Papers by Radoslav Delina

Quality, Innovation, Prosperity, Mar 31, 2023
Purpose: Current data driven decision making development calls for the quality assurance based on... more Purpose: Current data driven decision making development calls for the quality assurance based on quality data structure. The paper analyses transactional data structure used in public procurement in Slovakia and the effect of data structure enhancement on prediction performance as crucial part of artificial intelligence (AI) quality assurance standard. We examine the significance of data structure enhancement and attributes transformation for prediction modelling. Methodology/Approach: The research is based on mutli-step model using stacked ensemble machine learning (ML) algorithm and simulating input space of 211 attributes transformed and aggregated according to different perspectives assessed by r 2 , mean absolute error (MAE) or mean square error (MSE). Findings: The results show that different performance of variable categories to prediction power. The most significant predictors were in category related to sectoral product classifications and in category related to variables aggregated for supplier, what underline the significance of structured information of all suppliers and negotiation participants in public tenders. Research Limitation/Implication: Methodology is based on big data with high complexity. Due to limited computing power, no subjects' IDs were used as inputs. The complexity behind data and processes call for more complex simulations of all variables and their mutual interaction and interdependencies. Originality/Value of paper: The paper contributes to data science in transactional data domain and assessed the significance of different variables categories with respect to their specific added value to prediction power.

Digital economy brought higher transparency of the markets where more non-price factors are impor... more Digital economy brought higher transparency of the markets where more non-price factors are important in the procurement decision-making of global competition. Procurers state that numerous researchers in marketing have recognized the critical roles of corporate reputation in customer’s buying behavior, which means corporate reputation plays a fundamental role. The process of the procurement forms a large part of both corporate and public activities and absorbs many financial and nonfinancial costs. To decrease those costs, it is essential to understand the dynamics of the procurer - supplier relationship. The purpose of this article is to identify main characteristics that include a price and non-price oriented determinants of the suppliers that are crucial for the procurers. The impact of these characteristics was determined by descriptive statistics, decision trees and correlation analysis over a database of simulations completed by professional procurers of the Slovak companies. The results of the analysis suggest the most influential analyzed parameter is the supplier’s price level, but procurers are also influenced by non-price factors as internal and external loyalty ratio to set the preferences about suppliers.

Quality Innovation Prosperity
Purpose: Current data driven decision making development calls for the quality assurance based on... more Purpose: Current data driven decision making development calls for the quality assurance based on quality data structure. The paper analyses transactional data structure used in public procurement in Slovakia and the effect of data structure enhancement on prediction performance as crucial part of artificial intelligence (AI) quality assurance standard. We examine the significance of data structure enhancement and attributes transformation for prediction modelling. Methodology/Approach: The research is based on mutli-step model using stacked ensemble machine learning (ML) algorithm and simulating input space of 211 attributes transformed and aggregated according to different perspectives assessed by r2, mean absolute error (MAE) or mean square error (MSE). Findings: The results show that different performance of variable categories to prediction power. The most significant predictors were in category related to sectoral product classifications and in category related to variables ag...

Globalization supported by information and communication technologies changes rules of the compet... more Globalization supported by information and communication technologies changes rules of the competitiveness and increases the significance of information, knowledge and networking of com- panies for the regional economies. The network cooperation resulted in the business-to-business electronic marketplaces. However, as the range as w ell as the number of companies operates via e-marketplaces, the need for efficient trust-building tools has emerged. In the case of globa- lization and huge networking factors, the large number of unknown companies is real problem, although this number can bring new competitive advantage through finding better and cheaper supplier or business partner. The absence of trust building mechanisms and strategies was identi- fied within several studies and it is also the critical factor for the European initiative Digital Ecosys- tem. The paper provides the research results from the project focused on effective trust building strategies development for electron...

2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2019
The electronic reverse auction as a popular procurement mechanism, whose use can secure higher ob... more The electronic reverse auction as a popular procurement mechanism, whose use can secure higher objectiveness of prices or utility of products and services across different industries, is the subject of research already for several years, however, the range of empirical studies is still lagging behind. The current paper extends the empirical findings on the subject of the electronic reverse auction. The aim of our study is to examine the impact of including new participants in the auction process. The study is based on the database of 4,442 real auction data cases of various companies including both public and private entities and different types of auction collected by the most significant reverse auction solution provider in central Europe. The research results confirmed the impact of new participants in the electronic reverse auction. According to our analysis, we have identified that there is a positive effect of new participants on final price savings.

The electronic reverse auction as a popular procurement mechanism, whose use can secure higher ob... more The electronic reverse auction as a popular procurement mechanism, whose use can secure higher objectiveness of prices or utility of products and services across different industries, is the subject of research already for several years, however, the range of empirical studies is still lagging behind. The current paper extends the empirical findings on the subject of the electronic reverse auction. The aim of our study is to examine the impact of including new participants in the auction process. The study is based on the database of 4,442 real auction data cases of various companies including both public and private entities and different types of auction collected by the most significant reverse auction solution provider in central Europe. The research results confirmed the impact of new participants in the electronic reverse auction. According to our analysis, we have identified that there is a positive effect of new participants on final price savings.
Quality Innovation Prosperity
Purpose: Covering current state of the art in the field of application of remotely sensed data in... more Purpose: Covering current state of the art in the field of application of remotely sensed data in crop quality improvement. Methodology/Approach: Systematic literature review using novel text mining techniques. Findings: Relevance of topic, measured by number of relevant studies, is rising, best performing input data types and modelling techniques are identified. Research Limitation/Implication: Review to a certain point of time in a rapidly evolving field of research. Originality/Value of paper: There was no similar review article on the topic at the time of conducting this research.

The prediction of bankruptcy has been the major subject of many studies since first study in this... more The prediction of bankruptcy has been the major subject of many studies since first study in this area, carried out by Fitz Patrick (1931). Many economists from all over the world have been trying to find company’s bankruptcy forecasting model using different methods with the aim to achieve the best results. For this purpose discriminant analysis, probit and logit analysis have been usually used. As mentioned statistical methods needed to meet assumptions as linearity, normality and independence among predictor variables, new methods with nonlinear nonparametric properties such as neural networks have been developed and applied. Despite of many advantages of neural networks, still the above mentioned – classical statistical methods have been mostly used. In the presented paper we provide a review of bankruptcy prediction studies divided into two time periods: before and after year 1966. Three of the bankruptcy prediction models: Altman model, Beerman discriminatory function, Index I...
2018 World Symposium on Digital Intelligence for Systems and Machines (DISA), 2018
The presented paper describes design of the architecture for the Semantic platform for Digital Si... more The presented paper describes design of the architecture for the Semantic platform for Digital Single Market. The proposed architecture is based on the bottom-up approach where the heterogenous business documents are integrated through the networking of the legacy ERP or accounting systems currently used by the majority of the small and medium enterprises (ERPs). The proposed approach is based on the information retrieval methods and natural-language processing of the semi-structured texts and doesn't require global adoption of the semantic interoperability standards, such as product classification ontologies.

The proposed paper deals with different approaches to the issue of shortage of relevant customer ... more The proposed paper deals with different approaches to the issue of shortage of relevant customer behavior data and key performance indicators for evaluating and planning for mining tourism. Mining tourism's offer is concentrated in tourist destinations emerging from tourist sub-regions or other areas of interest that by unwritten rules may or may not copy administrative boundaries of NUTS 5 areas. Management of mining tourism's offer is a part of destination management organizations' processes, which within their planning are dependent on huge amounts of data as key components of their knowledge infrastructure. In Slovakia, the issue of knowledge infrastructures in tourism is approached by the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) with redeemable value to the national economy and published only as an informative report. On the other hand, regarding tourism destination management on the principles of knowledge-based economy, publicly available statistics at levels of NUTS 4-5 d...

Globalization, supported by information and communication technologies, changes the rules of comp... more Globalization, supported by information and communication technologies, changes the rules of competitiveness and increases the significance of information, knowledge and network cooperation. In line with this trend, the need for efficient trust-building tools has emerged. The absence of trust building mechanisms and strategies was identified within several studies. Through trust development, participation on e-business network and usage of network services will increase and provide to SMEs new economic benefits. This work is focused on effective trust building strategies development for electronic business network platforms. Based on trust building mechanism identification, the questionnairebased analysis of its significance and minimum level of requirements was conducted. In the paper, we are confirming the trust dependency on e-Skills which play crucial role in higher level of trust into the more sophisticated and complex trust building ICT solutions.

Abstrakt: V oblasti rozvoja digitálneho obchodného prostredia hrajú dôležitú úlohu samoregulačné ... more Abstrakt: V oblasti rozvoja digitálneho obchodného prostredia hrajú dôležitú úlohu samoregulačné prvky v kontexte budovania dôvery. Jednou z dopadov je efektívne budovanie a rozvoj vzťahov medzi subjektami trhu a v rámci obchodného ekosystému. Problém budovania vzťahov medzi komerčnými subjektami závisí od úrovne dôvery, ktorú prostredie ponúka. Článok popisuje navrhnutý model elektronických služieb budujúcich dôveru v digitálnych obchodných prostrediach ako efektívnu stratégiu podpory elektronickej kooperácie a pre tvorcov trhovísk a digitálnych obchodných ekosystémov v B2B. Klíčová slova: budovanie dôvery, digitálne ekosystémy, elektronický obchod, platformy Abstract: In the field of digital business environment/ecosystem, the self-regulation feature plays crucial role in the context of trust. One of the main roles is building and enhancing efficient relationships between actors within the ecosystem. Problem of interaction between commercial subjects depends on trust level provide...
In the field of digital business environment/ecosystem, the self-regulation feature plays crucial... more In the field of digital business environment/ecosystem, the self-regulation feature plays crucial role. ICT support biological and sociological phenomena through efficient electronic services. One of the main roles is building and enhancing efficient relationships between actors within the ecosystem. Problem of interaction between commercial subjects depends on expected benefits/utility. These expectations are predictors of successful result from realized transaction with potential partner. And this predictor is based on trust and trustworthiness. The paper presents trust building services as crucial factor for cooperation and propose trust service model for B2B e-cooperation within digital business ecosystem.
Electronic Commerce Research, 2021

The prediction of bankruptcy has been the major subject of many studies since first study in this... more The prediction of bankruptcy has been the major subject of many studies since first study in this area, carried out by Fitz Patrick (1931). Many economists from all over the world have been trying to find company’s bankruptcy forecasting model using different methods with the aim to achieve the best results. For this purpose discriminant analysis, probit and logit analysis have been usually used. As mentioned statistical methods needed to meet assumptions as linearity, normality and independence among predictor variables, new methods with nonlinear nonparametric properties such as neural networks have been developed and applied. Despite of many advantages of neural networks, still the above mentioned – classical statistical methods have been mostly used. In the presented paper we provide a review of bankruptcy prediction studies divided into two time periods: before and after year 1966. Three of the bankruptcy prediction models: Altman model, Beerman discriminatory function, Index I...
Streszczenie: Europejskie małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa mają niewielki dostęp do zoptymalizowan... more Streszczenie: Europejskie małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa mają niewielki dostęp do zoptymalizowanych rozwiązań transportowych. Niniejszy artykuł pokazuje w jaki sposób zaproponowane scenariusze w ramach projektu KASSETTS rozwinęły się w Centralnej Europie i pozwoliły na dynamiczne tworzenie skutecznych rozwiązań w transporcie dla małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw za pomocą wiedzy, inteligentnych usług IT dostarczanych przez organizacje Unii Europejskiej, które funkcjonują jako koordynatorzy logistyki. Zaproponowana koncepcja okazała się mieć pozytywny wpływ na efektywność w działaniach transportowych.
Papers by Radoslav Delina