neuromarketing, neuroeconomics and neuroaesthetics).
Ciò che leggerete in questo documento è la traduzione in italiano dell'intervista rilasciata il 5 giugno 2013 da Saul Newman.
Saul Newman, australiano, vive e lavora a Londra. E' docente di Political Theory al Goldsmiths College, University of London (UK). E' un teorico della politica, in particolare del pensiero definito "post-anarchico". Newman stesso ha coniato il termine "post-anarchism" come termine generale indicante quelle filosofie che filtrano il pensiero anarchico del XIX secolo attraverso le lenti del post-strutturalismo continentale del XX secolo. A questo proposito, il testo base del pensiero post-anarchico è il suo libro del 2001 intitolato From Bakunin to Lacan. Tra i libri pubblicati, citiamo: From Bakunin to Lacan. Anti-Authoritarianism and the Dislocation of Power (Lanham MD: Lexington Books 2001); Power and Politics in Poststructuralist Thought: New Theories of the Political (London: Routledge 2005); Unstable Universalities: Postmodernity and Radical Politics (Manchester: Manchester University Press 2007); Politics Most Unusual: Violence, Sovereignty and Democracy in the 'War on Terror' - Co-autore con Michael Levine and Damian Cox- (New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2009); The Politics of Post Anarchism (Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press: 2010 ); editor di Max Stirner (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK; New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2011). Ultimo libro pubblicato, nel giugno del 2013, per la Edinburgh University Press: Agamben and the Politics of Human Rights (di cui è co-autore con John Lechte).
Il laboratorio individua un percorso di lavoro affrontabile in classe; tramite la traduzione di scrittori contemporanei è
possibile attivare tecniche di comprensione profonde del testo,
migliorando sia l’analisi testuale, sia la struttura e la morfologia della lingua straniera.
possibile attivare tecniche di comprensione profonde del testo,
migliorando sia l’analisi testuale, sia la struttura e la morfologia della lingua straniera.
Tony D. Sampson è docente di digital media culture all’Università di East London. Le sue pubblicazioni includono: The Spam Book, pubblicato insieme a Jussi Parikka (Hampton Press, 2009), Virality: Contagion Theory in the Age of Networks (University of Minne- sota Press, 2012), The Assemblage Brain: Sense Making in Neuroculture (University of Minnesota Press, Dec 2016) e Affect and Social Media, pubblicato insieme a Darren Ellis and Stephen Maddison (Rowman and Little eld, 2018). Tony è organizzatore di confe- renze su Affect e Social Media; co-fondatore del Club Critical Theory di Southend, Essex; direttore di EmotionUX Lab all’Università di East London. La sua ricerca si focalizza su un ampio spettro di interessi legati alla cultura dei media digitali, e si è specializzata in social media, viralità (contagio socio-digitale), modelli di rete, convergenza tra experience design (UX) e marke- ting, concatenamento e teoria degli affetti, critical human com- puter interaction (c-HCI), attivismo digitale e neurocultura (e.g. neuro-marketing, neuro-economia e neuro-estetica).
Il presente volume comprende interviste a Tony D. Sampson di Rizosfera, Jussi Parikka, Obsolete Capitalism, Rares Iordache e il saggio 'La teoria del contagio al di là del microbo' (CTheory, 2011).
Traduzione dall'inglese di Alessandro Cattini, Paolo Davoli, Ettore Lancellotti, Letizia Rustichelli.
L'episteme della tradizione - storica, politica, coloniale, patriarcale - viene colpita implacabilmente dal fuoco amico delle macchine da guerra filosofiche. E tra le fiamme delle immagini dogmatiche del pensiero, un rigoglio incantevole di suoni, luci, brezze, piante rizomatiche, vespe e orchidee, sciamani e animali di ogni sorta, esprime la complicità con un «popolo che manca», una comunità in divenire appena tratteggiata, che fa delle differenze e delle minoranze il cemento del domani.