Papers by Dejana Brajković
U radu su prikazana osnovna obilježja spiljskog nalazista Pecina na Gradini u blizini južnoistars... more U radu su prikazana osnovna obilježja spiljskog nalazista Pecina na Gradini u blizini južnoistarskog mjesta Premantura. Nalaziste je istraživano prvi puta 1999. godine, kada su bile iskopane tri sonde. Arheoloski nalazi upucuju da su tadasnji stanovnici ovog dijela istarskog poluotoka koristili spilju tijekom dužeg vremenskog razdoblja. Gotovo svi arheoloski nalazi potjecu iz antickog doba. Pronađeni su također ljudski i životinjski skeletni ostaci.

During gravel exploatation from the river Sava near Županja (Croatia) an isolated bovine atlas wa... more During gravel exploatation from the river Sava near Županja (Croatia) an isolated bovine atlas was found. After palaeontological study (morphometric characteristic, brown colour, strong petrification) it was determined to pertain to the Upper pleistocene bovines (Bos seu Bison). Detailed anatomical and metrical comparison was made between the fossil atlas from Županja and the atlas of the recent Istrian cattle (Bos taurus primigenius), which is the representative of the most primitive primogenetic bovine form, osteologically completely akin to the original fossil species Bos primigenius. Using the literatured data both atlases were metrically correlated with the atlases of the following fossil and recent species: Bison priscus, Bison bonasus, Bos primigenius and Bos taurus. It was not possible to determine the fossil atlas generically, while the recent one is well defined. All analysis indicated that problems concerning the identification of isolated atlases, which were hitherto studied on the fossil and recent bovine species mentioned above, are equally expressed both on the fossil atlas from Županja as well as on the atlas of the primitive recent Istrian cattle species (Bos taurus primigenius).

Ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis is an important tool capable in resolving numerous questions related ... more Ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis is an important tool capable in resolving numerous questions related to the evolution and adaptation of animals and plants. Lagomorph phylogenetic has several open topics. Here, our interests referred to European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) where the Iberian Peninsula is considered as a main reservoir of genetic diversity as well as to migration dynamics and relation between brown hare (Lepus europaeus) and mountain hare (Lepus timidus) with respect to single (Balkans) versus multiple (Mediterranean Basin) refuges hypotheses. We have started our analysis with ancient bones of 54 lagomorphs, from deposits dated to different archaeological periods between the Upper Palaeolithic to Roman Period, that were taken from eight different archaeological sites in Croatia. After aDNA extraction, samples were prepared by multiplexed target capture enrichment method and genotyping by next-generation-sequencing (MiSeq Illumina Sequencing Platform). Complete mitogenome (around 16291 bp) was obtain for five lagomorphs that, according to taxonomic identification, exclusively based on morphometric and morphologic characteristics of bones, were previously classified as brown (2) and mountain (1) hares as well as rabbits (2). When phylogenetic analysis were performed with all complete mitogenome sequences available in the GenBank belonging to Lepus sp. and Oryctolagus cuniculus following results were obtained: (1) two different unique brown hare haplotypes were grouped with other brown hare haplotypes from Germany, Greece, Poland and Sweden ; (2) unique mountain hare haplotype was in branches with mountain hare haplotypes from Finland and as well as with Lepus granatensis from Spain and (3) two unique haplotypes were identified as typical Oryctolagus cuniculus haplotypes. Despite their chronostratigraphic correlation within archaeological layers, additional radiocarbon dating of successful samples is required, which is of particular interest for better understanding of rabbit origin.
Pleistocene rhinoceros remains have been well known in Croatia. However, Stephanorhinus hemitoech... more Pleistocene rhinoceros remains have been well known in Croatia. However, Stephanorhinus hemitoechus is poorly known in the Balkans. Here, rhinoceros remains from the site of Rasohatica (Korcula) are analysed and show that they are from S. hemitoechus.
Abstract: U radu su prikazana osnovna obilježja špiljskog nalazišta Pećina na Gradini u blizini j... more Abstract: U radu su prikazana osnovna obilježja špiljskog nalazišta Pećina na Gradini u blizini južnoistarskog mjesta Premantura. Nalazište je istraživano prvi puta 1999. godine, kada su bile iskopane tri sonde. Arheološki nalazi upućuju da su tadašnji stanovnici ovog ...
Hrvatski arheološki godišnjak, 2017
Pregledom dosadasnjih istraživanja obuhvaceni su autohtoni nalazi vrste Bos primigenius na podruc... more Pregledom dosadasnjih istraživanja obuhvaceni su autohtoni nalazi vrste Bos primigenius na podrucju Istre. Obrađeni su gornjopleistocenski ostaci pragoveda iz Sandalje kraj Pule, pri cemu su ucinjene paleozooloske i paleoekoloske analize. Razmotrene su dosadasnje spoznaje o domestikaciji goveda u sredozemnom prostoru. Dan je poseban osvrt na problem podrijetla danasnjeg istarskog goveda (Bos taurus primigenius), kao izrazito primitivne primigene forme, osteoloski potpuno bliske ishodisnjoj vrsti Bos primigenius.
Knjiga sažetaka 2. znanstvenog skupa Geologija kvartara u Hrvatskoj: geologija kvartara i zaštita kvartarnih lokaliteta, 2011
Knjiga sažetaka 3. hrvatskog geološkog kongresa = Abstracts book of the Third Croatian Geological Congress, 2005
Elaborat Zavoda za paleontologiju i geologiju kvartara HAZU, 1998
Sveučilište u Zadru. Odjel za arheologiju., Sep 30, 2017
Papers by Dejana Brajković